Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 284 If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's heart skipped a beat.

He is the majestic captain of the Gotei 13, the strongest Shinigami in thousands of years, and the first person to defend the laws of Soul Society!

Nowadays, someone actually talks to me about virtualization openly?

Don’t you think that my sharp edge like fire is disadvantageous?

Even though the person who raised this topic was Sufeng, Yamamoto Genryusai still couldn't suppress the sudden anger in his heart.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can you do something that goes against the nature of the God of Death so wantonly!"

Sufeng Xiaozhi used reason to move him emotionally: "Is the old man planning to watch the Soul Society fall into war again?"

"Thousands of years ago, in the Soul Society, there were mountains of corpses everywhere, streams of blood, and flames as sharp as fire, which directly set half of the world on fire."

"The current crisis is even worse than it was a thousand years ago."

"And among the captains, except for you and me, Sister Hua, how many of the remaining captains are stronger than the first-generation captains?"

After saying this, Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly fell silent.

No one knows the disaster that happened thousands of years ago better than him.

At that time, not only the Death Gods suffered casualties, but also the nobles were involved in the war and suffered countless injuries.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Chojiro Takashi gave up his glory as a swordsman in the end, disguised himself as a corpse at a critical moment, hid in a mountain of corpses, and suddenly burst out in a sneak attack during the decisive battle, piercing Yhwach's body, the real The outcome is still uncertain.

I thought that that battle would completely make Yhwach disappear from the world.

But who would have thought that not only was the other party still alive, but he was also hiding in the shadow of Seireitei.

If it hadn't been for Sufeng's reminder that Jingraku Shunshui had made new developments for Shadow Ghost, he would probably have been kept in the dark until now.

The Quincy is recuperating and growing in the shadows. When Yhwach awakens and comes again, Soul Society will suffer many heavy casualties. Just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb and shuddering.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto Genryusai's gaze at Sufeng softened slightly.

Although this disciple of his is usually unreliable, he is still very useful at critical moments, and the occasional nerve knife has played a great role.

"But even so..."

Yamamoto Genryusai hesitated to speak, "I cannot agree to let you conduct virtualization experiments openly in Seireitei, especially on me..."

Although the stubbornness of thousands of years has been relaxed a lot, it is almost impossible to make another 180-degree turn.

Yamamoto Genryusai can sacrifice the lives of his subordinates in order to protect Soul Society, but he cannot touch the red line in the regulations.

Virtualizing the God of Death is something that is absolutely prohibited.

Sufeng naturally recognized the concerns in Yamamoto Genryusai's heart at a glance, and had already prepared a countermeasure for this.

"Old man, let me ask another question."


"What exactly is the justice you protect?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai pondered for a moment, then looked directly into Sufeng's eyes and said solemnly:

"The laws of Soul Society have been continuously improved for millions of years. This is the justice in my heart."

"If you can kill a great evil with one death, then I will be willing to face death. This is the meaning of my existence, and it should also be the meaning of the existence of the Gotei Thirteen!"


After the words fell, Sufeng could only be heard snapping his fingers crisply:

"That way it'll be fine."

"Tomorrow is the monthly Golden Seal Meeting. At that time, I will attend the meeting as the Tsunayashiro family head."

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Yamamoto Genryusai's heart.

Sure enough, under his gaze that was as hot as fire, Su Fengli said confidently:

"The old guys from Room 46 of Zhenyang will also attend this meeting. At the meeting, I will directly propose a proposal to change relevant regulations."

"I think with my captain's current reputation, there shouldn't be many brave guys who dare to protest."

Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes widened, and just when he was about to get angry, he was shocked to find that the traitor Sufeng in front of him was disappearing in front of him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like a bursting bubble.

"This is……"

He frowned slightly, thinking hard to no avail.

Tsunayashiro family.

Sufeng walked slowly in the huge mansion, listening to the respectful greetings of passers-by with arrogance, nodding his head from time to time, using the phrase "the villain succeeds" to the fullest.

Originally, he wanted to use his sharp tongue to admonish Yamamoto Genryusai.

But halfway through, I discovered it.

As an old guy who has been stubborn for two thousand years, a few words cannot change his will.

At this moment, all we can do is use the Overlord's bow.

"Master of the family, how come you have time to come back today?" After hearing the news of Sufeng's return, the family's elder, Tsunayashiro Aomine, appeared in front of him as soon as possible.

As early as when Su Feng was the heir to the family head, he was his staunch supporter.

Later, after Su Feng succeeded the family head, he was also reused to a considerable extent, and sometimes he could even make important decisions in place of Su Feng.

"The meeting of the Golden Seal Nobles is about to begin."

Sufeng ordered, "Help me draft a bill, the content of which is to change the relevant regulations on the virtual death experiment..."

When Tsunayashiro Aomine said the first half of the sentence, he was still listening respectfully. However, when the second half of the sentence was said, he raised his head in astonishment and looked at his family head in shock.

When he was about to say something, he discovered that the arrogant figure had disappeared from sight.

"Nothing good will happen when the head of the family comes back."

Tsunayashiro Aomine's old face was bitter, and his thick folds were almost squeezed into chrysanthemums, "Does this law say it can be changed by changing it?"

He intended to persuade Su Feng, but then he remembered the fate of the tribesmen who had gone against Su Feng before, and immediately put away his inappropriate thoughts.

The current Tsunayashiro family is a one-spoken family in the true sense.

The next day, District Six, Noble Street.

At the meeting of gold-seal nobles.

"Elder Qingfeng, please read it to them."

The old god Sufeng was sitting at the top of the table and said casually, "I have already read the plan you drafted. There is nothing wrong with it. Just follow this."

Tsunayashiro Aomine stood up from his seat with an old face.

For a time, countless eyes focused on him, waiting for the next step.

Among the people present, there were many noble family heads such as Kuchiki Byakuya and Shifengin Yushiro Sakizono.

As the highest-level meeting in the Soul Society, noble family heads usually have to be present. It is extremely rare for someone like Su Feng to come and go.

You know, even Shiba Haiyan will find time to participate at this time.

Looking at Tsunayashiro Aomine, doubts appeared on everyone's faces, wondering what the head of the Tsunayashiro family was up to.

Ever since Sufeng became the head of the Tsunayashiro family, the nobles in the Soul Society have never had a moment to rest, and they have been bloodbathed from time to time.

No one knows how many nobles, both superior and inferior, have fallen into his hands.

Its notoriety can even stop a three-year-old from crying at night.

"Ahem, ahem, about this bill."

Tsunayashiro Aomine cleared his throat and started reading with the mentality of breaking a jar.

In fact, there is not much content. It is mainly a change to the regulations related to virtualization experiments. Nirvana and Seinosuke Yamada can conduct virtualization experiments within the allowed range.

When he finished reading the motion, the grand conference room suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Tsunayashiro Aomine with shocked expressions, and their eyes swept over the chief in front of the conference table from time to time.

They knew that this was not a decision that could be made by just one family member, and the instigator must be Tsunayashiro Sufeng, who was sitting at the head table watching the show.

"If you have different opinions, you can put them forward. Only by brainstorming can we make Soul Society develop better."

Su Feng tapped his knuckles on the table, making a rhythmic sound, and looked around at everyone's faces with an indifferent gaze.

Among them, Byakuya Kuchiki and Shun Shui of Kyoraku hesitate to speak.

As the people present who knew the existence of Sufeng the most, they knew the price of being the first to take the lead.

"I have an opinion!"

One person suddenly stood up from his seat and said solemnly: "If the Death God's Hollow cannot be controlled, it will definitely transform the Death God into an irrational Hollow. Not only will lives be lost, but it will also cause irreparable damage to the Soul Society." disaster!"

Sufeng glanced at this person indifferently and recognized him as the head of the superior noble family, the Tsuruta family. Although he abided by the law on weekdays, he often did some evil things allowed by laws and regulations because of his status as a noble.

"The Ninety-nine of the Binding Dao·No. 2·Swastika Ban."

"The first song·stop the tension."

With a flick of his finger, Sufeng's spiritual pressure surged and bloomed, instantly turning into countless white cloth strips and wrapping around the head of the Tsuruda clan, turning him into a pure white mummy.

"Two Qu·Bai Lian Bolan."

Before the calm voice could finish, dozens of iron thorns appeared in the air and were aimed at the body of the head of the Tsuruta family. The sharp chill immediately made his hair stand on end and he could not stop trembling.

"Any further comments?"

The head of the Tsuruta family shook his head repeatedly, his expression extremely frightened.

Under countless looks of astonishment, shock, or confusion, Su Feng slowly stood up, placed his hands on the conference table, and leaned slightly.

"This matter is related to the future of Soul Society."

"Therefore, it must be implemented."

He looked around at everyone with calm eyes, and Su Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"After I have finished speaking, who is in favor and who is against?"

There was silence in the conference room, and even the sound of breathing was muted.

The last person who raised objections has been sealed and turned into a mummy by No. 99 Binding Road. Who knows what the fate of another one will be.

The meeting of the Golden Seal Nobles concluded successfully.

The motion regarding the changes to the laws and regulations related to virtualization experiments was unanimously passed and will be distributed to the first team by Room 46 in the near future. The first team and the tenth team will make a joint announcement at that time.

Yamamoto Genryusai scanned the contents of the secret talisman over and over again, his blood pressure soaring uncontrollably, almost threatening to break through his physiological limits.

The ominous premonition finally came true.

The unscrupulous traitor relied on his own power to unscrupulously trample on the noble laws of Soul Society, disregarding the justice in his heart.

“Once is acceptable, twice is acceptable.”

"But three times, four times, five times?"

There seemed to be flames burning in Yamamoto Genryusai's pupils, the temperature in the room soared uncontrollably, and the moisture in the air evaporated rapidly.

“Throughout the ages, how many people have not been corrupted by power?”

"Can Sufeng really guarantee that he will not embark on that path of no return?"


The figure of Takuchojiro flashed in the corridor and appeared respectfully behind Yamamoto Genryusai.

"Inform Captain Tsunaya to wait for me in the open space behind the team building."

"As commanded."

Behind the first team's building, there is an open space of hundreds of miles.

This was the place where Yamamoto Genryusai taught Sufeng Genryu, and it was also the place where Sufeng assessed Kuchiki Byakuya.

"Did the old man look fierce at that time?"

Sufeng put a hand on the shoulder of Takuchojiro and asked like a very familiar good buddy.

"Well, I didn't notice Master Genryusai's expression at that time."

Chojiro said, "But the temperature in the air is very high, and the moisture in the air is much less than usual."

"Captain Sufeng, you may be in for a disaster this time."

Ever since he learned the contents of the secret order conveyed by Mao's 46th Room, Jiro Chojiro also had a completely new understanding of Sufeng's daring actions.

The justice in Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's heart, and the laws and regulations that have implemented the Soul Society's tens of thousands of years of history, were so easily rectified by him.

If he didn't react to such a bad incident, then he wouldn't be Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

"Ahem, there is no other way."

Su Feng coughed twice, "You do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. You can't just watch those captains jump repeatedly on the edge of death, right?"

Chojiro was silent, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Say it or not, these words still make sense.

As an old subordinate who has followed Yamamoto Genryusai for two thousand years, he is also aware of the current differences in the strength of the captains and the impending disaster that Soul Society will face.

The war with the Quincy thousands of years ago killed most of the powerful first-generation captains. If a war breaks out again now, only a few people will survive.

To be honest, he could understand Su Feng's thoughts at the moment.

"I understand." Takuchojiro nodded slightly, "You have also paid a lot for Soul Society!"

Sufeng nodded calmly: "Of course it should be, of course it should be!"

"Maybe the intention was good."

Suddenly, a majestic old voice sounded from behind Su Feng, "But if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and changing the laws requires a measure that no one before has had."

Scorching spiritual pressure filled the air, as if a volcano that had been dormant for thousands of years erupted, and the sulfur-like atmosphere continued to cover everything in sight.

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni took off his captain Haori, tied the death tyrant uniform around his waist, and calmly stared at Sufeng in front of him:

"Let me see how good you are..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest, the boss who kills, cooks, and eats, and the boss Magic Jiezi for the rewards, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes!

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