Chojiro hugged Yuori, the captain of the master and apprentice, and retreated to the edge of the area. He looked at the two confronting figures in the distance with great nervousness.

Alas, the two strongest masters and disciples in the history of the Gotei 13 turned against each other.

Feeling the hot breath filling the air, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his throat suddenly felt dry, and even breathing seemed quite difficult.

Even when he lay down and pretended to be dead to sneak attack Yhwach a thousand years ago, Chujiro had never been so nervous.

The same captain Yu Zhi has been taken off, the same death tyrant uniform is tied around the waist, the same muscular upper body, the same surge of spiritual pressure.

The only difference is.

There are countless scars on Yamamoto Genryusai's body. They are a symbol of his honor, a testimony that he has become the strongest Shinigami in thousands of years, and it is also the weapon in his mouth!

Looking back at Sufeng, his body is as white as jade, and a faint spiritual pressure light covers every knotted muscle, showing the beauty of strength, just like a finely crafted sculpture in ancient times.

Although he did not use Ryukenwaka, the instinct of fire seemed to be imprinted in Yamamoto Genryusai's soul.

With each breath, the scorching breath filled the surroundings, and the surging high temperature impacted the ground, dust, and tree branches...

The remaining weeds on the ground curled up at a speed visible to the naked eye until they turned black and lost all vitality.

Sufeng's face was calm, but he didn't feel any contempt at all.

Yamamoto Genryusai symbolizes the ultimate limit of the Shinigami in the true sense. He has perfect scores in all four basic combat skills of Zanken Zuki, and his Zanpakutō Ryuken Wakahu has been developed to the extreme.

Facing a monster of this level, even Yhwach needs special means to deal with it, and he can never be too careful.

What's more, Yamamoto Genryusai just wanted to vent his anger.

He has guarded justice for thousands of years, but under Su Feng's manipulation, he has become a dispensable joke, and it is understandable that he has difficulty controlling his emotions.

"Boy, be careful."

Yamamoto Genryusai's figure is slightly slumped, the five fingers of his right hand are open and clenched, and stretched forward in front of his knees:

"I won't hold anything back..."

The moment the words fell, violent spiritual pressure soared into the sky, and the wanton flames turned into roaring roars on the dome.

The sky on the battlefield seemed to be scorched at this moment, all the clouds disappeared, and the scorching heat in the air reached an extreme point that was unbearable for ordinary people!

After a brief burst of spiritual pressure, the old figure covered in flames burst out at an astonishing speed. There was no trace of using Shunpo, just an explosion of pure power.

The ground under his feet cracked open under the force of the earthquake, and instantly turned into a scorched black color under the scorching heat.

The firelight passed over the battlefield and went straight towards Sufeng's figure.

As early as the moment when Yamamoto Genryusai's spiritual pressure broke out, Sufeng's nerves were already tense to the extreme, and every muscle in his body was trembling slightly, excited for the battle that was about to break out.

The fire light swept across the sky, and the scorching heat hit my face!


Without any surprise, the master and apprentice had their first fist-to-bone clash in the open space!


As if a strong wind of level 12 passed by, countless boulders rolled up on the battlefield and were swept to pieces in concentric shock waves.

The violent wind roared on the dome, causing Chojiro, who was on the edge of the battlefield, to retreat again and again, unable to bear the raging aftermath.

The mighty roaring sound was like an explosion of thunder. While it resounded across the battlefield, it also spread to the team building in ripples visible to the naked eye.

Almost the entire team of Shinigami heard the explosive sound. They were stunned and at the same time shocked by the existence of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

They were no strangers to Sufeng's spiritual pressure.

As early as when he came to the First Team to learn Genryu, the members of the First Team were already familiar with his spiritual pressure.

But how long had it passed before the person who had been taught by Captain Yamamoto was actually able to fight him head-on? !

Could it be that the information previously circulated in the Seireitei was not a rumor? !

Countless doubts arose in the minds of the team members, but due to the current work, they were unable to leave their posts.

On the other hand, in the Seireitei, the captains who noticed the intertwined reiatsu of Yamamoto Genryusai and Sufeng had already rushed towards the direction of the first team building.

Although I don’t know exactly what happened, it is always right to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

Whether it is Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni or Tsunayoshi Sofu, both of them can be regarded as the white jade pillars of Soul Society, supporting the purple golden beam of the sea. Injury to either party is a huge loss to Soul Society.

Similar spiritual pressures collided, stirring up scorching air waves. Golden thunder and red flames intertwined and spread, instantly burning the surrounding trees into ashes and rolling them into the air.

The two of them were like bulls wrestling. While their bodies were leaning slightly, their fists and bones collided with each other. Substantial spiritual pressure lingered around them, consuming and destroying the ground in all directions.

Compared with Yamamoto Genryusai, Sufeng has a certain gap in terms of experience and combat skills.

The only advantage is the spiritual pressure of the transcendent level.

But it's not a life-and-death fight between the two. If they really go all out, it will only change the meaning of this battle.

"Exquisite fighting skills, but unfortunately lacks a bit of indomitable momentum."

Yamamoto Genryusai commented solemnly, "Come on with your true power, this measure alone is far from enough!"

The moment the words fell, the flames beside him suddenly burst out, dyeing the sky red in an instant, and a majestic tsunami-like spiritual pressure swept through most of the Seireitei in an instant.

After the first test, Yamamoto Genryusai no longer held back, and immediately assumed a bone flow stance, as if there was dark red magma flowing gurgling above his fists.

Even if he has not learned techniques such as instant coaxing, in more than two thousand years, Yamamoto Genryusai has been able to perfectly control every ounce of his power.

The angle at which the strongest attack can be unleashed has long been engraved in his soul like instinct.

Bone flow·one bone!

The moment the posture was stretched, the fist shadow roared and exploded, like a madman, countless heavy hammers fell fiercely, and everything in front seemed to be enveloped by the flames.

Sufeng's eyes widened, and his brain went blank for a moment.

Isn't Yi Gu an attack like a ultimate move?

Why did the old man directly become a flat A! ?

A strong threat surged forward, and the life-and-death crisis shrouded Sufeng's heart. He instinctively spread his arms in the same posture, accurately caught Yamamoto Genryusai's falling fist, and faced it head-on.

For a moment, continuous explosions echoed across the battlefield, and the deafening air explosions seemed to tear the eardrums of onlookers.

The shock wave that shook the mountains erupted violently.

In an instant, layers of ground with a radius of dozens of kilometers exploded, and charred dust rose into the sky. With the roar, the entire battlefield was swept and filled with dust.

The charred dust connected the dome and the earth as a whole. All tangible and intangible objects involved in it were instantly annihilated into ashes and drifted wantonly.

Chojiro used the No. 39 Binding Circle Gate Fan to block himself in front of him to avoid being affected by the aftermath. Captain-level spiritual pressure lingered around him, resisting the strong pressure coming from all directions.

He looked at the center of the battlefield in shock. Now he was only on the edge of the battlefield, feeling as if the end of the world was coming.

What will it be like for the two people who are still fighting against each other in the center of the battlefield? !

There are no fancy skills, just the collision of pure power and spiritual pressure. Between the fists and bones, the ground collapses, dust flies, and flames and thunder intersect.

The attack speed of the two has even formed an afterimage, as if there are countless arms bursting out with majestic power at the same time.

To put it bluntly, it's like a battle between the world and Platinum Star, only the destructive power is magnified a thousand times!

In just a few seconds, this hundred-mile open space was cut off by three thirds, as if it collapsed due to an earthquake.

The aftermath of the explosion continued to expand, and the forest further away was also affected.

The big tree that several people had just been able to surround collapsed.

The mountain peak standing on the edge collapsed directly, and the rubble was turned into powder amidst the explosion of flames and thunder before it fell, floating like ashes under the dome.

Endless smoke and dust covered everything in sight, and only the deafening sound of sonic booms resounded throughout the battlefield.

By the time the captains arrived near the battlefield, the place was already in a mess.

Jingraku Shunsui couldn't hide his shock, and he didn't even notice that his accent was out of tune when he spoke:

"Is this guy Sufeng planning to rebel?"

"What kind of grudge does he have against Old Man Shan? Why did such a fierce battle break out?!"

Sensing the spiritual pressure of everyone, Takuchojiro hurriedly appeared beside them and explained the situation to prevent them from suddenly breaking into the battlefield and being affected by the fight between the master and the disciple.

"Although I don't have a lot of brains, I'm not ready to break into a battle of this level." Komamura Zuozhen said in a sullen voice.

Zhibo comforted him with words: "Don't worry, both of them only fought in vain, which shows that they still have a sense of proportion..."

However, before he finished speaking, the roar in the battlefield suddenly stopped.

Instead, a vast spiritual pressure like the sky suddenly burst out, and two huge beams of light shot straight into the dome, as if they were going to pierce the sky together.

What sounded together with it was the Shijieyu that shook the world.

"Everything in the world is reduced to ashes!"

"Cut the void, crack the thunder!"

Suddenly, thick clouds covered the sky, as if there was a sudden change between day and night, and the surrounding area instantly became dark.

Strong winds roared, and several majestic tornadoes swallowed up the smoke and dust, creating a horrific scene like an apocalypse.

Within the black clouds, bright blue-purple thunder roared continuously, as if it was about to split the dome!

And in this darkness, a raging endless heat wave broke out, and a blazing light burst out, turning into a scorching sun in the apocalypse, shining in all directions!

Everything around him vaporized, and even the ground without any burning objects was filled with endless scorching flames.

The suffocating pressure immediately spread and enveloped the captains, and the anxious atmosphere permeated the surroundings. Even with captain-level spiritual pressure, they still had difficulty breathing.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Shiba Isshin.

"Well, this was just an accident. At least they didn't use the swastika... Well, well, well!"

Before he could finish speaking, Shiba Isshin was choked by Kyōraku Shunsui in a strongman-locking position.

If he continues talking, I'm afraid the entire Soul Society will cease to exist.


A majestic low roar sounded amidst the roaring thunder. Yamamoto Genryusai held the flaming Ryuken Wakahu and slashed forward from bottom to top.

In an instant, red flames burst out on the blade, and the terrifying aura swallowed up the tornado in front of it and replaced it.

The scorching temperature continued to rise, as if it was going to burn the entire space.

"Chasing the Wind!"

Not to be outdone, Su Feng raised his sword with his backhand and slashed. The blue-white wind breath lingered on the blade, roaring out in a spiral, and instantly turned into a violent wind blade that could shake up the battlefield.

The exchange of fire and wind dyed the world in just an instant!

The two of them seemed to have unleashed a real fire, and before the remaining power of this move had subsided, they once again brewed up even greater spiritual pressure.

The expressions of the captains who were watching changed again and again, and they could no longer be described as shocked.

The look of horror on his face was as if he had seen the end coming.

Even Jiro Chojiro couldn't help but murmured doubts. The two masters and disciples didn't really want to kill each other, right?

"Fiery Hell..."

"Senluo Lei Prison..."

They chanted in a low voice at the same time, as if they had a tacit understanding.

The next moment, the Ryuken Wakahu in Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni's hand suddenly fell, and the majestic spiritual pressure merged into the ground. Countless abyss-like ferocious cracks suddenly appeared, and golden-red magma flowed wantonly in them.

In an instant, dozens of sky-reaching fire pillars burst into flames and shot straight to the dome, seeming to tear apart and burn all the thick clouds above it.

However, at the moment when the pillar of fire erupted, the billowing black clouds suddenly pressed down, and the ground seemed to sink. The explosive thunder swept across, and the terrifying pressure filled the air.

Suddenly, the oppressive clouds stirred up strong winds, and the endless sea of ​​thunder exploded instantly. The scorching thunder light competed with the sky-reaching pillar of fire for light, exaggerating its vast and blazing whiteness!

The extremely frightening thunder column fell down instantly, and the heat that was not inferior to the scorching flames filled the air. All the thunder in the billowing black clouds exploded and fell.

The thunderstorm is raging and the fire is raging!

Countless rays of violent lightning poured down like waterfalls, turning into a thunder prison covering the entire battlefield, swallowing up the sky-reaching pillar of fire from bottom to top.

Looking from a distance, the real scene of doomsday falls in it, with fire and thunder constantly exchanging, each consuming the other's power, and the extreme high temperature is raging!

All the dust and smoke were wiped out at this moment, not even a trace was left!

The captains who were watching on the edge of the battlefield stared dumbly at the horrifying scene in the distance that was beyond imagination. They only felt that their scalps were exploding and they had difficulty breathing...

It's like someone's throat is being strangled tightly!

Thanks to the overturned ketchup boss for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly votes.

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