Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 278 The most powerful person in the Perfection Technique, comparable to Aizen

First team team building.

Captain's meeting room.

Since Aizen and others rebelled, the Seireitei has entered a fierce reconstruction stage, and now is the first captain meeting.

Looking at the Seireitei, it can only be described as "everything is in ruins waiting to be revitalized".

At least, that's how Su Feng sees it.

The captains arrived one after another, and the accompanying vice-captains were arranged to wait in the room next to the conference room.

However, after they waited for half an hour, Yamamoto Genryusai was still nowhere to be seen.

Fortunately, the patience of everyone present was quite good. Even Kenpachi Zaraki had his arms wrapped around the long saw-tooth sword Nosei, standing still without any movement.

Nie Yuli approached him, only to find that this guy's eyes were closed, his expression was relaxed, and he was snoring slightly, which was getting worse.

"Can everyone fall asleep here..." Jingraku Shunshui glanced at him, with a look of helplessness on his face.

He didn't know exactly what happened.

According to the time the meeting started, a full hour has passed.

Old Man Shan has never been late.

Just when he could no longer hold back any longer and was about to ask Jiro Chojiro for questioning, the door of the majestic conference room suddenly opened, and a scalding heat wave surged in.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled when they saw a blazing red light flashing in the middle of the road. The familiar old man was already sitting in the center of the conference room.

And behind him, there was a figure that the captains could not ignore, stepping forward calmly.

Compared to Yamamoto Genryusai's gloomy expression, Sufeng seemed much more relaxed, just like usual.

"The relevant orders for Room 46 of Zhenyang have been issued."

An old and majestic voice sounded in the conference room. Yamamoto Genryusai looked around at the captains, but found that no one cared about this matter, and he suddenly felt very tired.

Especially when he saw someone's ugly face, he recalled the scenes in the underground meeting hall just now.

As the highest judicial authority in the Soul Society, it controls the life and death of countless people, but it surrounds Su Feng like a flattering clown. Even a captain's appointment plan must be approved by this guy.

Yamamoto Genryusai really couldn't think of anything else they couldn't do.

With such a person controlling the power of judgment, Soul Society is rotten to the core!

In short, pills.

"Ahem, in view of the rebellion of Aizen and others, the captain positions of the third and fifth divisions are vacant, and Amagai Suisuke and Shiba Isshin will temporarily hold the positions."

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Yamamoto Genryusai said a name that was completely unfamiliar to them.

"Amagai Suisuke, where did you come from again?"

"I have no impression at all. It seems that he is not even a chief official."

"Is this guy strong? Can I chop him to death?"

Amidst the chaotic sounds, Zaraki Kenpachi's sleep bubble was broken, and he suddenly woke up, even though he made a request to kill the incoming captain of the third division.


Yamamoto Genryusai's spiritual pressure swept through him.

Looking at the noisy conference room in front of him, which was as noisy as a vegetable market, he felt the pain in the scar on his forehead suddenly intensify.

At present, the Soul Society is facing internal and external troubles, and the building is about to collapse. It is really unbearable that these incompetent guys still have the heart to talk such nonsense.

"Amagai Suisuke is the chief officer of the third division who has been fighting abroad all year round. Whether it is from the perspective of merit or strength, he is qualified to hold the position of captain."

"The Gotei 13 cannot be without a captain for a day, so it is appropriate for him to serve as the captain of the Third Division."

"That's right, that's it." Su Feng nodded in agreement.

Yamamoto Genryusai glared at this guy angrily, feeling that his blood pressure was rising.

You made this suggestion, no, it should be said that you were the one who issued this order?

He had thought that Room 46 of Zhenyang was controlled a lot by Su Feng, but he never expected that all those old guys would defect to Su Feng.

Each and every one of them seemed to have their spines broken, without any backbone at all.

"Besides, there are more important things that need to be informed."

Yamamoto Genryusai straightened his expression, and his majestic expression showed unconcealable fatigue, "The rebellion of Aizen and others ruthlessly exposed the weakness of the Gotei 13's military force."

"Except for a few unworthy disciples, there is no one available among the captains."

"And right now, whether it's Aizen or the invisible empire hidden in the dark, it's possible that it could subvert the entire Soul Society and even the Three Realms at any time."

"As captains, you should improve your strength with the highest efficiency to deal with the next enemy!"

"No matter what, Soul Society should not fall in our hands!"

As he finished speaking, Yamamoto Genryusai narrowed his eyes slightly, and the aura on his body was as thick and majestic as a dark cloud, making the captains breathless.

He didn't explain to the captains how to become stronger, but no one present was brainless. So after Yamamoto Genryusai announced the breakup of the meeting, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Sufeng.

Just as the atmosphere was getting tense, a voice suddenly broke the silence.

"Who can tell me……"

Dozens of eyes fell, and Zaraki Kenpachi was seen frowning and wondering: "What is the Invisible Empire? Can it be hacked to death?"

The ninth division team building.

Sufeng drank the special Hagoromo tea he snatched from Kuchiki's house, rested his head on Kurosaki Maki's brain pad, and sighed at the beauty of life.

During this period of time, he was very busy.

In order to protect his Soul Society, Sufeng almost squeezed out the last of his brain cells.

Shiba Isshin's crime was absolved, and under his "follow-up guidance", Mao No. 46 established new laws and regulations.

When the God of Death encounters special circumstances, he can pass on the power of the God of Death to humans or other spiritual creatures. However, after the situation is resolved, the matter and the human identity need to be reported and registered. If necessary, the power of the God of Death will be investigated. deprivation.

Due to the current lack of manpower, Isshin Shiba was also assigned to the position of captain of the fifth division.

As for Amagai Susuke.

Sufeng also thought of this guy accidentally.

Although he believed that he and Yamamoto Genryusai had an sworn hatred for killing their father, Sufeng believed that all problems would be solved with his persuasion.

At the moment, Ambei Xiuzhu has not returned from abroad, and when he comes back, it will not be too late to pay him a visit.

As for Nao Shizi's tapir Yao knife, Sufeng had no interest in it at all.

This imitation Zanpakutō, which is similar to a biological weapon, will endlessly absorb the holder's spiritual pressure to enhance its own strength.

If someone with low spiritual power holds it, he will eventually lose his will and his body will be eaten back to death by the Tapir Yao Knife.

In short, it is actually a castrated version of Yanluo Jingdian.

The current Yanluo Jingdian is just a dispensable accessory for Sufeng, and the Tapir Yao Knife is even less important.

Because the power of the Soul King of Ginjo Kūgo and Touzawa Kiriko was stolen by Aizen, Ichigo and others were temporarily living in the Seireitei for the reason of protection.

Although Ichigo expressed strong dissatisfaction with this arrangement.

However, under Su Feng's personal persuasion, he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​returning to this world and continuing to be a good student.

Anyway, Isshin Shiba will succeed him in the future, so it’s not impossible to familiarize himself with the Shinigami’s official duties in advance.

"Captain, I've brought back the person you wanted."

Matsumoto Rangiku's voice came from outside the door, and not long after, two figures walked into the room.

Aura studied the scenery in front of her, her face expressionless, as if nothing in the world could cause her emotions to fluctuate.

At the same time, Su Feng was also sizing up the woman in front of him. Different from the appearance of Yu Jie in his memory, Awula now still looked a bit green.

He has short blue-gray hair, a white shirt, and extremely pale skin caused by being locked up in the basement for many years.

Although she seemed to be observing everything in the room curiously, Su Feng could clearly detect that she did not have any mood swings.

Literally speaking, as a Perfectionist, Aura has a super high basic ability of Perfection, but she does not have the ability to fully realize it, which means that she cannot be full of love for anything.

In this regard, she has a certain similarity with Sufeng.

But the difference is that the source of its power is still the body fragments of the Spirit King, while Sufeng's perfection technique comes from himself.

Just as the two were sizing each other up, Matsumoto Rangiku walked quietly behind Sufeng and pushed Kurosaki Maki aside.

Even his sight was blocked because he was too fierce.

"According to the map provided by the Lingbo Surveying Research Institute, when I found this guy, a middle-aged man was preparing to kill him with a knife."

Matsumoto Rangiku felt the warmth of Sufeng's breath and said happily, "Then I took action in time and broke the guy's arm with the gray cat's ability."

"After that, that person also showed the special ability to strengthen his body, and his spiritual pressure was not weaker than that of ordinary officers. After a big battle, he was accidentally killed by me."

"At this point in time, the spirit body should have arrived at Rukongai..."

Sufeng's eyes turned dark and he said in a low voice: "Lanju, please step aside for a moment. The captain has official business to deal with..."

"Dah, I've already agreed before setting off that I will be rewarded when I come back!"

Not only did Matsumoto Rangiku not let go, but she wrapped her arms around him, completely plunging Sufeng into darkness.

Seeing this, Kurosaki Maki was furious, and used the same gesture with her backhand to touch the other side of Sufeng.

And this also caused the darkness in front of Sufeng to double.

"You two, please stop this."

Su Feng became fierce, took out his hands from the oppression, put his backhand around their slender waists, rotated and exerted force, and directly pressed them on their legs.

"It doesn't matter whether it's Rangiku or Maki."

"If you continue to feel restless at this time, don't blame me, hehehe..."

However, to his surprise, this threat not only did not scare the two of them, but instead made their eyes light up.

In order to prevent the two people from saying anything sarcastic in front of outsiders, Su Feng picked up the uneaten pastries on the table, half of each person, and stuffed them into their mouths at an extremely fast speed.

The pastry was dry and overcooked.

Without the two of them noticing, their mouths were full and they couldn't speak at all. They could only chew hard and swallow by force.

"Aura, right? Regarding your father's spirit body, if you are interested, you can go to Division 12 to visit it then."

Sufeng hugged the two squirming bodies, just like the mediocre emperors in ancient times, "As for his death, I don't think Rangju did it on purpose."

After hearing these words, Matsumoto Rangiku's eyes suddenly widened, she swallowed the cake in her mouth three times, and said in shock:

"The person who wanted to kill her was actually..."

"My father, Anheduo Tianjing." Aura said calmly, "In order to 'protect' me, he put me in a room like a water tank underground in the mansion."

"In order to prevent me from being attacked by a Hollow like my mother and dying, he also taught me the basics of the Perfection Technique."

She was narrating her life like a stranger.

"Although I don't know why my father suddenly wanted to kill me, I am very grateful to you for saving me."

Aura said expressionlessly, "Maybe I will visit my father after being sentenced."

Rangiku Matsumoto and Maki Kurosaki looked at Aura in front of them in shock, suddenly feeling sorry for each other's life.

On the other hand, Sufeng seemed very calm.

When he discovered the fluctuations in the spiritual pressure of the Perfect Master at the Spiritual Wave Measurement Research Institute, he did not know that the other person was Aura.

Sending Matsumoto Rangiku to bring him back to Soul Society was just to prevent Aizen from doing anything.

As for Aura's life, he had a rough impression.

His father, Anheduo Tianjing, was a perfect master. After marrying an ordinary person, he gave birth to Aura, the child of love. However, when his wife gave birth to Aura, she was attacked to death by a Hollow.

In order to prevent the accident from happening again, Anheduo Tianjing locked his daughter in the basement, claiming to be a protector.

Later, he joined the Xcution organization at the invitation of Ginjo Kūgo, and was later killed by Tsunayashiro Tokinada's men, while Aura became Tokinada's subordinate.

However, these later changed due to the influence of Suifeng.

Ginjo Kugo died early, and Tsunayashiro Tokinada died before him.

As for why Anhe Duotianjing wanted to kill his daughter, Su Feng was not clear. Maybe this guy had gone completely crazy as early as when his wife died.

He was quite surprised that Rangiku Matsumoto was able to bring Aura back to Soul Society.

After all, in Sufeng's impression, the basic ability of his Perfection Technique, that is, the body atomization triggered by the power of Perfection Technique, is even comparable to the first-rate Death Captain in terms of destructive power.

Even Kisuke Urahara's No. 99 Podō couldn't kill him.

With Matsumoto Rangiku's meager skills, once the opponent resists, he may not be able to withstand even two attacks.

After listening to her words, Sufeng poked his head out from in front of the two of them and issued an invitation:

"Judgment is out of the question. Soul Society is a world of laws and regulations."

"But since you have nowhere to go, why not become my hot soldier, subordinate..."

Open, um open!

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