Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 287 When the moonlight shines on my face

"Who should I start with..."

Sufeng was slightly startled and suddenly fell into thinking.

Nirvana's question temporarily caused him some difficulty.

It’s not that I don’t know who to choose, it’s just that there are so many choices that I can’t decide for the moment.

After a moment of thinking, he tapped his left fist with his right fist and made up his mind:

"From weak to strong!"

The second division team building, in the secret training ground.

Broken Bee looked at the man who had dragged him here, his face livid, as if he had been insulted.

She was particularly stubborn at the moment.

Especially after I didn't know which member of the Technology Development Bureau learned about the virtualization sequence arranged by Sufeng.

"Be good, if you obey me this time, I'll catch you a black cat to play with next time." Su Feng comforted him.

Hearing this, Broken Bee blinked her eyelashes lightly, seeming quite moved.

Others may not know what the black cat Su Feng talks about, but she knows it very well.

The traitor who once abandoned her, Shifengin Yoruichi.

Even though nearly a hundred years have passed, even if Sufeng has filled the vacant position, Sui Feng is still thinking about the existence of Si Fengyuan Yoruichi.

This is like a person who can never forget his first love.

Although this metaphor has a bit of a tauren meaning.

It wasn't until the invasion of Lvhu some time ago that Zhifeng met Sifengyuan Yoruichi by "accidental" opportunity and had a fierce battle with him.

The Broken Bee lost miserably.

Unlike the original timeline, this time Sifengyuan Yeyi did not waste nearly a hundred years.

On the contrary, because of the existence of Sufeng, she often fought with him, which not only perfected the development of the advanced skills of Shufeng, but also greatly enriched his free-fighting style.

Under the circumstances of the ebb and flow, it would be a ghost if the Broken Bee could defeat it.

"Not only that, Hollow can also increase your spiritual pressure."

Sufeng explained, "The strength will also be improved accordingly, and perhaps the third stage of instant coax can be developed by then."

Another completely irresistible reason.

Broken Bee already regretted his stubborn behavior just now.

But because of her face, she couldn't immediately regret and agree. She can only be said to be a typical example of tsundere.

After a brief stalemate, Sufeng lost his patience.

With his backhand, he fired a No. 63 Binding Dao Chain Chain, directly tying up the Broken Bee in an extremely shameful posture.

The flat-chested arrogant girl sat on her knees with her hands behind her back, raising her head stubbornly and proudly, as if she would never admit defeat.

"It's not up to you now."

Sufeng took out a syringe filled with virtual poison and injected it directly into the neck of Sufeng as he was about to bite the person to death.

There is no other way, both hands are locked. If I inject further, I will have to take off the dead body.

As the virtual poison in the syringe was gradually injected, Broken Bee's expression changed again and again until his eyes turned white and he completely lost consciousness.

Different from Amagai Suisuke's process of virtualization, Zaishi first burst out the virtual spiritual pressure from the restraint of the binding path, and the light condensed like a substance, forming white bone covering the vital parts of the body.

The white bone mask gradually covered the delicate face, and patterns like honeycomb patterns emerged between the white bones, and the aura of violence became more and more obvious.

As his eyes were filled with blood red, his reason also disappeared.

The virtual instinct dominated the body of Broken Bee, and the golden chains suddenly made a creaking sound, like metals colliding with each other.

Sufeng frowned slightly, suddenly realizing that the No. 63 Binding Path chanted by Desolation was not enough to imprison the Broken Bee in front of him.

Ever since——

"Ninety-nine Binding Dao: Forbidden!"

He added another shot of No. 99 Binding Dao, which immediately stopped the broken bees.

Even a captain of Amagai Susuke's strength could not withstand Fudao, and it was also very difficult for Zhanfeng at his current level.

The pressure of the Death God and the pressure of the Great Void Spirit disappeared one after another in the underground training ground, constantly intertwining.

Sufeng stood aside quietly, waiting for the virtualization process to end.

Although Nie Yu used his head as a guarantee that nothing would go wrong, everyone knew that there was no important part of Nie Yuli's body.

Moreover, Sufeng smashed his head not just once or twice.

Judging from the fact that this guy himself has not conducted a virtualization experiment, there is definitely a certain risk in virtualization.

Although in Nirvana's words, breaking through the boundaries of one's own soul with virtual poison will lead to changes in the way of thinking, which will affect his daily thinking.

Originally, according to the strength of the captains from weak to strong, Nirvana was definitely the first among all the captains to be dematerialized.

But he sternly refused, leaving no room for negotiation.

After the dispute, I had no choice but to give up.

After all, as far as Nirvana's real strength is concerned, even if it becomes invisible, it is still just cannon fodder.

What's really strong about him is his crazy brain.

The incorporation of the broken bee lasted for three hours. As the white bones on the petite body cracked, the violent spiritual pressure of the great void dissipated instantly.

She slowly opened her confused eyes, and what came into view was Su Feng's concerned gaze, and warmth surged through her heart for a moment.

The last person who cared about her so much was the traitorous black cat.

However, with the passage of time, Sufeng's figure has gradually replaced Si Fengyuan Ye Yi's status, if it were not for the arrogant character developed through years of habit.

At this time, she should rush into the other person's arms immediately.

Just when he was at a loss, the binding path covering his body suddenly collapsed, turning into countless tiny rays of light scattered around, and a pair of big hands silently surrounded him.

Warmth, wrapping the broken bees in it.

Sniffing the familiar scent lingering in his nose, the nerves that were originally tense due to the battle with Daxu in his heart suddenly relaxed.

"Sufeng, thank you..."

A soft moan sounded in his arms, and when Su Feng looked down, the girl-like Sui Feng was already curled up like a kitten and sleeping soundly.

To her, her arms at this time were the warmest and safest place in the world.

Division 7 team building, captain's office.

A burnt-yellow figure moved back and forth between the tables, chairs and benches, making cheerful dog barks from time to time.

"Captain Sufeng is laughing, Wulang is like this on weekdays."

Komamura Zuozhen's majestic figure sat upright on a large chair, smiling apologetically.

Then he growled at the big yellow bread, and then Wulang let out a reluctant whine and left the butler's office step by step.

Sufeng looked at the scene in front of him with great interest. The rumor circulating in the Seireitei about the Komamura Zuozhen being able to communicate with dogs turned out to be true.

However, after thinking about the appearance of Komamura Zuozhen, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him.

Although the Komamura Left Front has stated several times that he is a wolf and not a dog, not many people seem to be willing to believe it.

"Captain Komamura should know my purpose of coming, right?" Sufeng said with a smile, full of goodwill.

Hearing this, the left formation of Komamura suddenly looked embarrassed and said hesitantly:

"I don't have any objections, it's just that the captain..."

Sufeng waved his hand and said grandly: "The old man has been impressed by my captain's magnanimity. He will not interfere with this trivial matter in the future."

"Besides, you don't want to just protect Soul Society, do you?"

"Don't you want to bring Tōsen Kaname back from Hueco Mundo?"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on the plush face of Komamura Zuozhen suddenly became firm.

"For the justice in my heart, this little sacrifice is nothing."

"Captain Sufeng, please use it as you like!"

As he said that, he closed his eyes with dignity, looking like he was willing to sacrifice for the justice in his heart.

Sufeng's mouth twitched: "It's not convenient here. I need to find a place where no one will disturb me."

Komamura Zuozhen opened his eyes and said solemnly: "In that case, please come with me. There is an open space behind the seventh division team building. On weekdays, only I go there."

Under the leadership of Komamura Zuozhen, we followed the wind and came to the foot of a mountain peak.

The moment he stepped into this area, he looked towards the mountain peak, and there was a vaguely unfamiliar spiritual pressure permeating the mountain peak.

After a moment of thinking, Sufeng confirmed the identity of the spiritual pressure master.

"Captain Komamura's grandfather?"

Komamura Zuozhen was surprised, then he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Yes, my grandfather is not willing to live with the gods of death like me."

"As a last resort, I can only apply to the captain to obtain this mountain peak and transform it into my grandfather's residence."

Sufeng nodded, but didn't pay too much attention.

The grandfather of Komamura Zuozhen is an old wolf. If you expect this guy to come out to fight for Soul Society, you might as well expect the high-ranking guys from the old man's Zero Division to take the initiative to fight against his comrade Habach.

"Okay, I don't care about that."

Sufeng clapped his hands and signaled the left formation of Komamura to look down at him.

Komamura's left formation was nearly three meters tall, so Sufeng had to raise his head every time he looked at the opponent.

Over time, he was worried that he would suffer from cervical spondylosis.

"It's begun." Su Feng didn't wait for Komamura's left formation to respond, and gave him a shot of virtual poison with his backhand.

A sudden change occurred!

Komamura Zuozhen's eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes, a ferocious and twisted expression appeared on the ferocious dog's face, and a violent howling sound suddenly resounded throughout the mountain peak.

For a moment, countless rubbles rolled down from above, creating a huge deep pit.

The violent Great Hollow spiritual pressure exploded, and Komamura's left formation looked up to the sky and roared. Countless red hairs grew crazily, directly breaking through its death tyrant suit and captain Haori.

In just an instant, Komamura's left formation transformed from an upright form into a ferocious beast on all fours!

Inside the dark cave.

A huge body like a mountain suddenly opened its eyes from its deep sleep. A bright light immediately illuminated the dark environment, and a hoarse voice echoed in the cave:

"Is this Komamura's spiritual pressure..."

His voice was full of doubts and confusion. After a moment of thinking, he moved his mountain-like body and walked towards the outside of the cave.

As a huge wolf head poked out of the cave, Komamura Uemon, the grandfather of Komamura Zuozhen, saw the most unforgettable scene in his life.

The giant werewolf no less than his body made a ferocious howl to the sky. The sound waves spread in the atmosphere in a form visible to the naked eye, and the strong wind howled along with it.

The ground cracked, trees broke, and countless pieces of gravel were rolled into the air!

However, such a ferocious existence was beaten to the ground by a "petite" figure with bare hands.

As the huge figure collapsed, the ground trembled obviously, as if an earth dragon turned over, and even the mountain peaks were split into several long cracks, spreading all the way to the top of the mountain.

After slapping the howling Komamura Zuozhen to the ground with a backhand, Sufeng noticed the strange eyes on him.

Following his gaze, he saw a huge wolf head appearing on the mountain peak.

Obviously, this is the grandfather of Komamura Left Front.

Sufeng still respected this old man who was duplicitous and arrogant.

After all, as a clan of human wolves who fell into the realm of animals and came to the Soul Society, the side effect of the humanization technique they mastered was that they turned into beasts that lost the ability to speak.

It is not difficult to judge from the appearance of this old man that he has used the art of humanization.

Nowadays, he can still live in the Seireitei after transforming into a wild beast. His use of the art of humanization is probably to protect this land.

Adhering to this idea, Sufeng smiled at the top of the mountain to show his goodwill.

However, when his neat white teeth shone in the sunlight, Komamura Youmon instinctively shuddered, and then fell back into his cave without looking back.

"It's so scary, this guy is just..."

"More terrifying than Yuan Liuzhai..."

At the foot of the mountain, the virtual left formation of Komamura was still struggling. Driven by instinct, he burst out with ferocious fighting power. He even pulled out his Zanpakutō and summoned the Black Rope Tenshu Mingou from the red spiritual pressure.

Then, Sufeng narrowed his eyes slightly, made a sword finger with one hand, and raised it in front of him:

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin."

The moment the voice fell, black spiritual pressure rose from the ground!

The surging materialized light turned into a heavy iron wall, extending layer by layer, covering a hundred meters high in an instant. The twisted lines instantly enveloped the black-armored warrior who raised the long sword.

The next moment, all sounds and breaths disappeared, as if they had been completely erased by some kind of rule.

At the same time, the Komamura left formation also completely stopped, no longer as ferocious and ferocious as before.

Sufeng did not launch the follow-up strangulation of the black coffin, but only used it to trap the opponent's swastika.

After the virtualization was completed, Komamura's left formation completely passed out due to excessive consumption, and Sufeng left with peace of mind after realizing that the old wolf was still observing secretly.

Looking at his retreating back, Komamura Youmen finally felt relieved. He looked around and saw no one around. When he walked down the mountain with his limbs, he took the unconscious Komamura Zuozhen into his mouth. He fled back into the cave like a thief.

Su Feng teased Wu Lang for a while in the seventh team, and after taking a short rest, he was ready to continue to virtualize the next captain.

In his plan, after Komamura's left formation was Hitsugaya Toshiro.

However, when he walked out of the seventh team's gate, he bumped into an unexpected figure.

"Jun Sufeng, I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

Under the moonlight, Maozhihualie's smile is as gentle as water...

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