Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 294 Beat up the drowned dog and strike first

The breeze blew gently over the battlefield, causing rolling heat waves. The hot magma in the cracks made a gurgling sound, bubbles emerged and exploded, and sparks flew everywhere.

The two figures faced each other in the sky. Although there was no outward release of spiritual pressure, their momentum was extremely suffocating.

"Although I really want to have a real showdown with you, now doesn't seem to be a very good time."

Aizen's figure was hazy, with sparkling light rippling around him, "But you should have noticed it, right?"

"The changes in Balegang can be considered a good gift."

"I heard that you have been carrying out various reforms in Soul Society during this period..."

Sufeng sighed, but he didn't mean to hide anything. Even ordinary team members would be aware of such a big movement of the Hollow Plan, let alone Aizen, who has lived in Soul Society for more than a hundred years.

If Aizen had not installed corresponding means in Soul Society, he would not believe it even to death.

"Bengyu Arrancar is really a whimsical idea."

Sufeng exclaimed, "Is it the power of the Spirit King obtained from the Technology Development Bureau?"

"More than that, the weight of Ginjo Kūgo and Usawa Tōko is just that they have completed the initial attempts."

Aizen seemed to be chatting with a friend. There was no word secret in his dictionary, and he even told the detailed process.

"The spiritual king was deprived of his body by the young people, and his limbs and internal organs were discarded in the three realms."

"The Perfection Technique is only an insignificant part. There is also a large amount of Spirit King power in Hueco Mundo. They are the cornerstone of the completion of the Hongyoku Arrancar."

Sufeng nodded thoughtfully.

With Aizen's personal ability, now that he knows that the power of the Soul King is extracted from the soul of the Perfect Master, it is not that troublesome to know the information about Ginjo Kūgo and Usawa Kiriko.

On the contrary, the matter of the Spirit King's dismembered body was probably derived from the Spirit King's power.

After all, most of these things that contain the Spirit King's power are the Spirit King's bodies.

Such as fingertips, knot, heart, left hand, right hand...

"Actually, what I'm curious about is, even after knowing these secrets, do you still want to go to the Spirit King's Palace and replace the Spirit King?"

Sufeng said in confusion.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Aizen's face, and the hazy light and shadow flickered, just like the screen in the spirit observation laboratory before.

He doesn't seem to be the real person right now.

"Captain Sufeng, you have never understood my true intentions from the beginning to the end."

Aizen narrated calmly, with a trace of imperceptible sadness in his tone, "Both the Soul King and the five nobles are just remnants of the old order."

"Since it is a remnant, it doesn't matter."

"What I really care about is the innovation of the world, nothing more..."

Sufeng's eyes narrowed slightly and his expression became more serious, but before he could speak again, Aizen's figure fluctuated again.

"It seems that the time has come, so let's end this time of reminiscing about the past."

Aizen smiled and nodded, "Before we eliminate the troublemakers, I think the war between us will not break out."

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

As the words fell, the hazy light and shadow completely dissipated under the crescent moon, leaving only the howling and stirring of the scalding hot wind on the desolate battlefield.

"Everyone is going to be the Riddler, right?"

Sufeng felt tired when communicating with people like Aizen.

After the exchange, the only gain was knowing Aizen's short-term purpose.

He will not start the war with the Void Kingdom and Soul Society until he has dealt with the Invisible Empire.

Of course, this is without any surprises.

But since he likes to cause trouble like this, it would be a bit uninteresting if he just sits there and waits for death.

"No matter who attacks the Invisible Empire, I will do it anyway. No, the Kingdom of Void will definitely help."

Since Yhwach is still sleeping, just beat him up.

From Hasward to JKMS, everyone is counted as one. If you can capture them, you will capture them. If you cannot capture them, they will be killed on the spot.

Suifeng made up his mind and disappeared from the spot.

With his current Shunpo attainment, he can easily travel between the Xu Ye Palace and the Xu Kingdom.

That is to say, the base camp of the Invisible Empire cannot be found at the moment. Otherwise, there will definitely be another wave of shock that breaks the sky.


The kingdom of emptiness.

In the magnificent palace, Sufeng Da Ma Jin Dao was sitting at the top, looking down at the [Dawn] members below.

Harribel and Nellie stood together, forming the most beautiful scenery in the palace.

The three Sunsuns gathered together, their heads pressed together, communicating with each other. From time to time they glanced at the top of the palace, and after meeting Sufeng's eyes, they hurriedly avoided it.

Adhering to the essence of facial paralysis, Ulquiorra stood upright on the spot with a respectful attitude, not at all as sick as the previous ones.

Next to him was Mole Cheng Shuangye, who also had a paralyzed face.

The two are extremely similar in this regard, and even the changes in their gazes appear to be quite synchronized.

As for Grimmjow, he was making a squeaking sound, like a domestic cat grinding its teeth, showing its fierceness. The blue light that appeared from time to time added a different color to the bright and spacious palace.

Kanengya stood next to him, obviously getting used to his identity, and trying to accept these new colleagues.

Although he and Grimmjow "occasionally" have conflicts, they still get along relatively friendly with each other.

Zero, white, black, red, south, empty, jade.

So far, there are three rings left to work on.

At present, many captains in Soul Society have also achieved Hollow achievements, and Molejo Shuuya and Kanonaya Wangren can obviously return to them.

But in this case, there will be two more rings.

Sufeng's dream of creating the Akatsuki Organization will be far away.

"That's all, if the Akatsuki organization fails, the entire Shichibukai will be excellent."

He shook his head, "If it really doesn't work, Qi Wuxu can't do it."

After muttering quietly, a few coughs attracted everyone's attention.

Sufeng looked around and once again experienced the feeling of Yamamoto Genryuzhai during the meeting.

"Everyone, you should have noticed the battle that just broke out in Hueco Mundo not long ago, right?"

Everyone behaved differently.

The duo with facial paralysis nodded slightly, although they were not lacking in respect, they seemed much colder.

Harribel folded her arms in front of her, making a dizzying gully, and frowned deeply.

Although she did not see the scene of the battle, she sensed the aura of a familiar person from the burst of spiritual pressure.

Balegang Ruisenbang.

As the only Arrancar in the field who had fought against him, Harribel knew very well how incomprehensible Bailegon's abilities were. With the same level of spiritual pressure, it was almost impossible to defeat him.

From the previous burst of spiritual pressure, it is not difficult to judge that Bailegang has taken a big step forward based on the Arrancar.

In this state, if a war starts...

Harribel took a deep breath, and her expression suddenly became much more serious.

"Hey, Your Majesty, do you want Nilu to beat them?"

Nelu next to her smiled brightly and raised her white right arm, showing off her unobvious biceps. "Nelu is much stronger now than before. Don't be stingy with orders!"

"Is the war finally going to begin?"

Grimmjow suddenly became excited, "I can't wait to tear those guys into pieces..."

Shannengya Wangren's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he said seriously: "Whether it is Xuye Palace or the Invisible Empire, I will go all out."

"For this, I am willing to bet my dignity as the God of Death!"


Looking at the chaotic scene below, Sufeng held his forehead and sighed.

Compared with the Gotei 13 as a regular army, there is still a certain gap between the King of the Hollow Kingdom and the Shichibukai.

However, this may also be related to my indulgent character.

Yamamoto Genryusai will not allow this kind of situation to happen.

"It's not a war, it's just a beating of a drowned dog."

Sufeng said calmly, "Aizen said that he plans to solve the invisible empire first, and then solve the grievances with us."

"If he's so desperate, we might as well lend a hand."

At this point, the eyes of Hunter and Grimmjow suddenly lit up, and their expressions became more and more excited.

"Get ready to join the battlefield."

Sufeng paused for a moment and continued, "On the premise of ensuring your own safety, feel free to fight with the Star Cross Knights of the Invisible Empire."

The issuance of the order caused different reactions and mixed emotions among the people present.

The only thing I don't have is probably fear.

The captains of the Gotei 13 completed their virtualization and achieved a qualitative leap in strength.

The Arrancars of the Hollow Kingdom will naturally not give up easily, and because they are not bound by rules, the Arrancars will change even more.

A few years ago, Yamada Seinosuke completed the transformation of Reiko food.

Nirvana then joined forces with him to conduct further research and development.

After 3,964 consecutive anatomical analyses, the spirit food has been optimized many times.

Right now, the spirit food the Arrancars eat daily is the 108th generation.

Although the change in taste can be regarded as a generation update, most of it is a change in effect.

In this regard, Sufeng also provided the greatest help.

In fact, as early as when he entered the realm of the Death God's limit, when Urahara Kisuke gave two plans to break through the limit, he had already considered a plan to achieve a leap in Arrancar's strength.

Although the spirit food can increase their spiritual pressure and give them the possibility to evolve again, this time is too long.

Therefore, with the permission of Sufeng, Yamada Seinosuke and Niryuri optimized the spirit food up to a hundred times.

During this period, the collapse of jade Arrancar was also one of the research topics.

However, due to the lack of the power of the Spiritual King, this subject was shelved.

On the contrary, Sufeng put forward a new hypothesis after learning about their plan.

"Since the existence of the power of the Spirit King will turn humans into full-realization masters, then the opposite can be deduced."

"Is the Perfection Technique equivalent to a weakened version of the Spirit King in a certain sense?"

In this regard, both Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke said that it was not feasible.

But after testing the substances provided by Sufeng, the two changed their minds.

To this day, Sufeng still remembers Nirvana's expression at that time. He was stunned and shocked, his face was distorted, and his facial features were gathered together, making him look like a human.

"The light of the perfect art?"

"Are you a Perfectionist?!"

"No, no, there is no spirit king's breath in it..."

Nirvana was puzzled as to why the Death God Captain, who had cooperated with him for decades, suddenly became a Perfectionist.

Moreover, the power of Sufeng's Perfection Technique didn't even have the slightest bit of the Spirit King's power.

This almost completely negates his research and results in this field.

Although he didn't understand the reason, Nirvana added the power of his Perfection Technique to the spirit food at Sufeng's request to create the latest generation.

This is the spirit food that the Arrancars now eat.

Of course, the quantity was limited, and priority was given to Nellie, Harribel, and Sunsun, while Ulquiorra had to sit in the back.

Not to mention the naturally rebellious Grimmjow.

As for the effect, it is also extremely good. Although it cannot reach the level of Bailegang's direct evolution to a new level, it is not far off.

"Yuzhou and Mole City will be responsible for observing the Quincy's spiritual pressure."

Sufeng looked at the people below who were eager to try, and gave the final order: "Everyone, let's go and fight!"



The ninth division team building.

Adhering to the principle of doing what he said, after issuing the order on war, he returned to Soul Society with the two flower protectors.

As the black cavity opened, a green-haired head poked out and looked around, observing what was going on in the room.

The structure was completely different from the palace in the Kingdom of the Void, making her full of curiosity about everything here.

However, before she could take a closer look, she was knocked out of the black cavity by a ball.

For a moment, the two of them rolled into a ball.

Sufeng walked out of the black cavity angrily, and the spiritual pressure lingering around him could not subside for a long time.

The last time Soul Society went to Hueco Mundo, that Kutu appeared, and then was blasted into dregs by a flying dragon strike thieves thunder cannon.

As a result, it hadn't even been seven days yet. When he transferred from Hueco Mundo to Soul Society, this guy appeared again, and it was just before he stepped into the boundary.

Precise control!

That big searchlight face came right up.

That is to say, what it is fighting against is Sufeng. If it were a Shinigami or an Arrancar, it would probably be crushed into a spirit child on the spot and dissipated in the world.

In anger.

Sufeng immediately fired another Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Cannon, blasting wildly in the broken world. The impact of the explosion immediately annihilated Jutu again, and the aftermath also lifted Harribel out of the broken world.

Then, the two of them rolled into a ball.

Sufeng walked to the two of them, and when he bent down to help them up, the door behind him was pushed open, and he stumbled.

Three people form a ball.

Ise Nanao looked at the chaotic scene in front of her, her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she subconsciously said:

"Hug, sorry, Captain, I came at the wrong time..."

There isn’t much left to write, hey…

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