Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 310 The Rules of Concubine

The cliffs tower into the clouds, and the sea surges below, rolling up layers of waves.

The dilapidated wooden house sits alone on the edge of the cliff, as if it is the guardian of this vast ocean.

"It's really quite crude."

When he saw the real thing, even Sufeng couldn't help but complain.

There is a plaque hanging on the dilapidated wooden house with the three characters "Phoenix Palace" written on it.

"No wonder you built a new branch hall."

Lifting the door curtain of the wooden house, I followed the wind and looked down.

Because he had a certain understanding of the real Phoenix Palace, he did not enter it immediately, but just watched through the door.

Although it was pitch dark, he could still clearly see the humanoid creature hiding in the corner with his eyesight.

Hit shallowly.

To be more precise, it should be a shallow attack after materialization.

A being who has not had his soul injected into him by Death.

"Brother, you seem to know the Phoenix Palace very well."

Ermeiwu Wang Yue clapped his hands and said with a grin, "I didn't even go inside immediately."

"These are shallow strokes, but I really want to be intimate with you!"

Su Feng put down the hand holding the door curtain, looked sideways and replied, "I just show due awe to the unknown realm."

"As you know, in a dangerous place like Soul Society, if you didn't have a sense of vigilance, you would have been torn into pieces long ago."

"My survival to this day is all due to this caution and reverence."

Ermeiwu Wang Yue was startled for a moment, then laughed:

"Haha, that's right, bro, that's how it should be!"

"Whether it's a Shinigami or a Zanpakutō, everyone should be treated with awe."

"Only in this way can we truly understand Zanpakutō!"

While talking, Ermeiya Wang Yue led Sufeng towards the side of the Phoenix Palace. The huge passage poked a big hole in the already dilapidated wooden house.

"Let's go, Sufeng!"

He looked back and smiled, then jumped into the passage, bursting into a series of cheerful roars.

Sufeng followed the example of Nimeiya Wang Yue, and after traveling down a dark and long slide, he officially arrived in a cave.

The waterfalls all around were rushing, making a huge roar, splashing water, and throwing up layers of snowflakes.

"You're surprised, this is the real Phoenix Palace."

Nimaiya Wang Yue smiled mysteriously, "This is also the place where I made my Zanpakutō!"

"And the method I mentioned before is to rebuild your Zanpakuto, Lan Gin."

"Put your soul into it again!"

"Then, you can fight side by side with your Zanpakutō again..."

Sufeng frowned, seeming to understand why Ermeiwu Wang Yue was so eager.

He has never been afraid to speculate on others with the worst possible malice, but since arriving at the Spirit King's Palace, various signs have shown that things are far from being as simple as they appear.

To recast the Zanpakutō, if it were another Shinigami, even if Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni came, there was a high probability that he would not be able to resist this kindness.

After all, this is what Death relies on for its existence.

"I'm sorry, Wang Yue, I refuse."

Sufeng answered quite decisively:

"Lan Yin has been with us since he was a student in our college, and it has been decades now."

"It helps me cool down in the summer, helps me dry my clothes in the winter, and joins hands with me in battle to kill the enemy."

"In a sense, Lan Yin is my beloved relative and friend, a brother and sister!"

"How could I bear to see it being remade and going through such a ordeal?"

After the words fell, Wang Yue fell silent.

Never imagined.

A seemingly serious guy could actually say such shameless remarks.

You use your siblings to dry laundry, right?

He is truly worthy of being a disciple of Yamamoto Shigekuni, he is really in the same line!

"Don't refuse in a hurry yet."

After a moment of silence, Nigeya Wang Yue said, "Actually, for the Zanpakuto, it would be of great benefit to reforge it."

"The blade will be harder and the power it contains will be stronger."

"Are you as tough as this?" Su Feng raised his fist.

Ermeiwu Wang Yue was silent again.

I really can’t talk about this.

Are you comparing the fist that shattered Kirinji Tenshiro's fist with the Zanpakutō?

"Ahem, yo, bro, I think you have some misunderstandings about Zanpakutō."

Ermeiya Wang Yue explained slightly awkwardly: "Actually, its strength comes from the God of Death himself."

"In other words, the stronger you are, the stronger the sword will be."

Without giving Su Feng a chance to speak, he waved his hand and immediately struck a rocking pose.

"No matter how much you talk, it's better to experience it."


“It’s time to start!!”

Nigeya Wang Yue's spiritual pressure surged throughout his body, burning passionately like a flame:

"Welcome to my-"

"Show time!!!"

The moment the words fell, five rays of spiritual pressure rushed out around the waterfall, loudly echoing Nimeiya Wang Yue's performance.


"Niukaiya Guards, enter!!"

Five beautiful women of different shapes fell from the sky and trampled Ermeowu Wang Yue under their feet.

It seemed that they had seen the devastated scene of Nimaiya Wang Yue just now. His bodyguards did not say a word nonsense and immediately started the action of building a Zanpakutō.

The red-haired tomboy-like Suijima Mera opened her mouth and immediately spewed out blazing flames with a temperature of thousands of degrees, directly igniting the furnace in front of her.

As the flames burst out, Ermeiya Wang Yue officially began the building process.

The taciturn and bandaged Tsuimiya Sinzi pulled out one of his teeth, turned it into a long-handled forging hammer, and threw it into the hands of Nigeya Wang Yue.

Hit hard, explode in the furnace.

The ground trembled, heat waves surged in the air, and the temperature in the cave soared.

Because Sufeng refused to hand over his Zanpakutō, Nimaiya Wang Yue specially crafted a shallow sword.

The process is very gorgeous, like a dazzling performance.

Colorful flames bloomed in the cave. As the waterfall poured down, a large amount of white steam rose and exploded instantly, filling the sight.

Although it is not as shocking as I remember, it is still a very good performance.

Sufeng applauded very hard and dedicated himself to the responsibilities of a good audience.

"How's it going, bro?"

Ermeiwu Wang Yue wiped the sweat from his forehead, adjusted the sunglasses on his forehead, and handed the brand new sunglasses to Su Feng's hand.

"Do you have any exciting feelings?!"

There is a slight difference between shallow attack and Zanpakutō.

It has no tangs, and the blade is straight, like a staff knife.

Looking carefully at the shallow stroke in his hand, Sufeng suddenly realized that it was somewhat similar to the blank virtual soul created by Nirvana.

However, one was shaped into the shape of a blade, and the other was shaped into the shape of a pill.

Of course, the latter is far less sophisticated than the former.

As a sword god, he still has two brushes.

"It's really good." Sufeng praised.

Ermeiya Wang Yue grinned and was about to speak.

But I heard Sufeng say again: "Unfortunately, I still like Lan Yin better now."

"I'm sorry, Senior Sword God, I appreciate your kindness..."

Hearing this, the smile on Ermeiya Wang Yue's face not only did not diminish at all, but also revealed a somewhat strange meaning:

"I really appreciate you more and more, bro!"

"A real Shinigami should cherish his Zanpakutō like you do!"

"Hey, in that case, let's have a feast!"

"Sweets don't want to keep waiting!"

"Let's go!!"

While talking, Ermeiwu Wang Yue put his right hand on Su Feng's shoulder and led him out of the Phoenix Palace like a good friend.

In the branch hall, it is heaven on earth.

The singing of orioles and the whispering of swallows indicate the wonderful spring scenery.


early morning.

Pulling out his soft hand, Sufeng rubbed his swollen eyebrows, said goodbye to his good friend Ermeiwu Wang Yue, and left the Phoenix Palace directly.

It has to be said that Ermeiya Wang Yue's life is indeed enviable.

Fortunately, he had already developed a very strong resistance in Soul Society, so he did not fall into it.

Under the guidance of the divine weapon, Sufeng came to Shutara Senjumaru's Zero Banli Palace.

As the one who paid the most attention to Reiban Lidian during his trip to the Soul King's Palace, he was quite concerned about the scenery there.

It's definitely not because of Shutara Senjumaru's beauty.

Well, yes, that’s it!

Completely different from the style of other Reiban Riden halls, dyed cloths of various colors hang down from the dark ceiling, dyeing the empty environment with colorful colors.

It's like a huge dyeing workshop or garment bureau.

"Ah, this is really surprising to me."

There was a cold sound from behind the brocade cloth, followed by the sound of wooden wheels rolling on the ground. Shutara Senjumaru walked out of the darkness with six skeletal arms floating beside him.

"I didn't expect you to come to my palace."

"Could it be that you have a lust attack and have any inappropriate thoughts about my body?"

Su Feng coughed twice, suppressed his head that was about to nod, and replied:

"Actually, I want to entrust Senjumaru-senpai to make a new death tyrant outfit and captain Haori."

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh and said with a helpless expression: "Because I often fight with Shuncoo, the damage rate of the Death Domination Suit and Captain Yuori is too high."

"The old man has reprimanded me more than once. In order to prevent this problem from happening again, I can only entrust Senjumaru-senpai."

The golden-bone arm fell in front of him, covering his mouth and smiling softly, Shutara Senjumaru gestured:

"I will naturally try my best to meet the guests' requirements."

"What's more, this is my responsibility."

"Please come with me..."

Shutara Senjumaru was surprisingly easy to talk to.

As she went deeper into the darkness, the brocade cloth was pulled open to both sides, revealing a spacious passage.

Sufeng followed him out of curiosity.

In fact, he knew Shutara Senjumaru far better than he knew the other members of Team Zero.

As a member of Team Zero who joined the team on the second night, she still has certain feelings towards Soul Society.

Compared to others, Shutara Senjumaru is undoubtedly much safer.

After arriving at an open area, the figure in front stopped. The woman slowly turned around and whispered in a lazy tone:

"Sewing is a very time-consuming thing."

"I won't say any more nonsense, let's get straight to the point."

"Okay, let's first remove the obstructive spiritual pressure from your body, and then take off all your clothes."

Su Feng looked embarrassed: "Do you want to take off all your clothes?"

"Of course, this is my rule."

Shutara Senjumaru said matter-of-factly, "Unless you are willing to be all chopped off..."

Sufeng's spiritual pressure exploded, and he grinned, revealing his strong white teeth, reflecting the slightly dim light in the environment.

"Actually, there is a third option!"

The captain Yu Zhi's and Death Ba's costumes were all shattered by the surging spiritual pressure, leaving only a length of shorts.

"That means doing things according to my rules."

As the strong and perfect body appeared, Shutara Senjumaru's eyes couldn't help but light up. One arm fell in front of him, gently twisting a shimmering silver needle.

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

"I am not as stupid as Qilin Temple..."

The moment the words fell, the cloth around him suddenly swarmed towards Sufeng like arms, as if to wrap him up in it.

Even his feet were moving like waves. The strips of cloth were wrapped around Sufeng's ankles, and a huge force exploded, as if his bones were about to be broken.

Taking advantage of this gap, countless cloths also covered it, completely submerging it.

"Niryuri said that Shutara Senjumaru likes to do things that look down on others."

A dull voice came from under the thick cloth, "But in my opinion, since you have something to ask for, it is indeed natural to follow the rules."

"Just taking off all my clothes and stuff, that's too shameful for me."

"So I want to struggle a little bit longer."

"After all, there is a contingency for everything..."

The moment the words fell, Shutara Senjumaru's expression changed slightly, and the vast abyss of spiritual pressure poured down instantly.

The blazing light tore all the cloth covering it into pieces in an instant.

Countless debris is scattered in the open area like rain, creating a unique sense of beauty.

"I'm sorry, Senjumaru-senpai."

The golden and red wings exploded, turning into lines that dotted Sufeng's body. As the spiritual pressure exploded, twisted lines appeared around his figure, and the body blurred against it.

Complete manifestation technique·instant coax·Xun thunder and sky collapse!

Considering that this was Shutara Senjumaru's home court, Sufeng started with all his strength and showed no intention of holding back.

In order to get a suit of clothes that fit well, it can be considered a lot of hard work.

Shutara Senjumaru's pupils suddenly shrank, and his six arms danced rapidly, revealing a strange sense of beauty.

Countless threads were woven in it, pouring out from the darkness and wrapping around Sufeng's body.

However, before the threads could get closer, the bursting spiritual pressure was like a flame, burning all the threads.

High-temperature flames ignited on the fist bones due to high-speed friction, twisted golden thunder leaped between the fingers, and the sharp wind breath violently tore apart the sticky spirit stream.

Considering that the members of Team Zero were immortal, Sufeng started a fight without too many scruples.

What the rules are, people make them.

Since it is decided by people, there is room for maneuver and change!

The flaming fist magnified infinitely in Shutara Senjumaru's sight, and then in shock, he instantly exploded the figure in front of him.

next moment.

Countless pieces of cloth exploded, flooding the entire Zero Banli Hall like a surging sea.

Su Feng stood there, frowning slightly, with a hint of surprise in his expression: "Did you escape?"

Although the punch just now was solid, the feel was slightly different.

As his voice fell, Shutara Senjumaru's figure slowly appeared among the broken cloth.

His face, which was originally pale, had no color at all at this moment, but the red lips were particularly eye-catching.

"What a disgraceful, barbaric way of fighting."

"Although I don't like it, I have to admit it..."

Shutara Senjumaru's eyes tilted slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his pale cheeks:

"Then follow your rules..."

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