Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 258 A meeting in prison, expectations from Aizen

On the street, pupils reflected.

The person he was most familiar with fell to his knees, soaked in blood, and his eyes lost their former look.

The appearance of this scene deeply stimulated Ichigo who was standing there. His pupils shrank suddenly and his expression was stunned, as if the world had collapsed.


A heart-rending roar came from his mouth, endless black and red spiritual pressure seeped out from his pores, the wind howled, and the violent aura stirred up the streets.

The ferocious white fluid overflowed from his neck, clinging to his cheeks like a living creature until it covered his face shrouded in black and red.

The black eyes are filled with violent gold, with a little pure black embellishment.

The bone mask quickly wrapped around Ichigo's face, with several red stripes covering it, and his aura became more and more terrifying.

"Hey, Ichigo!"

Abarai Renji's pupils were shaking, and he immediately roared, trying to awaken his few sanity.

However, stimulated by the death of his loved ones, Ichigo had already put all irrelevant things behind him.

He only has one thought left now, and that is——

Kill the man in front of you!

The substantial black and red spiritual pressure hit the surrounding broken ground wantonly. Countless gravel and soil were thrown away, and the roaring sounds gradually overlapped.

Under the influence of spiritual pressure, the Annihilation Cross Pendant in Ichigo's hand changed again. Black and red mixed with blue, turning into the shape of a "swastika", with a pure black blade extending from its center.

Without any hesitation, his instinct drove him to attack Sufeng again.

Without a master, Ichigo jumped into the air and suddenly slashed downwards. The black and red spiritual pressure wrapped around the blade, and the air made a tearing and explosive sound.

The crazy gaze like a beast seems to have been taken over by instinct.

The black-red arc-shaped trajectory blooms under the moonlight, like another quarter moon, emitting a deep light under the night.

In comparison, Sufeng was as small as an ant under this quarter moon.

Boom! !

The ground cracked, countless cracks criss-crossed the area, and smoke filled the entire block. The impact turned into a wave, spreading outward at an extremely fast speed.

Renji Abarai, who was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, was caught off guard and was immediately thrown away and thrown heavily into the ruins a hundred meters away.

The dust stirred up, obscuring the view inside.

When everything cleared up, Abarai Renji saw the central scene clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and an indescribable sense of familiarity instantly surged into his heart.

The black and red spiritual pressure is entangled, and the violent aura is vented, like a wave, impacting all directions one after another, extremely crazy!

With just the burst of spiritual pressure, the air was instantly torn like cloth, and the strong wind blew in all directions.

However, such a terrifying blow did not accomplish anything.

The pitch-black blade was easily blocked by an index finger, and no matter how much it exploded, it couldn't make any further progress!

Sufeng stood on the same spot, the ground under his feet was the only intact area on the entire street, his expression was calm and calm, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

The index finger resting on the blade slowly bent and rested on the blade.

Then, under Renji Abarai's extremely shocked gaze, the spiritual pressure surged like the sky, and the blade as black as ink collapsed into countless fragments in an instant!

Puff, pfft——

The next moment, blood filled the sky, countless wounds tore on Ichigo's body, and a large amount of blood burst out, soaking his whole body in an instant.

It was as if the extremely gorgeous flower of evil was blooming under the moonlight.


Ichigo fell to his knees weakly, and the swastika-shaped hilt fell from his palm and fell into the swirling dust. His dark eyes were blank and blank, as if he had lost all consciousness.

Facing Ichigo who had lost the power to resist, Sufeng raised his right hand, and bright golden arcs of electricity flowed freely through his fingertips, making a sizzling sound.

Judging from his posture, he seemed ready to completely wipe out the opponent's life.

A look of disbelief appeared on Renji Abarai's face. Without any hesitation, he immediately waved the Zanpakutō covered with brown fur. The huge snake skeleton let out a deafening roar, and a red beam of light erupted from the bloody mouth. And out.

The baboon bone cannon arrived in an instant, and its red light reflected a strange color in the night.

Sufeng seemed to have expected this, and raised his right hand emitting a golden arc, blocking the baboon cannon in time.


The spiritual pressure collided, a storm swept across, and the impact spurted out, once again filling the streets with smoke and dust.

An incomprehensible scene appeared in Renji Abarai's sight again. Under his suddenly shrunken pupils, his scalp was numb and tingling, and trembling emotions spread in his heart.

The baboon bone cannon that exploded with all his strength was actually held directly in the palm of his hand! ?

The light in the bloody mouth of the big snake skeleton faded away, but the red compressed spiritual pressure still remained in Sufeng's right hand!

The light shone brightly, becoming the only source of light in the night.

"Renji, life in this world has corroded your will."

Sufeng looked at the compressed spiritual pressure in his palm, with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

As his five fingers came together, the red light disappeared, and all traces were wiped out.

Looking at the body surrounded by the snake skeleton in the distance, Su Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his gentle smile reappeared:

"However, you are brave enough to dare to take action against me."

"But people must learn to pay the price for their actions."

Renji Abarai's eyes flickered, and the horror flashed across his eyes, and the voice that was still far away suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Am I right?"

A familiar voice sounded, followed closely by the sound of flesh and blood tearing apart.


Blood flowers bloomed on his chest. The hot blood blurred Renji Abarai's vision, and severe pain swallowed his consciousness.

"Su, Master Sufeng..."

Renji Abarai leaned forward, then fell heavily to the ground, blood flowing underneath him and soaking into the soil.

Until this moment, the embarrassed Hitsugaya Toshiro crawled out of the ruins. The broken ice wings trembled, countless ice shards scattered, blood stains adhered to his face, and the Death Armor was full of torn gaps.

Being hit head-on by the baboon bone cannon and still maintaining his swastika form was considered a sign of mercy from Renji Abarai.

At this moment, he was looking at the scene in front of him in shock.

"You, you cut off his knot and body sleep!?"

"Well, for the sake of a living human being, I attacked the captain without permission."

Sufeng said calmly, "For such crimes, even if they are brought back to Soul Society, they will still be punished as traitors."

"Open the gate through the world."

Hitsugaya Toshiro stared blankly at everything that happened in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on Sufeng.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that the figure in front of him seemed strange.

After a moment's hesitation, he lightly touched the void in front of him with Hyōrinmaru, and the ghost's light bloomed on the tip of the knife.

A vortex appeared in front of it, and soon turned into a simple and elegant gate through the world, with hell butterflies flying on both sides.

Golden chains flew out from Sufeng's fingertips and were firmly sealed on Shiba Isshin's body. Long drag marks appeared on the ruins until they were submerged in the door.

Hitsugaya Toshiro looked at the figure lying in a pool of blood, his eyes expression extremely complicated.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

At some point, fine raindrops fell from the cloud-shrouded sky, soaking the charred ruins of the neighborhood.

The rustling hits and collisions became the only sound in this world.

Two corpse-like figures fell inside, blood and rain mixed together, flowing and spreading into the distance.


The rain was blocked by an oil-paper umbrella.


Penitence Palace, the sixth deepest prison.

After treatment, Isshin Shiba was imprisoned in the deepest prison.

Outside the prison, Su Feng looked at the figure who had woken up from a coma with a smile, waiting for him to break the silence.

"Damn it, you guys are a bit too harsh, aren't you?"

Shiba Isshin just moved his body a little, and immediately bared his teeth, his expression distorted and inhuman.

"Is it heavy? Not heavy."

Su Feng calmly replied, "This way it looks real!"

"And, from beginning to end, I only used one black coffin shot."

"Isn't this a conventional method?"

Zhibo remained silent, speechless for a moment.

Who uses No. 90 to break the path as a regular method when fighting a Shinigami?


The power of your black coffin is already more terrifying than the full chants of other captains, right? !

"How is Ichigo?"

Shiba asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Half-dead, the knots and souls have been cut off, and the spiritual power has been completely lost. It depends on luck whether he can survive."

Sufeng added, "Abarai Renji had a similar result. This kid rebelled against Tiangang and actually dared to draw a sword at me, so I gave him a small lesson."

Zhibo Yishin fell into silence again, looking at Sufeng's figure outside the prison with complicated eyes.

Did you misunderstand the lesson?

With the Knot and Soul Sleep being severed, Ichigo may be fine, but Renji Abarai might have his spirit body collapsed and his soul returned to hell!

"Don't worry." Sufeng seemed to see what Zhibo was thinking, and explained: "It's really just a small and insignificant lesson."

"Without my permission, it would be so easy to die..."

Zhibo was looking at the familiar face in front of him, and suddenly he looked a little dazed.

We haven't seen each other for several years, so why do we feel so strange?

He couldn't help but recall the battle in the real world not long ago, and an overwhelming scene appeared before his eyes again.

A faint fear grew and lingered in his heart, like countless climbing vines, tightly restraining his heart.

For a moment, breathing suddenly became difficult.


Sufeng was walking alone on the corridor connecting Shenzhen Prison, and his steady footsteps were particularly obvious in the empty environment.

This trip to the present world not only promoted a certain conspirator's plan, but also brought unexpected gains.

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently the spiritual power of the transcendent! 】

[The understanding of the ghost path has been improved, and I have mastered No. 99 Binding Dao·Jin, currently at the tenth level! 】

[Kendo comprehension has been improved, mastered Kendo·Sixth Link·Kaitian Sword Dance, currently at the thirteenth level! 】

[Baida’s understanding has been improved, he has mastered the Bai Da technique·Poyue, and is currently at the thirteenth level! 】

Since breaking through the boundaries of Death, the originally blocked road has been opened up again.

Not only can spiritual pressure be improved, but other areas also seem to have made great progress.

Although Shiba Isshin's behavior was influenced by external factors, he did violate Soul Society's laws and regulations, which caused a considerable impact.

Passing Death to humans, regardless of the identity of the other party, will cause great damage to the balance.

This also resulted in his sacrifice contributing extremely rich rewards to Sufeng.

The spiritual pressure is increased and one step further on the path to transcendence.

The mastery of No. 99 Binding Dao has made Sufeng's combat methods more comprehensive, and his movements will be smoother and smoother.

As for Liulian Kaiten Sword Dance, it is a double-sword style technique.

The power is average, but it enriches his knowledge in the field of swordsmanship and opens up a new track.

The same goes for Bai Da Ji and Po Yue.

This development can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

While he was deep in thought, the same steady footsteps suddenly came from the end of the corridor.

Sufeng followed the sound and saw a white figure coming into view.

She has slightly curly short brown hair, brown eyes under black-rimmed glasses with a gaze as gentle as the sun, a slightly raised corner of her mouth, and a very gentle smile.

Captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sosuke.

The two met face to face in the corridor, their eyes met, and the atmosphere of silence spread.

"Captain Sufeng."

Aizen was the first to break the silence and said with a smile, "It must have taken a lot of effort to arrest the criminals in this world, right?"

Sufeng responded with the same gentle smile, nodded and admitted: "Yes, Shiba was determined to resist, and even Abarai Renji betrayed Soul Society and sided with the enemy."

"Compared to the energy expended, I'm actually more sad that they would make such a choice."

"Is this so?" Aizen sighed, the worry in his brows almost solidifying, "This is indeed a sad thing."

"However, for those who rebelled," Sufeng's smile remained unchanged, "I also gave them corresponding punishment."

"As the captain of the Ninth Division, any act that neglects justice will never be easily tolerated..."

The two people's eyes collided in the air again. There was no release of spiritual pressure, and even the momentum was as gentle as usual, just like the eyes between friends.

"Let's talk about it next time." Aizen showed worry on his expression, "I'll go visit Shiba Isshin and give him some good advice."

"If we can make him change his mind, it may ease the sentence imposed on him by Room 46."

Sufeng said calmly: "Captain Aizen, thank you for your trouble."

After nodding, the two passed each other in the corridor. After the steady sound of footsteps, the empty and deep prison returned to a deathly silence.

In the darkness, Aizen's eyes were deep, and an unobservable whisper sounded:

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, you are also looking forward to this feast..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly votes.

Sorry, it's a little slow, the update is late, there is another chapter tonight

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