Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 252 What’s the future?

Soul Society, Division 9 team building.

Captain's office.

After the routine captain meeting ended, a large number of official materials were delivered here.

However, Ise Nanao, who was supposed to be sitting in the captain's seat, was replaced by a young man with a handsome face this time.

The latest gold-rimmed glasses from the Silver Dragonfly Optical Shop hang on the tall bridge of the nose, and the figure sitting there has a faint bookish atmosphere inside and out.

Sufeng flipped through the latest intelligence and official documents with a serious expression, which once made people think that he had corrected his evil ways and no longer fished for fish.

Because of the Invisible Empire, the entire Soul Society has entered a state of war readiness.

A large number of resonant buildings were directly demolished and replaced by special buildings developed by the Technology Development Bureau that combined resonants and tools to assist in the fight against Quincy Kidō.

Because of the bottomless financial support of the Kuchiki family, these buildings were equipped with precious materials that can block the spiritual pressure of reikos, murderous stones.

There are not many changes in the first team.

The complete annihilation of the rebels left the area on the edge of Rukongai free of worries. Genshiro Okiga led the remaining elite team members back to the Seireitei to continue their previous work.

The Broken Bees of the Second Division conveyed the relevant information about Shunhu to Sufeng through the Liting Team.

The infinite instant coax has been fully mastered, and based on the characteristics of the swastika, the Thunder Whip, new explosion effects have been added to the original instant coax.

Not only has the power been improved to a higher level, but the instantaneous speed has also been improved.

When developing the advanced technique of instant coaxing, Zaihou often used official duties to monopolize Sufeng alone, which Matsumoto Rangiku and others were quite dissatisfied with.

But due to the disparity in strength, they can only feel itchy with hatred.

In order to protect her captain, Kurosaki Maki challenged him.

Spirit son cluster, sacred destroying arrow, holy bite battle array, blood equipment...

When the fight got hot, she even directly used the Perfect Holy Body, which was not very proficient.

The final result is unknown to Sufeng. What is known is that Broken Bee did not visit Division 9 as often as usual.

Team Three has nothing to say.

Ichimaru Gin is still like a street kid, wandering around the jurisdiction of the Gotei 13 Team, and his occasional pranks make the team members love and hate the captain.

Its vice-captain is still held by Kira Izuru.

As for the information about the Fourth Division.

Because of the development of the Sakai Path, Yamada Seinosuke is regarded as a genius by the current Daigui Dao Priest.

Due to the fear of Sufeng, the great ghost priest applied to Unohana Retsu, asking Yamada Seinosuke to go to the ghost gang to conduct research and development on countering the Quincy ghosts and sealing the ghosts in hell.

Unohana Retsu knew that Yamada Seinosuke was a retainer of the Tsunayashiro family, so naturally he would not interfere in this matter, but in order to take care of the emotions of his colleagues, he also conveyed this request to Sufeng.

Sufeng doesn't have any opinion on this.

Whether it is the invisible empire or hell, there is the possibility of destroying the world.

Nip problems in the bud.

When Yamada Seinosuke has nothing to do, it is only natural for him to go to the ghosts to help.

Even Ise Nanao would often go to the ghost community to communicate in related fields in his spare time at work.

In recent years, Aizen has returned to his small, transparent state.

Just like when he first became the captain of the fifth division, he went to the Spiritual Arts Academy every month to teach calligraphy and completed his job meticulously.

Its vice-captain is Momo Hinamori.

It is worth mentioning that Xuye Palace also strictly adheres to the principle of mutual non-aggression.

Although there are occasional frictions with the Kingdom of the Void, there is no major conflict.

As for the invisible empire that has settled in Hueco Mundo...

Whether it is Mole City Shuangya who has merged with Hueco Mundo's spirit son, or the Technology Development Bureau that has deployed a large number of spirit son monitoring equipment.

No trace of its base camp was found.

Instead, we often find Quincy wandering in Hueco Mundo.

But more importantly, because of his holiness, Yhwach took back the life and power of the mixed-blood Quincy around the world. Correspondingly, the strength of the Quincy in the Invisible Empire also showed a significant increase.

Arrancar and Daxu, who were originally able to gain the upper hand in the battle, now had to join forces to fight against the Quincy team.

The basic Quincy are already so powerful, and the strength of the members of the Star Cross Knights may have reached a whole new level.

In this regard, Sufeng's only worry is that some guys' holy writing abilities may affect him under normal conditions when they are fully activated.

"I hope those guys won't be so ignorant..."

He muttered to himself and turned to browse the remaining information and official business.

Because Hijin's disease was completely cured, Kuchiki Byakuya's personality has also undergone great changes. Although he still has the obsession to find revenge, due to the gap between the two, he can't find it. Find the right opportunity to get off the phone.

Because a suitable successor could not be found, Gin Ginjiro still served as the vice-captain of the Sixth Division and just took care of the optical shop business in his spare time.

His daughter Gin Miwa is now the manager of an optical shop.

The Seventh Division and the Eighth Division are just like the beginning, diligently completing the instructions given by the First Division and completing their own tasks.

As for Division 9...

Yamada Hanataro was appointed as the fifth official by Sufeng due to his outstanding performance and rapid improvement in strength.

It is worth mentioning that Hanataro Yamada serves as the special training instructor of the Ninth Division. All members of the Ninth Division must go through his special training in hell before they can become members of the Ninth Division that meet the standards.

If you can't bear it, you can only choose to change teams.

Nowadays, the overall combat effectiveness of the ninth division is even much stronger than that of the eleventh division!

The training methods learned from Madarame Ikkaku have now been mastered by Yamada Hanataro, and he is better than his master.

The sixth official is also an acquaintance.

Hisagi Shuhei has an inexplicable obsession with the ninth division.

After his internship at Soul Burial, Xiubing graduated from the Spiritual Arts Academy and immediately joined the ninth team and became one of them.

After so many years of hard work, he has become the sixth officer from the most ordinary team member.

In fact, according to his strength, even serving as the vice-captain is more than enough.

But due to a certain nepotistic captain, he could only settle for six seats.

As for the 10th Division, after Toshiro Hitsugaya mastered the swastika, he succeeded him as captain. Under his leadership, the 10th Division flourished.

The 11th Division is a group of reckless men, so let’s not mention them.

Division 12 is full of lunatics and has nothing to say.

In the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro has been bedridden all year round, and Shiba Haiyan is generally responsible for the team's affairs.

Some time ago, due to the frequent occurrence of great voids in the living area, the third chief Abarai Renji was dispatched to station in Karakura Town.

After reviewing the information, Sufeng took off the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, leaned back on the brain waves that suddenly appeared behind him, closed his eyes slightly, and let the small white hands gently rub his eye sockets and temples.

"Captain, if you really can't keep pretending, stop pretending."

Matsumoto Rangiku persuaded quietly, "Although you look very graceful wearing glasses, your past image has been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it cannot be changed in a while."

Sufeng was furious: "Is my past image so unbearable!?"

Matsumoto Rangiku leaned forward slightly, the two looked at each other, their breathing intertwined, and a slightly resentful voice sounded again:

"You only have two states now, hungry and astringent."

"And it seems that dinner time has just passed..."

Hearing this, Sufeng was furious again: "Can't I work hard once in a while?"

"Of course." Rangiku Matsumoto said in a strange tone, "It's just captain, when you say this, can you please take your hands away first."

"Ahem." Sufeng coughed twice and covered it up, "This is inevitable..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly came to his senses and said squarely: "No, are you teaching me how to do something?"

"No way!" Matsumoto Rangiku retorted. She pursed her lips and said, "It's just that the sky is already dark."

"Should we go and enjoy the moonlight tonight?"

Reflect on the wind.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to be pampering Rangiku and the others a little too much.

As they get along with each other day by day, these bold guys now dare to speak out and challenge the captain's dignity.

This is not possible!

He reacted, let go of the smoothness between his fingers, stood up suddenly, wrapped his arms around the slender waist, and strode towards the captain's exclusive room.

"It is our duty to restore the dignity of captain."

"Tonight, I must teach you, this arrogant guy, a profound lesson!"

In the warm arms, Matsumoto Rangiku's face was as delicate as water, with two blushes on her cheeks at some point, her slightly hot body clinging to the embrace, and a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, in the third seat's room.

A figure wearing glasses was hidden in the darkness, looking at the two people walking quickly through the corridor with an incomprehensible gaze.

If you look at it from another angle, you can clearly see the envy in her eyes.


Nirvana brought bad news to Sufeng some time ago.

The virtualization experiment completely failed.

Whether it is Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni or Tsunayashiro Sufeng, with their current strength, there is no way they can find a comparable Daxu.

Even if Grimmjow were torn into pieces and stuffed into the souls of Yamamoto Genryusai or Sufeng, they would be crushed into the tiniest spirit particles by their instinctive power.

There is no way to break the boundaries of the Death Soul.

However, there is good news.

After years of research and experiments by Niryuri and Urahara Kisuke, there is still a way to break through the boundaries of the Shinigami.

One, the power of the Spirit King.

Second, the jade collapses.

After coming to this conclusion, both of them were disliked by Su Feng.

Two top scientists have been studying for many years and have come up with such a well-known method.

Also, is there a big difference between the power of Bengyu and the Spirit King?

Seeing that the two of them had no hope, Sufeng began to study its own possible breakthrough points.

After years of exploration and discovery, he really discovered the existence of a breakthrough point.


There's more than one...

Thank you to the magic instructor Mr. Xuanyi for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly support.

This chapter integrates the previous content, and the next chapter is ready to start the plot.

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