Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 299 My wisdom is far superior to yours

The bumpy body was crumbling in front of him, and the boiling sea of ​​blood was constantly surging, enveloping Unohana Retsu, whose head was smashed, and sinking into the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood.

"Can you blow up your head and avoid death?"

Su Feng was surprised, and casually shook off the blood on his left hand, and with one shot of his backhand healed all the fallen flesh and blood.

"It seems that it is not the power of all, but a special ability related to the return path."

"Have you made preparations in advance before launching the battle?"

"Sure enough, you are very self-aware of your own strength, fake..."

The sea of ​​​​blood surged again, and a brand new body appeared in it, and the intact head appeared on the white neck again.

What was different from before was that there was an expression on that beautiful face that Su Feng had never seen before——


An expression that the real Unohana Retsu would never show.

As the first Kenpachi, a being who was truly on the verge of death, how could he feel fear because of a near-death encounter?

After realizing this, Sufeng's original interest suddenly diminished.

Suddenly I lost interest.

"Ha, what's your expression like that..."

Unohana Retsu suddenly changed his tone, his tone filled with unconcealable disgust and the desire to fight again.

"Do you think you can win the final victory just by gaining the upper hand once?"

"You have no idea what my true power is!"

The last sentence was shouted out in a roar, and a wave of blood that was several meters high suddenly arose all around.

After a moment of brewing, Uozhihua Lie once again burst out with astonishing teleportation speed. The whole person seemed to teleport in front of Su Feng, and the scimitar slashed down diagonally at an extremely weird angle, as if to chop the figure in front of him. Cut into two pieces.

The golden thunder enveloped Sufeng's figure, and the crimson wind lingered around him. The wind and thunder intertwined with each other, turning into Xunlei feathers, instantly crushing the sea of ​​blood that covered it.

As his understanding and control of Lan Yin gradually strengthened, all the moves developed based on the Zanpakutō itself were enhanced to a certain extent.

When you first use the Xun Lei Yuyi, you can be immune to Mole City Shuangye's attacks to a certain extent.

Now that he has mastered the swastika and has a deeper understanding of the Zanpakutō, coupled with the transcendent-level spiritual pressure, the defense of the Sundarai Hagoromo is no worse than that of the Zanhi Prison Hagoromo.

If this move is released in the swastika form, it will even exceed it.

But for now, it's enough.

All the power of Jieji was unable to invade Sufeng's body, and all corrosive power was completely blocked.

Except for the powerful and heavy swordsmanship moves, the fake Unohana Retsu's attacks no longer pose much of a threat to him.

The opponent was obviously aware of this, so the offensive became more and more fierce, and the battle became more and more brutal.

At every turn, buildings collapsed, the ground cracked, and the ruins were swallowed up and submerged by the sea of ​​blood.

The fighting posture of the two people once attracted the attention of many sergeants and officers.

However, due to their spiritual pressure that was powerful enough to suffocate the chief officer and even the vice-captain, they were unable to get close to the area under the jurisdiction of the Fourth Division and could only wait for the arrival of other captains.

The Komamura Left Front was the first to arrive at the scene.

A thunderous roar echoed through the sky, and a hundred-meter-tall black-armored warrior appeared on the street outside the team building. A blade dozens of meters long stretched across the sky, slashing straight at the two figures fighting fiercely in the sea of ​​blood.

It was like a falling star, with a majestic momentum. The huge force contained in the blade even caused the blood sea below to separate the two sides.

"Well done to Captain Komamura!"

"As expected of Captain Komamura, this sword could even split the stars in the sky!"

"Captain Komamura seems to be stronger than before. Only with people like him existing can our Seireitei be safe and sound..."

Rainbow farts were served one after another, although they didn't know whether the Komamura Left Formation, who was far away at the edge of the sea of ​​​​blood, could hear them.

Then, an explosion happened.

A blood-colored sword pressure tens of meters long flew out of the blood sea, and the air was torn directly like cloth, and layers of white air waves exploded on the dome.

Komamura Zuozhen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly slashed forward with his knife.


The sword missed the long sword and landed accurately on the chest of the black-armored warrior. The armor was shattered immediately, and large pieces of flesh and blood were torn open. Blood exploded on the burly body of Komamura Zuozhen, and the whole person lay on his back and fell.

When the spiritual pressure collapsed, not even the swastika could be maintained.

Sufeng took the time to glance at the big dog captain who was killed instantly, shook his head and sighed: "There is really no way to repay the high expectations, Komamura."

"You don't even turn on virtualization. You are so reckless. You really don't notice fakes at all."

Komamura Zuozhen fell in a pool of blood, closed his eyes in shame, and suddenly felt hopeless.

There are many captains who have been instantly killed by a knife, but he is probably the only one who has been killed over and over again like this, right?

"Okay, I'm tired of playing."

Sufeng withdrew his gaze and fell on Maozhihualie's figure again.

"Although you and Sister Hua look the same, I don't know why, but I just can't seem to like you at all."

"So, please give me a try."

All the spiritual pressure poured into the blade in his hand, and red lines like magma criss-crossed, glowing with a blazing and brilliant light.

The temperature rose sharply, the sea of ​​​​blood beneath the feet evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

An ominous premonition suddenly emerged in Maozhihualie's heart, but before she could make a move, Sufeng, who was far away from her, suddenly moved.

The sea of ​​​​blood surged, and a huge wave exploded in an instant, and the terrifying spiritual pressure exploded in it, pushing the huge wave to the peaks layer by layer, until the shadow completely covered the entire fourth team building.

The team members looked at the scene in the distance in horror. They felt their hearts tightening, as if they were being tightly grasped by big hands. Even without the pressure of spiritual pressure, they still felt that it was difficult to breathe and their heartbeats were labored.

Facing the fake Mao Zhihualie's counterattack, Sufeng seemed to ignore it, and the Lan Yin with flowing magma lines fell forward, and the calm voice echoed in the sea of ​​​​blood.

"The wind of heat and annoyance."

Bhikkhus, in the middle of the world, there are winds called heat and trouble.

If these winds come to this Four Continents Realm, all living beings, living beings and residents in this Four Continent Realms, with all their identities, will be scattered and destroyed, and nothing will be left...

The moment the words fell, the invisible wind suddenly broke out, overwhelming him in the sea of ​​blood.

In an instant, everything in front was wiped away, and the blazing high temperature was stirred up by the wind, consuming the few remaining pools of blood below.

Mao Zhihualie was stunned in place, as if the pause button had been pressed, and even his breathing became undetectable.

Until a crack opened in the bone-white Prajna mask, and then completely exploded, revealing an expression of astonishment and confusion.


The other party murmured, raising his eyes to look at Sufeng, "I'm obviously stronger than her..."

"Isn't this something obvious?"

Su Feng blew out the flames ignited on the blade due to high-speed friction, "You don't really think Sister Hua can give me a 50-50 fight, do you?"

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Maozhihualie's face: "So this is it..."

After saying this, a scorching white light suddenly exploded on her body, and blazing hot temperature surged out from it, swallowing her up in an instant.

After a few breaths, the sea of ​​blood dissipated, the spiritual pressure disappeared, and not even a trace of the fake was left.

Sufeng glanced at the Fourth Division team building that was completely reduced to ruins, and then sheathed his sword. He had a vague idea about the appearance of the fake.

Called Valley, Broken Boundary, Captain Missing, a slightly stronger imitation than the original.

If nothing else, it should be related to the seventh seat of the twelfth division, the boundary breaking expert of the Technology Development Bureau, Inaba Kage Rousaru.

But the question is, how did this guy do it?

If he remembered correctly, this was a technology related to spiritual corpses. Although it was essentially inseparable from the transformation of souls and the Vanguard Plan, there were actually some differences.

At least, Nirvana thought he couldn't do this.

Sufeng once asked Nirvana to perfect and optimize the vanguard plan, but the combat effectiveness of the transformed souls created was only comparable to the level of Xi Guan.

And it consumes a lot of resources.

It's completely an experiment that doesn't pay off.

With these resources, it is better to make spirit food and feed it to Sunsun and the others. At least if it evolves to Vastod, one can kill countless officials.

This old guy, Inaba Kagerozuo, is definitely hiding something secret!

As the person in charge of the Vanguard Project and the founder of the soul transformation, Yugao Xu is also an expert in boundary breaking. Because the Vanguard Project was stopped by Mao Room 46, he held a grudge against it. Before he was captured, he used The instrument split itself into the two spiritual skeletons of Inaba Kage Langsa and Kujo Nozomi.

His original plan was to combine the two corpses after they had mastered the power of the Zanpakutō, and then achieve the goal of destroying Soul Society.

Sufeng cannot understand this.

From Ryuudoji Enryu to Yuzaki Osh, why is everyone thinking about destroying Soul Society?

Is this some kind of unspeakable hobby of the villain?

Until now, Sufeng has roughly understood Yuji Ouxu's plan. Because the "Jianbing" plan was stopped, all research materials were banned, and then he was imprisoned in the 46th room of Zhenyang. Therefore, he became rebellious and prepared to destroy the corpse. world to achieve their own concept of revenge.

What he did was to use his understanding of the broken world to temporarily trap the captains in that world space when they went to the broken world to support him.

As for the current Yugao Xu, he is probably trying to fuse the two spiritual corpses again to escape the state of the living dead, right?

Sufeng looked in the direction of the Technology Development Bureau.

With Nirvana's sharp mind, he shouldn't die under the opponent's knife, right?


Division 12, Technology Development Bureau.

Yeongha Graduate School of Surveying.

Two figures faced each other in the laboratory, with the same exaggerated appearance, the same morbid and crazy smile, and even the same number of bloodshot eyes.

"You really underestimate Inaba Seven Seats."

Nie Yuli grinned, without any hint of nervousness, "You can create spiritual skeletons under my nose, and even add the power of virtualization."

"I'm afraid this plan was implemented many years ago, right?"

Fake Nirvana also grinned: "I don't know when it started, but what is worthy of affirmation is that from now on, I will replace your existence."

"My wisdom and strength are far superior to yours. I am the real Nirvana!"

He was seen laughing wildly as he pulled out his Zanpakutō from the scabbard in front of him, and then his wild spiritual pressure exploded, and the turbulent wind stirred in the laboratory.


"The golden beast kills Ksitigarbha!"

False Nirvana raised the Zanpakutō high, and the blade immediately gave birth to countless flesh bubbles under the stimulation of spiritual pressure, and they continued to expand and grow until it turned into a huge body crawling in the room.

The instruments and equipment were swept away by the fleshy pillar-like limbs. The huge baby's head opened its bloody mouth and let out a deafening roar, shattering all the glass products.

The shadow of terror shrouded most of the laboratory. The golden Jizang just moved his body slightly and smashed a huge hole in the metal wall.

"When Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo made us, he strengthened us in every aspect."

Fake Nirvana's smile became more and more crazy, "Your choice to give up the method of virtualization is definitely the stupidest decision in history."

"You have no idea how strong I am now!"

Looking at the ugly and ferocious baby's head, Nie Yuli's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia that he hadn't seen for a long time.

When he first mastered the swastika, this was what Ksitigarbha looked like.

At that time, this guy was still very disobedient. He even disobeyed his orders many times during the battle and attacked others around him indiscriminately.

So at a certain opportunity, he carried out in-depth transformation of Ksitigarbha.

Controlled self-destruction devices and more toxic drugs have been added to it, and even the extensions of the limbs are being modified.

However, Nirvana in this form has not been seen for a long time.

Now that I suddenly see it, I still feel a little nostalgic.

"You know what's scariest for a scientist?"

Nie Yuli looked at the opposite side calmly, and before waiting for the other side to answer, he continued on his own:

"It's forgetfulness, forgetfulness that stops thinking."

"Then what's the second scariest thing?"

"It's the stagnation of the past, Nirvana."

He slowly pulled out his Zanpakutō from his waist, grinning at the sides of his mouth, almost touching his ears:

"When did you have the illusion that killing Ksitigarbha looked so ugly?"

"Swastika: Golden Boil Kills Ksitigarbha——"

Looking at the other party's calm appearance, Fake Nirvana suddenly felt a strong ominous premonition in his heart, and unspeakable fear grew in his heart. In a hurry, he roared:

"Kill him, kill him!"

The baby's head let out a shrill scream, exploding sound waves that were visible to the naked eye, surging in the relatively small laboratory. Nirvana's ear was immediately injured and a large amount of blood flowed out.

However, his smile became more and more crazy:

"Prison Fetus Fu Yin Syndrome!"

The Zanpakutō was raised high in front, and countless squirming balls of flesh exploded on the blade, spreading instantly throughout the laboratory like fireworks.

As the flesh and blood squirmed, arcs and air currents criss-crossed, and complex black lines scattered on the huge mass of flesh, growing crazily.

In Fake Nirvana's shocked and puzzled eyes, a monster-like baby body appeared in sight. Its body was so big that it even broke the roof of the laboratory. A huge shadow enveloped him and the golden Jizo Jizo. .

Unprecedented pressure fell on it, making it difficult to breathe.

"Okay, the clumsy game is over."

Following Nirvana's command, the short limbs of the prison body Fuyin burst out with extremely ferocious power, and with a flash, they pounced on the body of the golden Jizhi Jizo.

In an instant, the plasma exploded, and countless limb fragments were scattered to every corner of the laboratory. Under the unbelievable eyes of Fake Nirvana——

His swastika was swallowed alive by the other party!

With a burping sound, the body with the prison seal syndrome focused on the fake Nirvana, and its greedy eyes almost solidified.

All it takes is an order from Nirvana...

"Remember what I said about what scientists are most afraid of?" Nie Shuli looked across with a strange smile.

"Wha, what?" A stuttering reply came from the ruins.

Nirvana held the blade in his hand, all the madness of the past. At this time, he was like an elegant artist, walking towards the other party with gentle dancing steps, and a smile appeared under those frightened pupils:

"It's forgotten..."

In a calm voice, the blade cut open the spirit skeleton's chest...

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