Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 297 Give a break to the boundary, the Shura Field in the team building


"The power of the world?"

There was visible confusion in Qian Shizuku's eyes, and she raised questions about Su Feng's words.

The strong wind lifted up the two figures. Under Qian Shizuku's gaze, Su Feng took off his captain Yu Zhi and took off his death tyrant uniform.

A strong and perfect body appeared in front of the girl's eyes.

Immediately, the girl's face turned red, and she subconsciously reached out to cover her amber pupils.

"You, you..."

For a time, countless memories surged through my mind.

Madam, you don’t want your husband to lose his job, right?

Your Majesty, you don’t want the people of the kingdom to become slaves, do you?

Girl, your recent grades have been very unsatisfactory...

The memories came flooding back, making Qian Shizuku's cheeks turn redder and redder, and there was white steam rising from her scattered purple hair.

"Girl, my intuition tells me that your thoughts at the moment are very dangerous."

Su Feng moved his wrist that made the sound of firecrackers. The battle with Yan Long from Longtang Temple just now was just a test of his warm-up level for him.

Golden thunder and red wind exploded on his shoulders, and majestic spiritual pressure poured out. Twisted lines appeared on his side, as if the space was also torn apart.

Looking at the scene before her, Qian Shizuku understood that she had misunderstood the other party, but it was difficult to explain the extremely dirty thoughts in her mind to the other party.

As a result, the already rosy face became a bit brighter, and even spread all the way to the depths of the neck, which was in sharp contrast with the black death uniform.

Sufeng ignored the thoughts of the girl beside him, but focused on staring at Minggu below.

As a very special spirit space in the broken world, it itself is composed of souls that have escaped from Soul Society and reincarnation in this world, that is, countless owed souls.

Its appearance makes it possible for Soul Society and the present world to have a common connection. As the Missing Bead, Akashi Shizuku has undoubtedly shortened this process to the limit.

Yan Long of Ryudang Temple originally planned to activate the power of the Missing Beads, and then completely destroy the two worlds.

And even if he doesn't do this, the existence of this place called the Valley will connect the two worlds as time goes by, leading it to the real doomsday.

There is not only one called valley in the world, but it is only one place that is as dangerous as it is right now, and there is no separate place.

If it continues to expand, it will only destroy both worlds.

The only way to solve it is to strike first and destroy it with the power of self-sacrifice of the Missing Bead or the unparalleled brute force.

Sufeng didn't want to see others sacrifice for the world, so he mobilized almost all his spiritual pressure.

Instant coax, true, Xun thunder and sky collapse!

Two-color light wings exploded on his shoulders, turning into countless complicated patterns, which were outlined on the strong and perfect body, revealing a metallic luster.

Terrifying spiritual pressure surged like the heavens pouring from the sky, immediately causing the redness on the cheeks of the girl next to her to fade away, replaced by an unconcealable paleness.

She had never seen such terrifying spiritual pressure in her memory. The spiritual pressure of Longtang Temple Yanlong was scary enough before, but compared with the current Sufeng, it was like a child who had not grown up.

The two are completely incomparable!

The fist bones were raised, and the golden and red lines were like surging magma, flowing over the body and reaching both fists.

The thunder roared and the wind was powerful and majestic, reaching up to the sky!

Looking at the constantly changing valley below, countless souls who have lost their memories wander out of it. There seem to be countless pairs of eyes staring directly at the two figures in the sky on the white rock wall, with bright red pockets. The hat head has become another strange landscape.

Extremely unexpectedly, Sufeng unleashed the strongest blow in the instant coaxing state.

Ultimate Bone Mystery·Knight Kick!

All the strength of the body was concentrated on the right leg, and the force of the bone flow was used to push downwards!

Boom boom! !

In an instant, the mighty and turbulent golden thunder swept up the violent and majestic wind, and exploded and resounded in the valley!

In just an instant, countless souls below were completely swallowed up.

The dim sky was like a huge curtain, which was completely torn open by someone with arrogant force. The outline of the deep and dark abyss was reflected on the dome and spread in the broken boundary.

Endless smoke and dust exploded at this moment, and the broken ground with crisscrossed ravines suddenly let out a deafening wail. Countless spirit son fragments scattered and impacted, and one after another spirit son storm howled in the spirit son space that was about to be annihilated!

The scorching air waves are rolling and surging, intertwined with thunder and strong winds, and are constantly consuming the entire valley!

Qian Shizuku was stunned, unable to believe the scene in front of her, let alone the fact that there was such great power in this world.

With just one blow, Minggu, which had been imbued with countless hopes of revenge by the Longtang Temple family, collapsed, and countless spiritual space fragments were wiped out in the aftermath.

At the same time, Soul Society's Technology Development Bureau, the Spirit Wave Measurement Research Division.

A middle-aged man with two-toned hair looked at the screen in front of him with a solemn expression, and notified Nirvana at the critical moment of the data change.

"The valley space that threatens Soul Society was instantly wiped out by unobservable power?"

Nirvana observed the huge red dot disappearing from the screen with great interest, "Shadow Wolf Zuo, do you think this could have been done by our dear Captain Sufeng?"

The man with two-colored hair lowered his head and said respectfully: "Judging from Captain Sufeng's many battle records, it is not impossible."

"Interesting, this guy's power is getting more and more terrifying."

Nirvana made a weird sneer, "Although I don't want to admit it, if there really is a perfect life in the world, then only this guy can do it."

"Notify the first team and say the danger is over."

"As you command, Captain!"


"No one will die now."

Sufeng blew the non-existent white smoke on his fist and spoke calmly.

Judging from his expression, it seemed as if he had just done something insignificant.

In fact, for Sufeng, it's pretty much the same.

Destroying an immobile space was even easier than fighting against Ryutangji Yanlong. All he needed to do was to activate his power and kick downwards.

Looking at Sufeng who was very close at hand, Qian Shizuku had a complicated expression.

The mission that was supposed to belong to her was taken away by him, and the sacrifice that was supposed to be made ended. Her mission seemed to be over, but for some reason, she didn't feel happy at all.

"Actually, the best destination for me is to die..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Feng reached out and interrupted: "No one in this world is destined to be sacrificed as soon as they are born."

"Even if there is, you should still fight to change your destiny."

"Ants are still alive, let alone living people?"

At this point, Qian Shizuku's expression became a little gloomy: "But, I am not a living person, I just miss the beads."

"A collection of countless soul memories..."

Hearing this, Su Feng stretched out his big hand, pressed it directly on the long purple hair that was hanging down, and said solemnly:

"Listen, girl!"

"When you complete the birth of self-awareness, you are already a completely independent individual, and the accumulation of soul fragments is nothing more than a negligible negative impact."

"You should have knowledge about the individual Killian in your memory, right?"

"As the lowest level in the Great Void, the process of their birth is to devour countless similar people. The accumulation of a large number of memory fragments caused them to become representatives of chaotic consciousness."

"But when self-awareness is born, they will evolve from Kilian to Yachukas."

"In my opinion, you are the Shinigami version of Achiukas. There is nothing special about this. Now the Shinigami in Soul Society are even proud of gaining the power of the Great Hollow."

"After all, this is a symbol of strength..."

Qian Shizuku raised her head in confusion, and the warmth coming from her hair made her feel a little attached to it.

"But isn't the God of Death very repulsive to any form of Hollow?"

"Girl, times have changed." Sufeng rubbed Qian Shizuku's little head and explained, "You will understand when you go to Soul Society."

"It's a coincidence. Team 9 already has a Shinigami, a Perfectionist, a Quincy, and an Arrancar. Your appearance can just fill in the missing parts."

"Oops, I suddenly got a collecting habit!"

Qian Shizuku automatically ignored the second half of Sufeng's words and fell into thinking about the previous remarks.

Have the times of Soul Society really changed?

"Girl, no matter how much you think about it, it would be better to meet her once."

Sufeng took his hand from the top of his head, took out a star-pulling plier from the tip of his hair, and skillfully gathered Qian Shizuku's scattered purple hair, and then tied it into a ponytail.

"The headband is gone, just use hair accessories instead."

He smiled and said seriously, "Headbands are not the only way to hold your hair."

The meaningful words immediately made Qian Shizuku think deeply.

When the two of them escaped from the broken spirit space, they were still within the scope of the broken world.

The scene below called Gu Nuanmei once again plunged Qian Shizuku into a life of doubt.

Viewed from a high place, the missing valley space seems like a piece has been removed from a huge puzzle. Large areas of the structure connected to the surface have collapsed, and deep darkness fills the gap.

If you look at it from a higher level, it looks like someone has divided the space into a middle part.

"Don't think too much, no one can predict fate."

Su Feng said a few words of comfort, and when he was about to say something more, his expression suddenly changed.

Qian Shizuku followed his gaze and looked into the distance.

I saw a huge, train-like strip-shaped creature making a roaring sound, heading in the direction of the two of them, wiping out all matter in its path.

"It belongs to your seventh uncle and grandpa."

Su Feng was a little angry and felt that Duan Jie was targeting him.

Before he came, creatures like Jutu would only appear once every seven days, performing the duties of scavengers and sweeping away things that did not belong to the boundary.

However, when he arrived, he not only broke the rule of appearing once every seven days, but also gave birth to new conflicts in a short period of time after being eliminated.

If Su Feng remembered correctly, not even a day had passed since the last time he killed this guy.

"Broken Dao No. 91: Thousand-Hand Bright Sky Shooting Cannon!"

The cherry-colored scorching flames floated and burned beside him, turning into terrifying beams of light that lit up the dark boundary.

With the finger of Sufeng Xin, the cherry-colored beam of light suddenly burst out, so fast that it even drew a long tail of exhaust, and twisted lines surged under the sky.

Searchlight didn't even think of the word "dodge" in his head, and just hit him.

The Thousand-Handed Bright Sky Cannon also exploded instantly, and the blazing fire shot up into the sky, turning into a cross of light that annihilated everything in the four directions. The aftermath rippled out, swallowing up the Juliu on both sides!

Qian Shizuku felt that her little face was already a little numb.

What I saw and heard this day far exceeded the cognition of the countless memories accumulated in my mind.

The word "shocked" is already a bit tired.

Sufeng blew out the cherry-colored flames burning on his fingertips, and with a casual pull, he tore open the disconnected space in a black tone.

"After passing this section, we are in Soul Society."

Qian Shizuku looked at the deep darkness in front of her, with a somewhat complicated meaning in her amber pupils.


Soul Society, Seireitei.

The ninth division team building.

In the huge captain's room.

The four figures crossed their arms, squeezing the fierce ravine in front of them, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the atmosphere once entered a stalemate.

Ise Nanao was almost frostbitten by the coldness coming from just passing by the corridor outside the room.

When I peeked through the crack in the door, I was even more shocked by the Shura aura inside.

She had never seen such a terrifying scene!

The confrontation between the four women actually started from the first time they met and continues until now.

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, her intuition told her that it must be related to Captain Sufeng.

Thinking of what Captain Sufeng had done, Ise Nanao's expression suddenly felt resentful. It was clear that he had done something so extreme, but why not go further?

The emotional resonance even made her blend into the atmosphere of the room.

"Tell me, who are you?!"

Matsumoto Rangiku spoke first, breaking the deathly silence.

When Harribel was about to answer, she was preempted by Nelu next to her:

"His Majesty Sufeng's woman!"

Hearing this, Matsumoto Rangiku and Kurosaki Maki suddenly took a breath of cold air, which directly set off the taller and taller people in front of them.

The home team building was already chaotic enough, with all the Shinigami Quincy and all of them gathering together, but now the captain actually brought back two Arrancars from Hueco Mundo?

What's even more outrageous is that their looks completely match the captain's aesthetics? !

Coupled with Nilu's own words, Matsumoto Rangiku and Kurosaki Maki felt a strong sense of crisis.

If this continues, will there really be a place for him next to the captain?

Harribel glared at Nilu, but unexpectedly discovered that this guy who usually looked naturally stupid had a hint of cunning in his gray-brown pupils.

Sure enough, this answer was not a coincidence, everything was planned!

She suppressed the blush rising on her cheeks and nodded calmly, agreeing with Nelu's statement.

Although His Majesty often does some unreliable things, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

Just the first time they met, when he faced Balegang and rescued him, it had already left an indelible impression on his heart.

Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being tougher in this regard!

Thinking of this, Harribel's expression became a little firmer.

However, at this moment, Matsumoto Rangiku suddenly sighed and said with a helpless expression:

"Actually, I can understand your feelings. Although the captain is lecherous and scumbag, he still inexplicably attracts some, well, females..."

"But fundamentally speaking, he is the God of Death, and you are Arrancar, this..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an innocent-looking Nilu: "But His Majesty Sufeng said that love can transcend races."

Matsumoto Rangiku's expression froze, and her heart suddenly became a little more crazy.

At the same time, the black tune opened in the team building courtyard, and two figures walked out of it.

Qian Shizuku looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of her, and when she was about to say something, she noticed that the expression of Su Feng beside her changed again and again.

"Something's wrong, 12 out of 10 something's wrong!"

"Hiss, this strong murderous intention..."

"Nanao, I will leave Qian Shizuku under your care."

Before Ise Nanao, who walked down the corridor, could figure out what happened, a purple-haired girl was thrust into her arms.

When he looked again, his captain had disappeared into the team building.

"I suddenly remembered that Captain Unohana came to me with something urgent..."

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