Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 255 Fishing Law Enforcement

Soul Society, Seireitei.

Technology Development Bureau, Yeongbo Surveying Research Institute.

Yaozhou, who looked like a giant green catfish, sat in front of the screen with a serious expression, staring intently at the data changes on it and the highlighted locations in the world.

In recent years, the Lingbo Surveying Research Institute has undergone several changes, in terms of personnel, technology, etc., most of which are related to the captain Sufeng.

Yazhou did not reject this, and even tried its best to cooperate.

Because in his impression, even his own captain needs to be careful when facing Captain Sufeng.

Now that he can continue to serve as the head of the Lingbo Surveying Research Section, it has a lot to do with Captain Sufeng's appreciation of him.

Maybe it's because of his appearance, or maybe it's because of his strong professionalism.

Yingzhou did not dare to judge this lightly, but in order to live up to the attention of the two captains, he had been working hard for decades and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Not long ago, Captain Sufeng found this place and conveyed an extremely strange order to him.

Focus on monitoring the spiritual power circuits in this world, and report any abnormalities to the first team as soon as possible.

But it has been many days in a row, and there is nothing abnormal at all.

If there is anything abnormal, it can only be the black voice that appeared in Karakura Town in the present world not long ago.

Ever since the information about Hueco Mundo was conveyed to the Gotei 13.

The danger factor for Daxu, which originally needed to be carefully prepared, has been lowered to an extremely low value. The appearance of several Daxu will not even cause the alarm system to prompt.

Only the Daxu above the Arrancar will attract the attention of the Technology Development Bureau and be conveyed to the messenger machine of the Shinigami in charge of the corresponding city.

However, due to the density of spiritual beings in the present world, the number of appearances of both Daxu and Arrancar is extremely rare.

Only a spiritual place like Karakura Town would cause the invasion of Daxu.

"Is it just Arrancar?"

Yingzhou said to himself in confusion, "When did that adult become interested in this kind of existence?"

"Arrancar and all that, apart from Xu Ye Palace, there is only the Kingdom of Xu..."

He has participated in the experiments of Hollow and Arrancar more than once, and even discussed ideas for the construction of the Kingdom of Hollow.

He didn't know the deeper secrets, but most of the relevant information was pretty clear.

Just when he was confused, a red light suddenly appeared on the screen, followed closely by the sound of an alarm.

Yaozhou looked along, but when he saw the corresponding data clearly displayed on the screen, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Former captain of the 10th Division, Shiba Isshin..."


In this world, Karakura Town.

Shiba Hospital, in the ward.

Two figures wrapped in numerous bandages sat opposite each other on the hospital bed, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, as if the battle was not over yet.

The Arrancar did not cause much damage to them, and most of the injuries on their bodies were caused during the fierce battle between the two.

Shiba was busy shuttling between the two of them, and the emerald-green return light covered Renji Abarai's head, with a vague tendency to cover and engulf it entirely.

"Be patient, my Hui Dao attainments are far inferior to Su Feng's."

He sighed, "But fortunately your injury is not serious. You only need a few days of recovery."

After helping Renji Abarai take care of his injuries, Shiba turned to look at his son——

Shiba Ichigo.

The face is very similar to Shiba Haiyan, which highlights the excellent bloodline of their Shiba family. Only the conspicuous short silver hair stubbornly shows that the Ishida family's bloodline is not bad.

At this moment, the stubborn boy was trying to turn his head to the side.

He was not willing to accept Zhiba Yishin's concealment. It was better for him to be an ordinary father.

The God of Death is really not something people like.

Shiba Isshin held up the back of Ichigo's head with one hand, slowly approached under his puzzled gaze, and then——


The two heads hit each other hard.

"It hurts!"

Shiba Ichigo subconsciously reached out to cover his forehead, and then accidentally pulled the wound again, so his whole body began to hurt.

Under Ichigo's distorted expression, Shiba Isshin crossed his arms, looked down from top to bottom, and said seriously like a strict father:

"Things are what you see, don't doubt your eyes."

"I have sorted out the secrets I kept from you..."

Renji Abarai, who was on the hospital bed next to him, immediately pricked up his ears, looking full of curiosity.

However, there was another bang, and the figure wrapped in bandages was thrown directly out of the ward.

"Do you want to peep into the secret between father and son?"

"It's time for Haiyan to strictly discipline his subordinates!"

Isshin Shiba, dressed in a deadly attire, stood at the door and motioned Renji Abarai to move to the ward next door.

"Asshole, I'm a wounded person!"

Renji Abarai was so angry that he almost picked up the Shebimaru and started fucking the guy in front of him.


Before it could take effect, the door to the ward was slammed shut.

Renji Abarai tried to stick to the door and eavesdrop, but was shocked to find that a layer of spiritual pressure shield enveloped the entire ward.

"Damn it, what is this guy guarding against!?"

"Reiatsu completely disappeared from the world more than ten years ago. When it reappears now, not only has there not been much change, but there is also a powerful Quincy son."

Abarai Renji supported his limping body and walked towards the next ward in thought. As his thinking deepened, his expression became more and more serious:

"What is the purpose of this guy..."

In the ward.

The father and son looked at each other in silence until Shiba Isshin broke the silence.

"What part do you want to know?"

Ichigo rubbed his swollen and sore forehead and put on an indifferent expression:

"There's nothing I want to know."

"You have never mentioned these things, so there should be your reason. Anyway, that is your problem."

At this point, he sighed softly: "I don't know where to start."

"I can't get into your heart and ask you that without hurting you."

"I don't have such great questioning skills, so I will wait."

Ichigo's tone was surprisingly gentle, as if it was just a normal conversation between father and son.

"Wait until one day you want to say it, or feel that it doesn't matter if you say it."

"Before that, it's okay if you don't want to say it."

Shiba Isshin's expression was a bit complicated, his mouth opened but he hesitated to speak.

After a moment of silence, he looked deeply and whispered: "You and your mother are very similar in this aspect."

"By the way, does mom know this?" Ichigo suddenly reacted and raised his head to look directly at Shiba Isshin.

"Who taught you your Quincy skills?"


"Then guess, who taught your mother?"

Ichigo suddenly fell silent.

Co-author, it turned out that the only one who was kept in the dark was himself.


In Soul Society, the first team is in the team building.

Captain's office.

Yamamoto Genryusai sat upright in front of the conference table, handling today's affairs seriously.

It's the same as usual, most of them are trivial matters involving nobles, trivial conflicts between squads, and conflicts that may arise during combat readiness.

The rebels were all annihilated by the soldiers led by Su Feng, and Seireitei was less worried about foreign troubles.

Nowadays, except for the Invisible Empire and Hueco Mundo, there are not many things worth focusing on.

Although there are still countless hidden dangers inside, everything is considered stable under the power of the Ninth Division.

The members of Division 9 led by Su Feng strictly abide by the laws of the Soul Society.

All incidents involving illegal crimes, no matter whether you are noble or not, powerful or not, will be subject to a series of relevant investigations.

It's a good thing that you are not involved in it. Once you are involved, you will only be greeted by dozens of brave Death God soldiers with strong bodies.

It's better if you resist.

The members of Division 9 will be very excited about this.

If you are strong, survive the first wave of arrests, and injure or repel them.

Very good, then there will be a visit from a pervertedly powerful captain.

He will reason with you in a very gentle tone about who has the bigger fist.

After such a series of operations, let alone lower-level nobles, even members of the five major nobles would not dare to commit trouble easily during this period.

This also resulted in a significant reduction in the official duties that Yamamoto Genryusai had to deal with, giving him more time to bask in the sun and roast sweet potatoes.

Although he was a little uncomfortable with it, Yamamoto Genryusai was happy to see this scene happen.

If you ignore the threat of the invisible empire, life now is really satisfying.

"Lord Genryusai, urgent information from the Technology Development Bureau."

Just when he was thinking about the pleasant question of eating a few more roasted sweet potatoes after get off work, Takuchojiro suddenly appeared in an instant and put the documents in his hands on the table.

Yamamoto Genryusai frowned, and an ominous premonition suddenly came to his heart.

"The reiatsu of former 10th division captain Shiba Isshin was discovered in the living city of Karakura Town."

"Isshin Shiba!?"

Yamamoto Genryusai noticed the key words, and his thick white eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper, and they were tightly mixed together, as if they were connected into one body.

If he remembered correctly, Shiba Isshin's disappearance was listed as a first-level strict order at that time, and the search by the Second Division and the Twelfth Division lasted for three months.

The subsequent search for the members of the 10th Division lasted for several years, and it was not until Toshiro Hitsugaya took office that this activity stopped.

It can be said that Shiba Isshin's disappearance had a huge impact on the Gotei 13.

Although the relevant team funeral ceremonies have been carried out subsequently, many people still firmly believe that Shiba Isshin did not die.

Now, his spiritual pressure appears again in this world...

Yamamoto Genryusai looked at the files on the desk again, but one short line revealed a huge amount of information.

"Returning from hell?"

"Still, I haven't died from the beginning to the end..."

After thinking for a moment, Yamamoto Genryusai called out in a deep voice: "Changjiro, go summon Kyoraku Shunsui to come to the butler's office."

"I have a task for him."

"Yes." Chojiro bowed his head and responded, then turned and left the team building.

Not long after, Kyōraku Shunsui, wearing a pink haori and a cynical look, stepped in. When he entered the door, he smiled and said:

"Old man Shan, is there anything important?"

"Or have you figured it out and are ready to pass on the position of captain to me?"

Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes widened, and he almost burst out of anger. He raised his knife and chopped the unfilial apprentice in front of him.

"It belongs to Isshin Shiba, the former captain of the 10th Division."

"What's wrong with Yishin? Isn't that guy already..."

"His reiatsu appears in this world."

Yamamoto Genryusai interrupted Kyoraku Shunsui's words and said seriously.

Hearing this, the smile on Jingraku Shunsui's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented seriousness.

"Old man Shan, what do you mean..."

"Go to this world and investigate the truth yourself."

Jingraku Shunsui nodded, turned around and left the executive office without saying anything else.

In the corridor, he put his hands in his sleeves and looked at him with a deep and incomprehensible look.

As the successor to the captain, Kyōraku Shunsui has always been cynical and lazy.

But those who know him well know how terrifying this captain of the eighth division is.

He has insight into people's hearts, is thoughtful, and understands the ways of the world better than anyone else.

In just a few brief exchanges, he had already guessed Yamamoto Genryusai's worries.

Nowadays, the threat of the invisible empire is imminent, and hell is frequently in turmoil.

Amid internal and external troubles, the seemingly stable Soul Society is actually like a candle in the wind. A slightly larger disturbance may lead to the overthrow of the world.

"Shiba Isshin..."

Jingraku Shunsui looked at the sky outside the corridor, countless thoughts surging in his heart, and he murmured to himself, "Is it related to you?"



In this world, Karakura Town.

Urahara store.

Warm tea, pour tea, and sip gently.

The skilled movements were performed in one go, as if they had been rehearsed countless times.

Urahara Kisuke stared at the figure in front of him with complicated eyes, feeling that he could not see through him more and more.

Ever since that day when Tsuna Yayo Sufeng shattered his own Zanpakutō with both fists and materialized it, this feeling had become more and more intensified.

"That look of yours is very offensive, Mr. Urahara."

Su Feng took a sip of Yuyi Tea, savoring the sweetness and aftertaste, and caressed the black cat lying between his legs.

Skilled movements make the black cat purr comfortably.

"I just couldn't figure it out for a while."

Urahara Kisuke burst into laughter, "What is the reason why Mr. Sufeng did this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let the Arrancar appear in the world and lure Renji Abarai to the neighborhood where Shiba Hospital is located."

Urahara Kisuke refilled the teapot with new water and continued, "Then let him have a conflict with Ichigo, and finally let Mr. Isshin appear to save the situation."

"To be honest, I watched it carefully from beginning to end, but I just don't understand why you did this."

Hearing this, Su Feng put down the tea cup in his right hand and gently stroked the soft flesh of the black cat's neck with his left hand, a gentle smile appeared on his face:

"it's actually really easy."

"Fishing law enforcement..."

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