Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 300: Instant kill of captain, civil war phantom god!

"That guy Sufeng's power is really easy to use."

Nirvana glanced at the brutal battle scene. The majestic prison fetus Fuyin syndrome tore the golden body of Jizo into pieces with three strikes.

Large swaths of viscous plasma filled every corner of the laboratory, almost forming a river, flowing gurglingly, with unknown limbs scattered everywhere.

The spiritual corpse pierced by the blade turned into mud and spread on the ground the moment it died.

"This is……"

Nirvana ignored the foaming turbidity, bent down and took out a gem similar to broken jade from the mud, in which the light of two colors was mixed, shining continuously in the form of a spiral.

"Is it an ingenious fusion of the power of death and the power of Daxu?"

"It seems that the soul of the God of Death and the soul of Daxu are used. What is the fusion method?"

"Did it come from some unknown Zanpakutō ability?"

In just a few seconds, he relied on his rich experience to completely analyze the technology contained in the gem.

In addition to the most critical fusion technology.

"You really can't underestimate any captain."

Just when Nirvana was struggling with what method Inaba Kagerouzu used to fuse the souls of Death and Daxu, a calm voice sounded very suddenly from outside the broken laboratory.

With the flash of Shunpo, a figure with dark green hair appeared in front of Nirvana.

"Who are you?"

Nie Yuli had a strange look on his face, and his nose twitched a few times, as if he was sniffing the smell in the air.

"The soul has the scent of Inaba Kagerouza."

"Let me think about it, Yuji Ouch?"

Upon hearing this, the other party immediately showed a surprised expression, which then turned into an expression of appreciation.

"I didn't expect anyone to know this name."

Nirvana waved his hand, without any reason to take the credit on himself:

"Actually, it has little to do with this captain."

"As early as when you first served as the section chief of the boundary-breaking research project, someone asked me to pay more attention to you."

"What I'm more curious about is how on earth you completed the creation of the spirit skeleton under my nose."

"Or are there other forces helping you?"

"The Ryuudouji Family, the Prison Crime Family, or the Quincy of the Invisible Empire?"

As Nirvana brought up topics one after another, Yushou Ouch's expression changed again and again, until finally he looked a little ferocious.

"It's impossible. When I split myself, no one knew about it!"

Hearing this, Nirvana knocked on his temple, making a dull sound, and a joking expression emerged:

"You don't think that what you did can be hidden from the Great Spirit Book Corridor, do you?"

"Pathetic guy, someone has already put you on the list of people to watch, and you are still complacent that everything you do is perfect."

After some remarks, Yuji Ouxu felt a little bit off guard.

What I thought was a perfect plan actually attracted everyone's attention.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

After a moment of silence, Yoshinori regained his original calmness and said, "Even if I am dragged here by you, those imitated spirit captains are enough to destroy the entire Soul Society."

However, what surprised him was that after saying this, Nirvana on the other side not only didn't show the slightest hint of urgency, but still looked leisurely.

He even took out the pastry from the Female Death God Association from the broken counter and ate it calmly, not taking what he just said to heart at all.

"You don't really think that a spiritual corpse with such an enhanced level can destroy Soul Society, do you?"

"You are also a scientist, but you seem to have been blinded by hatred."

Nie Yuli chewed an unknown pastry and said vaguely: "More importantly..."

"With sufficient information, would I do nothing and just watch you develop your so-called 'great plan'?"

Youji Ouxu's expression suddenly changed.

Even when he was about to launch an attack, he was shocked to find that his movements were slowed down countless times, and even Nirvana's movements were also slowed down.

Even his every breathing movement is divided into countless pictures, played slowly bit by bit.

"Did you notice it?"

Niryuri said to herself, "I paid attention to you when you were still Inaba Shadow Wolf Zuo, or our dear Captain Sufeng."

"There is also Kujo Nozomi who was also split. Although she was hidden by you in the valley of the broken world, there are traces of her after all."

"In order to prevent situations like today, I used new drugs on you a long time ago."

"Superman Medicine, let's just call it that."

Niryuri walked slowly in front of the immobile Yuji Ouchi, cut his finger on the blade, squeezed out a drop of blood and fell on the opponent's forehead.

As the blood seeped in, Yugao Xu returned to normal instantly.

However, due to the high-speed processing of information in the brain, a severe headache occurred, causing the whole person to crawl to the ground and let out a shrill howl.

"It's painful, isn't it?"

Nirvana smiled like a devil.

"No, it's impossible. My body is already immune to any poison."

Youji Ouxu's voice was hoarse to the extreme, and large beads of sweat seeped out from his pores, instantly soaking the Death Tyrant's suit completely.

"Poison?" Nie Yuli was surprised, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"To a certain extent, superhuman medicine is a strengthening potion, which can allow anyone to easily achieve [superhuman feeling]."

"Amplify one's own perception thousands of times, tens of thousands times or even trillions of times in an instant."

"A drop of superhuman medicine is considered an appropriate amount if it is diluted 250,000 times, and I specially added the undiluted original solution into your body."

"The second you just had should feel like a hundred years!"

Yugao Xu knelt down weakly on the ground. It was clear that there was no scar on his body, and even his spiritual pressure was in a strong state, but his extreme mental weakness prevented him from generating any strength at all.


"When exactly..."

Nirvana grinned and looked down at the figure below:

"You're too confident in yourself, Yuji Ouch."

"Not even Captain Sufeng would dare to be so careless when facing me."

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer his question, Yuji Ouxu gritted his teeth ferociously, and saliva overflowed uncontrollably from the corners of his mouth. This was also one of the side effects of super-sensation, and he said hoarsely:

"It doesn't matter, even without me, the spirit captains can completely destroy Soul Society!"

"Tsunayo Sufeng, who you have high hopes for, will also die tragically in this catastrophe!"

Nie Yuli nodded thoughtfully, then tapped the broken tabletop in front of him a few times.

The sound of gears running sounded underground, the sunken metal floor parted to both sides, and a huge screen rose up in the ruins-like laboratory.

"Since you are so confident..."

Nirvana smiled like a devil, "Then come and take a good look at the spirit skeletons that you have placed high hopes on."

In the picture, Sufeng stood on the street outside the jurisdiction of the Fourth Division, looking at the burly figure lying on the ground in distress.


"Captain Komamura, although I don't have any hope for you."

Su Feng sighed deeply, "But being knocked down by a fake is a bit too much, isn't it?"

The Komamura Zuofeng seemed to be very ashamed of his achievements. He put his huge head in his two plush palms and did not dare to look at Sufeng.

"Old, I didn't expect that either."

"The opponent's attack will be so powerful, it can even be as powerful as the captain's sword."

Sufeng nodded, but did not deny this.

With the combination of the swastika and the emptiness, the spiritual pressure of the false Unohana Retsu is not inferior to that of the original body at all. It is normal that the sword pressure in this state is not weaker than that of Yamamoto Genryusai.

"So, why don't you use blur?"

"I think this is against justice..."

Komamura Zuozhen replied without any confidence.

If Soul Society falls into crisis because of his insistence on justice, he will probably live with guilt for the rest of his life.

"Sure enough, both you and the old man have a 'unique' understanding of justice."

Sufeng took this for granted.

It is impossible to change the concept that has been adhered to for hundreds or even hundreds of years. We can only place our hope in the days to come.

"Actually, I have a question."

Sufeng suddenly asked.

"Captain Sufeng, please speak."

The left formation of Komamura seemed quite bachelor at the moment, knowing everything and talking about it.

Sufeng thought:

"According to Captain Nirvana's improvement plan, after the Death God becomes Hollow, he will gain certain abilities of the Great Hollow to a certain extent, such as steel skin, high-speed regeneration, nerve detection and even sound rotation..."

"High-speed regeneration." Komamura Zuozhen made no attempt to hide anything. "As a member of the human-wolf clan, I have stronger recovery capabilities than ordinary Shinigami. After becoming hollow, my internal organs can be destroyed without dying."

Hearing this, Su Feng's eyes lit up: "Then I have an idea, let's see if it's feasible."

"what idea?"

"As we all know, one of the side effects of the humanization technique of your werewolf clan is that you need to sacrifice your heart."

"And when this secret technique ends, the body will degenerate into the state of a beast."

"If, I mean if."

Sufeng's expression was mysterious: "If you use virtualization to regenerate the heart while in the state of humanization, can you achieve strength without side effects?"

Komamura's left formation was somewhat silent: "..."

This was a path he never envisioned.

Why do you suddenly feel like the door to a new world has been opened?

"Think about it carefully, I'm just making a suggestion."

Sufeng threw down Komamura's left formation, captured the spiritual pressure of the other spirit skeleton captains in his perception, and disappeared instantly.

Looking at his retreating back, Komamura Zuozhen fell into deep thought.


Due to the fact that nearly half of the captains were trapped in the cutoff, only Yamamoto Genryusai, Amagai Suisuke, Komamura Zuozhen, Tsunayashiro Sufeng, Saraki Kenpachi, Niryuuri and Ukitake are left in the Seireitei. Jushiro.

Among them, Yamamoto Genryushai was besieged by his two spiritual disciples.

He didn't use his swastika because he didn't want to affect Soul Society, so he was instantly at a disadvantage.

Struggling to hold up in the blazing flames.

Kenpachi Zaraki went crazy and fought alone against the three captains Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kuchiki Byakuya, and Zaihou.

Amagai Xiuzuke was engaged in a thunder and fire confrontation with himself, and the scene was once very spectacular.

Ukitake Jūshirō even held on to his sickly body to fight against Shiha Isshin. During the battle, he was beaten many times and coughed up blood. He looked like he was about to die soon.

After noticing everyone's spiritual pressure, Sufeng decided to go to support Ukitake Jushiro first.

After all, no one knows when this guy will die of illness on the spot.

On the way to the 13th Division team building, the 100-meter-tall black-armored warrior appeared again.

What was different from before was that a ferocious white bone mask covered his face, and the majestic spiritual pressure was filled with an aura of unspeakable violence.

"This is so decent. Komamura should really study hard."

He activated Shunpo to dodge the opponent's slash, and the familiar Kidō incantation sounded in the sky.

"The waves of filth, the ship of madness."

"Boiling, numb, flickering, sleepless."

Su Fengxu stepped on the sky, raised his right hand and faced forward, with twisted black lines escaping from his fingertips:

"The princess of steel also erodes, and the clay doll also collapses."

"Rally, confront the enemy, and flood the ground to make them aware of their powerlessness!"

"Broken Dao No. 90: Black Coffin!"

The moment the voice fell, a pitch-black iron wall rose from the ground, instantly covering the hundred-meter-tall black-armored warrior. With the appearance of pitch-black lines all around, black shadows as sharp as blades instantly penetrated the warrior's body. Steel body.

At the same time, the fake Komamura left formation below also immediately opened countless wounds, and a large amount of blood spurted out from them, dyeing itself blood red in just a second.

The burly figure fell to his knees weakly, his eyes rolled white, and he had completely lost consciousness.

As Fake Komamura's left formation collapsed like mud, his spiritual pressure completely disappeared on the street.

"To be honest, I've wanted to do this for a long time."

Su Feng glanced at the mud on the ground and grinned, "It's routine practice. If the big dog is not instantly killed by the black coffin, how can he be called the captain of the big dog?"

It's a pity that the last time he helped Komamura's left formation become void, he didn't launch the follow-up strangulation of the black coffin. Sufeng regretted this for quite a long time.

Now, killing a spiritual corpse instantly can satisfy one's wish to a certain extent.

In the area under the jurisdiction of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro coughed up blood from time to time, and used the ability of Pisces Carp to counterattack the fake Shiba Isshin's Getsuga Tensho, barely able to hold on.

But when the opponent took out the bone mask and entered the virtual state, Ukitake Jushiro was immediately kicked to the end of the street. Several buildings collapsed in an instant, and a long ravine was plowed on the ground.

Fake Shiba Isshin showed a ferocious face, and there seemed to be electric light dancing in his eyes. He came to Ukitake Jushiro and held up the flaming Kanazuki:

"That's it, Captain Ukitake..."

To his surprise, Ukitake Jushiro not only had no fear of death, but instead took a long breath and relaxed completely.

Looking in the direction of his gaze, he saw a figure walking on the gravel-strewn street.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

Fake Zhiba Yishin's pupils shrank suddenly, and when he was about to be alert, he suddenly noticed a brilliant red light flashing in front of his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, Su Feng had already appeared beside him, just in time to sheath his sword.

The blazing temperature exploded in Fake Shiba Isshin's body, burning it to ashes from bottom to top in an instant.

It wasn't until the last moment of death that he heard clearly the calm voice:

"The wind of heat and annoyance..."

Thanks to Mr. Magic Jiezai for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly ticket support.

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