"Another captain..."

Shiba Ganjiu already felt that his scalp was numb and his body was even trembling.

As the chief officer of the Thirteenth Division, although he had not met Aizen several times, he had heard about the reputation of the captain of the rescue squad more than once.

Elegant, kind and polite, he is the most popular among the thirteen captains, in sharp contrast to a certain captain of the ninth division.

But no matter how kind he is, he is still a captain!

Shiba Ganjiu never thought that his crow's beak would lead to this rescue journey, and he failed before succeeding.

Ichigo pushed away the hands that were supporting him, and the Cross of Annihilation fell into the palm of his right hand. Blue and black red spiritual pressure spiraled down from his fingertips, condensing into a spiritual bow with ferocious water chestnuts, like a blade. .

"Give up, Traveler, your body is no longer strong enough to support the second battle."

Aizen frowned slightly and said with a hint of worry, "If you are here for Shiba Isshin, then you might as well wait for a while. I have already submitted an application to the Captain and Mao Room 46. I will try my best to minus the sentence of execution.”

Hearing this, Ichigo's expression suddenly became startled, and Ling Ran's aura immediately decreased a bit.

But then he came back to his senses and thought that this might be the opponent's delaying strategy, so his eyes became firm again.

"No need, I will take dad home myself."

"Is Mr. Isshin's son? There is indeed some similarity between his eyebrows!"

Aizen smiled, "In that case, I have to fulfill my duties as a guardian."

During the conversation, the blade exuding Ling Ran was slowly pulled out of the scabbard. Substantial spiritual pressure lingered, and a dangerous aura suddenly hit, covering the entire empty area.

"Everyone, in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, you should just watch the battle from the sidelines."

Aizen looked sideways at the team members and jailers behind him and said, "This Mr. Traveler is still very strong. Just leave the rest of the battle to me."

The team members obediently retreated several hundred meters, approaching the Palace of Confession.

They still have great faith in Captain Aizen's strength.

"Iwajiu, you should also step back."

Ichigo said loudly, "After I deal with this guy, we will enter the confession palace together."

"I, you, be careful."

Shiba Ganjiu's rough face was full of shame. From the time he entered the Seireitei to now, Ichigo has been fighting. He can hardly provide any role other than guiding the way.

"Captain Aizen's Zanpakutō Kyoka Suigetsu is a water-based Zanpakutō. It uses random reflections of mist and water to confuse the enemy, causing them to kill each other."

Aizen has demonstrated Kyouka Suigetsu's Haikou in the Spiritual Arts Academy more than once, and his ability is not a secret among the entire Gotei Thirteen Team.

It can even be regarded as public intelligence information.

"Is that so, then I understand."

Under Shiba Ganjiu's confused gaze, Ichigo closed his eyes and said, "This way, I won't be affected."

"I have memorized your spiritual pressure!"

When Aizen saw this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

I have to say that Ichigo's response really surprised him.

Even in a sense, the true ability of Jing Hua Shui Yue was cracked.

"Can you really fight like this?"

Shiba Iwajiu said in surprise, "If you don't use your eyes, you won't even know where your opponent is."

"As early as the age of five, I have been accustomed to fighting in the dark."

"The old man said that a real Quincy should be familiar with any environment!"

Ichigo bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and huge spiritual beings clustered on the spiritual bow and emerged, exuding a fiery aura. That was the prelude to the spiritual being's riot, and it was the brewing of the storm.

Under the shocked gaze of Shiba Ganjiu, Ichigo had already pointed his bow——


"Rain of light."

With a soft groan, the bow string loosened, and the spirit particles turned into rockets and shot straight to the ceiling.

Shiba Ganjiu thought that Ichigo's shot missed, but a horrifying scene happened the next moment.

The majestic rain of arrows fell from the sky, blocking all areas of Aizen's activities, like a torrential rain sweeping across the earth, leaving only a brilliant blue light wherever he could see.

"The Eighty One of the Binding Dao: Breaking the Sky."

Aizen's voice sounded in the rain of light, soft but clear. The transparent barrier was placed horizontally above his head, blocking all the endless arrows.

The crackling sound of collision resounded throughout the battlefield, and the spirit sons gathered to die one after another, trying to open up a safe path for those who came after.

However, until the rain of light subsided, there was still no trace on the sky-breaking barrier, and it was still as smooth as before.

Ichigo looked calm at this, as if he had expected it.

The Rain of Light may seem majestic and offensive, but in fact its lethality is extremely limited. It may be acceptable for clearing out the minions, but it is not very useful against the truly powerful.

I saw him bending his bow and setting up an arrow again, and the spiritual beings in the atmosphere came pouring in, swaying around the spiritual bow like a stream of light, and instantly condensed into a sacred destroying arrow that exuded crystal light.

"Accept this majestic battle formation, Holy Devourer."

After a brief chant, a huge beam of light suddenly bloomed from the sky-breaking barrier, reaching the end of the sky and scattering the huge clouds suspended above the Palace of Confession.

Even without using the Silver Cylinder, Ichigo can still use his own power to release the Holy Bite Battle Formation.

A crackling sound suddenly sounded above the empty barrier, and spiderweb-like lines immediately covered the transparent protective barrier, which could completely collapse at any time.

Aizen's expression changed slightly, and he immediately stepped out, but Ichigo seemed to have already calculated his escape route, and the three fingers of his right hand released without warning.

boom! !

The sacred destroying arrow made a deafening explosion sound, and several rings of light visible to the naked eye exploded around it. In an instant, it approached Aizen, and fiery power exploded on it, and an even more dazzling light beam bloomed. On the battlefield.

An overwhelmed wail suddenly sounded from the ground. With Aizen's position as the center, the neat white bricks were lifted layer by layer, crushed into powder in the aftermath, and turned into dust that stirred in the atmosphere.

Not long after, a figure was shot away from it.

No longer as elegant as before, Aizen's entire body was scorched black, and he was in an extreme state of embarrassment.

He inserted the blade of his hand into the floor and plowed out a deep crack dozens of meters long.

"I'm not used to being able to use my Zanpakutō."

Aizen stood up straight, "But I have somewhat underestimated you. After such a fierce battle with Captain Zaraki, you can still perform like this."

"Mr. Travel Disaster, I will go all out next, so please be careful."

"The thundering carriage, the gap of the spinning wheel, this thing has lights clustered and divided into six!"

"Sixty-one of the Binding Dao: Six-Stand Light Prison."

The moment the words fell, the spiritual pressure was condensed and turned into six golden light fragments out of thin air, instantly tearing apart the turbulent dust around and locking directly towards Ichigo's body.

However, in this regard, although Ichigo closed his eyes, he still accurately judged Aizen's attack, unfolded his Shunpo, and dodged out of the way in an instant.

But as the captain, how could Aizen let go of such a superior attack opportunity.

"Sixty-three of the Dao of Binding: Binding with Chains!"

He just pointed a finger, and vast spiritual pressure exploded violently. In an instant, it condensed into a golden chain like a giant snake and shot out in front of him.

The sound of hunting through the air shook the eardrums, and the chains composed of spiritual energy collided and stirred with each other, making scalp-numbing clattering sounds.

Ichigo stepped back in an instant, bent his bow and set an arrow, and another sacred arrow of destruction was condensed on the spiritual bow, and he shot it out instantly, accurately hitting the golden chain like a giant snake.


The sky-high explosion sounded again, and the aftermath formed an impact visible to the naked eye, collapsing the tower buildings on the edge of the battlefield.

The battle between the two became more and more intense.

Shiba Iwajiu, who was watching the battle from a distance, had a tangled look on his face.

He felt more and more that he was a useless waste. Not only did he leave the battle with the captain to his cousin who was countless years younger than him, but he also watched from the sidelines when facing the other Shinigami team members.

Uncle Isshin is not only a relative of Ichigo's cousin, but also a relative of his Shiha Iwanji.

Thinking of this, Shiba Iwajiu's eyes suddenly became firm and he looked directly across the battlefield where the two were fighting.

Seeing that neither of them could do anything to each other, he immediately gave up watching the battle and instead walked around the edge towards the Palace of Confession.

Unfortunately, just when he was about to reach the entrance to the Palace of Confession, he suddenly discovered that those Death God soldiers and jailers were firmly guarding the only passage.

If you want to successfully enter the Palace of Penance, you can only defeat all these gods of death.

Looking at the dark figure, Shiba Ganjiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling unconcealable fear in his heart. Although he was a chief official, he still felt somewhat guilty when facing so many colleagues.


A burst of bright beams of light erupted on the battlefield again, and the aftermath was swept along with smoke and dust, obscuring the scene inside.

Zhiba Ganjiu was frightened by the sound and said, "I will risk my life!"

He suddenly slapped his hands on the floor, pouring all his spiritual pressure into it. Suddenly, the ground in front of him suddenly turned to sand and collapsed.

"The Secret of Shiba Style Ishiba Method·Serial Ishiba Fan!"

A roar immediately attracted the attention of the team members, but it was too late. The ground they were standing on had begun to collapse, and countless sand swallowed up the soles of their feet, dragging them underground like quicksand.

"Damn that guy, he actually took the opportunity to sneak attack!"

"Is this the spirit of the Shiba family? Damn it!"

"If you can, let me out and let's fight one on one, you bastard!"

The angry curses resounded continuously, and the Shinigami burst out a small amount of spiritual pressure, trying to counter the power of Shibo.

But how could Shiba Ganjiu let go of such a good opportunity? With red eyes, he took out a large number of stored fireworks from his pocket, lit them with spiritual pressure, and then suddenly threw them into the sky above the sandy ground.

"Shiba style flower shooting stage, swirling around thousands of flowers!"

In an instant, splendid colorful fireworks bloomed in front of the Palace of Confession, and fiery breath sprayed down, causing the Death God soldiers to let out continuous screams.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhiba Yanjiu dodged in an instant and rushed straight into the Palace of Confession.

"The sixth deep prison, the sixth deep prison."

He waved his arms and his legs exploded at unprecedented speeds, hitting walls and destroying doors along the way.

Like a god of war, he slaughtered everyone in the Palace of Confession.

Even the jailers who stayed here were no match for Shiba's tactics.

Start with rock waves and end with fireworks.

Tear gas, smoke bombs, flash bombs...

Shiba Ganjiu is not merciless in using any functional fireworks that he can think of.

In this way, he fought his way into the sixth deepest prison.

"Uncle Yishin!"

With just one glance, Shiba Iwajiu noticed Shiba Isshin who was imprisoned in the prison.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhibo raised his head in astonishment, and what he saw was a figure he had never imagined.

He had guessed that it might be his son who came here, or it might be Renji Abarai, or Haiyan Kongkaku.

The only thing missing was Shiba Ganjiu.

Because Isshin Shiba knew the level of his nephew best, with his three-legged cat skills, let alone the Shinigami captain, even a high-ranking officer would be extremely strenuous to fight.

"Why are you the only one?" Isshin Shiba asked quickly, "Where are the others?"

"I heard from people who came to visit the prison that Ichigo Haiyan and the others also broke into the Seireitei."

Shiba Iwajiu held his hands on the railings of the prison and activated Shiba's ability:

"We are operating separately. I don't know about the others. They may still be on their way."

"I'm with Ichigo. He dragged Captain Aizen outside. I took this opportunity to come to the rescue..."

The railing turned into sand, Shiba Isshin suddenly grabbed Shiba Ganjiu's collar and shouted loudly:

"Who do you think Ichigo is fighting?!"

"Blue, Captain Aizen..."

Before he finished speaking, Shiba Isshin suddenly burst out with strong spiritual pressure and disappeared at the end of the deep corridor in an instant.

Shiba Iwajiu didn't understand what happened, but at this time he could only choose to follow Shiba Isshin.

"Uncle, uncle, wait for me!"

Because Shiba Ganjiu had eliminated all the jailers, the exit was much faster than the entry.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Death God soldiers and jailers who were trapped in the sand have now broken free from their restraints and stood neatly at the exit.

"Isshin Shiba, here..."

"Sorry guys, I'm in a hurry."

At this moment, Zhibo rushed into the crowd like a tiger pouncing on its prey, slashing his way out with three strikes.

Zhiba Iwajiu followed closely behind him and rushed out of the gate of the Confession Palace together.

But what greeted them was a dazzling and gorgeous sacred arrow. The explosive screams surged across the sky and penetrated directly through the spire above!

Zhibo focused on the location where the sacred destroying arrow fell. His pupils suddenly shrank, his scalp seemed to explode in an instant, and his brain immediately went blank.

"Uncle, why are you blocking the exit? Let's go quickly, don't let Ichigo..."

Shiba Ganjiu pushed Shiba Isshin and walked out of the entrance. However, when he raised his head, his expression froze for an instant. His whole person seemed to be petrified, and even his breathing was completely stagnant.

Above the sight of the two, on top of the spire pierced by the sacred destroying arrow.

Bright red blood bloomed on the wall, like bright flowers of evil.

Mottled blood stains adhered to the white captain Yu Zhi, and the hot blood flowed behind him until the wall was stained with a thick blood stain.

Captain of the fifth division, Aizen Sosuke, died!

This episode is definitely not a useless plot, and the follow-up arrangements will definitely surprise the book lovers.

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