Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 283 An unprecedented crisis

Sufeng was surprised by the sudden intelligence news.

He originally thought that Aizen would wait for the fusion of Bengyu and wait until he had complete confidence before taking action.

Unexpectedly, action has already begun in just a few days.

"The Arrancars of Xuye Palace went out in full force to renovate the territory of Xuye Palace with a carpet-like search method."

Nie Yuli cracked her fingers and made a few crisp sounds. The joints suddenly showed abnormal bends, and black and purple spread rapidly on her fingers.

"It's not difficult to judge from the way they move. They also have information that the Invisible Empire has stationed its base camp in Hueco Mundo."

The light curtain moved around the two of them, blocking out all sounds.

"Captain Sufeng, we don't have much time left." There was something strange in Nie Shuli's smile.

To a mad scientist, war is not such a terrible thing.

Even to a certain extent, war is what he longs for.

Because for science, war is often a catalyst for the summary and advancement of knowledge.

When a scientist's research is at a bottleneck, the emergence of a war is very likely to push the development of this research to a new height.

Of course, this is limited to crazy guys like Nirvana.

"There is not much time left for you."

Sufeng glanced at him and said calmly, "Tianbei Xiuzhu has been given to you, when will we be able to produce satisfactory results?"

"Don't tell me that the folder hasn't been created yet."

Nirvana smiled coquettishly: "How could this be possible? There must be a plan, and the data is sufficient. The only thing missing is experiments."

"I'm going to start with Kifuri..."

Sufeng nodded, but did not mean to urge: "Just be sure in your own mind, the virtualization experiment is one part, and the dead in hell are another part."

"Not long ago, the prison criminals came to inform me that there was turmoil in hell, and several dead people escaped from it."

"Judging from the Kumen Ii Yantetsu, they are probably those from the Thirteenth Team of the First Gotei."

"As for the specific number of people who escaped, we don't know."

If the million-year history of Soul Society is like an endless vast ocean, then the existence of the original Gotei 13 is like an insignificant wave.

The thousands of years of Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto's life are not enough to occupy much space in Soul Society, let alone the Thirteenth First Generation Gotei who were accidentally killed by him.

Even Sufeng can't guarantee whether there is a transcendent among them.

Is existence like Yhwach really the only attempt at the Soul King's will?

Are people like Aizen Sosuke and Urahara Kisuke the only ones who have appeared in a million years?

When reading comics in his previous life, the poet left too much blank space, leaving readers with endless reverie.

When I really came to this world, I realized that there are still too many secrets in the world.

Perhaps the only two people who understand the overall context are the Soul King and the Military Chief Ichibei who have lived for a million years.

And hell is the opposite of the three realms.

There will be so many dead people with third-class spiritual power or above among them. Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb.

"A worrying future..."

"This captain can't see a shred of hope. Soul Society seems to be on the verge of collapse."

Nirvana showed a calm expression for the first time in a long time, and seemed to be worried about the future of Soul Society.

As a mad scientist, there aren't many things he cares about, but Soul Society happens to be one of them.

"It's enough to do your own thing."

Sufeng said calmly, "The sky is falling, so you have to stand taller."

"The turmoil in hell may be related to Arturo's death. When conducting research in this area, don't forget to conduct an in-depth dissection of Arturo."

Nie Yuli lifted the light curtain and stared at Jiumian Jingyantie who was being packed away by Nie Yinmeng, frowning deeply.

The black phosphorus gas on it continues to fill its incomplete body, and the flesh and blood squirm, just like the high-speed regeneration of the Great Void, constantly recovering.

"Life and death, spirit and phosphorus..."

"It's really a subject with infinite secrets..."

Gradually, Nirvana's tone once again contained a hint of fanaticism.

And Sufeng had disappeared into the ruins.

First team, execution room.

The aroma of sweet potatoes lingered under the eaves and permeated the courtyard. The sweet smell filled the nostrils of the passing team members, but no one dared to stop.


The sweet potato on the Ryukenruohuo was taken down by a big hand without hesitation, and the fragrant coating was peeled off in three strokes. Then, under the fierce eyes of Yamamoto Genryusai, Sufeng began the process of tasting the food. .

"Sweet but not greasy, fluffy and soft, the best, old man!"

Looking at the entire Gotei Thirteen Team, he was the only one who dared to steal food from Ryūren Wakahuo.

Even Kyōraku Shunsui, who is most highly regarded by Yamamoto Genryusai, needs to look at people's faces at times like this.

After all, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't snatch the sweet potatoes from the burning Ryūren Wakahuo.

"Are you here to ask about Jiumianjing Yante?"

Yamamoto Genryusai did not pursue the sweet potato matter, his slightly closed eyes were lowered, and the burning flame weakened slightly.

"Yes and no." Su Feng said a little vaguely, "If the old man is interested, there is no harm in talking about it."

Yamamoto Genryusai raised his eyes slightly, fell on Sufeng, and then sighed deeply:

"It could be eleven hundred years ago, or it could be twelve hundred years ago."

"You are really confused." Sufeng sneered, "You can't even remember the time."

"It's only been less than a thousand years. If it were me, I would definitely..."

Hearing the ridicule of this unscrupulous disciple, Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly felt his blood pressure rise. He resisted the urge to pull out the Ryuken Wakahu, and continued with his shiny scalp:

"That was eleven hundred years ago, when my name was resounding throughout Soul Society."

"No, the most famous one should be when you were almost slapped to death by Jijipa. After all, looking at the entire Soul Society at that time, you were the only one who dared to challenge that guy..."

Sufeng swallowed the last bite of sweet potato and interrupted to add something conclusively.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni: "???"

What a traitorous statement? !

By virtue of controlling the Great Spirit Book Corridor, you can unscrupulously expose the shortcomings of your elders, right? ?

When Sufeng was about to reach out for the remaining sweet potatoes, Yamamoto Genryusai's quick eyesight and quick hands forced the sweet potatoes into his hands.

"Traitor, this is my master's dinner!"

After Yamamoto Genryusai finished eating the sweet potatoes as if to guard against thieves, he continued what he had just said.

"Where did I just talk about?"

"You were slapped to the ground by Jiji Jiba, leaving only your head exposed."

"I feel like I've been beaten..."

Yamamoto Genryusai said mid-sentence, blowing his beard and staring: "You bastard! I fought with that ancient Great Void for 300 rounds, and I was defeated by it until I was exhausted!"

"Skip this!"

"When I became famous, countless powerful people came to vote for me."

Yamamoto Genryusai lowered his voice and started narrating again. Different from the previous one, his tone was less heavy about the past and more light and easy to notice.

During the gag with Sufeng, his mood was no longer as low as it was at the beginning.

In his narrative, Sufeng also had a clear understanding of the history of the Gotei 13.

The initial establishment of the Gotei 13 actually came from the commission from the Golden Seal Society.

In order to better maintain the order of Soul Society, the five nobles joined forces with the Golden Seal Society to draft an order plan.

At that time, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, who founded Genryusai and Mao Spiritual Arts Institute, was chosen as their spokesperson.

You must know that the original order of Soul Society was completely maintained by the private armies formed by each of the five nobles.

But because the nobles were in conflict with each other, the seemingly stable order was actually in chaos.

As the turmoil continued to grow, the five nobles realized that they could not continue like this, otherwise their rule would be shaken.

Under the formulation of the order plan, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni undoubtedly became the best candidate.

And he did not disappoint the hopes of the nobles. He selected the twelve most powerful people among countless strong men and created a killer group that made countless people fearful!

And this is the prototype of the Gotei 13.

The original Thirteenth Team used all means to defeat the enemy, even if it cost the lives of their subordinates or sacrificed their companions.

Within a hundred years, under the leadership of Yamamoto Genryusai, everyone in the Soul Society was killed with their heads rolling and blood seas rolling into the sky.

Then, the war started.

Yhwach launched a war to destroy Soul Society because he was afraid of death. The Gotei 13, as the most powerful group at the time, stood up to protect Soul Society.

"During the war, in order to kill members of the Knights of the Star Cross, I launched the sword of fire indiscriminately many times, burning the companions who fought with him to death in the flames."

Yamamoto Genryusai's voice became deeper and deeper, like an emotionless narrator narrating the past.

"Except for Sifengyuan Qianni and Unohana Retsu, the rest either died in the battle with the Quincy, or died under my sword..."

Sufeng listened to his toothache.

The seemingly amiable old man who co-authored him was no different from Yhwach now a thousand years ago, and he would do whatever it takes to win.

There were a total of thirteen people in the original Thirteenth Team. I'm afraid you killed most of them by yourself, right?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be within the normal range.

In the original timeline, during the battle in the fake Karakura Town, when all the captains were defeated, Yamamoto Genryusai launched the blazing hell that covered the entire city.

The captains who were injured at that time were all involved, and they made a crazy decision to sacrifice the entire team to kill Aizen.

"Kyumenjing Yantie is the latter."

Yamamoto Genryusai fiddled with the remaining gray charcoal and said calmly, "They came back from hell, probably with the idea of ​​seeking revenge on me."

"After all, it was me who was responsible for the crime back then."

After finishing the narration, Sufeng sighed.

He couldn't tell what was right or wrong, but there was nothing wrong with the other party seeking revenge.

However, this Jiu Mianjing Yantie seemed to be a fool and came directly to him. His brain was more or less chewed by the Daxu of Hell.

Not to mention it was a thousand years ago, even if it were pushed forward five hundred years, it would have nothing to do with Tsunayashiro Sufeng.

"According to the description given by Gaishi Takashi, it is not just Kumeni Yutetsuto who escaped from hell this time."

"The remaining ones are probably also the captains of the original Thirteenth Team."

At this point, Sufeng rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little worried, "And just now, Nie Yuli reported the information about Xuye Palace."

"Aizen is taking action."

"Amid internal and external troubles, the Soul Society is really in turmoil."

He is not afraid of these first-generation Thirteen teams, but this does not mean that they are not a threat.

As "the strongest Gotei 13 in history", its overall strength must be stronger than most of the current captains.

For example, Zuihou, Kuchiki Byakuya, Komamura Zuozhen, and Hitsugaya Toshiro are unable to compare with each other in terms of hard power.

Sufeng was very aware of their strength. If nothing else, just one Jiumianjing Yantie could kill three of them under siege by four people.

As for Isshin Shiba, his strength must have weakened after not taking action for so many years. Whether he can beat him is still a big question.

Kyōraku Shunsui also has the disadvantage of not being able to release his swastika in places where people gather. If he relies on his swastika alone, he is afraid that he will be pinned to the ground and hammered by the opponent.

Not to mention Jūshirō Ukitake, who almost died from serious illness in the previous battle with his brother. He probably had no chance of survival against the originals.

In the absence of information, Nirvana probably ended up being wantonly ravaged.

The only ones who can rest assured are Yamamoto Genryusai, Unohana Retsu and Zaraki Kenpachi.

After hearing Sufeng's words, Yamamoto Genryusai also sighed heavily.

An unprecedented crisis.

Even when facing Yhwach a thousand years ago, he had never been so powerless.

After all, there was only one enemy, the Quincy, and the opponent didn't make any small moves. He just started to attack without saying a word.

At the moment, Aizen is waiting for the opportunity in Hueco Mundo, the invisible empire is missing, and the dead have returned from hell.

"In such a situation, the only thing I can do is to quietly guard the Seireitei and wait for them to appear."

Yamamoto Genryusai said solemnly, "When necessary, it is not impossible to activate the swastika."

"Actually, there is another way."

Sufeng said in a deep voice, his eyes scanning the old and majestic face of Yamamoto Genryusai from time to time.

"Speak frankly. When did I teach you to be so coquettish?"

Yamamoto Genryusai felt a little uncomfortable under Sufeng's gaze and angrily said, "No matter how difficult the solution is, as long as it can solve the current predicament, I will give it my full support!"

Hearing this, Su Feng's eyes suddenly lit up: "These words are so open and forthright, worthy of the old man!"

"It's actually simple. Let the captains master the virtualization. I just don't know what kind of mask you like, old man..."

Thanks to book friend 722479 for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly recommendation votes.

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