Fourth Division team building, comprehensive first aid center.

In Ward Three.

Several white figures gathered here, looking at the figure on the hospital bed with solemn expressions.

Madarame's body was wrapped in bandages, with only a pair of eyes exposed. His breath was weak and his spiritual pressure was low.

Yumichika Ayasekawa spoke in detail about the entire process of the recent battle.

When mentioning the opponent's arrow that shattered Madarame's swastika, even Sufeng showed a somewhat surprised expression at the right time.

It is no longer a secret that Madarame Ikkaku has mastered the swastika in the Gotei 13.

Ever since the secret between him and Yumichika Ayasekawa was revealed by Sufeng, the two of them had gone straight to the point where they never hid their swastika and true swastika in battle.

"How terrible!"

Nirvana grinned, "Although this guy's swastika is very weak, being able to crush it with one blow is enough to show how powerful the intruder is."

"Suddenly I became interested."

"Can you tell me, captain, the direction in which those two guys escaped?"

Madarame was silent, and Ayasegawa Yumichika saw this and had no intention of answering.

"Hey, boring."

"Nemu, let's go!"

Nie Yuli snorted disdainfully, turned and left the ward.

He still has more interesting experiments waiting to be developed, so there is no need to dwell on this matter.

If there is one of the thirteen captains who has the least feeling about this invasion, it must be Nirvana.

Although Sufeng didn't mention too many relevant matters to him, he didn't deliberately hide it from him either.

Only a few remaining clues were enough for Nirvana to deduce the general outline of the matter.

Rather than star in this kind of script, it would be better to continue his experimental research.

As for a powerful person who can crush a swastika with one blow, it is not that rare for Lord Tanirvana.

Zaraki Kenpachi stared at the figure on the hospital bed with burning eyes and said seriously:

"Is that guy very strong?"

"Very strong." A vague voice sounded in the ward, "Stronger than anyone I have ever seen, even stronger than you, captain."

As soon as the words fell, strong spiritual pressure suddenly erupted in the ward, and the wooden floor made an overwhelming creaking sound.

"Captain Zaraki, please restrain your spiritual pressure."

Su Feng's calm voice sounded at the right time, "This is a comprehensive first aid center, not the 11th Squadron."

The ferocious eyes like wild beasts suddenly looked towards Sufeng, and the surging murderous intent arose. There was a hunting roar in the ward, and even the temperature in the air suddenly dropped a lot.

Sufeng's gaze remained unchanged, calm and waveless, like a dead lake.

After a moment of staring at each other, under the surprised gazes of others, Zaraki Kenpachi actually surrendered and restrained his spiritual pressure.

The ward immediately fell silent.

"Their destination is the Palace of Confession. If the captain wants to fight with them, it's best to stay on the road that must pass through the Palace of Confession."

Ayase Kawakawa Yumi saw the atmosphere calm down with her own eyes and said directly, "Others in the team should know the route."

"Hey, do you think I don't know?"

Zaraki Kenpachi snorted disdainfully, "Yachen-ryu!"

A small pink head emerged from behind it, and laughter like silver bells sounded in the ward.

"lead the way!"

"Leave it to me and let's go!"

Before he finished speaking, Zaraki Kenpachi's figure had already disappeared from the corridor of the comprehensive first aid center.

"Let's go too, Rangiku."

Sufeng was ready to find new fun. For him, whether it was the Shiba family, the living trio, or the traitor Renji Abarai who invaded the Seireitei, they were all sinners who destroyed the stability of the Seireitei. .

Arresting these guys should give him a small boost in strength.

"Sufeng, captain..."

Madarame's muffled voice suddenly sounded.

"Is something wrong, Yijiao?" Sufeng looked down.

"Just curious about something."

"Please say."

"How big is the gap between me and you now?"

Hearing this question, Sufeng was startled and couldn't answer it for a while.

"Captain Sufeng doesn't need to worry about my feelings. I can still bear this small blow."

Seeing that Sufeng was in trouble, Madarame Ikaku hurriedly spoke.

He could even recover from the blow of being broken into pieces by someone.

Madarame Ikkaku could no longer think of any other answer that could break his defense.

"Well, let's open it at 37."

Sufeng answered truthfully.

Hearing this, Madarame's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked excited. Just when he was about to remind him again, he heard Sufeng continue:

"Three swords, seven sections."

The excitement in Madarame's eyes suddenly froze, and his whole person instantly turned to stone, with no sparkle left in his eyes.

I thought that practicing hard and fighting hard would narrow the strength gap between myself and Su Feng, but the reality is often the most hurtful.


After coming out of the Fourth Division, Sufeng sent Matsumoto Rangiku back to the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division, he judged the chaotic spiritual pressure in the Seireitei and frowned slightly.

After a moment's hesitation, he immediately took out the messenger machine from his arms:

"Moses Moses, Yulzhou?"

"Yes, help me find out the location of the travel disaster."

"I see."

Not long after, a map of the Seireitei was sent from the messenger machine. Several red dots on it were constantly moving. It was easy to judge from their movement trajectory that their target was the Gotei 13 team building. The highlands to the south——

In the center of Seireitei is the Palace of Confession.

Sufeng confirmed his position on the map, then looked at the nearest red dot and said to himself:

"Who is so lucky?"

As soon as the words fell, a gentle breeze blew in from the corridor, rolling up two or three fallen leaves, and Sufeng's figure had disappeared from where he was.


Within the jurisdiction of the Sixth Division, two figures were walking quickly in the shadows of the alley, staring nervously at the street ahead.

Just now, a Death Squadron passed quickly in front of them.

The huge accumulation of spiritual pressure made Shiba Haiyan, the vice-captain, feel frightened.

The Sixth Division is a noble division, and the elite level of its soldiers is second only to the First Division.

Passing through this precinct is undoubtedly the most unwise decision.

But because of Shiba Haiyan's status, he is also most familiar with the area under the jurisdiction of the Sixth Division, so strictly speaking, the risk factor is not high.

Of course, only for him.

If it were Shiba Kukaku or Shiba Iwajiu, it would be very likely that the car would overturn.

"Phew, after passing through three more corners, we can leave the jurisdiction of the Sixth Division."

Shiba Haiyan said without looking back, "Chadu, prepare..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly became aware of the eerie silence permeating the air. Because of the extremely close distance, he even sensed the nervousness of Chadota Taihu.

"Chadu, 伱..."

Shiba Haiyan turned around, her expression immediately froze, and what came into view was an extremely familiar face.

To this day, he still remembers the congratulatory gift the other party sent him at his wedding, and the scene when he invited Yanjiu and Konghe to study at the Spiritual Arts Academy.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

"Well, it's really a natural title, Haiyan."

The corners of Sufeng's mouth were slightly raised, and his gentle smile was like the sunshine above the zenith today, and his main theme was kindness.

"After choosing to betray Soul Society, have you already tacitly renounced your relationship with the Gotei 13?"

"Or, you have given up even your status as a noble..."

Under the scorching sun, Shiba Haiyan not only did not feel the slightest warmth, but was shrouded in coldness all over her body. The extreme chill penetrated the skin and flesh and penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Its performance was even worse than that of Chadu Taihu.

"Don't say I don't take care of you. Just draw your sword, Haiyan."

Sufeng smiled and said, "Use all your strength for a final battle without regrets."

"If the microcosm breaks out, I'm sure you can win."

Zhiba Haiyan bit the tip of his tongue, and a twinge of pain immediately dispelled the fear in his heart. His eyes immediately became firm, and his spiritual pressure surged, instantly shaking away the surrounding dust.

"Let the water and sky roll backwards, lick the flowers!"

The spiritual pressure surged, the beam of light exploded, and the water splashed into the sky.

Without any hesitation or hesitation, the moment he decided to take action, Shiba Haiyan unleashed all his spiritual pressure.

Just because he has been busy with various affairs of the 13th Division all year round, he has much less time to practice, so that he still has not mastered Swastika until now.

But in terms of spiritual pressure, it seems to have reached the level of third-level spiritual power.

On the streets, the waves rolled backwards, and there was a huge tide that could destroy everything.

"This is the right thing to do." Sufeng praised, "This way, you won't regret it even if you fail."

"At least you tried hard, right?"

Shiba Haiyan didn't answer his words, she clenched the trident-shaped flower with both hands, vibrated her arms, stirred up waves that filled the sky, and covered them straight forward.

"Chadu, you are the main attacker!"

He knew very well that with his own strength and destructive power, there was no way he could be Sufeng's opponent. Instead, he focused on containing him, creating the best opportunity for Chadu Taihu to attack.

The tide covers and flows down, bringing with it extremely majestic power.

"It's really a spectacular scene."

Sufeng praised, "What a pity, Haiyan, you haven't mastered the swastika interpretation yet."

The moment the waves fell, the calm chanting of ghost paths sounded, followed by the extremely violent and terrifying spiritual pressure.

"Bingya Zhenglan."

In an instant, the temperature dropped sharply!

Sufeng didn't even make any moves, he just stood in his original position, and a large amount of ice and snow suddenly condensed around him.

As his voice fell, the endless ice and snow turned into a torrent that burst into the sky, freezing everything in its path. It instantly swallowed up the majestic waves that covered it, directly covering it with a thick layer. of silver frost.

The waves froze and turned into huge ice sculptures that blocked the sky and shrouded the streets.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shiba Haiyan's face turned a little pale.

He thought that the gap between himself and Sufeng would be huge, but he never expected that it would be so big.

He tried his best to strike, but he couldn't even make the person in front of him draw his sword.


At this moment, his spiritual pressure trembled, and Taihu Chawatari, adhering to his character of being ruthless and not saying much, immediately changed his form.

The right arm has red stripes on a black background, while the left arm has red stripes on a white background, and a sharp horn sprouts from the shoulder, like a demon.

Seeing this scene, Su Feng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Ichigo's change was due to his intervention. Unexpectedly, Sadatora Taihu also changed accordingly, and at this time he had already mastered the demon's left arm.

The next moment, Chado Taihu took advantage of Sufeng's surprise, and a faint light shone on the five fingers of his left hand. Substantial spiritual pressure danced on the fingertips. With the power gathered, his left arm suddenly shot out!

The violent fist pressed against the fist bones and exploded. Huge beams of light filled the sight. The aftermath was surging and the ice instantly cracked. Everything in its path was destroyed like a torrent!

Facing this full blow, Sufeng still stood there, not only without any defensive preparations, but also without any intention of evading.

Chado Taihu frowned and tried to restrain some of his strength. However, the attack had already been sent out, and it was too late to restrain himself at this time.

Just when the surging fist pressure was about to hit his body, Su Feng raised his right hand in an ordinary manner, blocking the violent force in time.

boom! !

In an instant, a spiritual pressure storm swept across, and the aftermath exploded, shattering all the remaining ice layers, cracking the ground with ferocious cracks, and sending up smoke and dust all over the sky!

When everything was gone, Sufeng looked at his intact palm and frowned slightly: "The power is too spread out, not even as good as Renji's baboon bone cannon."

"But since your attitude is acceptable, I decided to give you two a chance."

"Take this punch and I will let you go."

Before the two of them could answer, Sufeng had already raised his right hand, closed his fingers, and clenched it lightly into a fist. A faint spiritual pressure lingered on it, as if wisps of light wind were drifting along with it.

However, such an ordinary performance made Shiba Haiyan and Chadata Taihu suddenly feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

An unprecedented trembling feeling from the depths of the soul suddenly swept through the body!

Unspeakable fear is growing crazily in their hearts, devouring their own reason, and they cannot even suppress this fear with their will.

This kind of fear cannot even be described as that between natural enemies.

If I had to say it, it would be better to say——

The gap in dimensions!

Cold sweat soaked his clothes, his body trembled instinctively, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Sufeng's movements were extremely slow, just like the Tai Chi exercise performed by the old man in the park. However, at this speed, neither Shiba Haiyan nor Chadata Taihu had even the slightest courage to resist!

One bone.


The ground centered around Sufeng made an overwhelming sound of explosions, and strong winds roared and rippled. The ground cracked and collapsed, and the walls shattered.

From the perspective of the two, a fist expanded infinitely until it occupied the entire world.

Death is coming!

Uncontrollable fear completely occupied their hearts and swallowed up all reason.

The moment the fist bone fell, a deafening explosion filled the street, and even formed majestic ripples visible to the naked eye!

Looking down from a high altitude, a huge fist shadow that almost covered the entire Sixth Squadron area swallowed up everything in front of it. The abyss-like ravine spread all the way to the edge of the team building. Everything in its path collapsed and was destroyed, not even ruins. Leave.

The agitated dust floated far away in the howling wind. Even if they were not hit directly, the aftermath of the scratches still buried the two people in the ruins, and they lost consciousness on the spot.

Sufeng put down his fist and shook his head with regret:

"It's a pity, it's only a few hundred million points away."

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently the spiritual power of the transcendent! 】

The rewards are small and better than nothing.

Sufeng is not greedy about this. After all, neither Shiba Haiyan nor Chadu Taihu are as powerful as Shiba Isshin.

"Let me see who the next lucky guy is."

The red dot flashed on the herald machine, and it was rapidly moving towards the Palace of Confession...

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