Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 268 The only substance in the three realms

"Aizen, Aizen is dead?!"

When Shiba Isshin saw this scene, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Because of his cooperation with Urahara Kisuke and Sufeng, he is very aware of Kyoka Suigetsu's true abilities.

As early as decades ago, he had seen Aizen's Haiseki more than once.

The scene before me must be an illusion!

Ichigo noticed the disappearance of his opponent's spiritual pressure, and slowly opened his closed eyes. What he saw was Aizen being nailed to the spire wall by the sacred destroying arrow.

The thick blood flows along the smooth outer wall until it seeps into the yellow sand below, completely saturating the sand.

This scene cannot be described as tragic.

His eyes were a little complicated, and his expression was mostly unbearable, as if he couldn't accept the facts in front of him.

Since entering the Seireitei, he has avoided these dedicated Shinigami. Even if he was chased and intercepted, he still had no intention of killing.

Even when faced with Zaraki Kenpachi, who was as crazy as a beast and deadly with his swords, he still chose to stop at the last moment.

But he had calculated everything, but he had not calculated that when he succeeded, he actually killed a captain outside the Palace of Confession.

The body crucified by the Holy Mie Ya seemed more like a declaration of war against the Gotei 13 and even the entire Soul Society!

"Blue, blue, blue dye, team, captain..."

"How is it possible, Captain Aizen was killed?!"

"You deserve to die for the travel disaster that invaded the Seireitei!"

"Captain Aizen, wuwu, my Captain Aizen..."

The Shinigami soldiers who were defeated by Shiba Isshin struggled out of the exit of the Confession Palace one after another. The first thing they saw was the corpse hanging on the outer wall.

After a brief shock, he turned to yelling at Ichigo and others.

A few Shinigami, who had special respect for Aizen, even ignored their own injuries and forcibly attacked Ichigo.

"Broken Path No. 31: Red Fire Cannon!"

Several huge fireballs roared past the sky, heading straight for Ichigo's location.

Facing this level of attack, he just waved his blade-like spiritual bow and smashed the fire ball into pieces, scattering the firelight all over the sky like fireflies.

When Shiba saw this, he didn't care too much at the moment. He flashed to Ichigo's side in an instant, grabbed his son with his backhand, and walked straight away in the direction outside the Confession Palace.

"Uncle, Ichigo, wait for me!"

Zhiba Ganjiu gritted his teeth, moved his strong legs, and forced himself to follow the two figures.

What's left now is just a bunch of local chickens and wardogs, and there's no way they can stop him.

Just when he was about to walk out of the Confession Palace, Shiba Iwajiu looked back at the towering spire.

The eye-catching blood stains are like the strongest stroke on the painting, exaggerating the entire painting. The lonely and hanging figure is swaying gently in the wind, making people shudder.

Zhiba Ganjiu shuddered and quickly disappeared into the shadow of the ruins.

In the underground pipeline of Seireitei.

Ichigo and others hid in a relatively dry area, looking at each other.

"So, you really shot that Captain Aizen?"

Shiba Isshin's eyes fluctuated, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

Ichigo looked a little disappointed. After hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded hesitantly, and his slightly hoarse voice sounded in the empty environment.

"Aizen is very strong..."

"Even without using the Zanpakutō, he still released various Kidō attacks. The Kidō attacks cooperated with each other and caused me a lot of trouble."

"Not even Kenpachi Zaraki is this difficult."

"Because the injury has not yet healed, I could only unleash the strongest attack. While shattering the flying dragon's evil way of attacking the thieves, the sky-shattering thunder cannon also penetrated his chest and nailed him directly to the spire. above."

From the day he became a Quincy recognized by Sogen Ishida, Ichigo has been wandering in the darkness, often killing various Daxu that invade the vicinity of Shiba Hospital or threaten the safety of human life at night.

But he never killed any Death God.

Even when he came to the Seireitei, he tried his best to avoid this situation from happening, but in the end he was unable to implement this belief to the end.

The first time he missed, he killed a captain.

This not only had an impact on Shiba Isshin and others, but also caused Ichigo to fall into deep self-blame and self-doubt.

Zhibo saw the situation wholeheartedly and did not ask for more details.

He knew his son's nature, and it was impossible for Ichigo to lie in this situation.

But Ichigo has always been in the present world and has never had any contact with Sosuke Aizen. His ability to be possessed by Kyoka Suigetsu is even more impossible to talk about.

So this means that the body nailed to the steeple was not an illusion.

Is Aizen really dead...

Or, it could be said that Ichigo had been deceived by Kyoka Suigetsu's hallucination without knowing it, and everything they saw was just an illusion fabricated by Aizen.

Shiba Isshin suddenly felt confused.

With his knowledge and brain, it was impossible to determine the truth.

Even if you try to break your head, you will only come to a conclusion that is contradictory or logically inconsistent.

"Dad, did I do something wrong?" Ichigo's voice was somewhat hoarse.

Shiba Isshin stretched out his big hand, rubbed Ichigo's head vigorously, and finally slapped him hard on the shoulder: "You are right, it is this fucking world that is wrong."

"Don't worry too much, someone else will handle this matter."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked into the depths of the deep, dark passage. His distant gaze extended all the way to the direction of the Ninth Division team building.


At night, there was chaos in Seireitei.

The news from the Confession Palace immediately made the entire Gotei Thirteen Team excited.

The members of the fifth division headed by Hinamori Momo immediately abandoned the guarded area and broke into various areas of the Seireitei.

His fierce and crazy aura even made people think he was a member of the 11th Squadron.

The first time she learned that Aizen had been killed, Hinamori Momo almost collapsed on the spot. When she came back to her senses, hatred had completely occupied her entire mind.

She went to Division 4 alone to seek confirmation, but all she saw was a cold corpse covered in white cloth.

In extreme grief, Hinamori Momo traveled frantically through the Seireitei, determined to find the murderer of Captain Aizen and avenge him.

At the same time, other Shinigami who had received favors from Aizen also joined the ranks.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The eighth division team building.

Jingraku Shunsui sat alone in the executive office, flipping through the information he had collected recently. While frowning, he was constantly analyzing it in his mind, trying to find clues.

However, at this moment, Enjoji Tatsubo stuck his head out of the door with an ugly red face, and whispered into the room:

"Team, captain, something serious has happened."

Jingraku Chunshui replied without raising his head: "Why panic? Even if Old Man Shan wants me to inherit the position of captain, there is no need to make such a fuss, right?"

"Captain Aizen was killed in a traveling accident!" Enjoji Tatsufusa didn't hear Kyoraku Shunsui's words at all. He still looked panicked and said loudly, "The corpses were nailed to He died on the first spire of the Palace of Penance, and his death was quite miserable!"


The writing brush in Kyōraku Harunui's hand was broken directly. His eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank:

"this matter……"

"This is the first-level martial law order jointly issued by Captain Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya." Enjoji Tatsufusa said loudly, "The other captains should have received it as well."

"The body is currently being stored in the Fourth Division team building. Captain, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Jingraku Shunsui dropped the brush, stood up suddenly, and disappeared into the butler's office in an instant.

When Enjoji Tatsubo was about to go in and clear away the files piled up on the table, he discovered that Kyoraku Shunsui had left and returned. He quickly put away all the files and put them inside the Kidō Barrier that specially banned information. middle.

"This is information about the five nobles. If you don't want to die, don't touch it."

Jingraku Shunsui said a word, turned around and disappeared into the night.

Enjoji Tatsufusa was so frightened by his words that he did not dare to move. It was not until the cold wind blew that he shivered and came to his senses.

"Team, the captain still takes good care of me..."

He carefully closed the door of the butler's office and walked straight towards his office.

Lu Hu's invasion of Seireitei brought a lot of trouble, and even the amount of information that needed to be processed increased several times.


Fourth Division team building, comprehensive first aid center.

Laboratory No. 74.

This was once the laboratory where Yamada Seinosuke dissected the corpses of his colleagues and investigated the cause of death. Later, after it was transferred to the Mao Pharmacy Hospital, it was taken over again by Unohana Retsu.

Right now, there was a cold corpse lying on the hospital bed.

On the chest, a sacred killing arrow emitting a strong light penetrated it completely. While the blood soaked the Death Tyrant suit, it also dyed the outer lining of the captain Haori into a bright red color.

Aizen's eyes were tightly closed. There was no sign of life at all, and even his spiritual pressure had completely disappeared.

"The knots and soul sleep were all destroyed."

Nirvana's weird voice sounded in the laboratory, "The heart was completely shattered by the spiritual pressure poured into the body."

"Aizen Sosuke's body is filled with Quincy's spiritual pressure. Is it really necessary to continue to dissect the cause of death?"

His head was twisted at an angle that violated physiological limits, and he looked at Unohana Retsu and Yamada Seinosuke on the right rear.

"There is really no need to study it." Yamada Kiyonosuke agreed, "Aizen died in the battle to guard the Confession Palace, so let's give him some due respect."

The two of them reached an agreement, so they looked at Retsu Unohana, who was standing next to the operating table with a frown.

As the first-generation Kenpachi who killed countless people, Unohana Retsu's understanding of the human body's structure is even better than that of the other two morbid scientists in the laboratory.

After resigning as Kenpachi, she will take advantage of her position as captain of the Fourth Division to conduct in-depth anatomy of various types of human bodies.

Whether it is the epidermis, bones, or even the brain, they are all very well understood.

From a professional point of view, there is no abnormality at all in this cold corpse.

But for some reason, she always felt that things were not that simple.

Although it may just be out of some indescribable intuition.

Just as he was thinking, Kotetsu Yone's timid voice came from outside the laboratory:

"Team, captain, the other captains are here."

Hearing this, Maozhihualie temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart, turned to look at the other two people, and whispered:

"Let's go and report the situation to the other captains first."

In the empty ward, several figures gathered here. The environment was quiet and the atmosphere was extremely heavy.

"Captain, let's talk about Aizen's situation first."

Nirvana broke the silence first. He spread his hands and described the results of anatomical research in a weird tone:

"There was nothing abnormal about the body. Aizen was outmatched and an arrow penetrated his chest. It shattered the locks and heart, and also wiped out all the spiritual pressure."

"There is no doubt about this matter. It was just an ordinary attack and murder."

Hearing this, Su Feng frowned and suddenly realized that the direction of the script had deviated from his control.

Aizen was given a big surprise when he first entered this drama.

The corpse is real, not a forgery.

Not only could Nirvana be unable to detect any abnormalities, but even Unohana Retsu could not identify possible problems with the corpse.

Moreover, when he came to the Fourth Division, he specifically conducted spiritual pressure sensing in the corridor of Laboratory No. 74.

That corpse was indeed Aizen's spiritual pressure, and there were no traces of Kyouka Suigetsu's interference.

But does this really mean Aizen is dead?

Su Feng curled his lips in disdain, not believing it at all.

Not to mention the current Shiba Ichigo, even he does not have the absolute confidence to kill Aizen at any stage.

Who knows what this guy might be hiding?

Then the problem arises.

What is Aizen's purpose in doing this?

Just as he was thinking, Kyōraku Shunsui, who had his hands in each other's sleeves, suddenly said:

"Since Captain Aizen really died at the hands of Rika, the Seireitei should enter the first level of combat readiness."

"Old man Shan may even take action himself to kill the invading travelers..."


Seireitei, the twelfth division team building.

Bureau of Technology Development, Underground Research Institute.

Somewhere in a heavily guarded closed warehouse.

Two figures shrouded in black cloaks stood among them. On the wall in front of them, the messenger machine projected a huge light screen, on which countless data were flipped and coordinated at an extremely fast speed.

"It's really interesting. There is a mess outside because of Captain Aizen's death, but the real Captain Aizen is conducting some kind of secret experiment here."

Under the hood, Ichimaru Gin smiled like a fox whose conspiracy had succeeded, and he was so fake.

Next to him, Aizen, who was supposed to be dead, stared at the data on the light screen in front of him, and gently pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Don't say that, Silver."

"We are all actors in this big drama, and we are just doing our part."

The light curtain disappeared in an instant after its operation, and the warehouse was once again plunged into darkness.

"I have put in a lot of effort to give the audience enough surprises."

With a hint of interest in Aizen's eyes, he took out a bottle from the device that was blocked by hundreds of ghost barriers and black technology, and shook it gently.

In the bottle, a trace of material emitting light as bright as a star swayed.

The unspeakable force of oppression shrouded the two bodies, and Ichimaru Gin's breath suddenly became stagnant, and his eyes narrowed deeply again.

A gentle smile appeared on Aizen's cheeks, he stared at the contents of the bottle and whispered:

"Yin, aren't you curious about what this is?"

Ichimaru Gin's expression condensed, he squinted his eyes slightly, and asked teasingly: "Is this a product created by Captain Aizen that can turn the situation around?"

Hearing this, Aizen lowered his eyes slightly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious:

"No, no one can create this substance, not even Urahara Kisuke. Its quantity in the world is fixed."

"It can only be obtained through some unknown means."

Under Ichimaru Gin's puzzled gaze and under the black-framed lenses, Aizen's eyes gradually deepened, as if they were as boundless as the starry sky:

"This is……"

"The body of the Spirit King..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the book friends for their monthly votes.

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