Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 269 Long time no see, Renji

The ninth division team building.

The first special detention cell.

Renji Abarai stared blankly at the narrow window, through which bright stars could be faintly seen twinkling.

After being captured by Su Feng and brought back to consciousness in the detention cell, he has maintained this posture, as if he has lost his soul and become a walking zombie.

Failed again.

Even if he has mastered his true name, Swastika, he is still as fragile as paper in front of Master Sufeng, and cannot even withstand his spiritual pressure.

Abarai Renji knew that he would not be Sufeng's opponent, but he never thought that he would be so weak.

Da da da……

Just as he was looking up at the stars and thinking about the remaining value of life, steady footsteps suddenly came from the deep corridor.

Renji Abarai was not interested at all in this regard.

In his opinion, they were probably jailers delivering meals or family members who came to visit other people.

The Ninth Division is a prison team, and not only he is imprisoned in the detention cell here, but there are also characters such as nobles, rebels, and villains.

Similarly, as the third seat of the Thirteenth Division, he did not receive any special treatment.

But what surprised him was that the footsteps stopped outside the prison where he was.

"Three seats in Abarei."

A strange yet familiar voice sounded, causing Renji Abarai to turn his head in surprise.

A dark face came into view, with long purple hair spread down on the shoulders and back, with eye-catching brass-colored beads at the ends.

The most eye-catching thing is the two pairs of deep, pure black eyes on the cheeks.

However, those who are familiar with him know that two pairs is not his limit.

"Dong Xian...Vice Captain..."

Abarai Renji's tone was full of surprise and confusion. In his impression, he and Tosen Kaname did not have many interactions, or even very few.

Now, the other party actually came to visit me in the detention cell of Division 9?

"Don't be too surprised. I was just entrusted by Captain Ukitake to ask you something."

Although Abarai Renji is usually carefree, he is still somewhat restrained in front of unfamiliar people.

"Captain, please tell me!"

Two pairs of deep, dark eyes stared deeply at Renji Abarai in the prison, and his calm voice contained no trace of emotion:

"Do you think everything Captain Sufeng did was really from a righteous standpoint?"

Abarai Renji frowned deeply, a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Dongxian looked directly at the opponent without hesitation, and said in a smooth voice: "What if I said that Captain Sufeng was behind the execution of Shiba Isshin?"

The moment he finished speaking, Renji Abarai's eyes widened and his pupils narrowed to the size of a pinhead. A strong momentum suddenly surged, and his spiritual pressure emitted a weak fluorescence.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Captain Sufeng..."

Before he finished speaking, he was forcefully interrupted by Tosen Kaname: "As the twenty-third generation head of the Tsunayashiro family, the head of the five nobles, Captain Sufeng's power is far more terrifying than you imagine! "

"Even the 46th Chamber of Mao, which symbolizes Soul Society's highest judicial authority, must follow the will of Captain Sufeng."

"Even in the Golden Seal Nobility Council, which is only responsible for the five nobles, Captain Sufeng is everywhere!"

Abarai Renji was knocked unconscious by a series of secrets. He put his hands on the ground and gasped for air. Under the violent mood swing, cold sweat soaked all his clothes, and his whole body instantly became embarrassed.

After some remarks, even though he said he didn't believe what Dongxian wanted, he already had new speculations in his heart.

Maybe, probably, maybe, all this is really the result of Master Sufeng's guidance.

So, what is his purpose in doing this? ?

Abarai Renji suddenly stopped breathing, and suddenly turned his head to look at Tosen Kaname outside the prison, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic:

"Captain, why are you telling me this?"

Tosen was about to remain silent, but just when Renji Abarai's patience was wearing thin, he suddenly spoke:

"Maybe it's because I don't want to see my old friend die."

"There are already victims of this farce..."

Hearing this, Renji Abarai's expression changed again and again, and even his voice was a little trembling:

"who is it……"

"Captain Aizen of the fifth division."

Dong Xian didn't give him a chance to ask questions, and said quickly, "Due to the duty of guarding the Confession Palace, Captain Aizen was pierced by the Holy Annihilation Arrow during the battle with Rika, and was nailed to the outer wall of the spire. ."

"Right now, your travel friends have fallen into an unprecedented crisis."

"Captain Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya jointly issued a first-level martial law order, and Soul Society has entered a state of combat readiness."

"That's all what Captain Ukitake asked me to convey."

Dongxian stretched out his right hand and used the skills of fighting against ghosts to destroy the ghost barrier outside the prison. "How you choose is your own business."

After saying the last words, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at the defenseless railing, Abarai Renji's eyes were burning, as if there were flames burning in his pupils.

Due to the level one martial law, the number of guards in the detention cell is extremely small. Let alone a captain-level Shinigami like Tosen wants, even ordinary team members can easily fall into this situation if they are careful. in.

However, due to the reputation of Division 9, few people usually break into this place.

No criminal dares to leave the prison without permission.

Tōsen Kaname's words hovered in Renji Abarai's mind, buzzing like countless flying mosquitoes.

Until the solid railing was forcibly broken into a curved shape.

"Master Sufeng must have his reasons for doing this."

Renji Abarai's whisper sounded in the dark corridor, "But as a companion, I cannot sit idly by and ignore Ichigo's life-and-death crisis."

"Just go out like this, and ask Master Sufeng what he thinks..."


The news of Renji Abarai's escape from prison soon reached Sufeng's ears.

"Who gave him the courage?" Su Feng was puzzled, "Are you eager to think about escaping from prison at this time?"

At the same time, not only Abarai Renji, but also Shiba Kaiyan and Chadata Taitora who were imprisoned in the sixth division's detention cell escaped together.

Only Shiba Kukaku and Inoue Orihime, who were imprisoned in the fourth team's detention cell, had no chance of escaping.

After all, several captains gathered here to determine the cause of Aizen's death, and there was no safer place in the entire Seireitei than here.

The news quickly spread to the first team. For this reason, Yamamoto Genryusai was furious and immediately ordered the soldiers of the seventh team guarding the inner court and the elite Shinigami of the first team to jointly dispatch. Even the second team responsible for the assassination did not let go. Pass.

The entire Seireitei, even the sixth district where the nobles live, is covered with the shadow of the God of Death.

Soon, Shiba Isshin and others hiding in the underground passage were discovered, and the corresponding information was instantly spread throughout the Gotei 13 Team.

The members of Division 9, led by Hanataro Yamada, took the lead and broke into the passage.

Relying on the understanding of underground passages many years ago, within half a day, Isshin and others were blocked in the passage by Yamada Hanataro.

Looking at the burly body like a mountain, an indescribable feeling of oppression came to his face. Shiba Ganjiu carefully hid behind Isshin and his son.

Facing such an imposing presence, he couldn't even muster the courage to take action.

"Your injury is not healed yet, let me do it."

Zhibo was worried about his son and took action forcefully.

Because the Zanpakutō was taken away, he launched an attack on Yamada Hanatarō in a white-fight stance.

Then, as fast as it came, it flew back as fast as it could.

Yamada Hanataro, who was taught the essence of bone flow by Sufeng, is already at the highest level in the field of white fighting.

Not to mention the current Shiba Isshin, even if he was in his prime, Hanataro Yamada would not be afraid at all.

The swollen muscles were looming in the dim light of the underground pipes, and the loose death uniform could not even hide them.

Zhibo focused on plowing two furrows on the solid stone slab, and his expression was extremely ugly.

He hasn't seen Yamada Hanataro for more than ten years, but this guy's strength has already reached this level?

"Senior Yishin, let's capture him without any effort."

The muscles on Yamada Hanataro's chest were pulsating like a living rat. A strong sense of power rushed over his face, and the overwhelming momentum made him breathless.

"The killing of Captain Aizen has put the Seireitei into a state of first-level martial law. You can't escape."

However, all he received in response was silence.

Yamada Hanataro showed a trace of impatience on his face and took the lead in launching the attack.

As the number one warrior under Captain Sufeng, he must capture these criminals as quickly as possible to bring glory to the Ninth Division.

Fighting broke out again.

But this time, one more Shiba Ichigo joined the battle.

Father and son go into battle.

Even though Hanatarō Yamada was strong, he still couldn't withstand the two captain-level beings joining forces. After three strikes, five divided by two, a whole team of Shinigami fell into the underground pipeline.

"Go this way."

The three of them decisively changed paths.

However, when the three of them walked out of the underground pipe, their expressions suddenly changed due to the scalding heat that greeted them.

The moisture in the air is evaporating rapidly, and the ground is cracked with hideous cracks, like an abyss swallowing everything, and the scorching heat is constantly spreading.

In front of the three people, an old man who was not tall but whose aura far surpassed the other captains stood there.

He held a swirling crutch with both hands, his whole body was burning with blazing flames, and he stared at the three people expressionlessly:

"Captain Yamamoto..."

In an instant, the hearts of Ichigo and others fell into the abyss.

As Shiba Isshin who knows the old man in front of him best among the three, he is very aware of the current crisis, not to mention that all three of them are injured, exhausted, and timid.

Even if they were all in their heyday, they would still be unable to fight back against Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who was known as the strongest Shinigami in thousands of years.

"Three of you, will I do it myself, or will you just catch it on your own?"

Yamamoto Genryusai spoke slowly, his slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the already unbearable temperature of the flames soared several notches again.

The Cross Pendant of Annihilation emits light, absorbs the ubiquitous spirit seeds in the atmosphere, and instantly condenses it into a spiritual bow. Ichigo's spiritual pressure surges, and he is already ready to take action.

However, what he didn't expect was that Shiba Isshin raised his hands in a very bachelor manner:

"Surrender and capture without mercy!"

"I don't want to face the old man's sharp sword."

"Dad, you..." Ichigo looked stunned, as if he had been betrayed.

Shiba Ishin looked sideways, and the father and son looked at each other, making eye contact. The tacit understanding of more than ten years made Ichigo immediately understand the meaning of his eyes.

Believe me.

Adhering to his trust in his father, Ichigo released the spiritual bow and dispersed the substantial spiritual pressure lingering around him.

Shiba Iwajiu looked left and right, and the two strongest of the three chose to surrender at the same time, leaving him alone without making a statement.

Just when he gritted his teeth and was about to surrender, he found that Yamamoto Genryusai on the opposite side had already turned around, allowing the elite Shinigami following him to step forward and ban the three of them.

"Hey, I also need dignity, hey, damn it!"

A very forced smile appeared on Shiba Iwajiu's rough face, and he obediently offered his hands.

Under the supervision of several elite Shinigami, the group walked towards the south direction of the team building.

As the surrounding scenery gradually became clearer, Shiba Isshin's expression changed: "Mr. Yamamoto, aren't we going to the inner court?"

Yamamoto Genryusai said without looking back: "The verdict of Mao No. 46 has been issued in advance. If you cause trouble in the Seireitei and attack and kill Captain Aizen, it is enough to be sentenced to death."

"Our destination this time is also the Hill of Two Deaths."


Empty streets in the area under the jurisdiction of the Eighth Division.

Renji Abarai carefully concealed his figure and walked through the alleys.

He didn't know the location of Ichigo and others, so he could only try to find them at several previously agreed locations.

For some unknown reason, none of the Death Gods who were supposed to be patrolling the area could be seen at this time, and the empty streets fell into absolute silence.

Abarai Renji suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to move quickly forward.

But when he walked through the alley, he suddenly froze on the spot.

"Vice Captain Dongxian..."

An unexpected figure appeared in sight.

Tōsen Kaname stood calmly in the shadows, three pairs of eyes opened at the same time, staring expressionlessly at Renji Abarai in front of him.

When he saw him, Renji Abarai suddenly felt a strong sense of foreboding. His whole body seemed to be exposed to the ice and snow, surrounded by extreme cold.

At this moment, at the end of the street, above the horizon, the early morning glow of the morning sun opened the deep night curtain. When the first ray of sunlight shone in the Seireitei, a white figure walked slowly in front.

He seemed to be bathed in sunshine, a gentle smile appeared on his familiar face, and his calm voice finally broke the deathly silence:

"Long time no see, Renji."

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