Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 292 Resurrection from the dead, miracle nemesis

Hueco Mundo battlefield.

The moonlight was like water, and the strong smell of blood in the howling cold wind filled the desert and could not be dissipated for a long time.

Under the moonlight, there was a scene as brutal as a meat grinder.

The unknown stumps were mixed with thick blood, and the rising temperature from time to time evaporated the gurgling river of blood into red mist, spreading across the endless desert.

The mountain-like body was broken, the blackened organs were squirming, and the white spines were scattered on the ground like long worms, showing the cruelty of the war.

Although Hollow's spiritual pressure suppressed the Quincy to a certain extent, it was still not enough in front of the elite soldiers of the Invisible Empire.

Only Arrancar can compete with it head-on.

But compared to ordinary Hollows, Arrancars are still too rare, and the Invisible Empire also has corresponding holy soldiers.

A single holy soldier may not be able to defeat the Arrancar, but when they gather to a certain number, it is almost difficult for the Arrancar under the Ten Blades to deal with them.

Bailegang stared at the tragic situation in front of him expressionlessly, with no fluctuation in his heart.

If Aizen hadn't given the order, he wouldn't have even participated in this senseless war.

As the oldest known being in the Great Void, Balegang has experienced countless wars, and scenes much more tragic than the current scene cannot shake his mentality, let alone this small-scale collision.

Thousands of years ago, Quincy also came to Hueco Mundo.

But at that time, they were far less brutal and tyrannical than they are now.

Now that thousands of years have passed, although the Quincy has become much stronger, he has also gained new power, the powerful power to break through the boundaries of the Great Void's soul.

Balegang stretched out his bronze palm. Different from the withered bones before, he was now wrapped in flesh and blood, and a surging sense of strength grew between his muscles and bones.

Looking at the complex lines in the palm of his hand, the same complex meaning appeared on Bailegang's old face.

"It's such a daunting change."

While talking to himself, he couldn't help but recall the scene in which he had gained this power before. The crown was shattered with a single blow, and even horrific cracks appeared on his skull.

At that moment, he even thought he was going to die.

Until that bright light, like the light of creation, appeared...

"Humph, sooner or later!"

Bailegang's five fingers suddenly tightened, an explosion of air appeared in his palm, and a white air flow could even be vaguely seen exploding nearby, and black spiritual pressure lingered upwards.

"I will definitely kill that hypocritical guy!"

Just when his anger was at its peak, in the distant desert, between the silver-white dust and sand, under the moonlight, shadows were flowing rapidly between the white sand, like living creatures.


Bailegang noticed an abnormality in the concentration of spirit particles in the surrounding atmosphere. As the world with the highest concentration of spirit particles in the three realms, Hueco Mundo would show abnormalities if it changed slightly.

The shadow flows, rising from the white sand, turning into a tall and burly figure.

The ink-like shadow slowly flowed down from his body, and the majestic torrent of spiritual energy stirred up, instantly sweeping the surrounding silver-white dust to all directions.

Bailegang frowned slightly, sensing a strong threat from the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

A red cloak fluttered behind him, and a mask with wing pendants covered his face, but his exposed pupils still exuded extremely strong confidence and unabashed aggression.

"Bailegan Ruisenbang, I'm here to take your life!"

The man was confident and proud, as if he had all the glory in the world, "Submit to the great Gerald Valkyrie, you inferior species crawling in the darkness, I will give you a glorious death!"

Sensing this unabashed threat and the restless spirits in the atmosphere, although Bailegang put away his contempt, he did not give in at all in his words.

"Are you talking about yourself?"

"Inferior species crawling in the darkness. To this day, the invisible empire still dares not to appear openly in Hueco Mundo. Is this what you have?"

Facing the sarcasm, Gerald seemed not to hear it. He grinned, showing his neat white teeth, and his smile was confident and arrogant:

"As the most powerful member of the Knights of the Star Cross under His Majesty, I will not be defeated one-on-one, even if a miracle occurs."

"Let the war begin, insect!"

After the words fell, Gerald no longer gave Bailegang a chance to speak. When he spread his arms as thick as thighs, golden light burst out from his palms, and the net-shaped spirit son long bow was opened.

In an instant, endless violent spirits gathered on it.

"Welcome this powerful blow!"

Gerald laughed wildly, as if he had seen the death of the person in front of him, "Holy Destruction Arrow!"

The moment the words fell, a beam of light shot out from Lingzi's long bow, turning into a rushing golden light curtain, instantly igniting the anxious air around him!

The beam of light flew across the desert, immediately plowing out a huge ravine like an abyss. Under the high-speed friction, it even melted the silver sand below, and the white air flow was pushed to both sides.

Bailegang's pupils shrank suddenly, and a strong premonition of danger surged into his heart.

The Quincy who suddenly appeared and called himself Gerald Valkyrie was on a completely different level than what he had encountered before. It could even be said that he was not on the same level.

The difference between him and the lowest level Jillian Daxu was like that.

The sacred destroying arrow rotated rapidly, tearing apart the air layer by layer like a drill. The explosive sonic booms sounded one after another, and white air waves exploded around the light pillar.

"Death sighs!"

Balegang stretched out his index finger, and black aura surged out of it, instantly turning into a monstrous wave and pressing down forward.

The hazy moonlight was directly covered, and the deep darkness became the main color of the world.

The endless power of aging devoured everything in front of him. Wherever the waves surged, all the remaining limbs and arms turned into dust.

When the golden beam of light collided with the black wave, the astonishing impact of the air waves surged in all directions. The aftermath carried dust and sand and rolled into the desert, plowing out one ferocious ravine after another.

Gerald thought that this blow could easily defeat the opponent, but to his surprise, the sacred arrow that he was confident about was completely destroyed by the corrosion of the wave.

Like glass struck by a stone, spiderweb-like patterns spread over the light pillar, and with a crisp clicking sound, countless spirit fragments scattered into the atmosphere.

And that terrifying black wave only lost part of it. Compared to the huge volume that was as big as the sky, this was just the most insignificant part.

Seeing that his aging power was still able to restrain the opponent, Bailegang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen so many monsters over the years that he was not confident in his abilities.

"Time is the force of death that precedes all life."

Balegang opened his five fingers, as if countless silver sand fell from his fingers. His old face was extremely calm, as if he was narrating an ordinary thing.

"It is the most powerful and absolute power, welcome the real death!"

"It will guide you back to the arms of Yhwach!"

With a flick of the finger, the black sky poured down, and the wave surged forward, completely engulfing the battlefield!

Faced with this level of attack, Gerald opened his hands, and dozens of sacred arrows suddenly condensed on the net-like spirit bow.

In an instant, the golden light dispelled the darkness and became the only source of light under the power of death!

However, even with such a level of attack, it still could not stop the approaching black wave. The sacred destroying arrows were swallowed up and annihilated one after another, completely turning into nothingness and dissipating in the atmosphere.

Gerald's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that his power couldn't work.

He looked like he was crazy, and he kept pulling and loosening the long bow of the spirit child in his hand, and the bright light of the sacred destroying arrows filled the sky.

Until that burly and muscular figure was completely swallowed by the wave.


When Bailegang saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. The threat in his heart was finally eliminated, "Inferior existences don't understand the greatness of time at all."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, an unprecedentedly huge pillar of light suddenly erupted from under the black wave. The majestic power shot straight into the sky, shaking off the surrounding waves.

Circles of ripples spread in all directions, and confident laughter echoed in the light pillar.

"Hahaha, then do you understand what a miracle is?!"

Bailegang was stunned, almost unable to believe his eyes.

never had.

Even the ancient Great Void that competed with him for Hueco Mundo couldn't do this. The existence covered by the power of aging should have died completely!

“[Miracles] that happen at insignificant moments are not considered [miracles].”

"Yes, what a blessing. Such an incredible thing happened!"

"Only when everyone thinks so, it's called a miracle..."

"The so-called miracle can only be called a [miracle] when you are in crisis!"

Covered by the light beam, Gerald's voice spread to every corner of the battlefield, echoing clearly in Bailegang's ear canals.

His face, which was already dark, was as black as coal at this moment.

"Rebirth from death?" Balegang whispered, "It can indeed be called a miracle."

The light beams condensed and condensed, covering all of Gerald's body, making his already tall figure expand like air.

Black symmetrical lines appeared on his eyelids, and a confident toothy smile appeared on his resolute face. The red cloak fluttered behind him. As the body of a hundred meters moved, dust and sand flew, pits collapsed, and movement It's so big that it's frightening.

What's even more terrifying is the suffocating spiritual pressure.

After being resurrected from the dead, Gerald's spiritual pressure was several times greater than before.

I saw his left arm raised, a large number of spirit seeds condensed on the forearm, and a huge circular shield comparable to the roof emerged on it.

The five fingers of his right hand were spread out, and golden light gathered in his palm, turning into a huge sword with a black blade that could compare to a beam.

Sword of hope, shield of justice!

Gerald Valkyrie, the miracle man is here!

"Our battle has just begun, Balegang Ruisenbang!"

Gerald raised his right hand high, and his huge body of 100 meters suddenly erupted with terrifying oppression as if it were falling from the sky, and the sword of hope bloomed with brilliant light like the sun.

"Oh hahaha, eat my ray of hope!"

The sword blade fell, and the tens of meters long sword pressed against it and burst out. The air made an overwhelming sound of tearing cloth, and air waves were pushed to both sides.

A black wave rose from the ground, forming a solid iron wall that lay in front of Balegang.

The bright golden sword fell on it, and most of its power was immediately corroded. Although it was still moving forward, it was completely eliminated before it reached the halfway point.

Seeing this, Bailegang felt relieved.

The opponent is just powerful, not able to ignore the power of aging.

"Decay, Skeleton Emperor."

Facing the resurrected Gerald, Bailegang no longer faced the enemy in his current state. After returning to the sword, he was his original appearance in the true sense.

Black spiritual pressure covered the burly body, flowing down from top to bottom like water.

The flesh and blood disappeared, revealing the stark white bones. The long purple coat hung down and covered the skull. Multiple layers of crowns were stacked on top of the skull. A silver chain was placed under a corner of the crown. All emotion was lost in the eyes, leaving only an endless void.

In this state, Bailegang is like the incarnation of death!

"Huh?" Gerald frowned slightly, but was soon replaced by a smile: "This is interesting!"

"But even if you use the Return Blade, no miracle will happen!"

"Accept your own incompetence!"

The Sword of Hope was waved one after another, and the golden light covered the sky, even dispersing the moonlight, becoming the most brilliant light in this battlefield.

Facing this surging blow, Bailegang let out a long sigh, and the endless aura of aging surged in front of him, turning into a dark sky in an instant.

Compared with the power of aging before returning to the sword, the current black wave is deeper and darker, just like the breath of death pouring out from hell.

The collision of miracles and aging caused endless impacts on the battlefield, with ripples visible to the naked eye sweeping in all directions.

A large amount of silver dust turned into nothingness, and the explosive flames invaded and covered everything.

"The throne of the Void King."

After the aftermath subsided, the throne formed by countless skeletons was suspended under the moonlight. The long purple coat hung down from the edge, and Balegang leaned on it. The aura of death turned into deep darkness and spread completely.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten miles, one hundred miles, one thousand miles!

Everything wherever you look is shrouded in darkness!

Gerald's huge body was completely plunged into darkness. The spiritual pressure protection and the defensive power of the static blood suit were not enough to completely offset the erosion of death, and his figure was collapsing little by little.

Purple flames ignited in Bailegang's empty eyes, as if his soul was burning.

The skeletal palm opened in front, a low groan sounded, and in an instant, the dark world of death spread:

"Meet death, Gerald Valkyrie..."

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