Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 261: Disobey in public, I will guard the Palace of Confession

After flipping through the latest information presented, Sufeng leaned back on the headband, the soft touch wrapped around the back of his head, and his nose was filled with a faint fragrance.

"Captain, you seem to be very busy recently." Matsumoto Rangiku said puzzledly, "You have never looked at these things before."

"I'm the captain, what are you looking at if you don't see these?" Su Feng retorted.

"Contributions to the "Seireitei Correspondence Collection", photo albums released by the Female Shinigami Association, group photos at swimsuit parties, bad books and periodicals brought back from the living world..."

There seemed to be a bit of resentment in Matsumoto Rangiku's voice.

"Nanao secretly told me that she had seen similar bad books and periodicals on Lisa Yatomaru's personal bookshelf..."

"Ahem!" Sufeng coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment, "As the main person in charge of the "Seireitei Correspondence Collection", it is natural for him to know more about various fields."

"You'd better not..."

Before he finished speaking, Naruki suddenly moved in the execution room.

This is an emergency communication method developed by the Technology Development Bureau based on the communication technology of the Messenger God Machine. It can notify the entire Gotei Thirteen Team at the same time.

The moment the strange movement sounded, Ajin's voice also came from it:

"Emergency alert, emergency alert!"

"There is an intruder at Baidaomen, please ask the nearest captain to come for support!"

"Repeat it again..."

Sufeng raised his head and looked at Matsumoto Rangiku in the deep valley, feeling the surprise in his beautiful eyes.

"An emergency has arisen. Baidaomen is quite close to our place. Captain, please go out."

Matsumoto Rangiku made a quick decision: "I'll go with you."


The two figures immediately disappeared into the execution room.

For a moment, the Gotei 13 team broke out in agitation, and the entire Seireitei was boiling!


The piercing alarm sounded through the White Gate, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ichigo.

Ji Danfang immediately opened his eyes as big as a human head, his pupils were full of astonishment, and his thick arms pointed directly at Ichigo in the corridor of the city wall:

"Destroy, Quincy!"

Without hesitation, the giant ax like a hill was raised high, and then suddenly fell.

The ground trembled, and a large amount of dust and smoke dispersed, followed by a strong impact, sweeping in all directions.

The smoke cleared.

Si Danfang stared down with disbelief.

The blow that filled him with all his strength and belief was actually easily resisted by this kid.

"As a heroic guard, we will never allow any intruders to enter the Seireitei!"

Sidanfang roared like thunder, "Suffer death, intruder!"

"Long live the Sidan Festival!"

All the strength of his body was concentrated on his arms, and his knotted muscles swelled instantly. A heat wave of power suddenly erupted, and the armor attached to his arms was even knocked away.

After strengthening, Si Danfang dual-wields patterned giant axes and bursts out with violent slashing attacks.

However, before his giant ax could touch Ichigo's figure below, he was suddenly penetrated by two beams of azure spirit seeds.

Suddenly, the patterned giant ax shattered, and countless pieces of iron fell from the sky.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

Ichigo put away the blade-like Reiko long bow, activated his flying scythe and disappeared at the end of the corridor, heading straight for the exit.

However, when he met Shiba Haiyan and the others, he found that everyone was blocked at the door, with nervous and solemn expressions.

Not far from them, a figure stood and smiled, and the light of materialized spiritual pressure lingered around, rippling like ripples.

The pure white captain Yu Zhi was floating in the wind. Under her short light purple hair, her thin eyes were slightly narrowed.

"Captain Ichimaru..."

Under Zhiba Haiyan's solemn expression, his right hand was already placed on the handle of the knife at his waist.

"What a blessing!"

A fake fox-like smile appeared on Ichimaru Gin's face, "I happened to be on a mission near here, and I happened to hear the emergency alarm coming from Naruki. I happened to meet you all when I came here."

"It looks like I'm going to get this credit."

"The current head of the Shiba family colludes with the Quincy. This is really a major event that can shock the entire Soul Society!"

The moment the words fell.

Extremely suddenly, a silver-white light burst out in his palm, tearing up the atmosphere in an instant, and the air was suddenly filled with high temperatures caused by high-speed friction.


It was not until the moment when the sharp blade was about to touch Zhibo Haiyan that the sound of the blade came belatedly.

Zhiba Haiyan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't even have time to draw his sword to defend himself. He could only watch helplessly as the dazzling white light was about to penetrate his body.


Brilliant sparks exploded in front, followed by the sound of gold and iron interlacing, and the aftermath of the impact suddenly erupted, directly knocking Zhibo Haiyan away.

Concentrated spirit flames burned from the streets, and the hot temperature instantly evaporated the moisture in the nearby air.

"That's right. There were a few times. No wonder they dared to invade the Seireitei."

Ichimaru Gin withdrew his Zanpakuto Divine Spear and wiped away the Reiko flames burning on it, while the fake smile on his face remained unchanged.

The blue-striped black bow pointed straight ahead, and the surging spiritual pressure showed no sign of restraint.

Ever since he was defeated by Sufeng without the ability to fight back, Ichigo has not dared to underestimate any captain of the Gotei 13, even if the opponent looked harmless.

"I will show no mercy to anyone who stands in my way!"

Ichigo's eyes were firm, and the blue spiritual pressure was like running water, entwining around the blue-striped black bow.

As soon as he finished speaking, he bent his bow like a full moon, and a large number of souls gathered on the bowstring, instantly turning into several sacred arrows of destruction.

The powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations caused the void around the blue-striped black bow to show twisted lines, spreading like ripples.

Ichimaru Gin's expression changed slightly, and the short sword in his hand immediately burst out with powerful spiritual pressure.

Immediately, dazzling white light flashed one after another in front, and the magic gun extended and contracted, creating a gorgeous light curtain with extremely rapid movements!

The fingertips left the string, and the sacred destroying arrow emitted an explosive scream in the atmosphere. In just a moment, it shattered all the gorgeous light curtains, and without losing its power, it headed straight for Ichimaru Gin's location.

Boom! !

The street in front suddenly exploded, the ground shattered, countless stones flew into the air, and ferocious cracks and deep pits were intertwined.

With just one blow, the front turned into a mess of ruins.

Ichimaru Gin sensed that something was wrong, and reacted as quickly as possible by launching Shunpo, dodging to the edge of the street to avoid this fierce attack.

“It really shouldn’t be underestimated!”

He suddenly realized that the travel disaster team in front of him seemed not to be described by common sense.

The originally planned Chuichigo alone was already far beyond the expected strength.

Ichigo responded with silence, seemingly unwilling to talk to him, but the spiritual pressure on the blue-striped black bow exploded again.

Others didn't sit idly by either.

"Ichigo, don't get entangled. The alarm just now has been notified to the entire Gotei Thirteen Team, and other captains will arrive soon."

Zhiba Haiyan reminded anxiously, "Once we are blocked here at Baidaomen, all our efforts will be wasted."

While in Shiba's mansion, everyone discussed a lot of plans, ranging from A to Z, taking into account all aspects of the situation.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the car overturned when I entered the door.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't imagine that his cousin would actually be a Quincy.

Is this black death-defying outfit really just a decoration?

Or is it a decoration that Ichigo ripped off from some Shinigami?

As soon as he finished speaking, two more sacred arrows were fired, interrupting Ichimaru Gin's sneak attack.

"The fate of three birds and the fate of four dragons, there is no way out in the five directions and there is no way to return!"

Shiba Kukaku seized the gap and quickly chanted a Kidō incantation from the No. 2 Hanazuru Shooting Technique: Kosaki.

Immediately, blazing temperature exploded in his palm, and spiral flames covered the front.

"Rock Eagle!"

A shout rang out, and the Shiba Rock Eagle saw the right moment and immediately threw out several special fireworks, which fell into the flames.

boom! !

The violent flames mixed with red smoke instantly covered the entire block, and the strong pungent smell of chili suddenly filled the nostrils.

For a while, I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing.

Not only the guard Shinigami and Ichimaru Gin suffered, but even Shiba Haiyan and others were not spared.

Amid the coughing, the curses continued one after another.

"You idiot, I asked you to get ordinary fireworks, what was that you threw out?"

"Stop making noises. Sneaking in quietly is no longer possible."

Shiba Haiyan stopped the internal strife in his family, "To prevent being caught by some perverted guy, we will split up this time."

"Don't forget the goal of our trip!"

After the words fell, Ichigo picked up the Shiba Ganjiu beside him with his backhand. When he was about to activate his flying sickle kick and leave the vicinity of the White Road Gate, he was shocked to find that the spirits in the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be pulled by some invisible force and could not be used freely at all. .

As a last resort, he tried to activate Shunpo.

This time it went smoothly, and its back instantly passed through the red smoke and disappeared at the end of the street.

Shiba Kukaku took Inoue Orihime with him and started Shunpo in the opposite direction.

"Renji, be careful..."

Shiba Haiyan warned, and followed Chadu Taihu into the Seireitei.

The plan was formulated with the possibility of discovery in mind, and groupings were done early.

The living trio don't know much about Seireitei, so they must be accompanied by a member of the Shiba family.

Because of Sufeng, all members of the Shiba family have become members of the Gotei 13. It is impossible to say that they know much about the Seireitei, but they still can't make mistakes on basic common sense issues.

At least, they knew the locations of the Palace of Penance and the Hill of Two Deaths.

Renji Abarai held back his tears and the irritation in his nasal cavity, took a deep look at the location of Ichimaru Gin's reiatsu, and then activated Shunpo and disappeared from the spot.

Because they are special fireworks, the red smoke cannot be blown away by the wind, and it also has the effect of isolating spiritual pressure. Even the ghost path has little effect on it, and can only wait for it to dissipate on its own.

When the redness dissipated, Ichimaru Gin stood there, his Zanpakuto already sheathed, surrounded by the light of spiritual pressure, resisting the effect of the smoke.

He sensed the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him that had completely disappeared, and the fake smile on his face became more and more obvious, like a fox that had succeeded in its scheme.

"Sa, Captain Ichimaru seems to have let the intruder go."

A joking voice came from behind him, and steady footsteps sounded on the street.

Ichimaru Gin turned around, and what he saw was Sufeng and Matsumoto Rangiku with gentle smiles on their faces.

"Captain Sufeng, please don't slander me."

He spread his hands and said helplessly, "The intruder is very powerful, no weaker than Captain Death."

"And with the help of three people from the Shiba family, I am no match at all on my own."

Sufeng nodded: "You should leave it to the old man to explain this."

"I hope that irritable old man can listen to this reason."

Hearing this, Ichimaru Gin's expression became more helpless: "Really, Captain Sufeng, can't you speak for me?"

"I really tried my best in this battle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several black hell butterflies flew over the street.

Sufeng stretched out his finger and let the hell butterfly land on his fingertips: "It looks like another emergency meeting has been held."


First team building, captain's conference room.

Unlike last time, this time the captains had similar serious expressions on their faces.

The most serious rebellion in the past century occurred.

The entire Shiba family rebelled, colluded with the Quincy, and invaded the Seireitei.

The Seireitei is currently surrounded by dangers, and a traitor or Quincy may emerge from the corner at any time.

At this moment, Yamamoto Genryusai was even more furious, with substantial flames lingering on his old body. The temperature in the conference room was rising steadily, and a large amount of moisture in the air was evaporating.

"Captain Nirvana, is there no way to monitor these intruders?" Kyoryaku Shunsui suddenly asked.

Nie Yuli spread his hands, and the fluorescent light on his body flashed like an expanding fluorescent stick:

"This group of travel disasters has the Shiba family as internal agents, and they are very familiar with the monitoring system deployed by the Technology Development Bureau."

"From the invasion to now, not a single trace has been found."

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai leaned heavily on the swirling crutch in his hand. Sparks suddenly flew everywhere and the temperature soared:

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear, and the traces of the travel disaster cannot be discovered. All captains are asked to station themselves in their own jurisdictions to prevent the Seireitei from suffering further damage."

"As for the Palace of Confession..."

Because the Shiba family was involved, the purpose of Ichigo and others was very clear. Everyone present knew that they came here for Shiba in the Confession Palace.

"Captain Sufeng..."

Before Yamamoto Genryusai finished speaking, Sufeng reached out and interrupted in advance:

"I'm sorry, old man, I had a bad stomach this morning. I'd better leave this important task to other captains."

As soon as the words fell, the conference room fell into a dead silence.

The surprised gazes of all the captains immediately fell on Su Feng, and their different expressions were like those of a newly opened dyeing workshop, the colors were extremely colorful.

However, at this moment, an unexpected person spoke up and took the initiative to take over this important task:

"Lord Captain, let me guard the Palace of Confession."

Under the firelight, the black-rimmed glasses reflected incandescent light, hiding the eyes under the lenses from everyone's sight.

Aizen Sosuke's smile is as usual...

Thanks to the bosses Derrick and Magic Jiezi in the forest for their rewards, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly ticket support! !

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