Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 260 The result is important, but the process is equally important

Rukong Street, West Third District, Lifu Mountain.

Above the clear blue sky, dark gaps were scattered among the swaying clouds, like the bloody mouth of a beast.

A large amount of air flow visible to the naked eye spurted out from it.

The Rukong civilians looked at the sky in shock. The powerful pressure coming from the gap made them shudder. There was a vague illusion that their spiritual bodies were collapsing.

Aware of the threat emanating from it, civilians fled to their homes and shops one after another at a speed even comparable to the blink of an eye of death.

In the face of danger, people can always unleash their unexpected potential.

For a time, the streets were filled with smoke and dust, as if thousands of troops were coming.

In an instant, the streets that were originally noisy and lively suddenly became empty and completely quiet.


A huge roar resounded over the neighborhood, vast smoke replaced the clouds, and bright light burst out from the dark gaps.

Several meteors streaked across the sky and crashed onto the street at extremely fast speeds.

For a time, dust and smoke filled the air.

The civilians in Rukongai looked hard into the dust and smoke, trying to satisfy their strong curiosity.

Because the West Third District is located near the front of the block, the security here has always been excellent, and similar things rarely happen.

It's normal to be a little curious about something out of the ordinary.

"Good luck."

Amidst the smoke and dust, Abarai Renji stood up, patted the dust on his body, looked around, and observed the surrounding environment:

"There are no Death God patrols in this area. We escaped the first wave of detection."

Ichigo looked around and saw old low-rise houses and shop buildings similar to those in ancient times. The streets were empty and there seemed to be no people.

However, the building is filled with active spiritual beings, exuding an aura of spiritual power.

"This is Rukongai, located outside the Seireitei where the Shinigami lives."

"Those souls who were guided to Soul Society originally lived here."

Renji Abarai introduced, "At the same time, this is the poorest, freest, and most soul-filled area in Soul Society."

There was a flash of memory in his eyes.

Thinking back to the beginning, he was wandering around in Rukongai until he met Master Sufeng...

"Let's get out of here first."

As half a local, Renji Abarai is very familiar with his surroundings. "The noise we create will soon attract the surveillance of the Technology Development Bureau. Once discovered by the God of Death, it will not be so easy to take action."

Ichigo and others obeyed without any objection.

At the moment, these three people are just teenagers who have just entered high school. Even if they are relatively mature mentally due to their many experiences, they cannot become familiar with an unfamiliar environment in such a short period of time.

"Where are we going next?" Ichigo asked.

Renji Abarai looked sideways and looked at the confused Ichigo seriously, and after a moment he answered:

"your home."

Ichigo: "???"

"I'll explain it to you as we walk." Abarai Renji determined the direction and walked straight out of the street, "Stop wasting time, hurry up."

Driven by strong curiosity, the group of people followed him closely.

"Soul Society's hierarchy is extremely strict."

"In addition to the gods of death and civilians, there are also nobles."

Renji Abarai walked in front and said in a deep voice without looking back, "And nobles also have superiors and subordinates."

"Among them, the five nobles stand at the top of aristocratic power."

"The Shiba family is one of them."

Behind him, Ichigo's eyes suddenly widened, and his companions Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Chadat also looked at the boy beside them with astonished eyes.

"Perhaps due to disagreements with other nobles, the Shiba family did not choose to live in the Sixth District of Seireitei, but arranged their residence in the West Third District of Rukongai."

"That's the neighborhood we're in now, Lifu Mountain!"

The crowd moved very fast, with dust floating behind them, and soon they arrived at the outskirts.

What caught the eye was a simple and elegant mansion.

The two big characters "龙飞飞风五" are engraved on the plaque, highlighting the free and easy boldness of the owner——


"Well, it's really ugly." Ichigo glanced at it and said bluntly, "The person who wrote these two words must not have a high level of education."

As a top student at Karakura Town No. 1 Senior High School, his literary quality is still extremely high.

"If you speak loudly, be careful not to reach your waist, kid!"

A rough voice suddenly came from behind, "Look at the death uniform you are wearing. Which division dares to point fingers at the Shiba family? Be careful, I will send you to the Mao Prison!"

Everyone turned around subconsciously and saw a tall, muscular man with a green turban on his head, his left eyebrow half-shaved, and wearing a black death-defying uniform standing behind them at some point.

"Hey, why don't you say anything!"

The burly man said fiercely, "I'm asking you something!"

His forehead was firmly pressed against Ichigo's head, and Biaoyong's breath hit his face, extremely fierce.

But the next second.

The huge fist struck from the side and went straight to the rough cheek.


Ichigo's right hook was accurately blocked by him.

"You kid, you want to sneak up on me, but you're still young..."


Another punch came from the left, instantly landing on the face. The majestic force came, causing his whole body to fly out, and a deep pit was created.

Renji Abarai on the side sighed: "Iwaji, you really haven't changed at all."

Shiba Iwajiu turned over like a wild boar and suddenly stood up from the ground. He finally spotted the red-haired figure standing beside him:

"Lord Abarai, weren't you..."

As a member of the Thirteenth Division, he usually had the utmost respect for his brother's deputy, Third Chief Renji Abarai.

Some time ago, the bad news about his appearance in this world came, and Shiba Ganjiu was sad about it for a long time.

Mentioning his previous experience, Renji Abarai's expression suddenly darkened:

"Let's go to your house and discuss it in detail."

After saying that, Abarai Renji walked straight towards Shiba's house, as if he was going back to his own home.

Because he was often invited as a guest by Shiba Haiyan, he had no intention of treating himself as an outsider.

Ichigo and the others followed closely behind.

"Hey, Master Abarai, who are these guys?" Shiba Ganjiu suddenly asked.

Abarai Renji said without looking back:

"The one who beat you is named Zhibo..."

Zhiba Ganjiu suddenly froze in place, as if he had thought of something. His rough face suddenly turned red, his eyes widened, and his thick lips trembled:

"Zhi, Zhibo..."

In the mansion, the gentle and virtuous Zhibo personally received everyone and prepared Zhibo's favorite Gyokuro tea for them.

A sweet smell spread in the air, fermented, and filled their nostrils.

However, Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sadatari had no thoughts of drinking tea. At this moment, they were staring at the three figures entangled on the tatami not far away.

Ichigo was pressed down to the bottom, with two strong men pressing on his body, and his limbs were directly separated as much as possible.

One of them took his right hand, spread his five fingers, and rubbed it carefully.

The other person took off his sandals and white socks, spread his toes, and observed carefully.

There was another person squatting in front, pulling the corners of Ichigo's mouth hard to expose his neat white teeth, and swinging them back and forth.

"Ren, Renji, save, save me!"

Ichigo made a vague cry for help. Seeing that Renji Abarai was unmoved, he rolled his eyes and then looked at Orihime Inoue and Taitora Sadatori next to him.

However, the two of them only made a slight movement and were glared back by the sexy lady squatting in front.

"Wow, brother, you are really a descendant of the Shiba family!"

Shiba Iwajiu's face turned red with excitement, "This guy's toes are exactly the same as mine!"

"Absolutely, the fingers also inherited the good genes of the Shiba family!"

Zhiba Haiyan grinned, admiring the "jade hand" in her palm, and said with satisfaction.

"The same goes for teeth."

Shiba Kukaku released the corner of his widened mouth, patted Ichigo's cheek casually, and praised, "Uncle Isshin is really getting stronger with age!"

"I actually walked ahead of my eldest brother!"

"As expected, to revitalize the Zhiba family, we still have to rely on my uncle and him."

After a while of mischief, the three brothers and sisters released their restraints. Everyone sat around the tea table, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Zhibo looked at the silent crowd, with a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.

Being considerate, she naturally guessed what Ichigo and others were thinking when they arrived at the mansion.

Although the heavy atmosphere was temporarily diluted by Shiba Ichigo's identity, he still had to face it after all.

Zhibo Haiyan calmed down and said in a deep voice:

"The execution will begin in fifteen days."

"Before this, we need to discuss a comprehensive plan!"


Seireitei, the ninth division team building.

The captain’s exclusive dojo.

A figure was sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor, with a transparent blade emitting gleaming light lying across his knees, and a faint pressure lingering around him.

If someone is around him at this time, he can even see distorted lines visible to the naked eye.

However, at this moment, a black shadow rushed in from the window, ignoring the pressure surrounding it, and landed directly on his shoulder.

"You really work hard, you brat from the Tsunayashiro family!"

The black cat crouched steadily on Sufeng's shoulder and snorted coldly, "Ichigo and the others have arrived at Shiba's house."

"Any other plans next?"

Sufeng slowly opened his eyes, and the red wind breath and golden thunder flashed in his pupils, replaced by a gentle expression.

"The stage is complete and the actors are in place"

"Then let them play freely."

Hearing this, Black Cat showed substantial concern on his face and hesitated:

"Aizen, will he really take the bait?"

Sufeng glanced at the black cat on his shoulder, pinched the soft flesh of its nape with his backhand, put it in his arms, and used his fingers to use his skilled cat-licking technique.

The sound of comfortable snoring suddenly sounded in my arms.

"Took the bait?" Sufeng asked, "What do you think Aizen is?"

"Hungry little fish at the bottom of the lake?"

The black cat looked up blankly, frowning: "Isn't it?"

"Of course not." Sufeng gently scratched Black Cat's chin, alternating his fingers, "From the beginning to the end, Aizen is a chess player outside the chess game, not a chess piece on the chess board."

"The Bengyu sealed in Renji Abarai's soul, he had countless means to take it away in advance, but still chose to continue waiting."

"I don't know the specific reason, but one thing is for sure -"

"He's looking forward to our performance."

There was a puzzled look in the black cat's golden pupils.

Sufeng paused for a moment before continuing: "It's like two chess masters playing chess. The result is important, but what they value more is the process of the game."

"The game between chess players and showing off each other's tricks is what they look forward to."

Black Cat thoughtfully said: "You seem to know his appearance very well."

Sufeng lowered his head, his eyes met his golden pupils, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:



"I'm just looking at it from my perspective."

He raised his head and looked out the window in the direction of the Fifth Division team building: "Because..."

"I'm also looking forward to what surprises Aizen will bring me..."


West Rukong Street, near the White Road Gate.

A group of figures wearing black Death Tyrant uniforms, led by Shiba Haiyan, kept approaching the tall city wall.

"Originally, this is the Pure Spirit Wall, which can release the soul-shielding membrane to prevent intruders from entering the Seireitei."

"But later due to an unexpected incident, Jing Ling Bi was replaced by a new building material."

"The Murderous Aura Stone is a mixture of black technology from the Technology Development Bureau and special ghost ways. It is impossible to enter it without holding a command spell."

Shiba Haiyan explained in a low voice, "Even the captain cannot easily break the protective barrier released by the No. 2 Pure Spirit Bi."

"The only way is for me to lead you into it!"

"Be careful with your words and actions, and do everything by looking at my eyes."

The one who was guarding the White Road Gate, Iris Bansi Danbo, noticed the incoming person and immediately cheered up. When they approached, he saw clearly the appearance of the leader.

"It turns out to be Master Haiyan, are you going back to Seireitei?"

Shiba Haiyan smiled and nodded, "Yes, I just came back from a mission and need to report to Captain Ukitake."

"Okay, I'll open the door for you right now." Iris Banshinbo turned around and stretched out his huge palm, pressing it on a smooth metal plate on the wall behind him.

Dark blue light glowed on the wall, and an emotionless voice sounded at the same time:

"Identity confirmed, the Bai Dao Gate is about to open."

Accompanied by a buzzing sound of gears turning, the huge city gate slowly submerged into both sides of the city wall.

Zhiba Haiyan did not hesitate and immediately entered it with everyone in disguise.

However, where he didn't notice, on the city gate that was submerged in the city wall, several eye-like objects were moving regularly on it.

The first few people passed through smoothly, until Ichigo stepped into the city gate, the piercing alarm sound suddenly sounded throughout the White Road Gate:

"The Quincy invasion has been detected, and the first level of strict order has been activated!!"

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