Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 296 Why don’t you ask Yhwach?

"Missing beads, a collection of countless missing souls."

Next to him, a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life and white hair replied calmly.

"Qian Shizuku, we have been looking for you for a long time."

"Even if you find the captain of Soul Society to protect you, you will not be able to escape your final fate."

Qian Shizuku looked confused and looked at the middle-aged man in front of her with confusion. Just when she was about to continue asking questions, she suddenly heard the other man continue:

"My name is Ryuudouji Yanlong, the current head of the Ryuudōji family."

"A thousand years ago, the Ryuudoji family was still the superior noble of Soul Society. At that time, in order to fight for the dominance of Soul Society, we launched a power struggle against the five nobles who were eating corpses."

"That battle should have been our victory, but because the five nobles were afraid of the endless potential of the Ryutangji family, they actually joined forces to suppress us, causing the glorious Ryutangji family to fall completely."

"We were even sentenced to exile from the Forty-Sixth Chamber of Zhenyang, and we have just reappeared in front of the world today."

Ryuudangji Yanlong stared at the girl in front of him with terrifying eyes, and strong spiritual pressure pressed down, as if he wanted to express all the pain he had suffered over the years:

"In the broken world, we struggled with every possible means to survive in the desolation. Even if we sacrifice our own lives, we must continue the family's legacy."

"Because only in this way can we unleash all our anger and completely destroy the evil Soul Society at this moment!"

Qian Shizuku trembled, feeling like she had fallen into a den of thieves.

Although he could not understand the other party's emotions, judging from the distorted and terrifying facial expression at the moment, Ryuudangji Yanlong had completely gone to extremes.

"You're too extreme."

"Extreme? You don't understand the pain I'm going through!!"

Longtang Temple Yanlong roared in the direction of the sound, his white hair flying, as crazy as Nirvana.

"Wait, who are you again?!"

Following the direction from which the sound came, a white figure walked slowly, as if naturally.

"The captain of the ninth division..."

Ryuudouji Yanryu noticed the numbers on the haori, "I remember clearly that when the Ryuudouji family was still in Soul Society, the captain of the ninth division was named Kumenei Yuitetsu."

"I didn't expect that a captain couldn't even do it for a thousand years."

Sufeng's expression was strange. He didn't have a deep impression of the Longtangsi family. The last time they met was decades ago.

Ukitake Jusanro made a backhand sacrifice, directly killing the Ryuudouji family in Soul Society.

What he never expected was that the exiled Ryuudouji Genryu actually knew the captains of the original Gotei 13.

"Hmph, how can a mere district captain understand our pain?"

Longtang Temple Yan Long snorted disdainfully, without any intention of having an in-depth communication with him.

"A guy like you who comes from a commoner background will never understand the greatness of the nobility!"

"Extreme? The actions of those five nobles are even more extreme than ours!"

Sufeng raised his hand and said, "Correction, my name is Tsunayashiro Sufeng, the twenty-third generation head of the Tsunayashiro family."

As soon as he finished speaking, Longtang Temple Yan Long's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he said word by word:

"Tsuna, Ya, Dai, Ia?!"

"The Tsunayashiro family, the head of the five nobles?!"

The surging spiritual pressure erupted like a tidal wave, and the huge valley was filled with the light of endless cathartic spiritual pressure.

The terrible pressure immediately left Qian Shizuku standing beside him breathless.

"What are you waiting for?!"

"Kill this guy. Among the nobles who exiled our Ryuudoji family, the Tsunayashiro family did the most!"

The roar of Ryuudou Temple's Yanlong immediately detonated the valley, and dozens of retainers jumped up from its side, bursting out with vice-captain level spiritual pressure.

For a moment, light overflowed.

As a Shinigami who can survive the world break, he has no shortcomings in terms of spiritual pressure or actual combat.

The vice-captain level is just the most basic.

The instant step broke out, and a man holding a diamond-shaped heavy sword suddenly appeared in front of Su Feng. Under the stimulation of spiritual pressure, the heavy sword in his hand instantly expanded several times, pointing downwards like a giant pillar. Smash it.

Until the attack approached, Sufeng still didn't make any move.

Seeing this, Qian Shizuku closed her eyes in despair. She had long been aware of death, but it would be too sad if it affected others because of herself.

This god of death obviously doesn't need to die.

"I'm sorry, I caused you trouble..."


The heavy sword collapsed into countless pieces in the violent collision, and the frightened head was punched into the chest. Along with the surging spiritual pressure, it instantly exploded into blood sprays all over the sky.

The eyes of the Ryutangji clan widened.

This is completely different from what was expected. Although Ryuudoji Nishitani is not the strongest among them, he is still considered average.

Even if you can't defeat the Death Captain, you shouldn't be blasted into fireworks with one punch!

"There's something wrong with this guy!"

The retainers realized the seriousness of the situation, but now there was no way out.

What they did was extremely treasonous. Once discovered by Soul Society, it would definitely attract more captains and Shinigami.

Only by completely killing the guy in front of him can the plan be carried out.

Thinking of this, everyone plucked up their courage again and unleashed unprecedented spiritual pressure, squeezing every bit of spiritual energy in their bodies to the limit.

The raging wave almost completely engulfed Suifeng.

Then, without even uttering a scream, he was blasted into fireworks by one punch, and blood mist spread across the sky, becoming a unique scenery in the Valley of Screams.

Yan Long of Longtang Temple looked at the blood mist floating in the sky in shock, almost unable to believe his eyes.

These retainers of his are already the best among the best.

Hundreds of years of hard work in the world have allowed each of them to reach the level of vice-captain, and a few of them have spiritual pressure levels above third-level spiritual power.

In Soul Society a thousand years ago, this level of spiritual pressure was enough to serve as a captain.

We are both at the captain level, why is it easier and more comfortable to kill the monster in front of me with one punch than to kill the miscellaneous fish? !

Are you kidding me? !

Longtang Temple Yanlong was surprisingly angry.

He couldn't understand why these five high-ranking nobles could still possess such terrifying strength when they had already enjoyed the convenience brought by power. !

Even the most powerful first-generation captains back then couldn't be like this guy and punch a captain without even using a Zanpakutō, right?

Qian Shizuku's expression was shocked and stunned, unable to understand the scene in front of her.

It was just a dazed move on her part, and the Death God captain who called himself Tsunayo Sufeng had already killed all his enemies.

Who is this guy? !

Looking at Sufeng who was slowly walking towards him, Longtangji Yanlong once again burst out with surging spiritual pressure, even abandoning Qian Shizuku beside him, roaring and launched an attack forward.

I saw the five fingers of his right hand spread out, and he held it in the air. Several souls flew out of the valley, condensing into a double-edged sword.

Looking at such changes, Sufeng narrowed his eyes.

Using the missing soul as a weapon, what is the Zanpakuto's ability? Or let’s talk about the particularity of Ryuudangji Yanlong itself.

There is no shortage of beings with special abilities among the Shinigami.

The Zanpakutō is not the only means of attack for the Shinigami. Some geniuses like the Ghost Demons can even release Kidō at low cost.

This belongs to the special nature of the soul.

In a sense, he can be classified as a perfect master of death.

Sufeng once speculated that these so-called geniuses were also caused by the power of the Spirit King.

Although they have not conducted an in-depth dissection of this matter, Nirvana and Yamada Seinosuke also recognized Sufeng's idea.

And this Yan Long of Longtang Temple is undoubtedly one of them.

After all, there are rarely any Zanpakutō left behind in the world of separation.

Just as he was thinking.

Yan Long of Longtang Temple launched an attack towards Sufeng. The majestic spiritual pressure mixed with the souls floating and gathered from the calling valley, blooming brilliantly on the double-edged sword.

The ultimate dark green, even dyeing himself green.

The pressure of the sword surged, splitting open the dark sky of Minggu, the red ground cracked layer by layer, and countless streaks of gravel and dust were swept into the howling wind.

The fusion of spiritual pressure and spiritual pressure exerts a powerful effect that one plus one is greater than two.

In the deafening roar, Longtang Temple Yanlong's attack had completely covered Sufeng, and the air was filled with harsh air explosions, as if the space was shattered.

Qian Shizuku looked at this scene with fear in her heart.

Her memory is made up of countless soul fragments, and there are many scenes about the Death God battle. However, after searching all the battle scenes, none can match the ultimate move of Ryuudangji Yanlong.

Is it really the end?

Tsunayashiro Sufeng, I'm sorry for causing trouble for you...

The hope that had just risen was completely shattered by this attack, and it seemed that there was no possibility of healing anymore.

However, at the moment when Sufeng's figure was swallowed up, a terrifying scene occurred, and terrifying spiritual pressure exploded in the sky.

The world seemed to be silent, and the ultimate beam of light tore through the sky called Gu.

Behind the darkness is endless deep darkness.

The bright golden light pillar became the most brilliant light in the valley!

Yan Long of Longtang Temple was breathing stagnantly, as if his heart had stopped. An incomprehensible scene happened.

Is this guy really a purebred god of death? !

Under the dazzling beam of light, a straight punch was fired without any fancy.

Instant Coax·Xun Lei Wushuang·One Bone!


The turbulent sword-pressing light was like glass being hit by a heavy hammer, and it suddenly made a sharp explosion sound. The violent wind roared and stirred, and the aftermath lingered and the air waves surged.

Huge concentric circles staggered across the sky, instantly collapsing the white rock wall in the distance and tearing apart the red earth below.

From Ryuudangji Yanlong's perspective, the simple fist bones were magnified infinitely, occupying his world in an instant.

It was as if an invisible hand had completely squeezed my heart, and my breathing stagnated.

The uncontrollable fear swallowed up his reason, and at the same time, all the light of spiritual pressure was wiped out.

Death is so close!

In an instant, Yan Long of Longtang Temple's experience of surviving in the broken world for nearly a thousand years restored his sanity.

He lifted up the double-edged sword in his hand despite the overwhelming pressure, causing countless souls in the valley to swarm over and condense on the blade in an instant.

Counterattack on the verge of death!

Ryuudoji Yanlong was unwilling to die. His great ideal had not been realized, Soul Society had not been destroyed, and the Ryuudoji family had not yet become the ruler of the world again.

Never allow it!

With his white hair flying, Ryuudangji Yanlong was like a ferocious evil ghost. He went straight towards the straight punch and launched a blow with all his strength!

The next moment, the fist bones and the sword blade collided together, and the whole world seemed to be completely silent because of this, and even the howling wind stopped.


The violent and surging light completely lit up the Calling Valley, as if a sun was rising in the deep darkness, and the deafening explosions filled and lingered.

Shock ripples visible to the naked eye surged crazily in all directions, and everywhere they passed was filled with smoke, as if a mushroom cloud was blooming in the valley!

After the dust was swept away by the strong wind, the body of Longtang Temple's Yan Long, frozen in place, also appeared in the sky.

His facial features were distorted, and his expression was full of extreme unwillingness. The spaces between his teeth were full of sticky blood. His pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his eyeballs seemed to explode.

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!"

"Why can you people be so high above others, while our Longtang Temple family has to be in this desolate world..."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body felt as if it had been transformed into sand, with countless cracks appearing and shattering into white sand that filled the sky, scattered in the broken valley.


Sufeng sneered disdainfully, "Why don't you ask why Yhwach is the son of the Soul King? What nonsense are you talking about here?"

He fell from the sky and came to Qian Shizuku.

"You lost girl, do you choose to follow me or follow me?"

Qian Shizuku's lips and teeth opened slightly, but she stopped talking and was speechless for a moment.

What's the difference between these two options?

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The girl's amber pupils were full of apologies, "I can't go with you. This space is still expanding. It won't be long before the real world and Soul Society collide because of this."

"At that time, the two worlds will be destroyed..."

Sufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think so?"

"As a rosary, my power can put an end to all this."

Qian Shizuku lowered her eyes, as if she didn't want Su Feng to see the desire for life in her eyes, "Compared to my death, I don't want to see the destruction of the world."

"Thank you very much for coming to save me, but I may have to live up to your kindness."


From beginning to end, the girl never complained to anyone. She kept apologizing. Perhaps in her opinion, she was the source of this disaster.

"Stupid girl."

Sufeng sighed, feeling a little more distressed for the sensible Qian Shizuku.

He raised his right hand and clenched his five fingers tightly. An air explosion sound appeared in his palm, and air currents exploded.

"Look what this is?"

"Fist?" Qian Shizuku raised her head blankly and asked in confusion.

"Wrong, very wrong."

Sufeng grabbed it with his big hand and unreasonably held the girl's slender waist in his arms. The howling wind lifted their figures, and his stern eyes looked around at the continuously cracking and expanding Minggu below.

"This is……"

"The power to save the world!"

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest and Mr. Magic Jiezai for the rewards, and thank you to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes!

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