Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 266 The bite of a wild beast comes from the back stab of a rock vulture

Huatian Kuanggu, one of the only two pairs of Zanpakutō in Soul Society.

Different from Pisces and Carp, Huatian Kuanggu has two blades, one long and one short, before and after liberation.

In its unliberated state, it consists of a tachi and a wakizashi. The blades of both knives are rectangular with the four corners cut off, and are decorated with petals.

After the initial solution, there is a long and short scimitar, the blade is pure black, the blade is white, and the end is tied with a red tassel, floating gently.

Before today, Sufeng had never thought that Huatian Kuanggu would come to him in this posture.

But when I thought about it, I realized that there were many loopholes in this drama. Although it was magnificent, the details could not withstand scrutiny.

The reason why the ordinary captain cannot understand is because of the difference in intelligence.

But Kyoraku Shunsui is different. As the intelligence division, the Eighth Division has even more information than the Second Division. And because of his status as a superior noble, many secrets among the nobles cannot be hidden from him.

With his level of thoughtfulness, it is understandable that he knew part of the truth.

"What if I did this for the Seireitei?"

Facing the Huatian Kuanggu wrapped with substantial spiritual pressure, Sufeng's smile remained unchanged and he spoke softly.

Jing Le Chunshui responded with silence, pressed down with both swords, even the coir rain hat on his head was slung behind his back, and stared at Su Feng with his sharp eagle-like eyes.

"What's the reason?"

"I cannot let the Seireitei continue to experience such turmoil just because of your frivolous words."

Su Feng frowned slightly and said thoughtfully: "Strictly following the rules and giving up an easy victory is something that only a minion would do."

"As a captain, you shouldn't worry about such trivial matters."

"This is what you taught me, and I have put my own understanding into it."

Hearing this, Kyoraku Shunsui fell silent again. The words were correct, and they were indeed said by him, more than once, but did this have any inevitable connection with causing Soul Society to fall into turmoil?

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then..."

He shook his head and no longer dwelled on the matter, "Just step over my body."

"What a stubborn old guy."

Sufeng was dissatisfied, "You don't really think that Shijie alone is enough to confront me head-on, do you?"

“Whether it’s enough or not, you’ll have to fight to find out.”

Jingraku Shunsui's two swords struck each other, the sharp sword pressure roared out, and the air suddenly erupted with a sharp tearing sound.

The nimbus blade visible to the naked eye erupted on the blade, turning into a ring, and easily cut across the remaining buildings on both sides of the street, like a hot knife of butter, passing through the wall without any hindrance, covering the front of Sufeng. All dodge angles.

The Seventy-eight of the Broken Dao: Cut the Hualun!

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Sufeng stood on the spot, his lips and teeth slightly opened, and without even a fluctuation in spiritual pressure, a transparent barrier suddenly descended from the sky and penetrated the ruins below.

The sharp blade of the light wheel cut fiercely on the empty barrier, making a scalp-numbing cracking sound until the light faded away and lost any power.

The brief trial did not allow Kyoryu Shunshui to gain enough information.

And at the moment when he was about to launch another attack, in the central area of ​​Seireitei, south of the team building, extremely violent spiritual pressure suddenly rose.

The violent and crazy aura swept through the entire Seireitei in an instant, causing countless team members to fall into a trembling state.

It felt like being stared at by an extremely hungry beast, and the smell of blood even surrounded him.

"Zaraki..." He looked sideways in the direction of the Confession Palace, frowning, "Is there such a powerful being in the travel disaster?"

Sufeng also looked at him with the same gaze, and murmured in his heart: "After Zaraki was beaten violently by me, the seal was released to a considerable extent."

"Ichigo, this kid, has mastered the power of Quincy and Death. If necessary, he can also unleash a wave of hollow power. Although he is not at the peak level, he is still considered to be the first-rate among the captains."

"The outcome of this battle seems really uncertain..."

Jingraku Shunshui did not pay too much attention to the battle in the distance. After a moment of watching, he focused on Sufeng again, his eyes burning:

"Captain Zaraki is also working hard to protect the Seireitei."

"I can't fall behind..."

Hearing this, Sufeng had a strange expression: "Are you sure he is here to protect the Seireitei?"

Jingraku Shunshui's expression was stagnant, and his previous confidence was gone in his words: "At least, the damage he caused is much less than you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the tallest tower near the Palace of Confession collapsed, and the agitated dust spread even to the inner court.

"I just want to know the reason why you did this."

He regained his composure, and Huatian Kuanggu stood in front of him. The surging spiritual pressure stirred up the pink patterned feather fabric, and the momentum of the veteran captain exploded again.

"Well, you should have known it when the execution started." Sufeng thought.

What he didn't expect was that after hearing these words, Jingraku Shunsui actually put away the two swords that exuded fierce power:

"Then I will wait until the day of execution."

Having said that, under Su Feng's surprised gaze, Jing Le Chun Shui turned around and left in the direction he came from, without any intention of taking any memories.

Looking at his retreating back, Sufeng narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself:

"This is……"

"Did you suddenly notice something?"

When he arrived he was strong and when he left he was clean and tidy.

The arrival of Jingraku Shunsui was more like a formality to show his presence in this turmoil.

Sufeng couldn't figure out what this guy was thinking, so he could only turn his attention to Renji Abarai.


A huge one-eyed ray appeared out of thin air and fell into the ruins, stirring up dust all over the sky.

At his signal, Shizuku opened his mouth wide and directly swallowed the scarred Renji Abarai and Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Immediately, the wings of the single-eyed ray fluttered, and a majestic wind suddenly swirled beneath it, directly lifting its huge body into the sky.

Because of the soul capsule, using Yanluo Jingdian will not reduce Sufeng's soul.

In this regard, Sufeng has also tried to imitate many Zanpakutō.

During this process, he had a vague feeling that Yanluo Jingdian was not as simple as it seemed.

As the Zanpakutō that has been passed down for millions of years to the Tsunayashiro family, the head of the five nobles, its significance has long surpassed the Zanpakutō itself.

Strictly speaking, it can't even be called a Zanpakutō.

[Sword God] Before Nigeya Oue created the Zanpakutō, Yanra Kadenori already existed in the Tsunayashiro family.

As for what kind of secret it holds, it still needs to be discovered later.

For now, just the ability to copy other Zanpakutō is enough.

Sufeng sat cross-legged on top of Rou Shizuku and flew straight towards the direction of his team's building.

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The spiritual pressure has been improved, and it is currently the transcendent spiritual pressure! 】

[The strength of the spirit son has been improved, and the density of the soul has been increased! 】

When Renji Abarai was imprisoned, the mission rewards were distributed in due course.

Taking into account the gap in strength, this wave of fishing law enforcement can only be said to be profitable.

The surge in spiritual pressure made Sufeng feel like he had returned to the time when he was working hard to enforce the law.

The only flaw.

The upper limit of the transcendent's spiritual power is like an abyss with no end at all.

After breaking through the boundaries of Death, the limits of the soul are also broken. Not only is the strength increased, but the density of the soul is also further increased.

The power of the Perfection Technique is even stronger.

Although there is no special performance, it is enough to simply strengthen itself.

To this day, even Sufeng doesn't know how much destructive power he can achieve after being blessed with the power of Perfection Technique.

At least, the measurement unit of car is no longer enough to describe the current Sufeng.


The Fourth Division team building.

When Kyōraku Shunsui was walking halfway, he suddenly diverted to the comprehensive first aid center.

Because of the invasion of Japan, the Gotei 13 suffered heavy casualties. The wards were full for a while, and even the corridors were filled with hospital beds, leaving no room for them to stand.

However, Kyoraku Shunsui discovered that the most miserable team member was only seriously injured, and no one had died in the line of duty yet.

"Captain Kyōband, is there anything urgent?"

Wearing a white coat and stained with bright red, Unohana Retsu appeared in front of Kyōraku Shunsui and asked softly.

"Please forgive me, there are too many wounded, and there is no time to change clothes."

"I am the one who should apologize. The Fourth Division suddenly comes to take up your working time."

Jingraku Shunshui's attitude was sincere, "It's really because I can't solve the doubts in my heart, so I came to you to ask."

"That's what the captain of the Beijing Band said." Unohana Retsu didn't care too much.

Jingraku Shunsui did not hesitate and asked directly:

"If one day Captain Sufeng stands on the opposite side of Soul Society, what choice will you make?"

Doubt flashed in Uozhihua Lie's eyes, but he still followed his heart and answered in a low voice:

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

"Jun Sufeng is the meaning of my existence in Soul Society."

Jingraku Shunshui's eyes darkened slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"However, I believe this day will never come."


"Because there are also existences in Soul Society that Lord Sufeng values ​​​​…"


at the same time.

The tower area near the Penitentiary.

Two violent figures were fighting among the ruins.

Shiba Iwajiu hid in a very far distance, looking at the battle in the ruins in shock, his facial features even becoming a little distorted with fear.

It was originally a familiar bloodline and a familiar face, but why has it become so strange now?

Is that madman who fought Zaraki Kenpachi really Ichigo?


Zaraki Kenpachi was covered in blood, with hideous wounds exposed on his chest.

"This is a qualified fight, Ichigo!"

"I recognize your strength!"

Opposite him, Ichigo's appearance also changed drastically. His regular Death Tyrant outfit disappeared and was replaced by a long-sleeved coat with low white color, entangled blue lines, and three splits at the hem.

The original black bow with blue patterns has also changed.

The azure blue and black and red are intertwined, and the originally ferocious water chestnuts become more obvious, like sharp blades.

Its fighting style has changed from long-range to close combat. Branch-like patterns are all over the body, and mottled blood stains are stained on it, which adds a bit of ferocity to it.

The blade was raised, and it was forcefully pressed against the long serrated knife that looked like the fierce teeth of a wild beast.

Reason is like a sheath on a sword in battle. Who can it kill?

Instinct is the shortest way to achieve final victory!

On the intertwined blades, black, red and golden spiritual pressure entangled, intertwined, and bitten, as if they were living creatures.

The slashing attacks were so frenzied that there was no trace of order, as if they were caught in a madness, destroying the surrounding buildings one after another.


The flesh and blood were torn, and warm blood splashed on Ichigo's cheek, but it failed to make him show any emotion at all.

He seemed to have entered the same posture as Zaraki Kenpachi.

If you observe carefully, you can find that at this moment, the whites of his eyes are completely black, and the pupils are a little golden, just like the pupils of a wild beast.

The black blade slashed down, and the crescent-shaped sword pressure passed through the serrated long sword and struck hard on Zaraki Kenpachi's body, almost cutting him in two!

"Interesting, so interesting!"

Zaraki Kenpachi staggered, but his eyes looking at Ichigo became increasingly fiery.

“Enjoy it!”

"Whether it's death or pain, it's just a price to pay!"

Ichigo's face was stern, and azure blue spiritual pressure and black-red spiritual pressure rose up from around his body, turning into a ferocious face like a Hollow mask, and let out a silent roar in the ruins.

On the opposite side, Zaraki Kenpachi's golden spiritual pressure was burning. The blindfold that restrained him had been cut off in the previous fight. The substantial beam of light exploded, forming a twisted golden skull, roaring like a wild beast. Echoing in the sky!

The two didn't speak, they just attacked each other in unison.

The spiritual pressure was the first to collide, and the scalding heat wave melted the surrounding building ruins. The majestic bombardment even made Shiba Ganjiu, who was watching the battle from a very far distance, unable to withstand it and could only resist with the binding method.

The violent wind swept up to the dome and covered the entire tower area!

At this moment, the Shinigami were all aware of these two violent spiritual pressures that seemed to destroy the world!

When the light receded, blood erupted on their bodies like a fountain, instantly saturating them until their colors changed.

The blades intertwined and separated. Zaraki Kenpachi was the first to lie down on the ground, and the long serrated knife in his hand also broke.


The Shiba Rock Eagle rushed out of the ruins, but a pink figure was one step faster than him.

"Thank you very much!" Yachiru Kusuka bowed deeply to the confused Ichigo, "This is the first time I'm so happy since Aken came out of the Infinite Hell. !”

"Xiaoyi, please don't let anything happen to you."

"If you have a chance, let's spar with A Jian again, please!"

After the words fell, without waiting for Ichigo to respond, Kusuka Yachiru picked up the body that was several times larger than hers and disappeared at the end of the ruins.

"I-Ichigo, are you okay?"

Shiba Ganjiu asked with a stern expression, "I'm so useless, I can't help at all."

"It's okay, Iwajiu." Ichigo smiled a little reluctantly, "Without you, I wouldn't be able to get here, let alone save my dad."

"Help me treat him first, we don't have much time."

Shiba Ganjiu immediately took out the secret wound medicine and used superficial return techniques to treat the hideous wounds on Ichigo's body.

When they were mostly recovered, the two of them walked towards the Palace of Confession again.

Countless white towers stand tall, and teams of jailers and grim reapers guard the only way to the Palace of Penance.

The awe-inspiring aura spread over the empty area, and the surging spiritual pressure rendered the blue sky.

Seeing this scene, Ichigo and Iwajiu's expressions showed a bit of solemnity.

"Fortunately, it's just a group of ordinary Shinigami team members. If there was another captain, it would be..." Iwajiu said in a low voice next to Ichigo.

However, before he could finish his words, the neatly lined up Death Gods suddenly separated on both sides, and a white figure slowly walked out among them.

Ichigo's expression instantly became extremely serious, and Iwajiu wanted to slap him in the face.

With short brown hair and a gentle smile under black-rimmed glasses, the other party's honest voice broke the silence:

"Let me introduce myself, I am the captain of the fifth team..."

"Aizen Sosuke..."

Thanks to Mr. Munanmao for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly votes.

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