Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 254 The hero always appears at the end

The smoke and dust stirred up, and a figure rolled out from it, looking extremely embarrassed.

The blazing spirit flame burned blazingly under the moonlight, and the azure colored glaze revealed mottled black shadows, like a scroll depicting death and despair.

Renji Abarai fell heavily to the ground, and his exposed skin was deeply charred.

He endured the pain in his body, but suddenly found a shadow in front of him. When he looked up, the first thing that caught his eye was the most conspicuous fine silver hair.

The silver color flutters in the breeze and blends into the soft moonlight.

"Death, this is not the place you should come."

The silver-haired boy walked up to Renji Abarai, "Just leave it to me to deal with the Arrancar. I'll let you live this time..."

Before he finished speaking, Abarai Renji suddenly turned over and his blade with a cold glow drew an arc filled with murderous intent in the air.

The silver-haired boy stepped back, his light posture seeming to have expected that the other party would suddenly attack.

"Stop joking here!"

Renji Abarai ignored his physical injuries and said, "No matter what your identity is, attacking a Shinigami is a felony!"

"Furthermore, it is our Shinigami's duty to annihilate the Arrancar that breaks into the world. You, a human, cannot be allowed to interfere!"

As he finished speaking, he stretched his right arm forward and his left hand gently caressed the blade.

"Roar, Shebimaru!"

Crimson spiritual pressure exploded on the street, and the majestic momentum surged, covering the entire neighborhood.

In the light, the double-edged snake-belly sword appeared, silver white and jet black facing each other, and there was a sharp cold light between them.

Under the moonlight, the red-haired figure jumped up high, the double-edged snake-belly sword suddenly extended, and launched an attack forward like a chain.


The silver-haired boy moved forward and dodged to the edge of the street, but where he was originally, a huge and deep ravine was cut directly, and countless gravels flew into the air, making it a complete mess.

Looking at the scene in front of him, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought he was just an ordinary Death God judge, but he didn't expect that the opponent could actually burst out with such terrifying combat power after suffering his blow.

"Run away?" Abarai Renji smiled ferociously, "This is not in line with what you just said!"

"Hurry up and show off your attitude just now, and have a hearty fight with me, human being!"

"Or should I say, Quincy?"

The silver-haired boy's eyes suddenly turned cold and he looked up at the sky.

Under the night, the silver steel cable was recovered, and Shebimaru returned to the form of the double-edged snake-belly sword. The substantial red spiritual pressure lingered around Renji Abarai's body, exuding a powerful momentum.

Facing the provocation, the silver-haired boy knew that this battle was probably inevitable.

He stretched out his right arm and spread his fingers. The Annihilation Cross Pendant fell from his palm and fell into the air. Dots of bright blue like stars bloomed on it.

Under Renji Abarai's expectant gaze, a pure black long bow condensed and emerged in his palm.

"This is the right thing!"

Renji Abarai jumped into the air again, swinging his arm suddenly, and the steel cable in the blade extended. Hisbimaru suddenly exploded like a python, with its fangs protruding and reaching the position of the silver-haired boy.

Facing the attack that came again, the young man did not choose to dodge. With a sharp look in his eyes, he immediately pulled the bowstring. Countless spirits gathered in an instant and turned into a sacred destroying arrow exuding Lingran's aura!


The sound of piercing the air flew forward, colliding directly with the whip-shaped blade that fell down. The blue spirit flames collided with the crimson violent snake fangs, and brilliant fire exploded in the night.

In an instant, the street was as bright as day, and the swirling spirit flames swayed down like heavy rain, burning the ground with ferocious marks.

"Haha, use all your strength, Quincy!"

Renji Abarai transformed into a villain, grinning like a demon, with long red hair flying in the air, and cross scars that made him even more ferocious.

"Defeat me and I will exit here, leaving the Arrancar to you to deal with and keep your secret!"

The silver-haired boy didn't respond. He just pulled the Lingzi longbow with his right hand, moving a little faster, and a look of determination flashed in his black eyes.

He wants to protect everything here.

Shiba Hospital, the Ishida family, my own relatives...

Feather of Light!

The azure spiritual pressure exploded, and the substantial beam of light shot straight into the sky, rendering the dark night a pure azure color.

Countless feathers condensed behind him, turning into a pair of huge wings of light that covered the street.

A powerful aura suddenly hit his face, directly stopping Renji Asai in the sky from breathing.

However, after a moment's delay, this guy's militant character was directly aroused, and his high-spirited fighting spirit surged in his heart.

Since being stationed in Karakura Town, all he has faced are Daxu or Arrancar. Although these guys are very strong, they are only ordinary-looking Shinigami troopers or chief officers.

For him who has mastered the swastika and practiced hard, there is no way he can engage in a wanton fight.

Now I actually encountered a powerful Quincy in this world.

Judging from the spiritual pressure alone, the opponent has even reached the standard of a Death God captain.

"It's been a long, long time since I met an opponent that made my blood boil!"

Abarai Renji shouted loudly from the sky, "Come and fight, I will try my best to leave you a breath of air!"

The only thing that responded to him was the sacred destroying arrow that penetrated the sky and the countless light feathers that covered the sky.

Renji Abarai was swallowed up by the light, and the crimson spiritual pressure turned into a pillar of light and rose into the sky. Along with it, there was a voice that echoed under the sky:


"Baboon King Shebimaru!"

In the light, a huge white skeleton circled, and the huge body of nearly a hundred meters surged and circled, blocking the light feathers. Countless firelights erupted on the white bones, leaving behind charred black marks.

Although Sufeng told Shebimaru the real name of Swastika early on.

But to this day, Abarai Renji still cannot achieve the true meaning of swastika through practice.

But for now, the half-finished Swastika is barely enough.

At least in his opinion, Baboon King Shebimaru was enough to deal with the sudden appearance of the silver-haired Quincy.

A crimson light lit up from the snake's eyes, and its bloody mouth suddenly opened. Countless spirits condensed into it, forming a huge ball of crimson light.

The suddenly doubled sense of oppression caused the silver-haired boy's expression to change slightly. The spirit son long bow was instantly stretched to its limit. A huge annihilation cross appeared on the bow body, and countless spirit beings were instantly condensed into it.

Branch-like lines emerged from his arms, as if they were densely covered with countless blood vessels.

The ferocious arrows disappeared but condensed in the cross, and the surrounding air even showed fluctuations in lines visible to the naked eye.

As the bow string loosened between his fingers, the arrows that seemed to have countless bone spurs shot out, leaving gorgeous traces in the sky.

The snake bone spurted out from its mouth, and the red ball of light turned into an incomparable beam of light that penetrated everything, tearing the air in front and reaching the arrow in front.


The terrifying explosion surged, endless impacts spread within it, and lines visible to the naked eye instantly covered the block.

Roads collapsed, buildings collapsed, and countless amounts of dust flew up, burying an area of ​​thousands of meters.

The fighting was fierce and getting more intense.

However, in the corner that the two of them had not noticed, a white figure emerged from the shadows. On the ugly bone mask, lines appeared. Blood-red greedy eyes kept wandering between the two, and disgusting saliva flowed from the gaps between the ferocious teeth. The time is constantly overflowing and dripping.

An undetectable voice sounded from the darkness, and black lines continued to extend in the shadow until they covered the entire battlefield:


The two people's spiritual pressure seemed to be at the same level. Even if Renji Abarai used his swastika, he could not take it down, which made him even more shocked.

You know, he is stationed in this world as the third seat.

Therefore, he did not have the limited spiritual seal of the Thirteenth Division emblem carved on his body. In other words, his current state is in his prime, and he has already used all his strength in battle.

However, even so, the battle situation was still anxious.

As the spiritual pressure was consumed, the noise made by the two became smaller and smaller.

Until Renji Abarai was unable to maintain his swastika, the silver-haired boy was unable to release the sacred destroying arrow, and the method of fighting changed from long-range bombardment to close combat.

Renji Abarai holds a double-edged snake-belly sword and attacks fiercely; the silver-haired boy holds a condensed long sword with the Cross Pendant of Annihilation and moves strangely.


The sound of sharp blades piercing flesh and blood resounded in the ruined streets, and blood flowers bloomed!

Just when the two were in a stalemate, a sudden change occurred.

The black lines hidden under the dust of the ruins suddenly burst out, like ugly poisonous snakes, and instantly wrapped around the two bodies.

Under the moonlight in the distance, two figures stood on the roof, observing the scene in the distance with interest, as if they were watching a big show.

"Ah, Renji and Ichigo are going to suffer now."

Urahara Kisuke made a strange noise, "Mr. Sufeng, are we just here watching those two guys have their souls eaten by the Arrancar?"

"There's no rush." ​​Sufeng said calmly while chewing melon seeds, "How could there be such a flaw in the scene I designed?"

"The more critical this moment is, the more it can reflect the shock brought by the hero's appearance."

"This is the most common expression technique in movies."

Kisuke Urahara held the crutch in his hand, leaned forward slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth: "When I say this, I suddenly feel an inexplicable sense of expectation!"

The conversation between the two unscrupulous guys had just ended when Arrancar, drooling at the corner of his mouth, walked out of the shadows. His black and white body was intertwined with bones and shadows. His heart was exposed and he kept making a thumping sound.

The blood-red eyes locked on the two people who could not move, and their eyes revealed almost substantial greed.


Looking at the Arrancar that was so close, the two of them, whose spiritual pressure was almost exhausted, swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time, with slightly panicked expressions on their faces.

I was so excited this time that I completely forgot that there was an Arrancar hiding nearby...

The two were bound by black shadows, tied together like a sandwich.

"It's overturned now!"

Abarai Renji's mouth twitched, "Master Sufeng got it right again. It turned out to be a bellicose incident..."

The silver-haired boy's expression was also a bit distorted. He tried to struggle and squeeze the last trace of spiritual pressure from his body.

Black-red light flashed across his fingertips.

Just when the Arrancar was about to feast, a very generous laughter sounded from behind.

"Is it my turn to appear?"

Under the moonlight, the black figure of a middle-aged man looked up at the sky, with a sad stubble on his slightly rough face, when he turned his eyes.

The corners of the silver-haired boy Ichigo's mouth had begun to twitch, and his face became more and more distorted, as if he had seen a ghost.

No, it should be said that even if you see a ghost, you won't be so panicked.

At the same time, Renji Abarai's eyes widened when he saw that face. Memories of the past flooded his mind?

The two said almost in unison.

"Is it... dad...?!"

"Zhi, Shiba...Captain?!"

"Young man, don't forget, the hero is always the last to appear!"

The middle-aged man smiled confidently and gave a thumbs up to the restrained two, "Next, keep your eyes wide open and watch my operations!"

"Burn it, Yanyue!"

The blade was unsheathed, the flame burned brightly, and the temperature above the sky suddenly exploded, dispelling the coldness of the night.

"Crescent Moon Chong!"

An exciting roar sounded, and Zhiha waved the moon with all his heart, and suddenly slashed forward.

The long sword fell, and the crescent-shaped sword pressure tore through the sky. The rolling heat waves were discharged to both sides, and instantly fell on the Arrancar's body.


The flames burst out, smoke and dust surged in. The scorching flames instantly engulfed the Arrancar's body, terrifying temperatures covered all directions, and flames shot into the sky.

Under the light of the fire, the two people who were bound by the shadows had expressions of extreme shock, as if they couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

All of this is a bit too bizarre.

Captain Shiba, who had disappeared for more than ten years, appeared and saved himself with a strong posture, like a real hero.

Renji Abarai found relevant scenes from his past memories.

Captain Zhibo, who was playing tricks in front of Master Sufeng, was actually so powerful, and he was not dead!

The team funeral ceremony has obviously been held.

He remembered clearly that Hitsugaya's eyes were red during the ceremony, and his sad look was still fresh in his memory.

Ichigo was even more shocked.

The father is obviously just an ordinary doctor. He treats diseases and saves people during the day and plays tricks for fun at night.

But now he has transformed into a god of death, and his strength is so powerful that he cannot even understand it.

What happened during this period! ?

Do mom and the others know dad’s true identity?

Or am I the only one who is kept in the dark?

Countless questions emerged in Ichigo's mind, causing his mind to become confused and unable to clear his thoughts.

In the distance, under the moonlight, above the roof.

Sufeng smiled and said: "Mr. Urahara, this drama should get high marks, right?"

Thanks to the bosses of Magic Jiezai for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes!

It’s doubled at the beginning of the month. If you have extra monthly tickets, please support me. Thank you!

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