Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 259 The gear that drives destiny

In this world, Karakura Town.

Urahara store.

Ichigo closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was experiencing a nightmare.

In the dream, a powerful and unstoppable monster ravaged him in various ways, decapitating him, amputating his limbs, and blocking his waist. Countless tragic gestures were presented in it.

His body seemed to be broken into a hundred and eighty pieces, the extreme cold covered him, and his strength and spiritual power were flowing away crazily.

It wasn't until his body was covered with warmth that his frown relaxed.

As his eyes slowly opened, what Ichigo saw was a rough face with a mustache and reflective glasses.


Heart-rending screams echoed in the room, even more tragic than when he was seriously injured in the battle before.

"The response is very fast, not bad!"

The mustache quivered, and a strong masculine aura hit his face.

There are men on top of men, all covered with big men.

Ichigo's expression was distorted to the extreme, and his facial features were staggered, perfectly explaining what fear was.

"It's...too close!"

The middle-aged man turned around and shouted toward the back room: "Store manager, Mr. Ichigo is awake!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Ichigo endured the severe pain in his body and pushed the guy leaning on him away.

"Hey, Mr. Ichigo."

In the back room, a figure stepped forward, "You can't do this, your wound hasn't fully healed yet!"

Ichigo followed the sound and saw a figure approaching his bed.

Under the green and white fisherman's hat, he has short, light yellow hair that is slightly upturned. His military green eyes are full of teasing, and there is a little stubble on his chin. His upper body is in a dark green short coat, and his lower body is in light green clothes. The main theme is a burst of life and forgiveness of others.

"If you move again, someone will really die."

Urahara Kisuke shook his flower arrangement folding fan with a playful smile on his lips.

"You're... dad's friend, clog hat!"

Ichigo suddenly remembered something and stood up suddenly, but because of the severe pain in his body, he staggered and fell down again.

"How is my dad doing!?"

Urahara Kisuke's eyes were incomprehensible, staring at the eyes of the young man in front of him, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes.

But after a brief gaze, I only found anxiety and uneasiness.

"Don't worry, I won't die just yet."

Urahara Kisuke sat cross-legged across from Ichigo and said with a serious expression, "Because his behavior of passing the power of the Death God to your mother violated the laws of Soul Society."

"The two people you fought with before were the captain of the 10th division, Toshiro Hitsugaya, and the captain of the 9th division—"

"Tsunaya Sufeng."

When the name was mentioned, Urahara Kisuke paused deliberately. He noticed that the body of the boy in front of him trembled instinctively.

It was like smelling the scent of a natural enemy.

"What a bad taste, Mr. Sufeng."

Kisuke Urahara thought to himself, and then continued to speak, "They came under the order of Soul Society's highest judicial authority, the Mao 46th Chamber, to take away Isshin Shiha who violated the law and accept the corresponding verdict."

Hearing this, Ichigo suddenly became nervous: "What kind of ruling is it? Dad won't be killed by people from the Soul Society, right?"

"Logically speaking, no." Urahara Kisuke looked into Ichigo's eyes with heavy eyes, "But everything is possible."

"I don't dare to judge Mr. Yixin's fate."

Ichigo fell silent immediately, and the room seemed to fall into silence. But at this moment, he suddenly remembered that there was another person, and then he suddenly raised his head and asked quickly:

"Where is Renji? How is Renji?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the side door next to him was kicked open, and a figure leaned against the door frame, his eyes dull, looking like a dead fish.

"Still alive..."

"I just feel that life suddenly has no meaning."

The voice of despair resounded in the room, and Abarai Renji was like a salted fish who had lost his dream, without any fighting spirit of the past.

"What are you..." Ichigo was surprised and confused.

"Stupid fool." Abarai Renji glanced at him, "Haven't you noticed yet?"

"Our spiritual power has disappeared, which means that I am no longer the God of Death and you are no longer a Quincy..."

Ichigo looked blankly at his bandaged hands. He could no longer feel any of the majestic spiritual pressure in the past.

No wonder……

His body was weaker than ever, as if it had been completely hollowed out.

"Lord Sufeng cut off our knots and soul sleep."

Renji Abarai murmured, "Although he survived by luck, he also lost all his strength."

"I have disappointed you after all, Master Sufeng..."

Ichigo looked at Renji Abarai, who was mumbling, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what was going on with this guy.

Even though he had been hurt so much, he still kept mumbling that name and saying words like "let down" and "betrayal" that were incomprehensible.

"Mr. Clogs Hat, is there any way you can help Renji and I recover?"

Ichigo didn't have any hopes at first, so he just asked tentatively.

However, Urahara Kisuke's answer made him overjoyed.

"there is!"

As soon as the words fell, even Renji next to him turned over, and his whole body instantly became energetic, as if he had come to life again.

"Mr. Urahara, are you telling the truth!?"

Abarai Renji slid over and knelt down, holding Urahara Kisuke's palm with both hands, his expression excited.

"It's not a big problem, but I'm curious about something."

Urahara Kisuke took his hand out of his palm without leaving any trace, with a sinister smile on his face:

"Did you regain your strength to help Mr. Ichigo, or did you have other plans?"

Abarai Renji lowered his head in silence for a moment, then raised his head and answered: "Helping this guy is just one thing. I want to return to Soul Society and find..."

"The former Master Sufeng!"

Ichigo crossed his arms and frowned, still unable to understand Renji Abarai's thoughts.

Urahara Kisuke was surprised, and then shook the folding fan in his hand: "What a surprising answer."

"I see!"

He stood up and looked down at the two of them: "After the injury heals, let's start the recovery treatment."

"This is medicine for the physical and spiritual body."

Ichigo and Renji Abarai looked at each other, took the pills from Urahara Kisuke's palm and swallowed them without hesitation.

Now, they have no choice but to believe in Urahara Kisuke.

underground space.

On the desolate plain, four figures stood in place.

"It is not an easy task to restore the severed knots and soul sleep."

Urahara Kisuke raised his cane and struck Ichigo on the forehead with his backhand. Immediately, a figure with a black chain on his chest was knocked away.

"First of all, what you have to do is to let the soul and body move freely."

"Sorry to trouble you, Tessai."

"Leave it to me, manager."

A middle-aged man as tall as an iron tower suddenly appeared behind Ichigo, and his big hand like a leaf fan went straight towards his head.

"Mr. Ichigo, use all your will to escape."

"Otherwise, you might..."



Ichigo lowered his head instinctively, holding his big hands in the air, and suddenly there was a deafening sonic boom.

"Oh, that's a neat dodge!"

Kisuke Urahara cheered, "Come on Mr. Ichigo!"

"Mr. Urahara, don't I have to train like that guy?"

Renji Abarai's expression was low, "The God of Death has no such thing as a chain of cause and effect."

Urahara Kisuke turned around, folded the folding fan in his hand, and had a mysterious smile on his face:

"No, you don't have to."

"I have developed a new recovery regimen for you."

"That is, using the power of the heart..."


Soul Society, Rukongai.

West Third District, Lifu Mountain.

In the simple mansion where the [Shiba Family] hangs, a gloomy cloud of sadness hangs over everyone's face, and the atmosphere is once filled with sadness.

"Hey, brother, are we just sitting here?!"

The tall and burly man wearing a green turban suddenly stood up, with unconcealable anger in his eyes.

"Uncle Yixin has been imprisoned in the Confession Palace, which is where felons stay!"

No one answered his question.

"Hmph, you are cold-blooded and ruthless."

Shiba Iwajiu said angrily, "Then I will save him alone. I can't just watch Uncle Isshin being executed!"

As he said that, he stood up suddenly and strode towards the outside of the mansion.


There were scoldings coming from behind, but Shiba Ganjiu's pace quickened a bit.

The moment he was about to step out of the door, a golden chain flew out of the courtyard, instantly tied him up and dragged him back, leaving a white mark on the ground.

Shiba Ganjiu looked forward angrily, but what he saw was a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"this matter……"

Shiba Haiyan's voice was a little hoarse, "We need to consider the long term."


Seireitei, the first team building.

Yamamoto Genryusai, who was handling official duties, suddenly received a secret command talisman from the 46th room of Mao.

After checking the contents, surprise flashed in his eyes.

After a moment of thinking, Yamamoto Genryusai called out Takuchojiro.

"Convey the contents on the code talisman to each squadron without any mistakes."

"Yes, Lord Genryusai."

Dozens of hell butterflies fluttered in the first team's building, emitting a faint light of spiritual pressure and conveying the message accurately.

The Eighth Division team building, on the roof of the executive office.

Jingraku Shunsui stretched out his fingers, let the black hell butterfly fall on his fingertips, and read the message contained in it.

The Hell Butterfly contains a small No. 77 Binding Dao Tian Ting Kong Luo, which can receive and transmit information from the Technology Development Bureau or the first team, allowing the holder to control the latest information in the Serenity Court at all times.

Its role is far beyond that of a messenger.

"Judgment from Mao Room 46, first-degree felony."

"Isshin Shiba was executed at the Mao execution ground twenty-five days later."

Under the bamboo hat, Jing Le Shunshui opened his eyes, and a look of confusion flashed across them.

"Are these old guys crazy?"

"Isshin Shiba is the head of the branch of the Shiba family!"


The team building of the 10th Division, exclusive tea room.

Sufeng sat cross-legged in front of the tea table, waiting for the spring water to boil in the teapot.

In front of him, a figure was prostrate, grabbing the ground with its head, very respectfully.

"Su Feng Da, Captain."

Hitsugaya Toshiro raised his head and was about to call his lord, but he noticed that Sufeng's eyes were not friendly and he immediately changed his title.

"Please save Shiba Isshin-senpai!"

"The only one in Soul Society who can save him now is you!"

Sufeng guessed the purpose of the other party's trip, and there was no trace of surprise on his face as he calmly replied:

"For this ruling, Room 46 is just a microphone."

"The one who actually issued the order was the Golden Seal Nobles' Council directly under the five nobles."

"To put it simply, this is the will of the five nobles, and it is not simply a violation of Soul Society's laws."

Hitsugaya Toshiro stood there in shock and murmured: "How could..."

"I can't control this matter."

Sufeng issued an order to expel the guests, "But you can ask the old man, maybe he will have some ideas."

Hitsugaya Toshiro left in despair.


Ten days later, he appeared in Karakura Town.

Urahara store, underground space.

The special training was in full swing, and the two figures were fighting on the desolate plains. The strong destructive power destroyed the ground, causing ruins one after another.

At this time, Ichigo has undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

He wears an open black death suit with a white inner lining. He wears black collars with blue edges and cross-shaped blue stripes on his neck, chest, wrists, and feet. Narrow long-sleeved coat with ripped open placket.

The black spirit long bow is covered with blue lines, showing the ferocious water chestnuts, and exudes powerful spiritual pressure.

And Renji Abarai, who fought against him, also changed greatly.

The big snake skeleton disappeared, replaced by a new form of swastika.

His neck and shoulders are wrapped in light armor. The sleeves of the Death Tyrant suit are long on the left and short on the right. Both arms are wearing long black sleeves. The armor is connected to the furs on the left and right, and a thick rope belt is wrapped around his waist. .

The head of a ferocious snake-headed skeleton covered Renji's right arm, and his right hand held a ferocious jagged sword, and his spiritual pressure surged.

With the help of Urahara Kisuke, he regained the power of death and mastered the true meaning of swastika——

Double King Shebiwan!

The two of them intertwined on the desolate plain, demonstrating their power to the fullest, until Urahara Kisuke called them to stop.

"Boy, that's it for now."

The battle came to an abrupt end. The long bow and the long serrated knife clashed, sparks bursting out.

Next to Urahara Kisuke, there was also a girl with long orange-red hair and a "strong man" like an iron tower.

Ichigo and Renji performed Shunpo, disappeared, and came to the three of them.

Urahara Kisuke led them to an empty place, where a square frame that seemed to be made of countless fragments stood there:

"This is a special gate that leads directly to Soul Society. It can convert the artifact into a spirit son to facilitate your actions in Soul Society."

"Be sure to keep the precautions in mind, or you will be locked in the world forever!"

As the spiritual pressure poured in, a bright white light bloomed on the square frame, and Urahara Kisuke's voice sounded at the right time:

"Everyone, get ready to hit the road!"

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