Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 295 The Soul Society is about to be destroyed, and the dark clan descends

"No, you came just in time."

Sufeng let go of the two people under him without changing his expression, pulled out his hands from the unknown softness, and relied on his increasingly thick face, as if nothing had happened.

"Is there anything important?"

Ise Nanao held the books and documents tightly with both hands. The knuckles were even a little white due to the excessive force. Her knees rubbed against each other slightly, as if she had not recovered from the shocking scene just now. Come.

It wasn't until Su Feng asked again that she came back to her senses and pretended to be calm and said:

"Captain, something big happened!"

"The present city appears in the sky above the Seireitei, right above our ninth division team building!"

Sufeng's smile faded and he disappeared into the room in an instant.

When he came to the center of the team building, he happened to see a strange phenomenon in the sky. A huge shadow enveloped the entire area under the jurisdiction of the ninth team. Rows of high-rise buildings seemed likely to fall into the Seireitei at any time.

At the right moment, the messenger in his arms sounded.

Sufeng answered the phone, and Nirvana's voice suddenly came from the call.

"Moxi Moxi, Captain Sufeng."

"You must have returned to the Seireitei. The reflection of the world in the sky is very spectacular!"

Sufeng frowned slightly, and an ominous premonition passed away.

"The Lingbo Measurement Research Institute has issued the latest report. Abnormal spatial parameters have appeared between Soul Society and the present world."

Nirvana continued, "In addition to detecting the thin spiritual waves in the present world in Soul Society, even the balance is gradually being destroyed."

"If we continue at this pace, a devastating disaster will happen!"

"If you have time, you might as well come to the Lingbo Surveying Research Institute..."

Before he finished speaking, Sufeng hung up the phone, turned around, activated Shunpo and headed to the Technology Development Bureau.

When he arrived at the Lingbo Surveying Research Department, Nirvana had been waiting for a long time.

Because Yashu was dispatched to Hueco Mundo, Niryuri is currently in charge of the Reibo Surveying Research Department.

"Please look at the big screen."

Nirvana seemed to be very aware of the seriousness of the situation, and started to explain without any nonsense.

Through his narration, Sufeng gradually became clear about the specific situation.

In short, the real world and the Soul Society were originally separated by a barrier.

No matter whether you use the world-transmitting gate or the black cavity, you need to pass through the broken world before you can reach another world.

Normally, the two worlds would not have any intersection, but the emergence of abnormal spatial parameters in the boundary caused the two worlds to get closer and closer.

It's like there is a bridge between Soul Society and the real world.

As the bridge continues to be enriched and expanded, the barriers between the two worlds will gradually disappear. If a certain limit is reached, the two worlds will collide.

By then, a doomsday-level disaster will come to the real world and Soul Society. Once the two worlds are destroyed, Hueco Mundo will also be affected.

At that time, the invisible empire will become the biggest winner.

"It turns out it was the Quincy who did something good!"

After Sufeng heard this, he suddenly realized, "Youhabach has done all kinds of bad things, and he actually wants to destroy the world through such despicable off-board tricks!"

Nie Shuli glanced at him with a strange expression. He didn't know what Captain Sufeng was up to, but he still maintained a conscientious attitude and continued without answering:

"The problem is that I sent an investigation team to the broken boundary to conduct surveys, but the source of the problem was not found."

"An inexplicable abnormal space appears and continues to expand in the broken world."

"If we continue at this pace, it will only take three days at most before Soul Society and the real world will be connected, and the end of the world will follow."

Sufeng rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

"I have already notified Captain Yamamoto. It is estimated that the team leaders meeting will be held soon."

Nie Shuli typed on the keyboard and added without looking back.

"It's useless to inform the old man. When he comes up with a countermeasure, the three realms will collapse."

Sufeng shook his head, "If you can't find the problem in the Soul Society, then go to the present world, break off the world, and investigate again."

"If it really doesn't work..."

Just when he was giving the order extremely skillfully, an old voice suddenly came from behind.

"You bastard, am I so useless?!"

Yamamoto Genryusai appeared in the team buildings of other divisions for the first time in a long time.

The reflection of the real city is getting closer and closer, and it may fall down at any time and destroy the entire Soul Society.

If he didn't take any action at this time, he would be extremely incompetent.

"Ahem, I'm just telling the truth..."

Su Feng coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

It doesn't matter if you say bad things behind your back, it would be a bit embarrassing if someone found out in front of you.

Yamamoto Genryusai glared at this unscrupulous traitor, and then walked to Niruri's side, looking at the increasingly abnormal data on the screen.

"For the study of broken boundaries, the data is too scarce, and the dangers are even more unknown."

"The investigation should start in this world."

Sufeng stared at the old man in front of him as if he had seen a ghost, almost unable to believe his eyes.

What did he see? !

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, an antique who has lived for more than two thousand years, is now skillfully operating the latest computer equipment of the Technology Development Bureau? !

"This task is left to you."

While he continued to be shocked, Yamamoto Genryusai continued, "With your strength, even if you encounter danger, there won't be any big problem."

"Captain Nirvana, prepare the boundary-breaking ghost cannon."

Nie Yuli looked sideways and was slightly startled. When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Su Feng on the side: "Don't go to so much trouble. When you really can't find the cause after investigation, just chop it off with a knife."

Yamamoto Genryusai was silent.

He suddenly remembered the knife that Sufeng had used to cut off the anti-membrane.


In this world, Karakura Town.

Follow the wind and step up to the sky, looking down at the people coming and going below.

According to the data provided by Nirvana, the problem in the world break is probably in the Chongling Land.

Although he hasn't noticed anything unusual so far.

"Wait, what the hell are these?"

Looking closely at Sufeng, I saw some kind of strange existence appearing among the people passing by.

They are humanoid, clad in white robes and have no facial features.

Where the head should have been, there was a red sharp horn, just like Killian's long nose, which was extremely weird.

From the external appearance, it seems that humans cannot see these things, nor can they touch them. The two intersect with each other and pass by each other.

"It looks familiar." Su Feng frowned slightly, as if he thought of something, but it seemed like he didn't.

Judging from the spiritual pressure fluctuations, these creatures are very close to human souls, but under careful perception, there are subtle differences.

Just like ordinary spirits and talented spirits capable of becoming the God of Death.

Just as he was thinking, a burst of strong spiritual pressure suddenly erupted not far away, followed closely by shouts and shouts:

"Lure the night away, Mirokumaru!"

Following the sound, in mid-air in the distance, a girl-like Shinigami was raising her Zanpakutō high, with a strong light blooming from it.

With the burst of spiritual pressure, the Zanpakuto in his hand transformed into a four-ring Zen staff.

Under the girl's wave, a raging tornado stretched out from the Zen staff, and the howling wind whirled through the unknown creatures.

Wherever it passed, all the unknown creatures turned into nothingness and disappeared into the atmosphere.

Looking at her results, the girl jumped down from the sky and said happily:

"It's all done, as expected of me!"

In the distant sky, Sufeng rubbed his chin, and relevant memories emerged in his mind.

Only then did he determine what the disaster was in Soul Society and the present world.

And the identity of the girl in front of him was almost revealed.

Qian Shizuku, the incarnation of Missing Beads, a collection of countless soul fragments, is also the source of this disaster.

At that time, due to the competition for interests among the nobles, the Ryuudoji family was defeated in the struggle, and was deprived of its noble status by the 46th House of Mao, and most of its members were exiled to the Shuanjie.

The remaining members of Soul Society were also sacrificed as sacrifices to Mimi Haki in the Inverse Bone Zone under the control of Jusanro Ukitake.

It can be said that it is quite miserable.

The members of the Ryutangji family who were supposed to die in the broken world survived the difficulties. Not only that, they also mastered the ability to control the souls in the broken world.

In order to take revenge on Soul Society, they plan to use this ability to unite the present world and Soul Society to directly achieve nuclear peace in the world.

As a collective of owed souls, Qian Shizuku is undoubtedly the key to the operation of the Ryudouji family.

Think about it, those crazy guys are looking for this girl at this time, right?

Moreover, if he remembered correctly, Qian Shizuku prevented the fusion of the two worlds at the expense of herself at the last moment.

And no one can even remember her existence.

Sufeng was particularly impressed by this.

"Poor girl, let me save you from your miserable fate."

While Sufeng was talking to himself, the girl Qian Shizuku was staring at the figure in the sky with vigilance, holding the Zen staff Maitreya Pill tightly in her hands, as if she was facing a bad guy.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself."

"I'm not a good or bad person, the current team of Division 9..."

Su Feng calmed down, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and appeared in front of Qian Shizuku.

However, just when he tried to dispel the other party's vigilance, the space suddenly fluctuated abnormally, and green rings appeared in the sky, the ground, and nearby walls.

Before Sufeng could react, several figures in green clothes had already appeared beside Qian Shizuku. Complex ghost spells were scattered around, blooming with brilliant light.

This group of people wear armor-like decorations on their chests, with patterns like eyes tattooed on them.

"The emblem of the Ryutangji clan?"

Sufeng raised his eyebrows, "Are they the survivors of the broken world?"

"Haha, the reaction is really fast!"

The burly man, whose face was covered by a purple curtain and holding a heavy hammer weapon, let out a dull laugh, "He is indeed the captain of the Grim Reaper, but..."

"You are still a step too late!"

"Soul Society is about to be destroyed, and the hatred of the Ryuudouji clan will eventually die!"

"And you're going to die here too!"

A green ring appeared at Akane Shizuku's feet and swallowed her directly.

The girl looked horrified, and she had already fallen into the hands of the enemy before she even understood what was happening.

"Go to hell, you lackey from Room 46!"

The burly man held a heavy hammer and struck Su Feng's head with ferocity, as if he was going to smash his brains out.


A dull sound came out, and the purple curtain was blown by the wind, revealing an ugly face of shock.

"how come……"

The nearly two-meter-long giant weapon was easily caught by a white palm. The sharp contrast brought a strong visual impact to people.

The burly man could not accept what was happening.

He roared in anger, the sound was like thunder, and even the purple curtain on his face flew away.

"To be honest, your roar is much greater than the threat of attack."

Sufeng took out the non-existent earwax, exerted a slight force on his palm, and the heavy hammer weapon on it immediately cracked and opened cracks.

Then, under the astonished gaze of the other party, it broke into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Su Feng calmly looked at the remaining three people in the field and said calmly: "Who gave you the courage to challenge me?"

"Liang Jing, ah no, you don't know her."

"Forget it, I have nothing to talk about with you little minions. I still have to rush to save the girl who lost her footing."

"That's it for now."

As soon as the words fell, the three members of the Longtangji family roared unwillingly:

"Stop looking down on others, you are just a captain!"

"Go to hell!"

"You don't understand the greatness of the Ryutangji family at all!"

The three of them attacked Sufeng in unison, and then under the sudden heavy punch from the sky, the strong man at the front was directly blown off his head.

Fear grew and spread in my heart, eating away at my beating heart crazily.

The two of them felt their hands and feet were cold, and it was the first time they felt the approach of death so clearly.

Sufeng's five fingers opened and closed, a sound of air exploded in them, and the white air flow surged and stirred.

Facing this monster in human skin, the two members of the Ryuudangji family felt their legs were weak, and they even lost the courage to escape.

With one punch, he smashed the head of a companion who was about the same level as him. What was he using to hit him?

Without paying much attention to the expressions of the two, they fired two more straight punches without any fancy skills, and the remaining two followed their companions in horror.

After glancing at the remaining spirit waves and the superposition of ghostly spells, Su Feng tore open the void in front of him. The deep darkness appeared in front of him, and he stepped into it without any hesitation.

"Broken Dao No. 88: The flying dragon strikes the thief and the sky-shaking thunder cannon."

Without any hesitation, the moment he stepped into the boundary, a bright beam of light erupted in the darkness, and the roaring compressed spiritual pressure cannon instantly wiped out the speeding searchlight.

"You're laughing so hard, you still want to sneak attack on me, captain?"

Stepping on the remains of Jutu, Sufeng discerned the direction, and followed the opponent's remaining spirit son, chasing him all the way.

The broken boundary is called a valley.

The white rock walls stacked up into the dark sky, and the red earth seemed to be dyed red with blood.

Qian Shizuku, who was being escorted, looked at the scene in front of her, and scenes of familiar and unfamiliar scenes surged up in her memory.

Countless memories were impacting in her mind. The girl's pupils were trembling, and a trace of unconcealable despair appeared on her blank face.

"Who am I..."

When I first watched this theatrical version, I felt it was a pity. After Akashi Shizuku died, even the relevant memories were erased, leaving no trace at all.

That's what writing fan fiction is, to make up for the regrets in your heart.

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