Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 282 Hatred that spans thousands of years, the tradition of Division 9


There was a terrifying movement like a falling meteorite, and everyone's eyes were uncontrollably looking towards the sky at the end of the street.

Yamada Hanataro, who boasted that he had reached the level of a captain, silently watched the scene in front of him, suppressing all the arrogance that finally emerged in his heart to the deepest level.

Because of the existence of Umaru, he can indeed become stronger as he fights, even rivaling the weakest captain.

But under the crushing force of this towering iron mountain, I am afraid that even the gourd pills will not be able to be used, or that they will be directly crushed into pulp.

Not long after the battle started, Bambietta stopped describing the good things in the world to Dowagen Aura. The two appeared on the roof of the building in the district, looking at the astonishing scene in the distance.

Dao Yugen Aura, who had always been in a calm mood, when he saw that scene, his mood fluctuated for the first time in a long time, and it had nothing to do with Sufeng.

Just because the towering iron mountains supporting the dome and lowering the earth directly evoked people's instinctive fear of giant objects. Looking at the spectacular scene from a distance, even breathing became more and more difficult.

In comparison, the body standing on the street is as small as an ant. The iron mountain only needs to run over it gently, which is enough to turn it into a pool of blood!

There is no comparability between the two.

Under the heavy clouds, Jiumian Jingyantie was suspended under the sky by a black chain around his waist. His gold teeth were spread out, and his expression was ferocious, like an evil ghost climbing out of hell.

He waved the mace in his hand vigorously and made a strong and hoarse overlapping voice:

"Crush it into a pulp!"

"When your bones creak and scream under the iron mountain, it will be the most beautiful music in the world!"

"The traitorous people will also follow in your footsteps in the near future!"

The towering iron mountain roared in, the buildings within the jurisdiction collapsed, the ground collapsed, and the substantial shock wave spread like concentric circles. Wherever you looked, endless smoke and dust rose up, shrouding the black soul. Under pressure.

Facing such a terrifying scene, Sufeng still stood there, as if he was frightened.

However, looking at the towering iron mountain rushing toward him, a trace of long-lost interest appeared in his eyes.

"That's what makes sense."

"The dignified captain of the original Gotei 13, one of the backbones of the original killer group, and an avenger who returned from hell. How can he be worthy of this status if he doesn't use some high-level ultimate moves?"

"Then, I have to show some seriousness."

Although the words were soft, but with the turbulence of the wind, they were accurately conveyed to Jiu Mianjing Yantie's ears, just when he was sarcastic and ready to mock Sufeng a few more words.

A violent spiritual pressure beam shot up into the sky, and the area under the squadron's jurisdiction immediately became turbulent. The rumbling sound of explosions resounded above the dome, tearing apart all the black spiritual pressure covering the sky.

The warm sun returned to the Seireitei, covering everyone's body.

In the terrifying abyss-like spiritual pressure, Sufeng raised his right hand, closed his five fingers and clenched lightly, and the blazing light burned fiercely between his fingers.

Brilliant golden thunder and black and red wind lingered on it, forming substantial lines that distorted the surrounding space.

A huge amount of Kidou spiritual pressure exploded from Sufeng's shoulders and back, and scorching thunder and cracks moved around his body.

The gorgeous two-color light wings exploded and turned into intertwined blazing lines, dotted on the strong and perfect body.

Instant coax·Xunda thunder and sky collapse!


The terrifying spiritual pressure exploded, like a volcano that had been accumulated for countless years, and the hot magma spurted out, annihilating all existence in an instant.

The overwhelmed earth screamed under this spiritual pressure, and deeper cracks spread all over the place. The terrifying spiritual pressure flowing freely shrouded everyone's heart.

Only then did the team members truly understand how terrifying their captain was.

Under such a large amount of spiritual pressure, even breathing has become an extremely luxurious thing, let alone attacking.

They are all like this, so what will it be like to face the enemy of Captain Sufeng?

Jiu Mianjing's ferocious and ferocious face was filled with a large amount of blood, filled with bright red, as if he was under unbearable pressure.

Veins popped out on his thick arms, and the fingers clenching the mace made a low creaking sound. The chains were tightened, and countless phosphorus gases were escaping to offset the ubiquitous pressure.

As the towering Iron Mountain approached, an extremely huge shadow enveloped Sufeng's body. The radiant light blooming around him seemed extremely small at this moment, just like ants under the giant's feet.

Looking at what was close at hand, a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of Sufeng's mouth. He raised his right arm and the light wings exploded behind his shoulders, exploding with endless impact like a propeller.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the tiny and insignificant fist bones landed on the towering iron mountain.

Instant coax·one bone!


The ground centered around Sufeng was the first to make an unbearable explosion. The violent wind howled and rippled, and the ground cracked and collapsed. The impact spread in all directions in a circular shape, and ripples visible to the naked eye covered the entire jurisdiction. !

The wind was raging, roaring and shaking the sky.

The soldiers who were watching on the edge of the battlefield couldn't even stand still, and were thrown into the air one after another. Those with quick eyesight and quick hands grabbed hold of the crumbling building next to them to stabilize their bodies.

They looked at the tiny figure confronting the iron mountain in horror, and were shocked to find that the towering iron mountain was trembling slightly.


A slight crisp sound was heard on the towering iron mountain. An undetectable crack appeared as if it were some kind of signal. In an instant, countless cracks spread across the entire iron mountain.

Endless light and heat erupted in it, as if magma was flowing between the cracks, and the sound of trembling was endless, as if the sky was collapsing!

In the midst of countless horrified eyes, the huge shadow that shrouded everyone's hearts suddenly exploded!

It’s a great pain to gather and grind into pieces, to pieces!

The wind howled, and the lusterless fragments fell from the sky, creating a huge pit, and at the same time, endless fear suddenly broke out in Jiumian Jingyantie's heart.

As one of the captains of the original Thirteenth Team, he has experienced countless battles. Although there are strong men, their strength is limited.

This was the first time he had seen someone like Su Feng who could break the swastika with his fist.

At the end of his gaze, that perfect and strong body still stood there, as if it had turned into an insurmountable mountain.

Jiu Mianjing Yantie's eyes were in a trance, and they vaguely overlapped with a certain figure in his memory. In an instant, anger filled his chest again:

"Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni!"

Deafening roars echoed under the sky, Jiu Mianjing Yantie was furious, squeezing the already low spiritual pressure again, waving the iron mace in his hand, and actually summoned another towering iron mountain!

There are big rocky mountains in the combined hell. Two mountains face each other. When a sinner enters, the two mountains naturally merge together and crush the flesh and bones of the sinner's body. After that, the two mountains return to their original places!

Before he could use the iron mountain to crush him, Sufeng had already taken the lead in attacking. Two colored wings of light exploded on his shoulders, drawing a brilliant line of light under the dome.

Like a meteor falling, it penetrated the iron mountain in just an instant!

He smashed into the towering iron mountain alone, and the sound waves seemed to be left far behind. The blazing light and heat lingered on the surface of Sufeng's body, causing violent friction with the air, and brilliant firelight burst out.

In an instant, Sufeng was already in front of Zhijiu Mianjing Yantie.

Looking at the murderer so close at hand, Jiu Mianjing Yantie suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis in his heart.

This feeling was something that even Yamamoto Genryusai, who had faced rebellion, had never experienced before.

The great fear seemed to turn into a big physical hand, instantly clenching his heart into plasma!

The majestic spiritual pressure shrouded the surroundings of the black chain, blocking all possibilities of escape for Jiumianjing Yantie.


Before he could finish his sentence, a shimmering fist filled his sight.

The slender fingers closed together, holding the violent thunder and wind breath, and landed directly on the strong chest.


The sky of Seireitei completely returned to light at this moment, and the black spiritual pressure covering the sky was instantly dissipated.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Jiumian Jingyantie's burly and muscular body seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer. Countless blood was squeezed out from the pores, and the bones made a crunching sound, and then the roots broke. !

The destructive power covered his body, the huge roar spread uncontrollably, blood and flesh were swaying in the sky, and most of him wasted away, as if his skeleton-like body was violently blasted into the ground.

In an instant, endless smoke and dust rose up, and ripples visible to the naked eye surged and spread among the ruins, reaching the end of the line of sight.

"Then, that person is dead, is he dead?" A faint voice came from the crowd of people watching in the distance.

In their understanding, the dissipation of spiritual pressure means the end of life. The same is true for the Shinigami, the Great Void, and the same is true for the Quincy.

He followed the wind and walked to the vicinity of the deep pit, waving his hands to disperse the dust that filled the surroundings. What he saw was an inhuman body.

Most of the blood in Jiumian Jingyantie's body was blown out, and his originally burly appearance instantly lost weight. All the bones supporting his body were broken, and a huge hole was revealed in his chest. His whole body collapsed like a pile of mud. In the pit.

The vitality seemed to have completely disappeared.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The force of the punch just now was not reduced at all. Let alone a Shinigami with high attack power and low health, even if an Arrancar with steel skin defense came, it could be turned into flesh with one punch.

However, Kumeni Futetsu is still alive despite his weak spiritual pressure.

Even the injuries on his body are still recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. A large amount of phosphorus gas fills the wounds and fills them.

"Are the dead different from the living?"

Sufeng pondered, a powerful perception enveloped Jiumianjing Yantie's body, observing all the subtle changes.

After studying for a long time, he decisively crushed Kumenai Fuite's chest with his foot: "Let's leave it to Niruri and Yamada Seinosuke to dissect..."

Rukongai, on the edge of East District 1.

Several white figures clustered on the street, looking expressionlessly in the direction of Seireitei.

It wasn't until the warring spiritual pressure gradually subsided that they looked back.

"Even after a thousand years, this idiot is still as brainless as ever."

A girl with purple twintails and an eyepatch smiled playfully and evilly, "Now we are in the hands of Team 13 again."

"It's not useless at all. At least he helped us find out some information."

A tall man with a thin face and a black beard said in a hoarse voice.

"Obviously I'm just a junior, but my strength is so strong. It's really chilling..."

The purple-haired girl grinned, and there was a bit of madness in her smile: "It doesn't matter, my Zanpakutō is already hungry!"

"All it takes is a suitable opportunity to cut off that guy's limbs, then peel off his flesh and blood layer by layer, letting the thick blood flow on the fingertips, and then crush the solid bones and suck them all out Smooth bone marrow..."

As if she had entered a certain state, the purple-haired girl's face was rosy, she was breathing heavily, and her petite body was trembling uncontrollably.

Everyone seemed to be used to her behavior, and they didn't even want to take another look.

In fact, as the captain of the original Thirteenth Team, the purple-haired girl's character was not too bad among the murderers.

"Just wait, the hatred will not end here."

Another rickety figure suddenly spoke. His body was withered and thin, and he was carried high on his back. It seemed like there was some kind of living thing in it, and it squirmed a few times from time to time.

Several scarlet eyes fell on the tall Seirei Gate, and the overlapping sounds were like the whispers of evil spirits:

"What Yamamoto Genryusai owes us must be repaid..."

After solving Jiumianjing Yantie, Sufeng immediately asked his subordinates to notify the 12th Division to come over and wash the ground.

Perhaps sensing the collision of spiritual pressure, Nie Yuli and Nie Yinmeng personally rushed to the ruined street.

"The dead in hell?" He looked at the long-faced Jing Yantie like a dead dog with great interest, the corners of his mouth grinning toward the base of his ears, "A novel thing that has never been studied before!"

"The captain of the First Gotei 13, Kumeni Yuitetsu."

"The fusion of phosphorus gas and flesh and blood, what is this..."

For Nirvana, nothing is more exciting than exploring unknown territory.

Under his instructions, Niyinmeng calmly cleaned up Jiumianjing Yantie's body without letting go of even a drop of blood.

Just when Sufeng thought he was about to leave, Nirvana suddenly walked up to him and snapped his fingers skillfully.

Suddenly, a light curtain enveloped the two figures, and everything such as sounds and spiritual pressure fluctuations were isolated.

Nie Shuli slightly suppressed his crazy smile, looked directly into Su Feng's eyes, and said seriously:

"Xuye Palace has begun to take action..."

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes.

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