Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 281 The dead return and start killing!

After explaining everything, Sufeng still felt inexplicably uneasy.

In his opinion, the turbulent crisis in hell is far more cruel than Aizen Sosuke and Yhwach.

For the first two, at least he knows certain information.

However, the understanding of hell is limited to the narratives of the prison criminals and the family records of the Tsunayashiro family.

And the content is pitiful.

More importantly, the Three Realms are still under the will of the Spirit King, while hell is more like a zone where no one cares.

All those who commit serious crimes, or those who are above the third level of spiritual power, will fall into that hell after death.

It has been millions of years since the Spirit King opened up the Three Realms.

How many criminals are there among them, and how many dead are third-class spiritual power and above? Even the Ichibei of the Military Chief's Department don't know, right?

The goals of Sosuke Aizen and Yhwach are very clear.

The former is dissatisfied with the existing system of Soul Society and the inaction of the Soul King, and tries to sit on the throne in the sky as a god.

The latter is afraid of death and hopes that the world will return to a state of chaos, allowing the three separate realms to merge into one again, and fall into a world where there is neither life nor death, neither progress nor retreat.

But the existence of hell is more like a scale.

The three realms are at this end, and hell is at that end.

If the balance is stable, then everything is easy.

But once the balance is broken, Sufeng cannot even guess what the world will look like.

Because of the lack of information about hell.

"Sure enough, the power of an individual has its limits."

Sufeng sighed, turned around and left the ninth division team building, preparing to go to the Technology Development Bureau again.

Regarding hell, it is not enough to rely solely on prison criminals to take care of it.

If science can provide certain convenience, tracing the wind can also save a lot of worry.

While he was walking on the street while thinking, bits of black liquid appeared inexplicably in the silent air, floating in mid-air like bubbles, gradually filling the entire street.

The black liquid piled up and squeezed, filling the front, sky, and ground like countless fish eggs.

"This is……"

Sufeng stopped and frowned, staring at the black liquid covering the sky. Even though he possessed the spiritual pressure of a transcendent, and his spiritual affinity was much higher than that of an ordinary Shinigami captain, he just couldn't tell the specific structure of this black liquid.

It's like an existence completely beyond cognition.

"Phosphorus gas."

At the end of the street, a powerful and overlapping sound came over and over, and the black liquid floated toward both sides, revealing the passage.

As the footsteps approached, Sufeng could clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

The burly and muscular body is covered with a wide white and red feather fabric, and the smooth head is decorated with round glasses. The area where the lips should be is replaced by a ring of golden teeth. He looks very scary. people.

Through the inner lining of the death-defying suit, one can vaguely see the rock-like muscles, and at the waist and hem of the suit, several black chains are wrapped around it, highlighting the somewhat weird posture.

Black liquid lingered around his body, as if this kind of thing existed because of him.

The moment he saw this person, Sufeng dared to use Yamamoto Genryusai's bald head as a guarantee. He had never seen this person in the Gotei 13.

"Are you my successor?"

The golden teeth inlaid on the outside opened, and the ferocious blood red flashed in the mouth. "You are so weak. Can you really protect the Soul Society like this?"

"Successor? Protect Soul Society?"

Sufeng frowned, "Are you Kumeni Yantetsu? The captain of the ninth division of the original Gotei Thirteenth Division?"

"Guhahaha, I knew that this name would be remembered by future generations. The rolling wheels of history cannot cover up my great achievements."

The glasses on Kumenjing's smoky nose reflect a strange light, and the golden teeth on the outside are getting brighter and brighter:

"I've always wanted to meet the current captain of Division 9."

"Send your name, junior, and I will give you a decent death!"

As he spoke, he had already pulled out the gleaming Zanpakuto from the black chain around his waist.

Different from the standard knives he is familiar with, the Zanpakutō he holds does not have a sword blade, and is completely black.

It's more of a blade than a knife.

The surging spiritual pressure exploded, as if the sea water poured in, the sky collapsed, and the majestic pressure suddenly fell on the street.

For a moment, dust swirled in the street, and large tracts of dust were occupied by the surging black liquid. The air was pushed to both sides with a huge sound, like a herd of cattle galloping past.

"The dead who fell into hell still have such strength."

Sufeng seemed not to notice the pressure covering his body, and Tai Ruo commented naturally, "I'm very curious about how you escaped from hell, and what is the purpose of coming to the world of the living."

"But judging from your appearance, you seem to be a tough guy."

"I have heard about the reputation of the First Gotei 13."

"In the name of the Gotei, they actually carry out killings. They are a veritable killer group."

"You wouldn't be able to tell me the answer just by asking, so..."

Under the astonished gaze of Kumenei Yantie, Sufeng took off the outer lining of Captain Haori and the inner lining of the Death Overlord uniform, revealing his strong and perfect body in the sun.

"I will take you down with my own hands, and then force you to get the answers you want."


Jiumianjing Yantie laughed wildly. The golden teeth and the blood in his mouth looked particularly ferocious and terrifying, like an evil ghost climbing out of hell.

"Then let's wait and see!"

"Blast everything to pieces, Senggan!"

Black spiritual pressure surged down and turned into burning cold flames, engulfing the Zanpakutō in Kumeni Yantetsu's hand.

Suddenly there was a burst of light, and the strange blade in the smoky iron turned into a long, edgeless, sharp-edged mace!

Without any hesitation or hesitation, the moment he completed the initial solution, Jiumian Jingyantie came towards him with a monk's stem in hand. The muscles on his thick arms exploded, turning into pieces of iron stone with a metallic color. Scenes appeared on it like small snakes, squirming and twisting.

"Senggan's ability is very pure, it is to amplify his own power."

"When I was fighting the Quincies back then, I killed countless Quincy who were proud of their static blood armor for defense!"

The moment the mace fell, a huge feeling of power hit him, as if a mountain peak was falling towards him, and endless oppression fell on his body.

There are no fancy abilities, just endless power!

Under the round glasses, countless bloodshot eyes surged out of Jiumian Jingyan's pupils, occupying the entire pupil, and madness emerged in it.

He seemed to see the scene in front of him of the junior's brain bursting.

Although miserable, it is inexplicably pleasurable!

Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey!

Hell is the destination of all sentient beings!


The majestic air wave crashed down, and the ground cracked open with countless ferocious cracks. The wind swept away, and the destructive force made the nearby team buildings tremble.

White air waves exploded on both sides, collapsing the walls next to the street and attracting the attention of the Death God soldiers.

This is not far from the ninth division team building.

When the dust in front of him cleared, the madness in Jiumian Jingyantie's pupils stopped abruptly, and was replaced by unconcealable shock.

The imagined scene of brains splattering did not appear.

The monk's iron mace, into which he had poured endless power, was actually held in the hands of a seemingly "thin" junior god of death.

"How can it be……"

If Sufeng used other means to deal with it, whether it was a ghost or a Zanpakutō, he wouldn't be surprised at all.

But by accident.

The method used by Sufeng happens to be the field in which Jiu Mianjing Yantie is best at.


Could it be that the latecomers have already surpassed themselves in the field of power?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiumianjing Yantie's breathing suddenly became a little faster, and his ugly face became a little more ferocious.

"It must be a coincidence!"

In anger, the chains wrapped around his waist suddenly shot out like tentacles, heading straight towards Sufeng.

"It really is……"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Sufeng's eyes, "An attack method that is simple to a certain limit."

White air waves like train steam suddenly exploded on his shoulders, and majestic Kidou spiritual pressure surged raging on his back.

The moment the chain attack came, Sufeng threw out an ordinary straight punch, which immediately landed on Jiumian Jingyantie's abdomen.


In an instant, the burly and muscular body suddenly stooped, and a hole the size of a fist opened in the haori behind his back. The golden teeth instinctively opened, and gastric juice mixed with blood spurted out of the blood-red mouth.

The sound wave impact visible to the naked eye spread instantly, and the black liquid floating around was immediately pushed into the sky, shrouding the streets like dark clouds.

Jiumianjing Yantie's mind immediately went blank, and the severe pain from his abdominal cavity nearly swallowed up all his sanity.

For a thousand years, even in the hell where there are countless strong men, he has never encountered a being stronger than him in strength.

I thought that this time I would sneak back into Soul Society, I could directly kill everyone and experience the blood-drenched pleasure again.

Unexpectedly, the first Death Captain he encountered was so terrifying.

The black chain hung down weakly, Sufeng hooked his right arm forward, and the burly body on the fist bone immediately flew towards the end of the street, as if a meteorite fell, landing hard in a building.

Immediately, the wall collapsed, the air flow rolled, smoke and dust flew into the sky, and the floor of the entire street was completely destroyed.

Looking at the smoke and dust rising into the sky, Su Feng couldn't help but sigh. In his current situation, it was almost impossible to fight heartily.

Only this kind of fist-to-flesh fighting can bring back some of the feelings of the past.

The previous Amagai Susuke failed to make him fully happy. I hope this "dead man" who returned from hell can bring him enough surprises.

The nearby soldiers had gathered, standing in the distance and looking at the terrible battle that destroyed the entire street in an instant. While their hearts were trembling, blood also surged into their hearts, bringing unprecedented excitement.

It is rare to see captain-level battles on weekdays, let alone the best among captains like Su Feng.

You know, ever since Aizen Soyousuke rebelled against Soul Society, there has been a rumor in the Seireitei that Tsunayashiro Sufeng has replaced him with the title of the strongest Shinigami.

The authenticity of this rumor needs to be verified, but the captains have never come forward to deny this statement, which makes the team members more and more convinced.

Especially the Shinigami members of Division 9 who belong to Sufeng.

In the ruins, Jiumian Jingyantie felt as if he had been violently trampled by countless elephants. Countless bones in his chest were shattered. The bone fragments were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, cutting off the blood vessels and making him bear the pain. The pain is comparable to the punishment of hell.

Furious, unprecedentedly furious!

Even when he was betrayed by Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni and burned his body with a flowing blade like fire, he had never been so angry.

Under the dust, substantial light erupted violently, and the majestic spiritual pressure was layered like data, covering the sky. The entire ninth team area was shrouded in darkness, and a heart-rending hoarse roar resounded through the sky:


"It's so painful to be crushed together!"

In the courtyard of the first team's team building, Yamamoto Genryusai looked gloomily in the direction of the ninth team's jurisdiction.

Red flames were burning on his hands hanging in the cuffs, the surrounding air was distorted, and the moisture was rapidly evaporating.

The terrifying high temperature continued to spread until it enveloped the entire courtyard.

The moment Kumenjing Yantetsu's spiritual pressure appeared, he was aware of it. If it weren't for the fact that the person he chose to fight was Sufeng, he would have rushed to the jurisdiction of the ninth division immediately.

"The dead returned from hell..."

"Can't you rest in peace under my sword, Jiumianjing Yantie..."

An undetectable sound resounded in the courtyard, covering up the soft sound of fallen leaves falling to the ground.

As the strange phenomena in the sky became more and more eye-catching, the vast spiritual pressure gradually extended from the jurisdiction of the ninth division to every corner of the Seireitei.

An indescribable feeling of depression covered everyone's heart, as if the air had been sucked out, and even breathing became difficult.

In the area under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division, countless team members looked at the doomsday-like scene so close at hand in shock, unable to understand why there was such a big movement.

In their impression, the swastika interpretation of the captain of the left formation of Komamura was already amazing enough, but compared with the strange Shinigami on the battlefield now, he was like a child or an adult.

The gap is too big to compare!

Amidst the deafening roar and the thick and mighty cloud-like spiritual pressure, countless chains danced crazily, hanging Jiumianjing Yantie in the sky as if suspended.

In front of him, with the iron mace swung, a towering iron mountain that could cover the entire squadron came roaring, destroying everything it passed, and everything tangible and intangible was wiped out in the dust!

The information about the first generation of the Thirteenth Team only includes character pictures. Everything in the article is original. As for the source of inspiration for Shijie Swastika, it is the third hell group of the eight hot hells (Senggan, Juke, and Duiya). Mainly because when the 98 poets designed the Zanpakutō, they also referred to many Buddhist classics, such as Big Dog and Little White, and many more.

This plot won't take too long to write. I'll overdo it. The main thing is the decisive battle with Aizen.

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