Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 279: Convincing people with reason, following Feng’s plan

Anhedo Aura, or Yugen Aura.

She did not refuse Sufeng's invitation. In other words, she had lost her life goal and had no motivation to survive.

Although the man in front of her was extremely scumbag, lustful and greedy, Aura did not sense any malice from him.

There is even an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

It was as if Sufeng was very kind by nature, or in other words, Sufeng was like a relative she had never met.

This feeling is even much stronger than in Anheduo Tianjing.

Aura didn't know why, but she didn't mind trying it.

Although she doesn't understand what a hot soldier is.

Ise Nanao was called to lead Dowagen Aura down. As a member of the ninth team, she was familiar with all kinds of paperwork and could teach her to master various affairs within the team well.

Do things with seven threads, and feel at ease with Sufeng.

The only thing that was incomprehensible was that after Ise Nanao came into the room, she looked at Matsumoto Rangiku and Kurosaki Maki, who were mumbling together, with quite complicated eyes.

Ever since she had made rapid progress in the field of ghost path and mastered the No. 90 ghost path, Sufeng had given her free rein.

For the remaining ghost ways, either Sufeng himself is not very proficient, or Ise Nanao's spiritual pressure is not enough to release accurately. If he learns it forcefully, he will only get twice the result with half the effort.

As for increasing spiritual pressure, Sufeng couldn't think of any good way for the time being except for virtualization.

To be precise, it should be that Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke still have limitations in their wisdom.

"Captain, the reward promised before..."

Watching his good sister Nanao leave, Matsumoto Rangiku became restless again.

She completely ignored the biting look from Kurosaki Maki next to her, and her eyes seemed to only focus on the man in front of her who occupied her entire heart.

"The captain is mine!" Kurosaki Maki gritted her teeth, with a fierce look in her eyes, like a lioness protecting her calf.

At this moment, the plastic sisterhood between the two people in the past was shattered at this moment, and there is no possibility of recovery.

The two were surrounded by Sufeng, and there were many frictions and collisions between the disputes. The scene was once extremely brutal.

Such a big movement will naturally cause some accidents.

However, after noticing the change, the two only blushed for a moment and then started arguing again, which was a bit more intense than before.

"Hey, let me tell you, can't we coexist peacefully?"

Su Feng took a deep breath and tried to wake the two of them up, "Obviously..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by two people with red faces:


Seeing that the trend between the two was getting worse, Sufeng also lost his temper. Could he, the dignified captain of the ninth division, still be restrained by two subordinates?

The burst of spiritual pressure immediately shocked the two of them. Sufeng exerted his strength in his arms, hugged each other around his waist, and walked straight towards his room.

"Hmph, this kind of thing is not up to you!"

The two of them looked at each other from their waists, feeling their cheeks feel hot, but they were inexplicably looking forward to what was about to happen next.

Although they have been honest with each other more than once, this is the first time, especially the big hands on the waist, which are becoming more and more irregular.

In the huge bathing pool, the water mist is lingering, and the concave and convex figures are looming.

Sufeng covered his face with a scarf and lamented the corruption of the captain's life. He thought about how self-disciplined and difficult he was when he was still the chief officer.

One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups every day, and a ten-kilometer long run without interruption.

Nowadays, we have fallen to the point where we can’t tell the difference between you and me. I can only say that hedonism kills people.

Sufeng recalled the years of self-discipline in the past, and suddenly realized that Soul Society was still facing internal and external troubles, still waiting for him to save him, so he strengthened his will:

"Drunk and sex are harmful to people. From tomorrow on, stop drinking!"

As he spoke, he reached out to fish it out, grabbed the slender and smooth waist from the water, and brought it into his arms. He only felt that her skin was hot, and it burned from her cheeks to her ears until it turned red.

Under the hazy water vapor, the scenery is beautiful.

Three days later, Amagai Susuke rushed back to Seireitei.

It was also the first time that Sufeng met the captain of the third division who had carried a blood feud and endured humiliation for many years.

He has short dark purple hair, brown eyes, stubble, and a gentle temperament.

From a certain point of view, it's a bit like a combination of Kyōraku Shunsui and Aizen Soyousuke.

As the only Shinigami who can use the Tapir Yao Knife without side effects, his strength is worthy of recognition.

The ability of its Tapiraya sword is also very powerful. In the early stage, it can vibrate sound waves and cause damage to the enemy. In the later stage, it can even eliminate the ability of the Shinigami and prevent the liberation of the Zanpakutō.

And this was one of the reasons for him to take revenge on Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

After all, not every god of death has the courage to draw his sword against the strongest god of death in thousands of years.

Now, although Sufeng is not afraid of Yamamoto Genryusai, in a sense, he is no longer a pure god of death.

The same goes for Aizen.

Therefore, the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society is still Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

Double execution ground, ruins everywhere.

Amagai Susuke was very puzzled and didn't understand why he was brought here.

It was clearly agreed in Tianting Kongluo before that he would be the captain of the third team.

Before coming back, he had already figured out all the plans, even the steps on how to kill Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Although the other party was his father-killing enemy, in view of his persistence in Soul Society for thousands of years and his indelible contribution, Amagai Susuke decided to give Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni a very honorable death. .

And after killing the other party, he will also commit suicide to apologize.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Before even meeting Yamamoto Genryusai, he was taken to the vicinity of the twin execution sites.

Although it is unclear why the impression of the Double Execution Ground turned into this, the only thing that is certain is that an unprecedented battle must have occurred here.

"Tianbei Xiuzhu, Tianbei Ruyue's son."

Sufeng appeared opposite Amagai Xiusuke and told everything about Amagai Xiusuke: "You have been fighting abroad all year round to defeat Daxu. The Gotei Thirteen Team has very little information about you."

"Years ago, because Kisaragi Amagai died at the hands of Captain Yamamoto, I vowed to avenge my father."

Amagai Susuke's eyes widened and he looked at the handsome young man in front of him in shock. He couldn't understand why his plan had been discovered by the other party before it was implemented.

"The plan is perfect, and without external interference, it will definitely be half successful."

Sufeng threw away the file in his hand, stared into the other person's eyes, and said seriously, "But the key to the problem is-"

"After Amagai Kisaragi died, did you really investigate the real cause of his death?"

Tianbei Xiuzhu was suddenly startled: "What do you mean by this?!"

"I mean, the old man didn't kill Amagai Kisaragi."

Sufeng said calmly, "Even the Kasumi Dalu family can only be regarded as a tool to kill Amagai Kisaragi. The person who really killed your father is named Yunjing Xiaojue."

"Impossible!" Amagai Suisuke seemed to not believe Sufeng's words, his expression was full of anger, "I watched my father being killed by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni with my own eyes!"

"It doesn't matter. I don't expect you to believe it with just a few words."

Under the astonished gaze of the other party, Sufeng moved his arms and took off his captain Yu Zhi, and also took off the black lining of the death tyrant uniform, revealing his strong body.

"Compared with Aizen, I'm actually better at convincing people with 'reason'."

"Use all your strength, decadent middle-aged man, don't let me down!"

Under the sun, the corners of Sufeng's mouth were slightly raised, and his white teeth were exposed, which immediately gave people a creepy feeling.

Faced with Sufeng who suddenly entered a fighting state, Amagai Susuke did not dare to be careless and pulled out his Zanpakutō.

"Cut it off, Thunder Fire!"

Blazing flames burst out on the blade, and the hot breath hit his face. The straight blade bent into a hook shape due to the scorching heat, which looked quite weird.

"Shi Jie?" Su Feng raised his eyebrows and then punched out, "Who are you looking down on?"

The white air flow exploded like steam, devastating everything in front of it!

Amagaisuke's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't even have time to burst out his spiritual pressure, so he could only hold his Thunder Fire Zanpakutō against his chest for defense.

Boom! !

The deafening explosion sound swept through the entire ruined battlefield in an instant. The sudden impact was like a towering mountain falling from the sky, shaking the ground and shaking everything as far as the eye could see.

Considering that Amagai Susuke just went astray and has not made a big mistake.

When Sufeng fired this punch, he didn't even use the instant coax, it was just a useless fight.

Even so, Amagai Susuke was still unable to resist this violence. He flew out of the smoke and dust in the sky like a meteor, and crashed into the incomplete mountain peak, causing another collapse and countless rubbles. Rolling down.

"Swastika: Thunder Flame Flame Shell!"

Roaring sounds erupted among the rubble, violent spiritual pressure rose into the sky, and the turbulent air flow was plowed open with the ruins as the center, and countless rubbles were immediately crushed into powder.

Judging from the spiritual pressure alone, he is enough to rank among the second-rate captains.

After the swastika was released, Amagai Susuke turned into a streak of fire, shot out from the dust, and slashed down towards Sufeng extremely fiercely. The flames lingered on the shield-like blade, and the fiery breath instantly covered it.

"This is interesting!"

Sufeng grinned and moved his creaking arms. Wisps of white air escaped from between his teeth, and a more ferocious aura surrounded him.

White fighting skills·one bone!

Under the stunned eyes of Ambei Xiusuke, Sufeng's attack posture changed slightly. The whole thing was like a propeller. A steam-like white airflow exploded on his right shoulder, and his fist bones exploded instantly.

The next moment, the terrifying power that shook the earth suddenly exploded!

In an instant, the surrounding ruins for several kilometers exploded, and countless clouds of smoke and dust rose into the sky like black dragons.

Amidst the explosions, the entire double execution ground was filled with gunpowder smoke.

Gray-white dust connected the earth and the sky as a whole, and violent winds roared in it. Slightly larger rocks were turned into powder during the collision.

Under such power, the flames that Amagai Suisuke burst out with all his strength were like candles in the wind. He was not even qualified to struggle, but was completely wiped out.

Under the raging wind, the ground made an unbearable loud noise and cracked into hideous ravines that spread to the end of sight.

The entire double execution ground seemed to be trapped in a doomsday scene.

The first team's team building, under the eaves.

Yamamoto Genryusai frowned and looked in the direction of the two execution sites. From time to time he took a bite of the sweet sweet potato that was exuding heat in his hand, and murmured dullly:

"What is this bastard going crazy about?"

It only took three to five seconds from the time he noticed Sufeng's spiritual pressure, and then the Shuangshuang execution ground was devastated again.

The rugged ground is filled with powder made from boulders, and the smoke and dust are slightly curled up, as if they were plowed by hundreds of cattle.


Amagai Susuke struggled to climb out of the pit. When he opened his mouth, a mouthful of thick blood spurted out, soaking the dusty ground. He felt as if he had been hit hard by hundreds of Daxu. The bones were all falling apart and I couldn't lift it up at all.

His face was extremely ugly, and he looked at the unharmed strong body in the distance in disbelief, unable to believe his eyes.

It had only been a few decades since he left the Seireitei. Where did this monster-like Shinigami captain come from?

"Can you believe it now?"

Su Feng raised the corners of his mouth and said warmly, "If this truth is not enough, I have something else here..."

As he spoke, bright golden thunder began to erupt from his shoulders, and an anxious aura stirred up his strong body.

"I believe it, I believe it!" Ambei Xiusuke said hurriedly. He didn't want to die in the hands of a madman without avenging his revenge.

Inexplicably, someone brought him to this execution ground, and then he was inexplicably beaten up.

Are the current captains of the Gotei 13th Division all lunatics like those of the 11th Division?

"Back then, Amagai Kisaragi was sent out privately by the old man to investigate the Kasumioji family's tapiraya knife incident."

Su Feng knew that such a person blinded by hatred would not give up the idea of ​​revenge just because of a severe beating. He only beat this guy violently because his hands were itchy.

After all, he is a stranger, so he has more sense to start with.

"Because it involves a competition for interests among nobles, it cannot be made public."

Su Feng skillfully put on the Death Overlord costume and Yu Zhi, "He was controlled by the Tapir Yao Knife, so he launched an attack on the old man, and then he was outskilled and killed."

"As for your real enemy, Yunjing Xiaojue, he was executed ten years ago and was so dead that not even the scum was left."

Under Sufeng Xiaozhi's persuasion with reason and emotion, the other party seemed to have somewhat believed in this statement.

I saw Ambei Xiusuke kneeling weakly in the ruins, with a blank expression and eyes blank, as if he doubted life.

The hatred he held on to for so many years was actually wrong.

"Man, thank you very much..." Amagai Suisuke's voice was a little hoarse, "I will go and plead guilty to the captain..."

Sufeng waved his hand and said, "The mistake hasn't been made yet, how can I admit my guilt?"

"But as the new captain of the third division, you have a very important task, which requires your cooperation..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly recommendation votes.

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