Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 306 You are in big trouble, the abbot is petty

In the mist of the hot spring, several question marks appeared on Yamamoto Genryusai's head.

Your kid's so-called backup plan is to destroy the gate of hell?

It’s hard, the fist is hard!

He originally thought that this unscrupulous traitor would come up with some high-level ideas about checking and balancing the Zero Division, but he didn't expect that he would clap his hands and start again collectively.

Another time I wanted to use the Ryūren Ruohuo to burn the kid in front of me to death.

Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly realized that his originally kind and dignified old man had become increasingly irritable after being led astray by Sufeng many times.

His two thick white eyebrows were locked together and he said doubtfully:

"If it's just Kumeni Futetsu and the others, it won't be enough to bring any degree of deterrence to the Zero Squadron."

"The body and bones are cast with the power of the Spirit King, which itself is no longer on the same track as the God of Death."

"Even if they have been strengthened by hell..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Feng interrupted him in confusion: "Wait a minute, old man, what did you just say?"

"Strengthened by Hell?!"

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded matter-of-factly: "Didn't I tell you? Although the first-generation captains were much stronger than the current captains, they were only as strong as they could be."

"It can be seen from the spiritual pressure displayed by Kumeni Yantetsu that he fell into hell after death and received the blessing of some mysterious power."

"If I want to use a metaphor, it's probably somewhat similar to turning on the instant coax."

"All aspects of quality, including spiritual pressure, have been improved..."

"But accordingly, my IQ seems to have been affected to a certain extent."

"Although that guy Kumenjing Yante is not very smart to begin with."

Sufeng frowned and patiently listened to Yamamoto Genryusai's narration.

"90% of this change may be related to hell."

Yamamoto Genryusai's old voice became a little heavier again, "There is still 10%, probably because of the particularity of the world. The dead and the living are inherently different concepts."

Sufeng nodded and agreed with this statement:

"Actually, I was a little worried before that it wasn't strong enough, but after you said this, old man, I felt a lot more relieved."

Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

"You don't think there are only strong men like the first generation captain in hell, do you?"

Sufeng grinned, his smile was so creepy:

"As a world of the dead that is opposed to the three realms, the meaning of its existence is to accommodate the souls of the dead with third-level spiritual power and above that cannot be broken down by the three realms."

"Countless years ago, the world was in a state of neither life nor death, with neither progress nor retreat. Both Hollows and humans were in a cycle of spiritual beings. However, as Hollows began to devour humans, the cycle also stopped."

"Then, the Spirit King was born, killed the void with the power of annihilation, and separated the chaotic world into three realms with the power of omniscience and omnipotence."

"These histories are clearly recorded in the family records of the five nobles. As the captain, the old man should also know something about it, right?"

Yamamoto Genryusai nodded and did not deny it.

As the commander-in-chief and a god of death who has lived for more than two thousand years, it is reasonable to know some secrets that ordinary people do not know.

"But there is no mention of hell in this history."

Sufeng's words suddenly made the old man soaking in the hot spring break out in a cold sweat.

"Did hell appear when the three realms separated, or earlier?"

"Based on what I can infer from the fragments of history..."

He smiled, and there was an inexplicable danger in his smile.

Yamamoto Genryusai was frightened by this smile and suddenly felt that the temperature of the hot spring water had dropped a lot.

The old man took back his hands that were resting on the rock wall and asked casually:

"Infer what?"

Sufeng then expressed his speculation word for word:

"The Spiritual King may not be able to interfere with the operation of hell..."

After the words fell, Yamamoto Genryusai was at a loss, and then fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Sufeng left the first team without disturbing them.

He also had some more shocking speculations that he didn't say, mainly because he was worried that Yamamoto Genryusai's old heart would not be able to accept it for a while.

For example, the Spirit King was willing to sacrifice himself for the Three Realms. Did he see the future of the Three Realms after his sacrifice, or did he witness a more serious crisis?

What Tsunayashiro did was because he was smart, or was he being calculated by others.

There are too many blanks in history.

Even if Aizen Sosuke and Urahara Kisuke came, they would not be able to find the truth under these limited conditions.

After all, maybe even Ichibei, the military commander of the same generation as the Soul King, doesn’t know the true nature of the matter...


The ninth division team building.

Sufeng crossed his arms and sat cross-legged on the wooden floor of the captain's room with an expressionless expression.

Because Kurosaki Maki rushes to clean it every day, even if he stays in other divisions from time to time, the captain's room will still remain spotless.

He had never been in such a mood as he was now.

Even when he learned that he was going to the Spirit King's Palace in three days, his state of mind was not as ups and downs as it is now.

This is more exciting than riding a roller coaster in my previous life.

Rangiku Matsumoto, Maki Kurosaki, Nanao Ise, Nellie, Harribel, and even Akane Shizuku.

Six people sat around him, like stars surrounding the moon.

They imitated the way of following the wind, folded their hands in front of their chests, and stared at him eagerly.

Although the intimidation power of Ise Nanao and Akane Shizuku is much different, they are very powerful when there are people supporting them.

After thinking for a long time, Su Feng stood up, picked up Qian Shizuku's collar with one hand, strangled her by the back of her neck, and took her out directly.

"Go, go, let the adults talk and the children play."

He threw Qian Shizuku into the corridor, and the door was firmly closed before she could recover.

Qian Shizuku: "???"

"Damn it, I know more than you!"

Qian Shizuku scratched the door like a kitten, but found that the room had been sealed by Sufeng with a Tao-binding barrier.

Let alone breaking in, not even a sound could be heard.

The unbearable curiosity immediately made Qian Shizuku feel as if a hundred claws were scratching her heart, and she was extremely curious.

In her memory, the scene in the room resembled the legendary Shura Field.

Often, the male protagonist will end up in a very tragic way under such circumstances.

Qian Shizuku wanted to know how a strong and unreasonable guy like Su Feng would handle this situation.

"Damn it!"

She scratched the door many times and couldn't open it. She could only grit her teeth viciously, making a crunching sound.

in the room.

Although one person was taken out, the atmosphere seemed to be more solemn.

The five people's eyes were all focused on Su Feng, as if they were waiting for a reasonable explanation.

Sufeng looked around at everyone and suddenly fell on Ise Nanao:

"I almost forgot about you..."

Just when he was about to take Ise Nanao out, the girl with glasses backed away slightly, her cheeks were slightly red, and she bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth, showing a pitiful look:

"Captain, captain, aren't you prepared to take some responsibility after doing that to others..."

It has to be said that this scene had a huge impact on him.


Sufeng took a deep breath and almost blurted out a question to prove his innocence.

But as he spoke, he suddenly remembered what happened when he was teaching Ghost Way before.

He wants to speak but stops, he stops talking but he desires again.

According to this calculation, if he can be regarded as a rebel disciple in front of Sister Hua, then Ise Nanao has something to do with the jockey Baazu.

However, he knew very well that with Ise Nanao's character, he would probably not do such a thing.

It can be seen from the fact that after she said what she just said, her face was extremely red, and it even spread all the way to the bottom of her neck.

There are probably some shady guys behind this.

The bespectacled girl lowered her head, not daring to look at Su Feng.

Only Matsumoto Rangiku was arrogant, looking like a villain who succeeded in her evil scheme.

Hum hum, this is three against two, the advantage is mine!

I don't even know how to lose if I pull Xiao Nanao, okay?

"Harribel, Nelu."

Sufeng suddenly said, "You guys go out first and get familiar with Seireitei."

"Maki, Nanao, you are responsible for being their tour guide."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

"Okay, Your Majesty!"

Harribel's face was expressionless, but her lake-green eyes showed a hint of pity when she looked at Matsumoto Rangiku.

Now you are in big trouble, Your Majesty Sufeng is a petty person.

Nilu chuckled, pulled Kurosaki Maki and Ise Nanao behind her back, and pulled them towards the door with a familiar look.

She prefers a more relaxed atmosphere to this kind of infighting.

Some people have done something wrong, so just ask your Majesty to punish her.

"Maki, Nanao..."

The former boldness was gone, and Matsumoto Rangiku pitifully tried to retain the two sisters.

But Ise Nanao's cheeks were flushed and she didn't dare to raise her head at all. Her words had already exhausted her courage.

As for Kurosaki Maki, she spread her hands and expressed that she was helpless.

Not long after, Harribel opened the door of the room.

Caught off guard, Qian Shizuku, who was leaning against the door and trying to eavesdrop, suddenly felt her head sink into a state of softness.

The girl raised her head tremblingly, and what she saw was a pair of extremely cold green eyes.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just..."

Before Qian Shizuku could finish her words, Harribel pinched the back of Destiny's neck with one hand and took her away from the courtyard.

Before leaving, Ise Nanao did not forget to add a ghost barrier to the courtyard.

Although it is unclear what Sufeng will do to Matsumoto Rangiku, there is a high probability that it will be a scene that is not suitable for children.

As the captain's caring secretary, it is my duty to prevent others from disturbing the next thing.

Rangiku-sama, there’s no need to thank me.

After Ise Nanao thought silently in his heart, he took three steps and two steps at a time, and followed the people who were walking away.

In the empty captain's room.

Matsumoto Rangiku put her hands on her chest, looking pitiful, and said cautiously:

"Team, captain, actually I can explain it to you..."


Sufeng waved his big hand, took him directly into his arms, lowered his head and kissed him, blocking out all Matsumoto Rangiku's words.


The fierce battle lasted from the afternoon until noon the next day.

Sufeng covered him with a soft quilt and quietly left the room.

Compared to Unohana Retsu, Matsumoto Rangiku's combat power is much inferior.

Maybe it has something to do with one's physical fitness?

In this regard, Sufeng attributed it to the difference in spiritual pressure.

Because the Shinigami is a spiritual body, the strength of spiritual pressure also represents a certain physical quality to a certain extent.

However, it seems that Daxu has the characteristic of steel skin, and his defense power may be stronger.

Quincy also has blood equipment, and only Death belongs to the Sanwu personnel.

"Well, never mind that."

Sufeng walked out of the courtyard refreshed and found Yamada Hanataro's spiritual pressure.

Not surprisingly, this big guy is still undergoing hard training that ordinary people cannot bear.

Because during the battle with his own spiritual body, he was completely at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the help of others, he might really capsize in the gutter.

After all, the capabilities of both parties are consistent.

Bug-level Zanpakutos like Tsumaru also have spiritual bones, and their abilities and effects are stronger.

Therefore, after the war, Yamada Hanataro felt that he was still not diligent enough in his daily training, so he once again increased the amount of training.


"team leader."

Hanataro stopped training and appeared in front of Sufeng with a burly figure, and the shadow immediately obscured his sight.

Sufeng calmly moved aside, coughed twice, and signaled:

"I have a task for you."

"Find an area with excellent environment within the jurisdiction of the team building, and then dig out a hot spring pool for me that can accommodate more than ten people."

"Just do it to the highest standards!"

Yamada Hanataro nodded, he would never disobey any of Sufeng's orders, the being who had changed his destiny.

He won't even ask why, he will just execute it faithfully.

"In terms of funding..."

"As always, Dabai is responsible for reimbursement."

Sufeng waved his hand and immediately finalized his hot spring plan.

After returning from the first team, apart from the matter at the Soul King's Palace, this incident was the most worrying.

Now after handing it over to Yamada Hanataro, he can finally leave with peace of mind.


The Shiba family.

In the inner courtyard, several figures surrounded a huge black pillar, marveling at it.

I don't know who had the big mouth to spread the news that Su Feng was about to visit the Lingwang Palace, so that on the day of his departure, many captains who had a good relationship with him came to see him off.

Thirteen captains, most of them came at once.

There are even deputy captains and first-rate officers among them.

"Is this the means of transportation to the Lingwang Palace, the Tianzhu Chariot?"

Amagai Susuke circled around the pillar and said in surprise, "I didn't expect that you would need to use this kind of transportation to go to that kind of place."

As a Shinigami who has been fighting abroad all year round, he does not know many things in the Seireitei, let alone the secrets of the five noble levels.

"The Tianzhu Chariot will be launched using the Flower Crane Shooting Technique. After passing through the seventy-two layers of barriers, it can reach the Spirit King's Palace."

Shiba Haiyan smiled and explained, "But at the moment, in Shiba's family, only Kukaku is the one who has mastered this technique."

Under the curious gaze of everyone, a bold woman in a deathly attire came onto the stage, and her big hand immediately slapped the table below.

Suddenly, fire burst out!

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