Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 291 Hueco Mundo is in turmoil, the waste of good luck

Su Feng did not respond to Jing Le Shunshui's words, but stared in amazement at the light curtain that only he could see.

[Self-discipline daily tasks completed! 】

[The understanding of the ghost path has been improved, and the ninety-nine of the broken paths have been mastered: the five dragons are destroyed! 】

A large amount of Dao-breaking knowledge poured into his mind, filling in and improving the knowledge of Ghost Dao that had gradually formed a system. Sufeng was like a sponge, frantically absorbing the techniques for using the Five Dragons to Transform into Destruction.

A real surprise.

In his understanding, the several virtualized captains did not violate any laws at all, and they did not cause large-scale damage under his restraint.

However, even so, after Kyoryu Shunsui achieved virtualization, he also completed a daily task of self-discipline.

As for the No. 99 breakthrough, it was quite a surprise for Sufeng.

As the highest level of broken path, its power can no longer be speculated by increasing.

Judging from the performance of the Five Dragons Transformation, just the spiritual pressure when released is enough to cause the surrounding area to collapse and the space to distort.

And from the point of view that the power will also change with the different spiritual pressure output, the Five Dragons Turn to Extinction Pair can be used as a good trump card.

"About Zaraki Kenpachi's unsealed strength."

Although Sufeng didn't say anything, it didn't stop Kyoryu Shunsui from saying to himself, "As a monster who has fought Unohana head-on, his potential is definitely worthy of recognition."

"Because I pursue the fun of fighting too much, I have sealed my own strength. If there is a suitable opponent..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Feng: "Actually, you can do it yourself."


"This joke is not funny at all."

"Don't underestimate the power of virtualization. The breaking of the boundaries of the God of Death's soul means that you can surpass the limits of the God of Death. In a sense, this can be regarded as a transcendent."

Sufeng said calmly, "Even if you don't use the swastika, Zaraki is no match for you now. Of course..."

"The premise is that you have to wear that mask."


The full implementation of the virtualization plan is not just for the captain.

With Nirvana's calculations and the analysis of multiple intelligence sources, the deputy captain-level Shinigami with fifth-level spiritual power and above can attempt to dematerialize.

Of course, the premise is that the virtual god of death needs to be good at fighting.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you are very likely to be swallowed up by the void in your heart, and even Niruri and Urahara Kisuke will not be able to save you.

Typical examples include Kichiyo Ohmaeda of the Second Division, Yuine Kotetsu, the vice-captain of the Fourth Division, and Gin Ginjiro, the vice-captain of the Sixth Division.

In addition, there are also very few beings who are not suitable for Hollow, such as Rangiku Matsumoto, who is missing a part of his soul core, and Maki Kurosaki, the Quincy who transformed from a living human into a spirit body.

In the former, due to the lack of soul, virtualization may lead to the emergence of uncertain factors, which is too dangerous.

The latter is because the Quincy is naturally restrained by Void Poison, and forcibly deforming it will only lead to the collapse of the soul.

It is not realistic for everyone to be virtual.

Fortunately, Sufeng didn't expect ordinary gods of death to participate in the war. The fighting should be left to the superiors who had enjoyed the privileges in ordinary times.

It is worth mentioning that after being reminded by Sufeng, Kyoraku Shunsui actually found Zaraki Kenpachi.

Regarding the request for a fight, Zaraki Kenpachi was stunned for a moment, and then fell into ecstasy.

Normally, he went around looking for people to fight with but no one agreed, but now someone actually came to his door.

As a result, the violent spiritual pressure almost destroyed the building of the 11th Division team building.

Zaraki Kenpachi had his left arm and right leg cut off, and Kyoraku Shunsui had half of his waist stabbed. The battle was extremely brutal.

Sufeng misestimated Zaraki Kenpachi's current strength, and also overestimated the durability of Kyōraku's spring water after the Hollow.

Normally, the blur will last for varying amounts of time depending on talent.

As a typical example, Aikawa Luowu can only blur for three minutes. On the other hand, Jiunabai, the leader among them, can last for fifteen hours for the first time.

And as he continued to adapt, Jiunan Bai was even able to achieve virtualization without consumption.

Sufeng believed that no matter how talented Kyoryu Shunsui was, he would still be much better than Aikawa Luowu, and even if he was not as good as Jiunabai, he would still be almost the same.

Therefore, the virtualization time was in the middle. Seven or eight hours was enough for him and Zaraki Kenpachi to fight each other for a while.

Who would have thought that the man who falls in love with Ratake Kawakawa will fall in love with him in three minutes, and Shunsui in Kyoryu will fall in love with Ratake Kawakawa in two and a half minutes.

When the time for the virtualization was up, Kenpachi Zaraki hadn't completely fallen down yet, and then Kyōraku Shunsui was stabbed in the waist by a counterattack.

At present, both of them are placed in the first ward of the comprehensive first aid center, and Yamada Seinosuke, who was transferred back from the Mao Pharmacy Hospital, is responsible for the treatment.

Apart from him and Unohana Retsu, few people could easily heal injuries like this with mutilated limbs and internal organs.

After this battle, the other captains who mastered the virtualization also had their memories and checked their own virtualization limit time.

What surprised Sufeng was that the one with the best talent among them was Zhanfeng.

With just a few attempts, she was able to last for thirty hours, second only to Kunan Haku.

Because the Mao No. 46 Chamber issued secret orders related to the Hollow, coupled with Yamamoto Genryusai's laissez-faire, the Hollow spread among the team members.

There have been waves of speculation as to whether our captain can use blur, and the trend is getting more intense.

Driven by this momentum, Renji Abarai went to Sufeng and begged for another chance.

He was beaten so hard by Hitsugaya Toshiro recently that he couldn't hold his head up.

He started to blur the Great Red Lotus Hyōrin Pill, and the sky was full of ice and snow. The extreme cold could even freeze his Double King Attack.

As for Renji Abarai, Sufeng has never been disappointed with him from beginning to end.

As an ape who catches the moon, Renji Abarai can look up at the moonlight, which means he has surpassed ninety-nine percent of the gods of death.

What's more, although he was deprived of Bengyu, his potential has been fully developed.

There was already a place for him in the Hollow Plan.

However, Sufeng didn't have time to suppress him at the moment, so he directly backhand threw it to Shiba Isshin, who was so idle that he almost grew hairy.

Since Ichigo and others were forced to stay in Soul Society, this guy began to hand over the affairs of the team to Ichigo.

In his words, it means that the sons will inherit the father's business from now on, so it is good to familiarize themselves with the handling of the business in advance.

In this regard, Ichigo made a stern protest, but since the Soul Society's laws and regulations did not specify this, he could only let Shiba Isshin squeeze him.

Not only do you work from 9 to 9, but you also only have one day off per week.

What's more, there is not a penny of salary.

Zhiba took the essence of skin picking to the extreme.

In addition to Renji Abarai, Sufeng was a little surprised by the plea from another person.

That day, he happened to be returning from the Fourth Division team building. When he walked to the front door of his team building, he was blocked by a petite figure.

"Team, Captain!" Although the girl was a little timid, her eyes were surprisingly firm.

"Lukia?" Sufeng asked vaguely, holding the flower arrangement he picked from Uozhihuaretsu's room, "Is there anything important?"

"I, I want to be virtual!"

Rukia raised her head and stated her request seriously and firmly.

Hearing this, Su Feng's smile faded and he said seriously: "Give me a reason."

"This..." She hesitated.

After a short wait, Sufeng walked slowly past him, and a gentle voice sounded in his ears:

"If you don't have a strong will, it's easy to get lost in the battle with the void in your heart."

"It's too dangerous, I won't agree."

This is not alarmist, because right now Lucia has just barely reached the threshold where she can try virtualization.

Although he is barely a good player in combat, if his will is not firm enough, the risk factor is still extremely high.

Just when Sufeng was about to step into the door of the team building, Lucia suddenly turned around, looked straight ahead and gritted her teeth calmly:

"Lord Sufeng, I want to follow you until the end of my life!"

Sufeng stopped, turned around slowly, lowered his eyes slightly, and met Lucia's deep purple eyes.

The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, but she did not avoid Su Feng's direct gaze for a long time.

"Is this so? I understand."

He turned around and walked slowly towards the team building.

Just when Lucia thought she was rejected, a gentle voice came from the front:

"What are you waiting for? If you want to follow me, you can't stop where you are."

Hearing these words, Lucia suddenly raised her head, her eyes firmly fixed on the fading back, her eyes shining with unprecedented light.


Hueco Mundo.

In the endless desert, the moonlight is like water, covering the battlefield.

While the Soul Society was conducting experiments on virtualization under Sufeng's control, Aizen did not stop.

With Bengyu's blessing, he conducted a number of experiments, and with the cooperation of Sal Apollo, he created several types of Arrancar with special abilities.

For example, Guinevere, who can invade the shadow space, has Arrancar serial number NO. 66.

Although Guinevere failed to successfully find the new headquarters of the Invisible Empire, he still attracted a considerable number of Star Cross Knights.

In order to prevent the Arrancar of Xuye Palace from affecting Yhwach's sleep, the war broke out.

The Quincy began to enter the territory of Xuye Palace and strangled the Arrancars and Daxons they saw.

The battle was once very tragic.

Naturally, the Ten Blades would not remain indifferent to this.

With Aizen's approval, the previous King of Hueco Mundo, Bylegon Ruisenbon, stepped onto the battlefield!

On this day, the majestic black mist that corrodes life blocked the battlefield like a sky curtain!

All tangible and intangible existences wherever he looked were turned into nothingness by the black mist, leaving not even a trace of his soul.

In the face of aging, all living beings are equal!

The Invisible Empire suffered heavy losses, and a large number of Quincy soldiers died. Only the luckier Dolisk Belsch managed to escape and informed the Invisible Empire's deputy emperor Hasward of the relevant information.

In front of the cathedral.

Huguelin Hasward's expression was gloomy, and his blue pupils were full of irritability.

He hadn't been this angry in a long time.

The last time he was as angry as he is now, it was some abominable god of death who shattered the sky of Yinjia City.

Since moving the base camp to Hueco Mundo, although there have been many conflicts with Xuye Palace and Xu no Palace, they have restrained themselves within the tolerable range.

However, just some time ago, the forces of Xuye Palace went crazy, and a large number of Arrancars were sent out to find the location of the Invisible Empire.

There was even an Arrancar with the ability to freely travel through shadows, and it almost discovered the coordinates of the invisible empire's shadow space.

Under such provocation, Hasward also immediately launched a war order.

Then a protracted war broke out, with both sides suffering losses.

In addition to the casualties of the grassroots warriors, Nnoitra Gilga and Zomali Luru among the Ten Blades died at the hands of Buzby and Mask Do Maskulin of the Knights of the Star Cross.

Then Xuye Palace's side launched a big killer, Bailegang Ruisenbang.

If Dolisk Belsch hadn't run as fast as he saw the situation was going badly, he might have been left on the battlefield forever.

"What do these lunatics want to do?"

The anger in Hasward's heart rose to the extreme, and his sky-blue pupils suddenly turned blood red. The majestic spiritual pressure swept violently through the newly built Silver Frame City, and finally landed in the fourth spire.

"Come see me."

The voice of suppressed anger sounded extremely abruptly in the dark environment.

Not long after, a figure left the fourth spire and headed straight for the Great Cathedral.

"You should know about this battle damage, right?"

Hasward stood in front of the throne, looking down at the figure below.

The man wears a mask decorated like wings and has medium-length blond hair. A red cloak floats gently behind him, and his burly body exudes a strong sense of power.

Gerald Valkyrie possesses the sacred word "M" that symbolizes "miracle"!

"I understand that there is only one loser who abandoned his subordinates and fled back like a wild dog with a broken back."

A smile appeared on Gerald's face, with a hint of ferocity in it.

"Guys like Dolisk should be executed directly!"

"A defeated person is worthless!"

After hearing these remarks, Hasward rubbed his sore eyebrows, feeling increasingly tired as the vice-emperor of the invisible empire.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have many suitable Quincy under his command, he would have wanted to send that lucky loser to the execution ground at the Second Spire.

"Let's not discuss these. I called you here because I have other things to explain."

"Please say!"

Gerald Valkyrie still has great respect for Hasward at this time.

During Yhwach's slumber, Hasward was, in a sense, the true ruler of the Invisible Empire.

Looking at the respectful figure below, Hasward felt a little relieved, and a low voice sounded in the great church:

"Gerald Valkyrie."

"Your mission is to go to the battlefield and kill Bailegang Ruisenbang..."

Thank you to the bosses of Kill Ruo Cook Ruo Eat Ruo and Magic Jiezai for the reward. Thank you all the bosses for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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