Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 308 I have never heard such a request in my life

"Hey, bro, are you interested in visiting the Phoenix Palace?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue showed great interest in Lan Yin, "My Phoenix Palace is the coolest building in the entire Soul King Palace!"

"I will never let you down!"

Sufeng nodded, showing a certain yearning for this.

"The Phoenix Temple where the Zanpakutō is forged can really arouse a lot of interest."

"Ha, hahaha!" Nimaiya Wangyue patted Sufeng's shoulder hard, his hand strength was no less strong than that of the previous military commander Ichibei, "That's the right decision, bro!"

"Well, don't talk anymore, you two."

Hikifune Kiryu said dissatisfiedly, "If the food is cold, the taste will be greatly reduced!"

Ichibei, the commander of the army, walked up to the two of them, slapped them heavily on their shoulders with his huge hand like a cattail leaf fan, and said boldly:

"Ha, get ready to start the banquet, long-lost guest!"

Under his leadership, Sufeng was arranged next to Nimaiya Wang Yue, and opposite him was Shutara Senjumaru, who was full of elegance in his movements.

Farther away is the arrogant Kirin Temple Tenshiro. Until now, this guy still has some slight opinions about Sufeng.

In his opinion, Sufeng was a worthy opponent.

After all, there are not many people who can keep up with his speed and reaction.

Looking at the entire Gotei 13 back then, even Shifouin Senhi, who was the best at Shunpo, was far inferior to him.

Even if he is promoted to the Zero Division, he, Kirinji Tenshiro, can still be considered the best in the field of speed.

No one is afraid except the great monk!

Although he really wanted to make trouble again, the great monk was suppressing him here, so he couldn't make any more trouble.

Otherwise, that big pussy would be slapped in the face.

Sufeng didn't pay attention to the inexplicable hostility of Qilin Temple Tianshilang, but focused on the delicious food in front of him.

Full of color and flavor!

As expected of Hikifune Kiryu, who has specialized in gourmet food for hundreds of years, he really has two skills.

Just the appearance and smell make people salivate and move their index fingers.

When Su Feng came back from his admiration, he found that the eyes of the five members of the Zero Squadron were all focused on him.

"What are you waiting for?" Sufeng's mind moved.

Ichibei, the commander of the army, smiled naively: "Of course I'm waiting for the guests to use their chopsticks first. Soul King Palace is not the kind of place that doesn't care about the guests' opinions."

"Then I won't be polite."

Su Feng is not someone who sticks to trivial matters. He picked up a piece of shiny pork belly in front of him, sniffed the tangy meat aroma, and took a bite.

The crispy meat is delicious, fat but not greasy.

After peeling off the deep layers, there is still a faint sweetness, which dilutes the remaining meat flavor.

Seeing the smile on Sufeng's face, the first soldier of the military commander's department seemed to be relieved, opened his mind, and started eating and drinking without any image.

Except for Hikifune Kiryu, who was also responsible for making desserts after the meal, everyone else also started eating.

As the banquet progressed, Sufeng also clearly realized that the food contained strong soul essence.

If I had to use a metaphor, it is somewhat similar to the spirit food developed by Nirvana.

The only difference is that the food made by Hikifune Kiryu can change the power level of the Shinigami, while the spirit food developed by Nirvana is only effective on Daxu.

However, food of this level is of little significance to Sufeng.

As a transcendent, if you want to further improve your power level, in addition to system rewards, you can also continue to integrate the Zanpakutō to change its spiritual pressure.

These foods containing soul essence can at most restore the consumed spiritual pressure.

The feast lasted for a long time.

Sufeng tasted various styles of delicacies, which greatly broadened his horizons.

Only now did he know that some delicacies can be made in weird ways that ordinary people can't understand.

All we can say is that Team Zero's methods are indeed beyond common sense.

Because there had been no guests in the Soul King's Palace for hundreds of years, the cheerful atmosphere lasted for a long time.

Until the end of the banquet, Tianshi Lang of Qilin Temple sent an invitation to Sufeng, asking him to go to the hot springs in Qilin Temple.

"Ha, is there anything better than a trip to a hot spring after dinner?"

In response, Sufeng nodded happily.

Riding the unique transportation method of Lingwang Palace, Sufeng and Qilin Temple Tianshilang took off like rockets and landed accurately in Qilin Temple.

Looking at the two disappearing figures, the smile on the face of Ichibei, the commander of the army, gradually subsided, and was replaced by an inexplicable depth.

"With a pattern that has not existed for tens of thousands of years, why is Lord Spirit King's will related to him?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue spoke to the side and said in a deep voice: "Lord Soul King really appointed Bro Sufeng to be the new member of the Zero Division?"

The commander of the army, Ichibei, remained silent.

Next to him, Hikifune Kiryu directed the divine soldiers to clean up the leftovers from the banquet, not paying the slightest attention to the conversation between the two.

Shutara Senjumaru looked at the two figures and frowned slightly.


It wasn't until he arrived at Lingban Lidian that Sufeng realized how big the five large discs underneath the Soul King's palace were.

It is not difficult to know from Kirin Temple Tenshiro's mouth that the territory of the Five Great Zero Divisions is quite different.

In other words, five cities are suspended in the sky above the Soul King's Palace.

In terms of strength alone, Soul Society has been crushed to the ground.

Under the leadership of Kirin Temple Tenshiro, we followed the wind to the main hall, which is in front of a steaming hot spring.

Qilin Temple Tianshilang had a white bath towel around his waist, with a strange expression on his face, and introduced the scene in front of Sufeng:

"Sufeng, this is my uncle's special hot spring. It has the powerful effect of washing your own spiritual pressure and purifying the filth in your soul!"

"Even a powerful Death God like you can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and heal the hidden wounds left in the body!"

"After all, even a Shinigami of Yamamoto Shigekuni's level will inevitably suffer from injuries in his old age."

"You are a guest, please come in, Sufeng."

"The effects of my hot spring will definitely make your eyes shine!"

Tian Shilang of Kirin Temple held a grass stalk in his mouth, with a hint of a villain in his arrogance, as if his evil plan was about to succeed.

As expected, there is no normal person in Team Zero.

Sufeng curled his lips, pulled off the bath towel around his waist, and under the expectant gaze of Kirin Temple Tenshiro, he stepped into the air and fell into the white hot spring water.

Seeing this, Qilin Temple Tianshilang laughed even more crazily.


Let me teach you a lesson this time!

This is hot spring water made with my spiritual pressure. It can squeeze out the blood of the soaker along with his spiritual pressure.

Although injuries can be taken away in the process.

But once you take a bath for too long, your flesh and blood will rot, and your whole body will collapse and die, turning into a pile of bones!

However, under this expectant gaze, Sufeng let go of his spiritual pressure and plunged into the scalding spring water wholeheartedly.

Needless to say, this after-dinner hot spring is indeed a great enjoyment in life.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro's Bone Hell is like countless little hands that can help people massage, constantly massaging the body.

As the soaking time prolonged, some black blood seeped out from the pores.

This is the hidden wound left by Su Feng in his early years of cultivation.

To be more precise, it should have been caused by the exchange of blows with Unohana Retsu.

Although the effect of Yamada Seinosuke's inner circle is strong, due to the gap in spiritual pressure, it cannot effectively treat the deep parts of the body.

It is quite normal to have hidden injuries.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro saw this and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that my Bone Hell was ineffective on it, but now it seems that it still has an effect, and now it is waiting for its flesh and blood to fester and let out a scream.

However, as time passed, Qilin Temple Tianshilang was shocked to find that except for the initial black blood oozing out, Sufeng's body had not changed at all.

Even after the hidden injuries were eliminated, the already perfect body became even more exaggerated.

The whole body is crystal clear, like a piece of flawless jade.

"It is indeed worthy of the name of Team Zero."

Sufeng took off the towel from his head, stood up from the white hot spring, and walked straight to the red hot spring next to him.

"Your Bone Hell can actually take effect on me."

Most of the words were filled with surprise.

Sufeng had considered coming to Qilin Palace to soak in the hot springs before he boarded the Lingwang Palace, but he didn't have high hopes for it.

After all, no matter how strong Kirin Temple Tenshiro is, he is only comparable to the explosive kill level of the personal guards after being strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

A guy of this caliber can only be counted as a fill-in in the Zero Division.

But now it seems that there are still merits.

At least, these two hot spring hells are very practical.

It would be great if we could get the secret recipe. This trip to the Spirit King's Palace was not in vain.

With a splash, Sufeng has begun a new round of enjoyment.

"Boy, do you know my hell hot spring?"

Qilin Temple Tianshilang walked to the Blood Pool Hell and sat directly next to Su Feng.

Su Feng raised his eyelids, glanced at this guy, and then quietly moved a little to the side, increasing the distance between the two:

"Don't forget who I am."

"Even if the Great Spirit Book Corridor cannot record the secrets of the Spirit King's Palace, there are clear records on how you were promoted to a member of Team Zero."

"The Bone Hell and the Blood Pool Hell can be called milestone developments in the history of Hui Dao."

Qilin Temple Tianshilang's old face darkened.

I originally wanted to see the other person make a fool of myself, but I didn't expect that I was the real clown.

"Discuss something."

Just when he was thinking about how to get back to where he was at the beginning, Su Feng suddenly spoke.

"Can you share the secret recipe of this red and white hot spring?"

"I think you should also know that Soul Society is currently experiencing internal and external troubles, and various crises are emerging one after another."

Sufeng tried to play two emotional cards to awaken Qilin Temple Tianshilang's nostalgia for the past, so that he could come up with the secret recipe.

"Stop it, stop it!"

Qilin Temple Tianshilang stretched out his hand to stop it: "This is the secret that I, Qilin Temple Tianshilang, have not told. I spent countless energy and time to develop it."

The familiar conversation method made Sufeng unable to help but remain silent.

"If you want to get the secret recipe, just have a fight with me!"

Kirinji Tenshiro grinned, "I don't want to be overpowered by someone, especially if the other person is not a member of the Zero Division..."

Su Feng raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that this guy has been brooding over the defeat just now.

He is indeed the most unreliable member of Team Zero.

"Since you said so."

Sufeng stood up from the blood-colored hot spring. The blood-hot hot spring water dripped from his perfect body, and Ling Ran's aura also burst out.

"Then I would be disrespectful."

Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple looked at the slightly raised corners of Su Feng's mouth. For some reason, an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.


Kirinji Tenshiro, who changed into a long-sleeved short-sleeved haori again, decided on the battle site in the Reiban Riden.

As the most combative member of Team Zero, there is no shortage of similar venues in his Kirin Temple.

The vast and flat area stretches as far as the eye can see.

"Although the place is a bit small."

Sufeng's feet were bare and he was only wearing a length of trousers. His strong body showed perfect muscles, and abundant strength was constantly emerging from it.

"But it's barely enough."

"Hey, you arrogant guy." Kirinji Tenshiro, carrying a Zanpakuto like a paddle on his back, sneered disdainfully: "You don't understand the power of the Zero Division at all!"

"The overall strength of Division Zero is far superior to that of the entire Gotei 13!"

"Boy, tremble, I will leave you a breath of air!"

His stature was slightly low, his legs were slightly bent, powerful spiritual pressure exploded wantonly, and violent spiritual wave patterns instantly appeared around him.

It was like ripples swaying in the air.

The next moment, a golden stream of light passed across the sky, like lightning crossing, and in an instant, it was close to Sufeng.

"Repent for your arrogance!"

Kirinji Tenshiro's Shunpo easily broke the sound barrier.

"Take the move, kid!"

His hands danced like the wind, and the paddle-like Zanpakuto tore through the surrounding viscous air, slashing downwards with an indomitable force.

The water waves rolled down and turned into huge water balls, which seemed to wrap up the people in front of them.

Facing this ferocious blow, Su Feng grinned, revealing his sharp white teeth. His golden and red wings exploded from his shoulders, and a majestic momentum exploded!

He has no intention of holding back on Team Zero.

After all, the other party is truly immortal.

Complete Technique·Instant Coax·Xun Lei Wushuang!

Su Feng pinched his five fingers together and showed no intention of evading the attack. With a sinister smile, he punched straight into the sky.

The spiritual pressure on the fist bone was compressed to the extreme, and a bright and scorching light bloomed on it, like a dazzling sun.

The surrounding air was distorted to the extreme, with dark lines surrounding the ferocious fist shadow.

The secret of the final bone!

At this moment, Qilin Temple Tianshilang's pupils shrank suddenly!

In an instant, he seemed to see his long life replaying before his eyes like a slideshow.

I saw the practice with the teacher, I saw the recognition of Jinbijia for the first time, I saw the excitement of developing the hell hot spring, and I even saw...


No, this is my life, a revolving door before my death!

Tenshiro of Kirinji Temple exploded his spiritual pressure with all his strength, stimulating the power of Jinbijia. The originally turbulent water ball was amplified to the extreme in an instant.

This punch will really kill you!

However, even if he tried his best and his spiritual pressure was squeezed to the extreme, Jinbijia's sparkle was still like a firefly under the bright moon——


The fist shadow exploded fieryly, and the deafening explosion echoed throughout the Zero Banli Hall in an instant, and the huge city-like disk trembled like a thundering of the earth!

At the same time, everyone in the Spirit King's Palace looked in the direction of the Phoenix Palace, their eyes filled with overflowing fear.

Most people don't understand what happened, but judging from the performance, the Soul King Palace seems to have been invaded by foreign enemies!

The water ball shattered instantly and turned into water splashing all over the sky. There was a trace of despair in Kirin Temple Tenshiro's eyes.

Under the fist bones blessed by the terrifying spiritual pressure, everything was destroyed as if it were dry and rotten.

The body bones cast with the power of the Soul King as the foundation stone made a sharp explosion sound, and the severe pain instantly swallowed up the will of Kirin Temple Tenshiro.


The whole person immediately burst out with astonishing speed, flying backwards backwards, pulling out a long tail wave, and at the same time, the air exploded with amazing waves of air.

Above the Qilin Hall, a handful of blood mist bloomed brilliantly in the sky...

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