The Spiritual Palace was shaken.

There was a riot in Lingfan's departure from the palace, and countless divine soldiers dressed in black swarmed out from everywhere, instantly filling Sufeng's sight.

Ichibei, Nikaiya Oue, Shutara Senjumaru, and Hikifune Kiryu of the Military Headquarters were already aware of the outbreak of spiritual pressure from both sides.

At first, no one took this to heart.

Because of Kirinji Tenshiro's character, a fight between the two is almost inevitable.

I guessed it at the beginning, and half of it was right in the process, but the result was completely wrong.

When they looked in the direction of Kirin Temple in shock, they could no longer detect Kirin Temple Tenshiro's spiritual pressure.

"That idiot is dead?!"

Shutara Senjumaru's red lips parted slightly, and a trace of astonishment appeared on his pale and beautiful face.

"Only the remnants of spiritual pressure remain, and there is no activity at all."

"This really surprises me..."

"Perhaps, Sufeng Lord's joining will bring new firepower to this lifeless Spirit King Palace..."

When the words fell, his figure had disappeared into the palace like a dyeing workshop, leaving only countless colorful fabrics fluttering gently, rippling out countless overlapping colors.

Phoenix Hall, on the empty square.

On the flat ground, there are spider-like cracks in the huge depressions. The dense lines are enough to make a person's cryptophobia attack on the spot.

Scattered blood stains stuck to the ground in the distance.

Nothing else.

"Hey bro, where's Kirin Temple?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue rushed to Sufeng and greeted him, "I clearly sensed that guy's spiritual pressure."

Sufeng pursed his lips and gestured, "Isn't that right?"

Ermeiya Wang Yue's excited expression suddenly subsided, and his whole person fell silent.

The divine soldiers surrounding the square all made gasping sounds, and their force was so fierce that they even sucked out the air nearby, forming a short-term vacuum.

A member of Team Zero, a terrifying existence that is superior to Team 13, and one person can destroy an entire world!

Are you telling me that now he has been exploded into a bloody mess? !

The expressions of the divine soldiers were a little dazed.

The Spiritual King is high above and beyond their reach.

In their hearts, the master of Reiban Riden is the most powerful being in the world.

Team Zero is the supreme god!

Then, God exploded.

It exploded so much that not even a complete body piece could be found.

Sufeng remained silent on this.

He didn't want to say another word until his lawyer arrived.

The majestic Quan Tanggui claims to be the first person under the monks of the Zero Division. He controls the world's fastest speed and has a body forged by the power of the Soul King.

He couldn't even withstand a punch, which he didn't expect at all.

When the punch was blasted out, Su Feng thought about many possibilities.

Including the possibility of him being seriously injured by the opponent, and then going to the Bone Hell and Blood Pool Hell.

Never imagined.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro actually couldn't withstand even one shot of the ultimate bone secret.

Although he used a little more spiritual pressure, it wouldn't be like this, right?

"Although it's a bit abstract."

The commander of the army, Ichibei, walked up to Xue Zhi, clasped his hands together, and hung a scarlet rosary in his palms:

"But he is indeed Kirinji."

"Come back, the master of the Kirin Temple, the man who created the hot springs in hell, the ghost of the hot springs, the Tenshiro of the Kirin Temple!"

"Find your way back from the dim underworld and reappear in the world!"

Seeing this, Sufeng immediately narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became a little more solemn.

If we say that after Kirinji Tenshiro was defeated by him, the deterrence of the entire Zero Division suddenly dropped a lot.

But there was one person who still made him fearful.

That was Ichibei, the leader of the Zero Squadron.

An old monster who has lived for millions of years and is of the same era as the Soul King, the original namer of everything in the Soul Society.

This old thing is too deep, not obvious, and completely unpredictable.

Until now, Sufeng still knows little about it.

Now when he is using some of his abilities, he can get some information from them.

Even the most superficial information is of considerable value.

The moment he finished speaking, the blood on the ground suddenly began to squirm.

It was originally just a thin layer of blood, but as the Ichibei chanted, the blood twisted and turned into a whirlpool-like scene.

Suddenly, a palm stretched out from it, climbing the stairs formed by blood, and returned to the Zero Banli Hall step by step, as if--

Like a demon climbing out of hell.

Kirinji Tenshiro didn't change much. Except for his face becoming a little pale, his spiritual pressure also dropped to a certain extent.

According to Sufeng's knowledge, although the Zero Division's Zero Division Lidian was not destroyed, they would be in a state of immortality.

But if you want to fully restore your strength, it will take a period of cultivation.

How long it will take and whether this state can be affected by external forces is unknown to Sufeng.

"You're too careless, Kirin Temple!"

Ichibei, the commander of the army, smiled generously, "You will have to pay the price if you look down on others."

"You are too long-winded, great monk."

Kirinji Tenshiro didn't show much good looks, which may have something to do with the kindness shown by Ichibei, the commander of the army, on weekdays.

He raised his eyes and looked at Sufeng not far away, his eyes extremely complicated.

To this day, Kirinji Tenshiro still cannot forget the elegance of that punch just now.

This was the first time since he was promoted to a member of Team Zero that he "died" at the hands of others.

This feeling of being devoured by despair is really unbearable for a second time.

"Let's go, kid."

Qilin Temple Tianshilang stood up and walked to Su Feng with a slight stagger.

"Let's chat while soaking in the hot spring..."

At his invitation, Sufeng frowned slightly, but then relaxed and readily agreed.

Kirinji Tenshiro's Hell Hot Spring is dispensable to him, but if it were placed in Soul Society, it would be of great use.

According to previous attempts, its effect is much higher than that of the Rigaidao developed by Yamada Kiyonosuke.

Originally, he was worried that Kirin Temple Tenshiro would be blasted by him with a punch, and he would become angry and refuse to acknowledge his previous promise.

But now it seems that he still underestimated the other party's character.

Those who can become Team Zero are all the best among the best.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro is naturally not as brainless and imbecile as he appears on the surface.

Hell of Bones.

In a hot spring like milk.

The two figures soaked in it comfortably, the tray floated in the hot spring water, and the faint smell of wine mixed with the heat filled the air quietly.

"It's really heartwarming."

Tenshiro of Kirin Temple held a handful of white towels on his head. The shape was weird and exaggerated. He held a grass root in the corner of his mouth and muttered vaguely:

"I didn't expect that after so many years, a monster like you would be born in the Soul Society."

Sufeng tasted the wine in the cup, savoring the sweetness between his lips and teeth, glanced sideways, and then replied:

"I didn't expect the dignified members of Team Zero to be so cowardly."

Qilin Temple Tenshiro's words were immediately choked up, veins popped up on his forehead, and the nose of the plane tended to become taller and taller.

"I advise you to show some respect to this guy."

"You haven't got the secret recipe for the hot spring yet!"

Hearing this, Su Feng immediately looked at him and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, a chill came over me.

Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple instinctively shrank towards the warm spring water.

But he reacted quickly.

This is Qilin Hall, the territory of his Quan Tang Ghost.

He's just a kid from the Soul Society...

"Ahem, let's get back to the topic."

Qilin Temple Tianshilang coughed twice and changed the subject, "Do you know why the great monk invited you to be a guest at the Lingwang Palace?"

"Invite me to be the sixth member of Team Zero?"

"How do you know?" Now it was Kirin Temple Tenshiro's turn to be surprised.

Sufeng curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Besides this, I can't think of any other possibilities."

"It can't be that the great monk suddenly realized his conscience and wanted to help Soul Society resolve the current crisis, right?"

Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple was silent.

It's not uncommon for Ermeiya Wang Yue to have such a thing as conscience.

Only the military commander Ichibei is impossible.

As a being who has lived for millions of years, his own emotions may have disappeared long ago.

"You are special."

"It's so special that it makes people feel like there's a hint of impossible hope."

Kirin Temple Tenshiro covered his face with a towel and said calmly: "You can stay in the Soul King Palace for at most two days."

"The Great Monk will not force you to become the sixth member of Team Zero."

"But please don't do anything offensive."

"For example?" Sufeng asked calmly.

"Everything related to the Spirit King."

Sufeng wanted to ask something else, but Qilin Temple Tianshilang had already started to drive people away:

"Okay, I don't want to see you anymore, get out of here."

"I will ask the magic weapon outside the door to give you the secret recipe for hot springs!"

After putting on clothes and leaving the hot spring, the magic weapon, who was dressed in pitch black and looked like a machine, respectfully handed over a piece of white paper.

It was filled with all kinds of professional terms and nouns that Sufeng couldn't understand at all.

After forcibly writing down all the words, he destroyed the note and left the Qilin Hall.

As his spiritual pressure disappeared within the confines of the Kirin Temple, Tenshiro of the Kirin Temple also took off the towel from his face and looked at the blue sky with a deep and incomprehensible gaze:

"Anyway, let's live..."


According to the previous agreement, Sufeng came to the Phoenix Palace.

However, when the divine soldiers who led the way arrived at a very grand place, he did not see the expected Wang Yue of Erkawu.

"What is this guy doing?"

Sufeng frowned, quite puzzled by this mysterious sword god.

However, just as he finished speaking, the sound of explosive music exploded.

The air vibrated, and sound waves visible to the naked eye surged in the sky!

"So arrogant, you are so high!"

A huge high platform rose up amid the blast of music, and Niemaya Wang Yue appeared on it, playing a dynamic beat to the rhythm of the music:

"I am the premier Zanpakutō creator, Nikaiya Oh-Etsu!"

"SIKU, YORO, please give me some advice!"

"Zanpakuto, Love it!"

As the beat fell, a crisp cracking sound sounded, like some kind of signal.

Countless lights were turned on instantly, dozens of salute cannons exploded, and countless ribbons and confetti spewed out.


The soft welcomes came together, making Su Feng's eyes widen and he took a deep breath subconsciously.

Although I was mentally prepared for it, I was still shocked when the real thing appeared in front of me.

The view before my eyes is like heaven!

Dark red, gold, pink blue, emerald green...

Side parting, short hair, waves, single and double ponytails...

A, B, C, D, E…

Between the gentle swaying and heavy swaying, the peaks and mountains gathered together and the colors shone, as if the most beautiful scenery in the world was all presented before your eyes.

Even though Sufeng was used to big scenes, he still gasped.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the creator of the Zanpakutō!

In terms of how to play, you have to be the one who knows how to play it!

"Hey, Sufeng Bro!"

Ermeiya Wang Yue appeared in front of him and said in a rhythmic tone:

"How about it? Are you enjoying this feast?"

"Introduce me again, I am the owner of this Phoenix Palace."

"Please give me some advice!"

He patted Su Feng hard on the shoulder, and then guided Su Feng through a set of hip-hop communication methods, such as fist bumps and so on.

Sufeng wasn't disgusted by this, but he didn't show much interest either.

Upon seeing this, Ermeiya Wang Yue also calmed down his interest slightly and returned to the topic.

He waved his hand, signaling the Zanpakutō to retreat first.

Soon, he and Su Feng were the only two people left in the huge palace.

"To be honest, I'm surprised at your performance."

"Although that guy from Kirin Temple is not the strongest among us, he is still a good player."

"Knocking him out with one punch is really cool!"

Nimeiya Wang Yue made a fist-bumping gesture, "But these have nothing to do with today's topic."

"I mean, can you show me your Zanpakutō?"

Sufeng hesitated for a moment, then took off his Zanpakutō from his waist and handed it into his dark palms.

Under his gaze, Ermeiya Wang Yue knocked on the scabbard, then drew out the sword and conducted a detailed inspection.

It is different from the Zanpakutō in cognition.

The current Lan Yin, even if he does not activate any power or spiritual pressure, is still in a transparent and crystal-clear state.

Like a flawless piece of jade.

"Oh, Lord Spirit King is here."

Ermeiwu Wang Yue regretfully handed Lan Yin back to Sufeng, his eyebrows under his sunglasses already deeply knitted together:

"I still can't hear anything from my heart."

"And I just tried to enter its spiritual space, but there was no response at all."

"It's like a door that's completely locked from the inside!"

Su Feng was distracted and asked curiously: "Is there any problem with this?"

Hearing this, Wang Yue of Ermeiwu looked at him deeply and said sincerely:

"You will lose a very important partner, sweetheart, beloved thing..."

He spoke a lot of words in succession.

But in summary, it means the same thing, the individual consciousness of the Zanpakutō.

Sufeng had already expected this, so he wasn't too surprised.

He had predicted this scene since the day he broke the boundaries of death.

Even the current state is just the beginning.

As the connection between the two deepens, Zanpakutō Lanyin will even gradually merge into Sufeng's soul and completely disappear from this world.

As the creator of the Zanpakutō, Nigeya Oue attaches great importance to the consciousness of the Zanpakutō.

But in Sufeng's view, the Zanpakuto is more like a shortcut to stimulate power in a short period of time.

This shortcut is not exclusive to you.

People like Sword God Wang Yue and Eye Monk Bingzhubu can use this shortcut to reach the depths of your soul.

To put it simply, I can grant you permission at any time!

"Actually, it's not impossible to change this."

Ermeiya Wang Yue grinned, his neat white teeth shining brightly under the neon lights.

"Hey, bro, are you interested in visiting the real Phoenix Palace..."

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