Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 250 Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni? Tsunayashiro Sufeng!

First team team building and tea room.

Blazing temperatures rolled in, and flames visible to the naked eye even burned in the spacious room.

The muscular old man with a shirtless bald head and white hair sat upright on his seat, glaring at the figure in front of him, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Ever since Sufeng came here, he has maintained this appearance.

If it weren't for the fireproof materials used in the construction of the teahouse, it would probably have burned down by now.

"The verdict of Mao's Forty-sixth Chamber has been issued."

After glaring for a while, Yamamoto Genryusai realized that he seemed to be unable to do anything to Sufeng, and his anger temporarily calmed down a little:

"In view of the fact that Captain Tsunaya's actions on behalf of Sufeng happened for a reason, and he annihilated three rebel captains, his merits and demerits are equal to each other, and he will not be held responsible."

Although he saved enough face for himself both inside and outside of his words, everyone present knew that this was just Room 46's way of protecting face.

If another captain had done something like this, he would have been imprisoned in the Zhenyang Underground Prison for a hundred and eighty years.

Old God Sufeng was drinking freshly brewed tea on the ground, not taking this matter to heart at all.

With the courage of Zhenyang Room 46, they would not dare to convict him on such a trivial matter.

Rather than caring about these, it is better to think about how to break through the current realm.

Thinking of this, Su Feng put down his tea cup and looked at the old man in front of him with a long and incomprehensible look.

The strongest god of death in thousands of years, the true limit.

The four combat skills of Zanken and Zuki have reached their peak, and even the Zanpakutō is known as the strongest in the heat type.

There was a time when he had to look up to a terrifying existence.

Now, it seems that the gap in strength between them can also be noticed.

Sufeng's gaze made the naked Yamamoto Genryusai quite uncomfortable, and the expression on his rough and ferocious face also seemed a bit distorted.

"Ahem, about the Realm of Shadows..."

He tried to change the subject, "How is that Kyoryaku guy's research and development going?"

Sufeng came back to his senses and replied: "It's still the same. It's not possible to open a passage enough for many captains to pass through."

"If you want to counterattack the invisible empire, it's a long way off."

Yamamoto Genryusai's face looked a little ugly, and the heat wave seemed to be rising.

The temperature in the tea room soared to a new height again.

As a being who faced Yhwach thousands of years ago, he is very familiar with this invisible empire, and he is also more aware of the threat he poses to Soul Society and even the Three Realms.

Now it is known that the other party is regaining his power while sleeping, and has prepared a more complete plan to counterattack Soul Society.

Yamamoto Genryusai has been on pins and needles these days. He can't eat well or sleep well. Even the sweet potatoes roasted by the fire are no longer as sweet as before.

He could not imagine what kind of heavy losses the Gotei 13 would suffer if faced with a war from the Invisible Empire.

These subordinates and disciples who get along day and night...

He did not realize that he had undergone earth-shaking changes from a thousand years ago.

Yamamoto Genryusai slowly closed his eyes, trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

He recalled the information provided by Bambietta.

Nine hundred years to regain the heartbeat, ninety years to regain the consciousness, nine years to regain the power, nine days to regain the world!

Although there are still decades to go before Yhwach awakens.

But who can guarantee that the other party has no means to wake up in advance?

"Hurry up."

There was a hint of hoarseness in Yamamoto Genryusai's voice, "I don't want to see the tragedy of a thousand years ago happen to you again..."


In the next period of time, a steady stream of new orders came from the first team.

For example, the building system of Soul Society has been updated to abandon the form of all souls; it has abandoned its reliance on the soul-shielding film produced by the Pure Spirit Stone; the training intensity of the Gotei Thirteen Team has been increased several times, and even the Fourth Team has There is no escaping training in combat.

In addition, considering that the Quincy can forcibly control and absorb the surrounding spirits after activating the Holy Body, the Ghost Demons received an order to research and develop anti-Kinchi Demons.

And out of his affirmation of Ise Nanao, the great ghost master now personally came to invite him, so that Ise Nanao also joined the research and development of ghost path.

Although the information about the Invisible Empire has not been made public, the imminent storm has swept through the entire Soul Society, and everyone from the nobles to the common people of Rukongai are aware of it.

Hueco Mundo, the kingdom of virtuality.

Inside the Quincy's laboratory.

Sufeng stared at Cangdu who was contained in the unknown liquid in great surprise. For a moment, he couldn't figure out what was in the minds of these Quincy.

Are you planning to use Hueco Mundo as a springboard to counterattack Soul Society at this stage?

Hasward's brain was chewed by Litoto Lampardo, right?

Cangdu is still more courageous than Bambietta. Even with Nirvana's brutal methods, it is still impossible to get relevant information from his mouth.

And because of the ability of the Holy Words, Cangdu's endurance is far beyond ordinary existences.

But these are not very important to Nirvana.

As a living member of the Star Cross Knights, its own value already exceeds the value of intelligence.

"The defense of steel is extremely strong." Nirvana grinned, "But correspondingly..."

As if hearing his voice, Cangdu, who was sleeping in the unknown liquid, shuddered inexplicably, and his body trembled instinctively, as if he was caught in some kind of extreme fear.

"Then let's continue to study further."

Sufeng was unwilling to discuss the details of this aspect with him. Nirvana's research directions could often break through the physiological limits that normal people could accept.

Even though he has been working with this guy for decades, he still can't accept it.

"How is the situation at Xuye Palace?"

As the words fell, a figure glowing with faint white light appeared beside Su Feng in the form of a spirit child. There was no emotion on his calm face, as if he had been deprived of all emotions.

"A member of the Star Cross Knights named Kiruge Opi appeared near Xuye Palace and was later discovered by Sal Apollo."

Mole Chengshuang also narrated: "The two started fighting, and Jilujie showed his abilities beyond the Holy Body, Shengli."

As if recalling a bad memory, Mole Chengshuang also frowned slightly, with a look of pain appearing between his eyebrows.

He still remembered the extreme pain at that time, as if his soul was being torn apart.

Sufeng glanced at him with some sympathy and said nothing more.

The Quincy's ability to manipulate spirit children can be described as a natural enemy to Mole City Shuangya.

Shengli forcibly absorbs the spirit son, and can even destroy the spirit son fused by Mole Chengshuang, thus causing great harm to him.

After calming down for a while, Mole Chengshuang continued: "Thall Apollo used an ability that I can't distinguish, and forcibly controlled Kilujie's body, and the battle ended."

"After subsequent analysis of the remaining remains, it was found that he may have tampered with the clone's spirit son."

Su Feng nodded, but he didn't feel any surprise.

The current invisible empire can be described as a soft persimmon that anyone can manipulate.

Without the power provided by Yhwach, they would not be able to compete with Soul Society or even Hueco Mundo.

Like Sal Apollo Grantz.

Although I don't know why, judging from the information provided by his Arrancar, it seems that the other party did not split him.

In other words, Thrall Apollo is now at the level of Vastod.

Coupled with its unique fighting style and similar madness to Nirvana, capturing a mere Kirujie is not information worth paying attention to.

It seems that due to his own influence, the power of Xuye Palace has also changed to varying degrees.

The mere sight of an autonomous Arrancar and undivided Keyartai Stark is enough to attract people's attention.

Not to mention, there is also a crazy Hueco Mundo scientist, Sal Apollo Granz.

But accordingly.

Nirvana has also undergone great changes.

Regarding the transformation of the Golden Killer Ksitigarbha, Sufeng had made suggestions more than once, and even provided some of Lan Yin's power.

The syndrome of thunder fetus Fu Yin and wind fetus Fu Yin syndrome.

The two different forms are enough to raise Nirvana's combat ability by several levels among the captains.

"A question suddenly occurred to me."

Sufeng spoke, directly attracting the attention of the three people in the laboratory, "Voiding allows the god of death to break through the boundaries of the original soul."

"It will greatly improve its strength."

"But correspondingly, becoming a virtual person requires taking certain risks. The more powerful the god of death is, the higher the risk of becoming virtual."

"If, I mean if..."

His burning eyes fell on Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke, and there seemed to be wind and thunder in Sufeng's eyes:

"How high is the risk of the old man becoming invisible?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the laboratory fell into a deathly silence.

Nirvana boasted that he had a big enough brain to be called the number one person in the Soul Society, but when Sufeng proposed this idea, he suddenly found that he seemed to have to settle for second place.

Is this really an idea that anyone can come up with to annihilate Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni?

After a brief silence, Yamada Seinosuke looked at Sufeng with unprecedented fanatical admiration.

You are truly worthy of being loyal to me, Seinosuke!

Only Master Sufeng dared to propose such a frightening idea!

Only Mole Cheng Shuangye has a deep gaze and an incomprehensible expression.

He stared at Su Feng's figure, and there was some inexplicable expectation in his calm eyes.

As the only person present who has obtained the power of virtualization, Mole Chengshuang is also very aware of the great risks involved.


The more powerful the Death God, the stronger the corresponding feedback will be after gaining the power of virtualization!

Sufeng seemed to be asking Yamamoto Genryusai about the risk of becoming empty.

In fact, he was sizing up the risk of his own virtualization.

Mole Chengshuang also fused with the spirits from the nearby fields. He could clearly sense how terrifying the guy standing in front of him was talking.

If we say that Yamamoto Genryusai is a terrifying active volcano that is ready to explode.

Then Tsunayashiro Sufeng is the thick cloud covering the endless area!

Storms and thunders accumulate in it, and when they explode, they are enough to destroy the world!

"There are still risks."

Nirvana smiled, "But judging from the current research data, it is simply not enough to analyze this."

"Whether it's the Masked Army in the present world, or the Shannengya Wangren, Mole City Shuangye..."

"These virtualized existences are not at the same level as the Commander-in-Chief."

"If you fail to control the virtualization..."

As if thinking of an extremely terrifying scene, Nie Shuli shuddered and squeezed out an ugly smile:

"That would really be a huge catastrophe sweeping through the three realms."

Of course Sufeng also thought of this.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, and now the virtualization technology has become stable.

But what if?

If an accident really happens during the virtualization process, the Three Realms may have been in chaos and completely destroyed before the Invisible Empire can launch a war.


If it really exploded with all its strength, Sufeng himself didn't even know how terrifying it would be.

"Continue the research and development of virtualization experiments."

Sufeng sighed, "It's best to develop it to the point where I, ah no, Mr. Yamamoto can be dematerialized without risk."

Niryuri and Yamada Seinosuke were shocked, and looked at the figure leaving the laboratory with stunned expressions.

His eyes were filled with incredible surprise...


Invisible Empire, First Spire.

Hasward gently rubbed his frown, feeling exhausted.

The advance team that went to Hueco Mundo was completely wiped out. As the elite members of the Star Cross Knights, Kiruge Opi and Aangdu didn't even send back any information.

It's understandable that Soul Society is dangerous, but is even Hueco Mundo now hiding its dragon?

He didn't know what to do now.

Without ascertaining the specific situation of Hueco Mundo, it is definitely not a wise decision to move the Invisible Empire into it.

But if you continue to guard Soul Society, once the Death Gods crack the ability of the Shadow Realm, the end of the Invisible Empire will really come.

Hasward never doubted the abilities of the Death Gods.

He is not as conceited as other Knights of the Star Cross.

What's more, Tsunayo Sufeng, who broke the sky of the invisible empire that day, undoubtedly left a deep psychological shadow on him.

Do you want to move to the present world?

Hasward's eyebrows were already a little red, but he was still rubbing them vigorously.

After a moment of thinking, he finally made up his mind.

"Have B.J. Nain and Yaskin Nakwarul come to my place."

"Yes!" In the darkness, the figure disappeared.

Not long after, two figures appeared in the room.

"BJ Nain, your mission is to go to Hueco Mundo alone to obtain relevant information and avoid any form of fighting."

Hasward's voice rang out in the empty room.

"Yaskin Nakvarul, your mission is to go to this world..."

Yaskin, who had a single bunch of slightly curly bangs on his forehead, raised his head in astonishment and looked at the vice-emperor of the empire in front of him in confusion.

Hasward looked deeply and said seriously: "Go to Ishida's house and ask for all the information about the present world."

"For Your Majesty, we must make all preparations..."

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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