Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 305 No big deal, let’s finish playing together!

First team team building.

In the steamy hot springs.

The tea stove was steaming gurglingly, and the Ryūren Wakahui burning with gentle flames lay flat in it, providing stable heat for the tea to boil.

As a must-have Zanpakutō for home travel, Ryūren Wakahu has gradually become accustomed to a life where he is fighting life and death one second, making tea and roasting sweet potatoes the next, and from time to time he is responsible for heating hot springs.

To be precise, I was numb.

Destroy this world...

In the hot spring, Sufeng held the tea cup and sipped lightly, letting the hot and fragrant tea flow between his teeth and flow smoothly down his throat until it warmed his whole body.

"It's so pleasant. This is the beautiful life."

Yamamoto Genryusai was soaking next to him, his eyes slightly squinted, a white towel on his head, and his gray beard floating on the water, looking particularly exaggerated.

Next to him, there was a wooden table, with a faint smell of wine coming from it.

How long it has been, I can’t remember clearly.

It seems that the last time I had such a pleasant vacation was many years ago.

In recent years, the Soul Society has been like a hornet's nest, with various natural and man-made disasters constantly occurring.

In the past, rebels rebelled and harassed the border of Rukongai. Later, the five nobles fought for their interests and killed each other.

Daxu invades the human world, Sufeng purges the nobles, Aizen rebels, and the invisible empire appears...

Piles one by one, when piled up, they can crush a person to death.

He, Yamamoto, has more than two thousand years of rich life experience, and his will is so strong that ordinary people cannot match it.

If it were anyone else, he would have suffered a nervous breakdown.

"When will the other captains come back from the world break?"

In the swirling steam, it was like an underground gang joint, with only sounds but no people.

"Hey, don't worry about work during your break, Old Man Shan!"

Sufeng replied dissatisfied, "If I hadn't considered that the tea brewed by Liu Ren Ruohuo would be sweeter, I wouldn't have come to soak in the hot spring with you, a bad old man."

Veins popped up on Yamamoto Genryusai's forehead, and his blood pressure steadily increased.

He invited Su Feng to come here this time, intending to discuss an important matter with him, but seeing the current situation, he could not speak easily.

Who knows what good fart this kid will let out next time!

Just enjoy the comfort of the hot springs.

Sure enough, this kind of life is the most likely to paralyze people's mentality.

Su Feng closed his eyes, but his mind was infinitely enlarged.

Needless to say, soaking in hot springs is indeed one of life's great pleasures. He didn't seem to realize this before.

Not even a hot spring was prepared in the Ninth Division team building.

When I return this time, I will definitely let Hanataro build a large hot spring that can accommodate more than ten people!

It would be best to be equipped with various facilities and props when the time comes...

In the hazy mist, what comes into view is the smoothness of white flowers. Isn't this better than bathing in a hot spring with this bad old man Yamamoto?

The inexplicable malice made Yamamoto Genryusai feel cold all over. He looked at the unscrupulous traitor next to him with strange eyes many times, always feeling that this boy was very repulsive to him.

They didn't know how long they soaked it until their skin became wrinkled. The tea was refilled one pot after another, and the wine was drunk until the smell of wine lingered and lingered for a long time.

"That's it for today..."

Sufeng stood up from the water, put on his clothes, and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice suddenly came from the hot spring:

"Actually, I invited you here today not just to soak in the hot springs."

"There is one more important thing."

Su Feng said without looking back: "Are you going to pass on the position of captain to your disciples?"

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryusai breathed a sigh of relief without choking himself. After coughing several times, he angrily retorted:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I am very strong and can survive another two thousand years!"

Even if he chooses to be the successor, Yamamoto Genryusai will not choose Sufeng. After so many years of getting along, he has gradually understood the behavior of this unscrupulous traitor.

Although it is generally within the scope of conscience, it is too arbitrary and willful.

He comes up with his thoughts as they come up, and often uses his status to do treacherous and unethical things, but it happens that people can't find fault with him.

Just like this Yuji Ouch incident.

All the members of Mao's No. 46 Room died tragically in Yuga Osh's plan, and they should have been sentenced to execution or even more serious punishment.

But in Su Feng's words, a group of social maggots with wine bags and rice bags in the forty-sixth room are not as good as a leg hair of Yuji Ouxu.

If the spirit skeleton technology can be developed to the extreme, and one hundred and eighty Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni can be directly created to counterattack the Invisible Empire on the spot, Yhwach's ashes will be raised by him!

Although the truth is this.

However, as the guardian of the order of the old era, Yamamoto Genryusai still could not accept the behavior of Yoshinori who massacred Room 46 and escaped the sentence, and instead became the second-in-command of the Technology Development Bureau.

If everyone did what he did, then Zhenyang Room 46 would really have no majesty at all.

In this regard, Sufeng also provided corresponding solutions.

The shit basin that massacred the forty-sixth chamber was placed directly on the head of Yan Long of Ryudang Temple. Yuji Ou Xu made a huge breakthrough in the field of science.

Two-level reversal, the direct sinner becomes the successful minister.

Although it is a bit reluctant to handle it this way, it is still reasonable.

Yamamoto Genryusai hesitated again and again, but chose to accept Sufeng's treatment method.

After all, Yuga Osh can indeed be used as a trump card to turn the tide of the battle.

As Sufeng said before, once one hundred and eighty of them can really be developed, not to mention the mere friend Habach, even the Spirit King would dare to touch it!

I just don’t know if Yuzhu Ouch can shoulder this important task.

That's too far.

Yamamoto Genryusai retracted his distant thoughts and fixed his gaze on Sufeng who was dressed again. After coughing a few times, he slowly said:


"It's about the Soul King's Palace."

Sufeng looked away and admitted that his voice was a bit loud just now.

If there are places in this world that deserve his attention, then the Lingwang Palace must be one of them.

And, of course, there's hell.

"Not long ago, I received a message from the Lingwang Palace. It was conveyed by the eye monk through the ghost path."

Yamamoto Genryusai said in a serious tone, "I believe you should know his identity and the importance of this summons."

"What is the specific content?"

"Invite the captain of Division 9, Tsunaya Sufeng, to visit the Soul King's Palace..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Feng suddenly stretched out his hand to interrupt: "Wait a moment, are you sure you didn't call me the wrong name?"

"Isn't it Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto?!"

Blue veins appeared on Yamamoto Genryusai's forehead, and he suddenly had the urge to hit the traitor's head with the ultimate bone secret hammer.

"I'm not so dim-sighted yet!"

"The specific reason is not yet clear, but if you are willing, you can take the Tianzhu chariot to the Soul King Palace at Zhibo's house three days later."

Sufeng nodded, knowing the process very clearly.

As the five nobles, some secrets are not secrets at all to each other.

For example, it was well known to everyone that the Shiba family controlled the Tianzhu chariot heading to the Soul King's Palace. Only the junior captains did not know about it.

"Old man, don't you have any objections?"

Sufeng moved his arms, which were sore from being immobile for a long time in the hot springs, and a sound like firecrackers rang out in his joints.

Yamamoto Genryusai took a deep breath, his eyes were burning, as if there were flames burning in his pupils, which were clearly visible even through the fog.

"Actually, I don't recommend you go."

"As for the reason, it can be completely attributed to the Yugao Xu incident."

Sufeng frowned and asked, "Why?"

There was a hint of unconcealed fear in Yamamoto Genryusai's heavy voice:

"There are too many rumors about Team Zero, and everyone who goes to Soul King Palace has lost contact with Soul Society."

"Kirinji Tenshiro is like this, Shutara Senjumaru is like this, and Hikifune Kiryu is like this."

"I have been to the Lingwang Palace as a guest more than once, and I have also dealt with these people, but they have completely changed from the images in my memory."

Hearing this, Sufeng's expression became more serious.

If it is true as Yamamoto Genryusai said, there may be secrets in the Soul King's Palace that he doesn't know about.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, he didn't have much favorable impressions of those in the Spirit King's Palace.

As long as the Soul King Palace collapses, they will remain immortal. Whether the Three Realms exist or not is actually not important to Team Zero.

All they care about is the Spirit King.

After the original bloody battle, Ichibei, the military commander, revealed to Kyoraku Shunsui that he originally planned to make Ichigo into the Spirit King.

Even before the war began, he had no hope for the Soul Society side.

To him, it doesn't matter who the Spirit King is, he just wants to protect the person who is the Spirit King.

Millions of years have passed, and this monk with eyes has become an existence that ordinary people cannot see through.

Perhaps, his appearance, abilities, and even personality are all disguised.

Even if Sufeng is familiar with the plot and all the changes, he still doesn't dare to conclude that the Ichibei of the military master's department in his impression is the real existence.

As a special life form of the same era as the Soul King, the threat of Ipbei of the Military Master Department may be greater than that of Yhwach.

"I remember clearly at that time."

There was a hint of doubt in Yamamoto Genryusai's voice, "The eye monk seemed to see the doubts in my heart, and attributed their changes to the creation of Wang Jian."

"Acquiring a body and bones based on the power of the Spirit King, both spiritual pressure and abilities will change accordingly."

"I am half-convinced about this."

"This time he invited you to the Soul King's Palace. Perhaps it was about inviting you to join Team Zero. Of course, it could also be about other things."

"But if you ask me to give my opinion, I still don't recommend that you go to that place full of secrets."

Sufeng nodded.

As Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, for him to be able to say such words, he has undoubtedly fully recognized himself.

Although he usually dealt with himself with anger, when the real choice was presented in front of him, the teacher still stood firmly by his disciple's side.

"However, I still want to go there."

Su Feng suddenly spoke, causing the figure in the hot spring to freeze.

What followed was an angry display of yelling and swearing.

"Asshole, you didn't listen to a word of what I just said, did you?"

Yamamoto Genryusai was furious, "You think you have transcended the boundaries of the God of Death and become one of the strongest in the three realms."

"But Monk Nayan has reached this point millions of years ago. No one knows how many methods and abilities he has."

"If he really has evil intentions against you, even I can't save you!"

Sufeng was silent for a moment, and then said quietly:

"But if he comes down from the Spirit King's Palace, wouldn't you be able to protect me too?"

Yamamoto Genryusai was suddenly speechless.

"Although you have lived for more than two thousand years, old man, you are considered an absolute elder in Soul Society."

Su Feng said helplessly, "But compared with Monk Yan, these years are like a baby that has not yet been born, and it even needs to be pushed forward a little."

Yamamoto Genryusai immediately glared at him, veins popping up on his forehead.

Damn boy, what kind of metaphor is this? If you push an unborn baby forward, what is that?

Embryo? still?

Resisting the urge to pull out the blade from under the tea stove and kill the traitor in front of him with a knife, Yamamoto Genryusai continued in a heavy voice:

"But in the realm that I am familiar with, I can finally show my strength better."

"If they really have evil intentions against you, I will do whatever it takes to protect the people I care about..."

"In other words, if we, master and apprentice, join forces, we might be able to compete with them."

Sufeng calmed down, then smiled gently and said calmly:

"Old man, you suddenly spoke like this, which made me a little uncomfortable."

"But since I have your opinion, if I go to the Spirit King's Palace this time, I will definitely be fully prepared."

"Whenever the other party flips the table, be prepared to bear the consequences."

From the first time he met Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni to now, this old man has been changing his personality at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From being stubborn in the beginning, to being a recognized and protected person now.

The importance of right and wrong has already changed in many incidents.

The laws of Soul Society are no longer the justice he adheres to...

Presumably, he has a lot of credit for this!

Thinking of this, Sufeng suddenly felt a little relieved, feeling satisfied that he had completed all the achievements in the game.

Probably, this is where the personal charm lies!

Looking at the unsteady Sufeng outside the mist, although Yamamoto Genryusai couldn't guess what he was thinking, he had a vague premonition that it was not good.

This traitor must not have any good intentions!

"Let me tell you what backup plan you have prepared. Maybe you can give me some other advice."

Yamamoto Genryusai interrupted Sufeng's thoughts and asked.

Su Feng looked up at the sky and said with a bit more lightness in his tone: "Actually, it's not a back-up move. It has something to do with the previous hell."

"The prisoner's two visits helped me determine the location of the Gate of Hell where they were stationed."

"If something unexpected happens in the Soul King's Palace, my loyal subordinates will completely destroy the Gate of Hell!"

"Then, let's finish playing together..."

Thanks to the boss Derrick in the Forest and the boss Magic Jiezi for the reward, and thanks to the bosses for their monthly recommendation votes.

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