Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 251: The true nature is exposed, the main attack from Sufeng

In this world, Karakura Town.

Urahara store.

Four figures sat around the table, the aroma of tea rising from the cups, permeated with a light elegance.

"He calls himself Yaskin Nacroval, a member of the Knights of the Invisible Empire Star Cross, and possesses the ability of the holy text called lethal force."

Ishida Sogenu narrated dryly, "He asked me for information about the present world. Considering that Master Sufeng may have other plans, I only recounted part of the superficial information."

"For example, the Death God is stationed, Daxu appears, etc."

The other three people crossed their arms and stared at each other, looking like they were thinking seriously.

After a long time, Urahara Kisuke was the first to be defeated: "Mr. Sufeng, don't you have any feelings about the sudden appearance of the invisible empire?"

"What can you think?"

Sufeng raised his fist and signaled:

"Are you asking me to tell you that this captain shattered the sky of the Invisible Empire with one punch, beat up Yhwach's deputy Hugolen Hasward, and by the way captured Bambiai, a member of the Knights of the Star Cross? Is Ta Basta seeking marriage?"

"It's just a false name, do you think I will care?"

As soon as the words fell, the room fell silent.

The three of them all showed different expressions. Ishida Sogen looked as if he was taking it for granted and was not surprised at all.

His trust in Sufeng was far greater than that of Nalushizi's Yohabach.

Urahara Kisuke looked like he had seen a ghost, feeling that his outlook on life had been impacted again.

Si Fengyuan Ye Yi showed a suspicious look and asked subconsciously:

"Is Bambietta pretty?"

"Fair skin, beautiful appearance, long legs." Sufeng seemed to be showing off, "Please don't question my vision."

The only person who responded to him was a disdainful snort from Sifengyuan Yeyi:

"The evil Tsunayashiro brat is just as I expected, a pure pervert!"

"His true nature exposed!"

Ignoring the two bickering people, Urahara Kisuke fanned a folding fan that he got from nowhere, looked at Ishida Munesuru seriously, and asked:

"Did Yaskin mention the specific purpose of this trip?"

Ishida Sogen nodded: "There are hidden dangers in the invisible empire. In order not to affect Yhwach's sleep, we are going to choose a new location."

"I guess Yaskin came to this world just to eliminate the dangers that exist in this world."

As a loyal Baosu Party member, Ishida Sogen only has one person in mind for His Majesty, and it is definitely not Yhwach.

And because of his holiness, he even spoke with a bit of gnashing of teeth when calling Yhwach by his first name.

"Um, is that so?"

Sufeng forcibly held down his bickering and fell into the disadvantage. Sifengyuan Yeyi rushed towards him in anger, and said thoughtfully:

"This world cannot be a battlefield between the God of Death and the Quincy."

"Tell Yaskin the truth. Just say that this world is the team-building venue for the Ninth Division and the Tsunayashiro family."

"In addition, there are two additions, the Shifengyuan family and the Masked Army."

Hearing this, Si Fengyuan Ye Yi was furious, his golden eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, and he meowed and pounced forward again:

"Why is the Sifengyuan family adding their first child?!"

"The evil Tsunayashiro family is not even half as good as us!"

The mature and confident Yujie Shifengyuan Yoruichi in the past, after being "tortured" by Sufeng for decades, is enveloped in a halo of subdued wisdom every time she encounters him.

Sufeng reached out with his right hand, opened and closed his five fingers, and directly grabbed the back of Destiny's neck.

In the field of white fighting, even if Yamamoto Genryusai came, he would not dare to say that he could defeat him, let alone Yoruichi Shihoin who transformed into a black cat.

Ishida Zongxian nodded: "Yes, Master Sufeng."

"This world is not suitable, and the Invisible Empire is preparing to move out of Soul Society."

Urahara Kisuke said frankly, "Then only Hueco Mundo is left."

"If I remember correctly, half of the current Hueco Mundo should be the Kingdom of Hollow, right?"

Sufeng waved his hand and denied: "To correct it, it is half of the known field."

"Hueco Mundo is vast, and there are still many unexplored areas."

Urahara Kisuke sighed. For some reason, he suddenly felt sorry for the Quincy of the Invisible Empire.

According to the information he had learned, the Kingdom of Hollow included but was not limited to the existence of Arrancar. A Nirvana Power alone was enough to give the Quincy a headache.

Once he was targeted by that guy, even he wouldn't dare to take it lightly.

"How far have you progressed in your research on holiness?"

Sufeng suddenly asked, "Don't tell me, we are still formulating a plan."

Urahara Kisuke shook his head and denied: "Don't underestimate the level of the two generations of heads of the Technology Development Bureau. Although that guy Niruri hates me, I am the only one who can really understand him."

"In view of the improvement of the soul complementing device, the final solution for immunity to sainthood is still determined to be the second one."

"Using the blank virtual soul as the basis, and assisting with the essence of the righteous body technology and the righteous soul technology, we will create the second generation artificial death."

He explained the two people's thoughts: "The infusion of dual power can stabilize the influence of the virtual poison, and then allow Ishida Yugen to transform from a Quincy to a Shinigami."

"Strip out the Quincy's power completely and you will be immune to the damage of the Saint."

Sufeng nodded with satisfaction and once again expressed his affirmation of Urahara Kisuke and Niryuri's abilities.

"If you need any help, just ask."

"Anything in the Soul Society can be easily handled."

Urahara Kisuke nodded, but did not raise any objections to this.

The current Soul Society is similar to the Tsunayashiro family's Ippondo. If there is something that even the Tsunayashiro family can't find, it must be made up.

"How is Ichigo doing lately?" Sufeng suddenly looked at the slightly excited Ishida Sogenu next to him.

Hearing this question, Ishida Sogenu was slightly startled, and after thinking about it, he replied: "Genius, genius in the true sense."

"I never thought that there would be a genius who could control spirits without being able to walk."

"Ichigo seems to have a natural affinity with Reiko. Basic combat skills like Reiko Concentration were mastered a month ago."

Talking about his grandson, Sogen Ishida showed unprecedented excitement.

Although because of his parents, Ichigo is not a pure-blood Quincy and cannot inherit the Quincy Cross.

But after learning the secrets of the Invisible Empire and Yhwach, Sogen Ishida no longer had any obsession with it.

As long as his relatives can live peacefully and happily, this is enough for him.

The current decision to join the team in advance means that Sogen Ishida has put all his chips on Sufeng.

Once the traceback fails or the Soul Society side fails.

What awaits the Ishida family will be the ultimate despair that will never be restored.

Hearing this, not only Urahara Kisuke and Sufeng, but also the black cat in his arms took a deep breath.

What level of monster is this?

Are you born with the ability to gather spiritual beings?

"Mr. Urahara, I leave Yu Xian's safety to you."

Before leaving, Ishida Munexun did not forget to bow deeply to Urahara Kisuke to express his gratitude.

"Okay, it's a piece of cake."

Urahara Kisuke comforted, "Just leave it to me."

Looking at his retreating back, Su Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He couldn't say whether Ichigo's changes were good or bad, but there were more important things that he needed to do at the moment.

Break through the boundaries of death.

Since there are uncontrollable risks in virtualization, try another path.


After returning to Soul Society, Sufeng first went to the Second Division.

Bambietta's exclusive potion has been developed by Nirvana.

In the dim environment, the girl's fair skin showed a greasy sheen, and she was suspended on the chain in a shameful manner, and the knots on her body highlighted her slim figure.

"Aww, Lord Death, Bambi will definitely obey!"

Facing Sufeng, Bambietta made a pitiful plea, "Bambietta has no choice, the empire has completely abandoned me."

In response, Sufeng did not refuse, and poured the potion in his hand onto her chest.

The transparent viscous liquid flows down the skin and gradually penetrates into the body.

Although I don't understand why Nirvana has set up such a method of using sex energy, Sufeng still wants to say one thing -

He who knows me will benefit from cocoons.

Bambietta's face turned red and she didn't resist much.

Just as she said, after the Invisible Empire abandoned her, the only choice she could make was to attach herself to Sufeng and become a part of the Soul Society.

On that day, Bambietta, who had been treated with the drug, joined the ninth division and became the most ordinary team member.

for a period of time that followed.

Under the instructions of Sufeng, Nirvana became Kisuke Urahara's deputy again, traveling back and forth between Hueco Mundo and the present world, preparing for the experiment of immunity to sainthood.

With the full cooperation of the two, it took less than two years to complete the experiment and create a spirit body that could be immune to the Holy Spirit.

Under the witness of everyone, Ishida Yuxian officially left his identity as a Quincy and became a member of the Shinigami.

With her spirit body and prosthetic body, she can still live with Shiba Yishin in the real world.

Some are happy and some are sad.

The success of the immune sanctification experiment is a good thing for the Ishida family.

However, there was no progress in the virtualization experiment for a long time, which made Sufeng worried about it.

Seeing that this road was completely blocked, he set his sights on other aspects.

The tragic death of the half-blood Quincy in this world heralds the beginning of the Saint.

In order to regain his former strength, Yhwach forcibly took back the spiritual power and lives of all the half-blood Quincy in the world.

Looking at the tragic situation in his family, Ishida Sogen became more determined to follow Sufeng.

Because of the information he provided, Hasward finally decided to locate the new location of the empire in Hueco Mundo.

Although Hueco Mundo is also very dangerous, compared to Soul Society and the present world, the level of danger is still lower.

The third year after sanctification.

Karakura Town is a place of heavy spirituality. Due to the frequent occurrence of Daoxu, Renji Abarai, the third seat of the 13th Division, was ordered to become the Shinigami stationed in this city...

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly votes.

The last two chapters have been a bit laggy, and the typing speed has been greatly reduced, because I want to bring something new to book lovers as much as possible.

A little reminder, Renji is not used to replace Rukia's original scenes.

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