Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 301 Killing a chicken with a bull’s-eye and sweeping across Seireitei

"Thank you, Sufeng."

Ukitake Jushiro looked grateful, "If you hadn't arrived in time..."

Before he finished speaking, Sufeng interrupted him with a wave of his hand:

"Enough talking, I have to rush to help others. If Captain Ukitake is still able to move, please help clean up the mess."

"You also know that I'm not good at this."

Ukitake Jushiro stopped talking, then a wry smile appeared on his face and nodded:

"Is that so? Then leave it to me."

"Be careful too..."

Before he finished speaking, the figure in front of him was gradually breaking up, just like bubbles in the sun.

Looking at the direction where Sufeng's spiritual pressure disappeared, Ukitake Jushiro's expression was extremely complicated.

As the same captain, he was almost killed by the virtual Zhibo's hammer blast, but as soon as Sufeng appeared, he burned the opponent to ashes with his backhand.

Moreover, due to physical reasons, he cannot withstand the power of virtualization, so that he is now one of the few captains who cannot improve his strength.


Jushiro Ukitake thought, "It would be a good choice to abdicate in favor of a worthy person. Haiyan seems to have mastered the swastika."


The Seireitei was in chaos, with flames of war burning everywhere.

Not only the captain of the spirit bones, but also the deputy captain of the spirit bones, and even some powerful chief officers appeared.

For example, Nanao Ise, Hanataro Yamada, Renji Abarai, etc.

The devil knows how Yusuma Osh did it. Not only did he copy many captains under Niryuri's nose, but he also completed the big plan to counterattack Soul Society.

If this situation continues, he may be able to realize his long-held ideal and completely destroy Soul Society without even taking action.

"You really can't underestimate any scientist."

Sufeng muttered to himself, "This guy is quite valuable. I hope Nirvana didn't kill him."

With sufficient information, he was very confident in Nirvana.

Not to mention a powerful being like Youzhi Ouxu who is also a scientist and has superior combat power. Even the Transcendent Nirvana has a chance to encounter him.

If it hadn't been for the firm trust generated by countless long-term cooperation, perhaps Sufeng would still have been more careful about Nirvana until now.

Especially after this guy began to have frequent academic exchanges with Urahara Kisuke.

"The water and sky are flowing backwards, and the flowers are blooming!"

Just as Sufeng was thinking, a familiar voice suddenly came from below.

Following the riot of majestic spiritual pressure, huge waves surged up and washed away the streets in an instant. Several figures were ups and downs in the waves, making gurgling sounds from time to time.

Two figures stood on the waves, manipulating the endless water to attack each other.


The waves surged out endlessly, collapsing the walls in an instant, carrying countless rubbles and bombarding them on the street.

The spiritual power merged with the water flow, causing strong vibrations. Wherever the wave passed, the ground cracked and cracked, as if a bloody mouth was swallowing up the collapsed building.


The violent water swept upwards and reached the sky.

"Water Dragon Juekong!"

Two identical figures spoke in unison between the waves.

I saw the Nakahana Zanpakutō filled with spiritual power soaring into the sky, guiding the waves below to roll upwards.

The huge water dragon instantly appeared on the street, making a deafening roar and destroying everything in its path.

The battle situation seemed to be in a state of anxiety.

Seeing this, Su Feng immediately rolled up his sleeves and prepared to get involved.

However, at this moment, one of the figures pulled out a flower from the water waves. It was blooming with brilliant light, and the majestic spiritual pressure was constantly stirring on it.


"Ji Hua Tian Waterfall!"

In an instant, the sky was reflected into aqua blue, as if it had turned into an endless ocean, covering the entire battlefield, with sparkling waves rippling on it.

Under the unexpected gaze of Su Feng, the flower in Zhibo Haiyan's hand instantly shattered and turned into countless water flows into the aqua blue world.

The majestic current encircled the figure of the fake Shiba Haiyan, instantly suppressing his spiritual pressure to an extremely low state.

"This is..." Sufeng was surprised: "Complete control?"

Before he could come to support, Shiba Haiyan held his right hand, and a handful of dazzling blood flowers bloomed in the water, and then completely blended into it.

The spiritual pressure collapsed!

Shijie versus Swastika, the former was instantly killed without any reason.

"Captain Sufeng..."

Judging from his relaxed state, Shiba Haiyan obviously had some spare energy, but when he noticed Sufeng, he was not as relaxed as Ukitake Jushiro.

Instead, he was full of vigilance.

"Don't worry, I'm serious."

Sufeng comforted him, "Otherwise, you would have died."

He could see through Shiba Haiyan's guilty conscience at a glance.

"Haha, that's true." Zhibo Haiyan scratched his head and immediately felt relieved.

"Captain Sufeng, what on earth is going on?"

"Why do so many...replicas suddenly appear?"

Zhiba Haiyan stopped her smile and said with a solemn expression:

"And it's so strong."

"If I hadn't just mastered the swastika, I would have been killed directly by the other party."

Sufeng sighed and said helplessly:

"A detailed explanation is too troublesome. If you are curious, you can go to the Technology Development Bureau and ask Captain Nirvana."

"Since you are fine, I will take the first step. The other battlefields are not over yet."

Zhibo Haiyan's mind suddenly moved, and she suddenly remembered the frail and sick captain from home, and suddenly came back to her senses:

"Captain, he..."

"It has been solved." Sufeng waved his hand and said without looking back, "Now Ukitake should deal with the aftermath of the affected team members..."

Before he finished speaking, his figure had already disappeared among the sparkling waves of light.

When Zhibo Haiyan realized Sufeng's departure, she also breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

His interpretation of swastika is very special.

It can sense and control all water within the range of spiritual pressure, and even the first release of the spiritual skeleton Shiba Haiyan can be easily controlled.

Just now, in the process of communicating with Sufeng, he clearly realized how terrifying the person in front of him was.

Even if all the spiritual pressure is exhausted, there is still no way to shake the slightest bit of water in his body.

I thought that after mastering the swastika, I could narrow the distance between myself and Sufeng, but I didn't expect that the difference seemed to be even greater.

"What a terrifying monster..."

Shiba Haiyan shook her head and disappeared at the end of the street through the current.


The jurisdiction of the Seventh Division.

Zaraki Kenpachi fought three Hollow and Swastika captains alone. His body was dripping with blood, like a wild beast that had completely fallen into madness.

Crazy laughter echoed above the ruins, roaring like thunder.

It had been a long time since he had fought so fiercely.

Although I couldn't fight the opponent I wanted to fight, it was a good experience to be able to fight more than one.

Countless cherry blossoms, wrapped in roaring ice dragons, fell from the sky. The air trembled, and the aftermath was overwhelming. The area within a few miles was suddenly filled with dust, and it instantly condensed under the extreme cold.

"Hahaha, this is right!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Zaraki Kenpachi lowered his sword, and the long serrated knife plowed ravines on the ice. Countless ice fragments exploded and the ice layer cracked.

The golden spiritual pressure was like a burning flame, burning fiercely on his body.

Facing the joint attack of the two spirit skeletons, he had no intention of evading. Even when the strongest spiritual pressure burst out, he opened his fangs and claws like a ferocious beast!

The golden stream of light collided with the Sakura Ice Dragon fiercely, and the terrifying force vibrated, and the aftermath visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

The ice below, frozen due to the extreme cold, instantly cracked and exploded into an avalanche-like scene.

Sufeng frowned and looked at the battlefield below, realizing that this battle would probably last for a long time.

Zaraki Kenpachi's current level was not enough to quickly take down three captains who had mastered the Hollow.

What's more, these spiritual skeletons have been strengthened by Yuji Ouxu.

After a brief moment of watching, he disappeared.

The fake Shattered Bee was holding a huge Bird Bee Thunder Whip, with electric light flashing in his eyes, firmly locking Zaraki Kenpachi's figure, looking for the most suitable opportunity.

With her swastika's attack power, just one thunder whip is enough to completely lose her combat effectiveness.

Kenpachi Zaraki is not invincible!

On this point, the Seireitei had reached a consensus as early as when he was imprisoned in the Eternal Hell.

"Back up a little more, then..."

"Actually, now is a good time, isn't it?"

Just as Fake Broken Bee was talking to himself, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly came from the side.

In an instant, a biting coldness enveloped the petite body. Fake Broken Bee stiffly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, feeling despair enveloped his heart.

Death is approaching, covering itself completely like a shadow.


She bit her lower lip lightly with her silver teeth and aimed the bird-bee thunder whip at Su Feng.

But before he could activate his spiritual pressure and launch the killing blow, a big warm hand had already strangled the slender neck.

"It's too slow."

With the explosion of spiritual pressure, golden thunder erupted in Sufeng's palm, and the scorching light instantly swallowed up the figure in front of him.

Without even a scream, the fake Broken Bee turned into blackened ashes and fell lightly from the palm of his hand.

The other two spirit skeleton captains immediately noticed the unusually large spiritual pressure.

When they looked towards the direction of the lightning burst, they saw a white figure walking slowly towards the two of them.

As the figure continues to approach, an unprecedented trembling feeling from the depths of the soul suddenly sweeps through the body!

The fear that cannot be described in words is growing crazily in my heart at this moment, as if it is going to swallow up all the reason in my heart.

They claim to be superior to the original body, but they cannot even muster the slightest courage to resist in front of the real original body.

Cold sweat soaked his clothes, his body shivered instinctively, and his pupils shrank sharply.

Sufeng didn't even pull out his Zanpakutō, but the full burst of spiritual pressure caused them to completely enter a state of hysteria.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

Before the two of them could break out, a beast-like roar suddenly came from behind.

Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes were red, and his tall body was dripping with his own blood. Large cracks appeared on his skin, and his whole body seemed to be on the verge of death.

The moment Su Feng appeared, he gave up on his opponent and decisively locked Su Feng with his spiritual pressure.

How could you give up this hard-won battle so easily when you were in the mood?

It doesn't matter who the opponent is, just treat him as an enemy!

"Ninety-nine of the Binding Dao: Forbidden."

Looking at Zaraki Kenpachi's ferocious explosion, Su Feng felt a little sore in his teeth, and raised his hand to find the No. 99 binding path.

"No. 2·Swastika Ban!"

"The first song·stop the tension."

"Two Qu·Bai Lian Bolan."

The spiritual pressure was condensed, and black leather strips rushed out from the fingertips, instantly blocking Zaraki Kenpachi's movements, followed by white cloth strips, wrapped around the serrated long sword.

Countless nails were driven into its joints, stopping Zaraki Kenpachi's spiritual pressure and movements. With the insertion of dozens of iron pieces, Zaraki Kenpachi was directly locked in place, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

"Final song·Swastika Taifeng!"

Sufeng flicked his finger, and a huge stone tablet with the character "卍" appeared above Zaraki Kenpachi, and fell instantly with majestic force, cutting off his hope of moving again.

But at this moment, the spirit skeleton Kuchiki Byakuya and Hitsugaya Toshiro saw the right opportunity and took advantage of Sufeng to activate the No. 99 Binding Path.

Attack suddenly!

The majestic spiritual pressure burst out violently, and the extremely cold snowflakes suddenly floated under the dim sky, and beautiful ice-thorn flowers bloomed in an instant.

The chill that penetrated into the bone marrow broke out at this moment!

Burial of ice and flowers!

Countless cherry blossoms suspended and condensed in the sky, turning into endless incandescent light, all pouring into the body of fake Byakuya Kuchiki.

He was seen holding the handle of the knife with both hands, huge wings of light spread out on both sides, and a dazzling light rose from the ring behind him.

The spiritual pressure turned into a huge pillar of light that shot straight into the sky, illuminating the dark and gloomy sky, becoming the only stunning thing under the ice and snow!

Both of them used their strongest moves at this moment, and the ruins-like battlefield was filled with surging spiritual pressure.

"Hiss, this momentum has completely overwhelmed Xiaobai."

Sufeng became more serious, "Those two guys don't dare to explode in this state when they face me now."

“However, their performance stems from fear of the unknown.”

"And you, I would like to call those who don't know fearless."

He stretched out his right hand, palm upward, and his five fingers slowly closed under the cover of ice and snow, and the abyss-like spiritual pressure was completely silent.

A strange and thick black-purple aura constantly emerged from it, and all the spiritual pressure was poured into it.

The two spirit bones who felt this aura did not realize the seriousness of the matter, but when the thick black and purple aura lingered around Sufeng.

The expressions of the two people suddenly changed drastically, and their hearts seemed to have stopped beating in an instant.

Sufeng raised his eyes slightly, watching the two figures in the distance in peace, his lips and teeth opened slightly, and a calm voice sounded in the snowy scene:

"Ninety-nine of the Broken Paths: Five dragons are destroyed."

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