Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 244 Let’s eat roasted sweet potatoes together next time we have time

Kyōraku's spring water dissipated the shadow ghost's ability, and he sat slumped on the ground without any image, recovering his spiritual pressure, frowning and staring at the figure casually thrown away by Sufeng.

He has waist-long hair, a white uniform, a heart-shaped badge on his chest, a heart-shaped badge belt, and black boots.

She looked delicate, with her eyes closed tightly, and her brows furrowed from time to time, showing a hint of pain.

A member of the Knights of the Star Cross, Bambietta Basta is married.

The air became very quiet for a time, and even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains."

After Sufeng released the palm holding the opponent's head, he did not forget to add a binding channel to seal it.

"So, what exactly did you do over there?"

Kyōraku Shunsui's eyes were glaring and he said seriously, "Are the members of the Star Cross Knights the same Quincy who invaded Soul Society a thousand years ago?"

"It's different." Sufeng waved his hand, "This should be a newly promoted member of the Star Cross Knights."

"The old man has almost killed the batch from thousands of years ago."

"Let's see if we can get something out of her mouth later. If it's of no value, then kill her."

Although he is lustful, he is not good at everything.

The name of Bambietta is feared even in the Invisible Empire.

This guy looks handsome and has a plump figure, but in fact he is just a female praying mantis.

When he is in a bad mood, he will have a relationship with a good-looking successor member, and after the matter is over, he will kill him with a knife.

Pure female praying mantis behavior.

A guy like this is not very interested in Sufeng, and it can even be said that he has no interest at all.

It's okay to be a dog, but forget it about being a woman.

As if hearing Sufeng's words, Bambietta's eyelashes fluttered, her body instinctively trembled a few times, and she struggled to open her eyes while trembling.

"Yes, the damn God of Death..."

The girl gritted her teeth, her spiritual pressure surged around her body, and she seemed to be ready to break free from the bondage and fight Sufeng again.

Red light bloomed around his side, completely rendering the giant snake-like chains bound in just an instant.

She has a flamboyant personality and is still unwilling to surrender even if she is captured.

In Bambietta's view, she was defeated by the opponent just by accident.

If there was another battle, who would lose?

You know, I still have a perfect holy body that I haven’t used yet, and I’m just a mere god of death. How can I be better than hers...

Before the thought could come to an end, a storm suddenly arose in the dojo, and a terrifying oppression like the heavens descended suddenly. The solid floor let out an overwhelmed wail, and even the walls collapsed with cracks spread over them like spider webs.

Jingraku Shunsui narrowed his eyes slightly, held his breath, and stared at the figure in front of him with his upper body exposed.

This level of spiritual pressure...

Although Su Feng didn't deliberately target him, he still felt the suffocating sense of oppression.

The restless spiritual pressure vented its violence, and an anxious breath suddenly filled the air.

The sharp wind and violent arcs flickered and danced, and the roaring sound lingered around Su Feng's side.

He raised his palm, clenched it into a fist, and put it in front of Bambietta like a show off, with a faint sheen on his crystal skin.

As early as the moment when the heaven-like spiritual pressure fell, the girl's eyes were already wide open. Her chest felt tight and her breathing was difficult. Even every beat of her heart seemed to bring her one step closer to death.

And when Sufeng showed his fist, Bambietta suddenly recalled the scene before coma.

It was this kind of fist that almost destroyed Yinjia City with one punch.

Even as the vice-emperor and the highest ranking member of the Knights of the Star Cross, Hugolen Hasward was instantly knocked away by the opponent.

Memories came to mind, and Bambietta's body trembled, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, and she instinctively curled up backwards.

She is still young and doesn't want to die yet.

The rebellious mentality fell apart in the face of the majestic spiritual pressure, and even the Holy Word ability stopped activating, and the red light retreated from the chains.


Bambietta whined like a puppy, not daring to make any more moves.

She could already imagine what it would be like if the fist in front of her hit her.

Did his head explode like a watermelon, with brains mixed with plasma splattering everywhere?

Or is it that if a punch is struck, not even a trace of the spirit will be left?

As a talented member of the new generation of the Knights of the Star Cross, Bambietta's character is arrogant and cruel.

However, what this type of person fears most is a being that is even more ferocious and terrifying than her.

There is no doubt that Sufeng's previous performance over the Invisible Empire has left an indelible impression on her heart.

Even Hasward was repulsed by this guy in front of him...

"Say, or die?"

Sufeng gave him no choice, and the information about the invisible empire was not very important to him.

It was nothing more than Yhwach still sleeping.

This move was mainly to have a more appropriate reason when fooling Yamamoto Genryusai.

Bambietta didn't even have the courage to speak. She nodded tremblingly, fearing that if she was too slow to respond, the fist would hit her head.

Seeing this, Sufeng's spiritual pressure relaxed and returned to normal.

"Although I don't want to disturb your enjoyment..."

Kyoraku Shunsui reminded from the side, "But I still have to remind you that the spiritual pressure you just exploded and the spiritual pressure of Bambietta should have been noticed by other captains."

"After so long, they should have arrived here."

After the words fell, Sufeng's expression changed slightly, and a burst of fiery spiritual pressure suddenly erupted above the Eighth Division team building, as if a sea of ​​fire descended from the sky, and endless majestic and terrifying oppression covered the entire team building.

"Old man Shan is here." Jing Le Shunshui smiled bitterly, "Looks like we have to work overtime again..."


Before he could finish his words, a violent flame filled with rage shattered the dojo in an instant, and a figure whose whole body was burning with flames stepped forward.

"The Quincy's spiritual pressure, where is the enemy?!"

The captain of the Gotei 13, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni!

Feeling the blazing flames coming toward her face, Bambietta's eyes widened and she curled up, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes again.

Lil, Gigi, Minnie, Jiadi, where are you? I'm so scared!

It’s so scary here, I want to go home, woohoo…


"Well, Old Man Shan, don't be so angry."

Kyōraku Shunsui had a hypocritical expression and smiled to comfort his teacher, "It's not that we don't discuss it with you in advance. It's mainly because there is no certainty about this matter."

"This is just a preliminary attempt."

"Shadow Ghost's ability still has huge drawbacks. With my current spiritual pressure, it is simply not enough to support the captains or you, Mr. Shan, to go to the spiritual subspace where the Invisible Empire is located."

"Even Sufeng can only last a very short time."

"Besides, with your temper..."

Jingraku Shunsui did not continue. If he continued, the Ryuken Wakahui, which was burning with strong flames, would chop off his head.

As we all know, the commander-in-chief of Seireitei is amiable, gentle and kind, and he does not speak loudly even when talking to his subordinates.

"Humph, am I so unbearable in your heart?!"

Yamamoto Genryusai said disdainfully, "They are just a group of defeated generals. I have never taken them to heart."

Originally, the other captains didn't pay much attention to Sufeng's burst of spiritual pressure. After all, it had become normal in the Seireitei for him to do something every now and then.

But the explosion of Yamamoto Genryusai's spiritual pressure that followed, and the terrifying heat wave that swept through the Seireitei, immediately made them realize the seriousness of the situation.

Then they all put down their work and rushed to the eighth team's dojo as soon as possible.

However, before everyone could enter, they were blocked back by Jiro Chojiro, who was guarding outside.

"The captain will solve it personally."

Jiro Chojiro said seriously, "Captains, there is no need to worry, please go and complete your work."

Everyone was puzzled, but seeing that Chojiro was firm in attitude, they didn't say anything more. After complaining for a few times, they dispersed.

Aizen looked at the dojo that was burned to dregs and emitted thick black smoke. A kind smile appeared on that gentle face again:

"You are truly worthy of being Captain Sufeng..."

In the ruins of the dojo, Sufeng was still describing what he had just seen and heard.

"A spirit space comparable to the size of Soul Society..."

"Countless Quincy, as well as the Knights of the Star Cross as the highest combat power of the invisible empire."

"Youhabach has not seen that the person responsible for commanding the empire is the one named Hugolen Hasward."

Yamamoto Genryusai remained silent, analyzing the intelligence brought by Sufeng.

Next to him, Bambietta, who was lying at Sufeng's feet, had already widened his eyes at the series of narrative information, looking unbelievable.

She had never said these words to the god of death in front of her.

So how did this guy know? Is there a traitor in the empire?

Thinking of this possibility, Bambietta suddenly realized that his value to Sufeng did not seem to be as important as imagined.

If you don't cooperate with the other party's rude demands, you may really be killed...

After trying to get rid of all the information that can be said.

Yamamoto Genryusai fell into deep thought. After a moment, he raised his eyelids and his complicated eyes fell on Sufeng.

"Intelligence about the Invisible Empire should not be publicized for the time being to avoid causing greater panic."

The old and majestic voice sounded in the room, and Yamamoto Genryusai's eyelids were slightly closed, as if he were a truly frail old man:

"About Yhwach, I will ask those who know..."

However, before he could finish his words, Su Feng interrupted him forcefully: "If you want to go up there, then I advise you to forget it."

"For them, or to be precise, for that bald man, the existence of the Seireitei is not an important thing."

"The only thing he really cares about is the human stick sealed in the crystal."

The conversation between the two was like a charade, which not only made Bambietta confused for a while, but even Kyōraku Shunsui frowned with a puzzled look on his face.

However, as the master and apprentice of the person involved, he knew very well what the other party wanted to express.

"Is this so..."

"I understand."

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Sufeng solemnly, then turned and left.

Su Fengyu waved his hands with a smile from behind: "Goodbye, old man. Let's eat roasted sweet potatoes together next time when we have time."

The situation was obvious. Considering the threat of the Invisible Empire and the leader of the Quincy group, Yhwach, Yamamoto Genryusai decided to go to the Reiwang Palace to ask Ichibei, the military master, who was known as the monk.

However, Sufeng is very clear.

The only one Ichibei, the military commander, cares about is the Soul King, and everything else is a dispensable victim in his eyes.

It doesn’t matter who the Spiritual King is, what’s important is that the Spiritual King must exist.

In order to achieve his own goals, this kind of old yinbi will definitely plot against everyone he can.

Even Yhwach from a thousand years ago stumbled upon him.

"Su Feng, how do you deal with this guy?"

Jingraku Shunsui did not reveal the secret of Sufeng, but chose to cover it.

Where the information about the Invisible Empire came from was not important to him.

What's important is that Sufeng is the God of Death, and the God of Death will be on Soul Society's side, and that's enough.

Hearing this, Su Feng lowered his head and looked at the prostrate figure at his feet, frowning slightly.

Bambietta noticed the evil look in Sufeng's eyes, and immediately put on a flattering expression, completely no longer as arrogant and domineering as at first.

"The process still needs to go through."

Sufeng thought thoughtfully, "I'll send her to the second division later."

"I hope Zhanfei will not live up to his name as the captain of the second division."


The fifth division team building is located in the spacious corridor.

A figure wearing a pure white feather fabric, with his hands hidden in the cuffs, stood calmly on the spot, looking calmly at the sky.

"Captain Aizen." A soft voice suddenly came from under the empty cherry blossom tree, "The experiment was successful, when will you have time..."

"Silver, the view of the sky doesn't seem to be as static as I remember."

Before he finished speaking, Aizen interrupted, a gentle smile appeared on the corners of his slightly raised lips, and his eyes were filled with expectation under his black-rimmed glasses.

"Mist, clouds, breeze, sun..."

"They're changing all the time."

Under the cherry blossom tree, the air fluctuated strangely, and a figure wearing a black cloak appeared, with short light purple hair emerging from it, and an imperceptible blue light appeared in Ichimaru Gin's slightly narrowed eyes.

"Is it related to Captain Sufeng again?"

Hearing this, Aizen lowered his head, looked straight ahead, and said with a smile: "Captain Sufeng has gradually grown into an indispensable sight in the sky."

"I'm already looking forward to his future more and more."

At this point, his figure glowed with a faint light, as if countless spiritual beings had gathered together:

"Silver, let's go."

"Let's go see how the gifts are prepared first..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

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