Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 262 Who is stronger, you or the captain of the ninth division?

A look of surprise flashed across Yamamoto Genryusai's old and majestic face, but then he closed his eyes slightly and responded in a low voice:

"Since Captain Aizen has recommended himself, you will be responsible for guarding the Palace of Confession."

"As for the jurisdiction of the fifth division..."

The smile on Aizen's face remained unchanged and he continued: "I believe in Hinamori, she is also very strong."

Hinamori Momo has been deeply trusted by her since she joined the fifth division, and all matters large and small can be safely left to her to handle.

Even in his spare time, Aizen would personally teach Hinamori Momo the Ghost Way and guide his practice.

The girl who is not experienced in the world is gradually attracted by Aizen's gentleness and generosity step by step, and gradually embarks on the road of no return.

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded and had no objection to this arrangement.

Judging from the information brought back by Ichimaru Gin, except for the three members of the Shiba family, although the invading Rika was powerful, its destination was still Shiba Isshin, who was imprisoned in the Confession Palace.

The area under the jurisdiction of the fifth division is not on its only path.

Therefore, it is enough for a deputy captain to take charge of the guard.

"Let's hold the captain's meeting here first."

Yamamoto Genryusai said solemnly, "The restriction on liberation has been lifted, and the Zanpakutō can be liberated if necessary."

"Everyone, please don't take it lightly!"

After saying that, the old man stood up from his seat and walked towards the meeting room with heavy steps.

However, before he could take three steps away, a tall white figure flew out in an instant and rushed out of the captain's conference room.

A low roar like a beast sounded in the corridor: "Eight Thousand Rivers!"

A pink figure jumped down from the roof and stepped on Zaraki Kenpachi's back accurately.

"Have you determined the enemy's location?"

"Are you going to kill them?"

Under the innocent face, he said the most chilling words, as if it was a normal thing.

"Yeah! The three Shiba family, Renji Abarai and the travel disaster from this world!"

Zaraki Kenpachi's mouth widened into a ferocious smile. An almost substantial murderous intention burst out from his body, and his spiritual pressure could not suppress the trembling——

Caused by being too excited.

Since being released from the Infernal Hell, he has not experienced a decent battle. Occasionally, the rebels were wiped out, and even with a few cuts, the enemies were all dead, and he could not enjoy himself at all.

Now that Lu Hu has invaded the Seireitei, he is so powerful that he can easily defeat the captain. How can he not be excited?

"It's really exciting to defeat the guy Ichimaru Gin!"

Under the ferocious smile, the ferocious scars on Zaraki Kenpachi's face became more and more obvious.

Regarding Zaraki Kenpachi's unauthorized attack, the captains not only were not surprised at all, but showed expressions of normality.

Speaking of which, it is extremely abnormal for this guy to be able to listen to the entire captain meeting calmly.

The impact of the Infinite Hell on it is still huge.

Aizen smiled and left his position, his steps steady and brisk until he reached Sufeng's side.

"Captain Aizen, you must protect the Palace of Confession."

A gentle voice sounded in his ears, and Aizen looked sideways, and what caught his eye was Sufeng's friendly smile that was very similar to his.

"Definitely." Aizen responded softly.

The exchange between the two was fleeting. Kyoryaku Shunsui, who was walking in front, paused without leaving any trace, then lowered his eyes and strode out of the conference room.

In the corridor, Toshiro Hitsugaya frowned, with deep worry in his green eyes.

It wasn't until Su Feng walked out of it that he went straight up to meet him.

"Sufeng, captain..."

Noticing the unkind gaze of the other party, Hitsugaya Toshiro's words of address immediately changed.

Because of the influence of Sufeng, he came to the Spiritual Arts Academy from Rukongai. During his student days, Sufeng taught him more than once and made various tricks.

Therefore, in Hitsugaya Toshiro's heart, Sufeng's status is extremely high, equivalent to his teacher and relatives.

In this regard, he has great respect for Sufeng, both in words and actions.

Originally, Toshiro Hitsugaya boasted that he knew Sufeng very well, both in terms of character and character, but recent events had gradually cast a layer of mist over the originally clear image in his mind.

The familiar figure is still in front, but it has become hazy.

"What's the matter?" Su Feng said calmly.

Hitsugaya Toshiro raised his head and looked up at those calm eyes, but the words that came to his lips were suddenly unable to be spoken. After hesitating for a long time, he asked tentatively:

"Is there really no room for maneuver regarding Senior Shiba Isshin-senpai's ruling?"

"He should have his own reasons for this matter..."

Hearing this, Su Feng shook his head with a hint of disappointment, and replied with a sigh: "I went to the Golden Seal Association to report it, but those old guys were unexpectedly stubborn on this matter."

"Not only does he have no intention of letting go, but the Shiba family has also been implicated."

"Because of what Shiba Haiyan and others have done, at the upcoming Golden Seal Nobles' Meeting, the Shiba family may be deprived of their noble status and completely reduced to civilians."

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression suddenly changed, he murmured a few times, but stopped talking, but didn't say anything.

In his opinion, Sufeng had done his best by being able to report relevant matters to the Golden Seal Society.

But he never expected that the situation would be so serious.

"Don't worry, Toshiro." Sufeng comforted, "There will definitely be a way."

Although these remarks are not quite the same as what he expressed last time.

But Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't pay too much attention despite his mood swings.

Perhaps it was because of the filter. In his eyes, what Sufeng did must be in line with justice and the laws of Soul Society.

The conversation between the two was completely heard by the Zuozhen of Komamura behind them. The plush ears twitched slightly, and his deep eyes fell on them until their backs completely disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

"I will never allow any behavior that neglects justice!"

A low voice sounded in the corridor.

At this moment, the eyes of the Komamura Left Formation were particularly firm.

Beside him, Dong Xian opened two pairs of eyes, glanced at his friend and captain beside him with a complicated look, and whispered in an undetectable voice:


"It's just a high-sounding statement..."


The captains returned to their respective jurisdictions and conveyed the contents of the meeting to the team members.

All daily work has been suspended, and catching the traveler has become the top priority now.

Sufeng didn't care about this, and tasks such as patrols were directly handed over to Yamada Hanataro and Kurosaki Maki.

The former is extremely eager to fight due to high-intensity training and practice, and is always in a state of preparation for war.

The latter was curious about the strength level of the Quincy junior, because she learned from Sufeng that Shiba Ichigo was a direct descendant of the Ishida family.

It has inherited the excellent genes of the Ishida family and the Shiba family, and is considered an improved breed.

Considering her identity, Kurosaki Maki really wanted to see what the offspring of a Shinigami and a Quincy would look like.

At the same time, Ichigo and Iwajiu also officially encountered their first enemy since entering the Seireitei.

To be more precise, they should be a pair of enemies.

"Seats 3 and 5 of the 11th Division, Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa."

On the narrow street, Shiba Iwajiu looked solemn and solemn, "Ichigo, don't take it lightly. The strength of these two guys is even comparable to that of the captain."

"Especially that bald guy..."

"Hey, hey, let's forget it behind my back. Isn't it a bit too much to call Baldhead in front of my uncle?"

Madarame Ikkaku was furious and immediately drew his sword and pointed it at the two of them, "Travel disasters that invaded the Seireitei, prepare to face Madarame Ikkaku's wrath!"

After a lame tiptoe dance, a fight broke out immediately.


"Dragon Pattern Ghost Pill!"

Amid the crimson materialized spiritual pressure, strong winds roared in, and the black Death Overlord uniform was immediately torn apart, exposing a body full of scars.

The huge ax blade is carried on his back, and Madarame Ikkaku holds two extremely large blades connected by huge thick iron chains in both hands. In terms of momentum alone, he can definitely be ranked high in the Seireitei.

"Before the battle begins, can you answer me a question?" Ichigo frowned and asked calmly.


"Who is stronger, you as the third member of the 11th Division, or the captain of the 9th Division?"

Because of what Shiha Iwaharu said just now, Ichigo was very curious as to what level Tsunayashiro Sufeng, who had previously brutalized him in this world, was in the Gotei 13.

However, as soon as these words came out, Madarame's face suddenly turned red, veins on his forehead protruded, blood surged all the way, and even his shiny head turned red.

"Are you laughing at me?!"

Madarame Ikkaku did not answer this question, when he held a giant blade and launched a ferocious attack towards Ichigo.

For a moment, the ground cracked, the walls collapsed, and dust billowed everywhere, covering the entire street.

Ichigo was puzzled. He obviously just asked a common question. Why did the bald man in front of him suddenly become angry?

Could it be said that he had some unspeakable grudge against Tsunayashiro Sufeng?

Ayase River Yumichika landed on the roof, frowning as he looked at the battle below, with a trace of undetectable worry flashing in his eyes.

Even after using the swastika, Ikkaku was still at a complete disadvantage.

Where did this monster come from?

Is the blue-striped black bow in his hand a Zanpakutō?

"Aren't you going to help Ikkaku?"

Shiba Ganjiu landed next to Yumichika Ayasegawa and said seriously, "Ichigo is very strong."

"I will not interfere in his battle, even if he is killed by his opponent."

Yumichika Ayasekawa's answer was quite cold-blooded, as if she was just talking about the life and death of a stranger.

"As expected of the 11th Division." Shiba Ganjiu whispered.

As members of the Gotei 13, Ayasegawa Yumichika and Shiba Iwajiu naturally knew each other, but they were not very familiar with each other.

The battle below continued, and Madarame was at a complete disadvantage, with hideous blood marks all over his body.

However, the dragon pattern on the giant ax blade behind it was almost half red, and its power was still accumulating.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

However, just when he was about to continue his attack on Ichigo, he heard the words he least wanted to hear.

Black-red spiritual pressure appeared on the blue-striped black bow, and a straight Annihilation Cross was instantly condensed. A blue sacred Annihilation Arrow appeared in it, and strong pressure suddenly filled the entire street.

On the roof, Ayase River Yumichika saw this, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately roared down:

"Ikkaku, don't touch me head-on, just get out of the way!"

Because the real ability of the glazed peacock is to absorb spirit children, Ayasegawa Yumichika's ability to sense spirit children is far superior to that of ordinary Shinigami.

And when the sacred arrow of destruction appeared in the Cross of Annihilation, he clearly felt the trembling and fear of the surrounding spirits.

The kind of fear that comes from class oppression!

Seeing that Madarame Ikkaku was unwilling to do so, Ayasegawa Yumichika immediately cursed in a low voice and released his Zanpakuto with his backhand: "Bloom wildly, glazed peacock!"

Countless glazed vines spread rapidly from the hilt, directly absorbing all the spirit seeds around Ichigo, reducing the power of this sacred destroying arrow.

Ichigo turned a blind eye to this.

As the bowstring was loosened, the azure sacred arrows shot out instantly, and a whirlwind that shot straight into the sky suddenly swept across the shattered streets.

The gravel and dust mixed in, immediately shattered the walls on both sides, and plowed a huge ravine like an abyss on the ground.

Madarame's pupils shrank suddenly, regardless of whether the Dragon Pattern Kitoumaru had gathered enough strength, his arms shook, and all the spiritual pressure was poured into them. The huge blade suddenly thrust forward, and a blood-red shock wave exploded instantly!


The explosion soared into the sky, a deafening roar resounded in the sky, and the aftermath was violent. A strong wind swept in, and the two people watching the battle were directly thrown off the roof.

When the dust cleared, Ayase River Yumichika was the first to rush into the battlefield.

In the huge pit, Madarame was lying in a pool of blood, his whole body was scorched black with injuries, and there was almost no intact piece of meat on his body. Even the dragon pattern ghost lamp was cut off from it, and the two giant blades were covered with orders. The gap that makes people's scalp numb.

On the other hand, Ichigo standing on the other side only had an open wound on his abdomen. Although it was scary, it was not fatal, and he was even capable of fighting.

"He's not dead yet."

Ichigo explained, "I'm sorry for breaking the Dragon Pattern Kidenmaru."

"Rock Eagle, let's go!"

With no time to sigh, Shiba Ganjiu jumped out of the ruins, picked up his cousin without any explanation, activated Shunpo and disappeared directly at the end of the street.

Ayasegawa Yumichika realized that Madarame's chest was still heaving, and did not dare to delay. He immediately carried him on his back and walked away in the direction of the Fourth Squadron.

When the team members arrived at the battlefield along the direction of the spiritual pressure, all they were left with were ruins covering the entire neighborhood and a huge bottomless pit!

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