Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 288 Fighting in the Endless Hell

Zhenyang underground prison.

The eighth level, endless hell.

There is no light source in the deep and dark space, as if it has been deprived of the law of light. Even releasing the spiritual pressure is not enough to completely light up the surroundings.

This is not the first time Sufeng has come to Infernal Affairs.

Since he became the captain of the Ninth Division, in addition to imprisoning Zaraki Kenpachi to the Infinite Hell, many members of the nobility, rebel leaders and other sinners were also imprisoned in the Infinite Hell by him.

At first, Sufeng still had some doubts about the existence of Zhenyang Underground Prison.

But after he saw the God of Death returning from hell, he completely gave up such thoughts.

Existences with third-level spiritual power and above cannot die easily.

The death of any third-level spiritually powerful god of death or Daxu will add a weight to the balance of hell and the three realms.

Perhaps the death of a third-level spiritual power is nothing, but cumulatively, it is enough to break this fragile balance.

Just like Arturo, according to Nirvana's calculations and interrogation, Arturo's death was the trigger that led to the return of the first generation captains from hell.

And this is precisely the necessity for the existence of the Zhenyang Underground Prison.

From the subtle perception, the endless hell is vast and boundless, as if it has no boundaries.

Compared with before, the Infernal Hell is much more lively, and there are no longer only a few Death Gods, and this is one of Sufeng's achievements.

"As expected of a man who can please me."

Maozhihualie followed Sufeng step by step, and his gentle voice sounded in the empty environment.

"It's really a satisfying battlefield!"

Although he couldn't see her appearance, Sufeng was sure that Uozhihua Lie's charming face must be filled with a gentle expression with a hint of excitement.

Ever since she learned about Captain Xu's plan, she immediately blocked the path between the team buildings in Sufengyu and issued a request to jump in line.

In her words, how could she allow others to occupy the front position if she had the opportunity to fight to the fullest with Sufeng Lord?

Avoiding several prisons where criminals were imprisoned, Sufeng led Mao Zhihualie to an open space so empty that the edges could not be seen.

As the key to the Infinite Hell rotates in the void, a clear and crisp sound suddenly sounds in the boundless area, as if two pieces of metal are striking softly.

A handful of flames appeared in the endless deep darkness, like some kind of signal, and several flames lit up, immediately dispelling the darkness here.

"Although the dark environment will not affect the fight between you and me, being able to look at Lord Sufeng's face seems to be a better experience..."

Uozhihua Lie seems to have talked a bit too much today.

Sufeng lowered his gaze slightly, falling on the cheek of the gentle woman beside him, sighed softly, and said slowly:

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious."

"There are still certain risks in the virtualization experiment. Wouldn't it be good to wait until other captains have passed by before trying it again?"

Uozhihualie raised his head without hesitation and looked directly into Sufeng's eyes. Through those black eyes, what was clearly visible was the extremely intense emotion.

"It has nothing to do with risks, it's just that the desire in my heart can no longer be suppressed."

"After all, this may be the only chance to please you..."

As the first person in Soul Society to return to the path, how could Unohana Retsu not be aware of the risks of virtualization? She even knew the process and detailed changes of virtualization very well.

It is precisely because of this that she came to him as soon as possible and blurted it out in advance.

When Sufeng hesitated, a warm body had already hugged his waist, a familiar fragrance lingered in his nose, and a low voice sounded softly in his ears.

"Jun Sufeng, I can't wait any longer..."

Being so close, Sufeng could clearly detect the surging heartbeat of Mao Zhihualie, which was like a handful of flames, burning hotly.

With a sigh, Su Feng took out the syringe and injected all the prepared virtual poison into the white neck.

The white substance that is as thick as a solid slowly seeps in. Compared with the doses of the virtual poison that Zhanfei and Komamura Zuozhen matched, the current virtual poison is more than ten times greater.

As all the virtual poison was injected into the syringe, violent spiritual pressure surged.

The substantial spiritual pressure light surged down in an instant, filling this endless hell, and the violent aura also covered all areas within sight.


A bright cold light burst out from the blood-red spiritual pressure.

The figures who were still hugging each other like lovers suddenly separated, and the undisguised murderous intention almost solidified.

Unohana Retsu, who was trapped in his own heart, was instantly dominated by instinct.

As the most unparalleled villain in the Soul Society and the first Kenpachi, her instinct is to pursue that hearty fight.

The spiritual pressure was condensed in front of him, turning into a blood-red mask with dots of white lines, like the legendary Prajna evil ghost, which was terrifying to look at.

The howling wind stirred up the feathers.

Mao Zhihualie tapped his toes and disappeared in an instant. When he reappeared the next moment, the curved blade with a cold light was already close to Su Feng.

Clang! !

The sound of the collision of gold and iron continued one after another in the endless hell. The crazy offensive did not hold back at all, slashing at the vital position one after another.

Neck, heart, chest, abdominal cavity...

Unohana Retsu is no longer like the one he used to communicate with Kendo, and he can find traces of the Kendo school's rules and regulations in any attack.

At the moment, she has thoroughly implemented the two characters of Jianba to the top.

Countless schools of swordsmanship merge and blend together to create a supreme cutting technique that can unleash the killing intent to the fullest!

Every knife is aimed directly at the vital point, every knife is just right, every knife is for——

Born to fight!

The blood-red eyes were full of extreme violence, mixed with a little excitement, making his movements a little faster.

The virtual spiritual pressure is still rising, as if there is no upper limit.

Strictly speaking, Unohana Retsu also falls within the limits of the Shinigami.

The soul is also different depending on the individual, and the same is true for its upper limit of strength.

The reason why Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni is called the strongest Shinigami is because the nature of his soul causes his limits to be far beyond what ordinary Shinigami can compare to.

Not every Shinigami can reach the level of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

According to Unohana Retsu, her spiritual pressure and strength had actually reached a point of stagnation a long time ago.

Virtualization is undoubtedly the best choice to break this limit.

When it enters the virtual state, it means that the boundaries of Maozhihualie's soul are completely broken, and the level of transcendence is already waving to it.

The violent sword light bloomed brilliantly, and the ignited flames teetered in the turmoil.

Sufeng felt the force on the blade continue to increase, and he sighed continuously.

In fact, he really wanted to tell Unohana Retsu that as a being who was not very interested in swordsmanship and fighting, it didn't need to be so complicated to please him.

You just need to use your strengths.

Sufeng continued to release the suppressed spiritual pressure, and the offensive on the other side became more and more crazy. He even deliberately bumped into the blade several times, just to leave wounds on his body.


Another trace of blood and flesh was torn apart on the white body, and Maozhihualie was already scarred.

However, not only did her spiritual pressure not decrease at all, but it became even higher.

The air was filled with the viscous and shuddering smell of blood.


There was another fierce collision, and a figure wrapped in red spiritual pressure was suddenly knocked away and landed in a place where the flames could not reach it.

The violent aura seemed to go away, disappearing in this area in an instant.

Sufeng frowned slightly and looked at the direction in which Maozhihualie flew backwards. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

However, just when he was about to check it out, Unohana Retsu's spiritual pressure suddenly disappeared, and even the smell of blood in the air disappeared.

It's like endless sea water pouring down at the eye of the sea.

The previous scene suddenly flashed through Sufeng's mind, and a horrifying thought emerged in his mind.

However, this idea was not long before it was put into reality.

A soft moan sounded in the deep darkness, spreading throughout the endless hell in an instant, as if evil spirits were climbing up from the deepest part, and the terrifying aura suddenly swept over:



It's like the heaven and earth are overturned, and the majestic sea is rolling in! !

The endless black hell suddenly raged, and the sudden blood red color painted everything in sight!

The strong smell of blood turned into a majestic sea of ​​blood rising from the depths of hell, and the unspeakable madness swallowed up all the space!

Da da da……

Light and steady footsteps trampled in the sea of ​​blood, walking step by step towards Sufeng. There was a smile on the hideous Prajna mask, and the blood-red eyes seemed to pierce the heart.

At this time, the curved Zanpakutō in Unohana Retsu's right hand had already tilted downwards, and thick and thick blood was dripping from it, blending under the sea of ​​blood.

She tilted her gaze slightly, with strong desire and joy in her eyes. She held the blade in her left hand, and blood poured out of her palm.

The blade became more and more curved, and the blood almost covered the entire strange blade.

"It's all done..."

The moment the words fell, the figure in front of Sufeng suddenly disappeared, and a strong threat completely enveloped him in the next moment.

Instinctively, Sufeng raised his blade and faced it.

However, the explosion that should have been the interlacing of gold and iron did not sound. The moment the blades touched each other, the thick blood entangled and surged into Sufeng's Zanpakutō.

At this moment, a strange force overturned, and the sea of ​​blood under his feet seemed to stretch out countless fleshless skeleton hands, trying to drag him into the depths of hell.

Sufeng's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion. Under his gaze, the skin and flesh on his right hand fell off at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a blink of an eye, all the flesh and blood were peeled off, leaving only a white skeleton clutching the handle of the knife.

It was only then that the severe pain came from the bones and penetrated into the deepest part of the soul in an instant.

The pain reaches the extreme, bringing endless madness and joy.

Only then did Sufeng understand what Mao Zhihualie meant by pleasing.

It turns out that this is the true meaning of fighting.

boom! !

Violent power erupted violently, and the fiery spiritual pressure and the bright red sea of ​​blood were intertwined. The two figures were separated at the touch, and the majestic wave rose into the sky, swallowing their bodies.

The ferocious Prajna mask flashed away in the sea of ​​blood. Uzhihua Lie's movements were a bit more ferocious than before, and the few slashes he swung at will stirred up waves that reached the sky.

The blood-colored sword split open the sea of ​​​​blood and struck Sufeng directly.

Facing the sword pressure that could kill an ordinary captain instantly, Su Feng didn't even think of dodging. He seemed to be infected by this madness, and he spread his fingers to tightly grasp it in his palm.


The flesh and blood broke open, revealing the stark white bones. The bloody sword pressure turned into blood and eroded Su Feng's palm until his left hand was fused into a bone hand.

"Sen Luo is born."

A low groan sounded, and the spiritual pressure exploded layer by layer, wrapping around Su Feng's hands, completely repairing them in just an instant.

Maozhihua Lieqi stepped forward, still fighting only by instinct. The sea of ​​​​blood surged in, as if to swallow up everything in front of him.

Another unskilled collision, the explosive air waves spread in all directions, and the torrential blood rolled up to the sky. The majestic wave pushed forward crazily, as if it was going to submerge everything.

Unohana Retsu stepped on the surging sea of ​​blood, and the headdress behind her was completely unraveled at some point. Her long black hair fell in front of her, and spread around her body with the surge of spiritual pressure.

The Prajna mask seemed to be smiling, its blood-red eyes staring forward, like an Asura who was killing everything!

The fighting broke out again, more ferociously than before.

Sufeng knew that before the sea of ​​blood disappeared, any fatal injuries would not be enough to really hurt Maozhihualie, so he let go completely.

The sizzling golden thunder continued to explode beside him. Every time the sword fell, there was a violent arc of electricity wrapped around Uozhihua Lie's body.

Under this arc, his body was also trembling indescribably.


Another unreserved knife struck Uzuki Karetsu's body accurately. The blade struck at the left shoulder and rushed out from the right abdomen. The hideous wound spurted out a large amount of blood, all of which merged into the sea of ​​blood. among.

This knife almost cut him into two pieces.

The originally crazy offensive came to an abrupt end, and the bent curved blade hung down into the sea of ​​blood, supporting the crumbling body.

Endless blood clung to the blade, recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before the treatment was over, Maozhihualie launched another attack. The bloody sword slashed upwards, and gorgeous blood flowers bloomed in the sea of ​​blood.

The undisguised murderous intent once again covered the entire sea of ​​blood.

The battle lasted for an unknown amount of time. The body was cut off and repaired countless times, and the stark bones became the magnificent scenery dotting the sea of ​​blood again and again.


The hearts of the two were penetrated at the same time, and the fighting subsided at the moment when their blood blended with each other.

Su Feng raised his hand and took off the hideous mask, and what came into view was a face with flushed cheeks and an extremely happy face.

He leaned forward and lowered his head, letting the blade in his chest extend deeper. The sound of tearing flesh and blood became the only sound in the sea of ​​blood.

"Pleasing is mutual. Now it's your turn to please me, Sister Hua..."

Under the gaze of Mao Zhihua Lie's slightly widened eyes, Su Feng lowered his head and made a kiss, lips and teeth connected, and the fiery emotions were completely vented at this moment...

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes!

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