Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 312 The talks collapsed and the rise of the great monk

Ichibei, the commander of the army, was silent on the surface, but in his heart he cursed the long-dead ancestor Tsunayashiro.

Not many people know what happened back then.

Counting those who have died, there are only eight people.

At present, the founder of the five great nobles is dead, the son of the Spirit King, Youhabach, is sleeping, and the Spirit King has been turned into a human pig.

The only ones who are still conscious are the monk and the military commander.

The current act of Tsunayashiro's ancestor is undoubtedly making the secrets of the past public.

Since Tsunayashiro Sufeng, as the twenty-third generation head of the family, knows about this matter, it is very likely that all the previous Tsunayayashi family heads know this.

If there was a loudmouthed guy among them, it would be no different if the whole world knew about it.

But then I thought about it.

He lives in the Spirit King's Palace all year round. Even if those people know about it, it is not worth caring about.

It can be said that there are very few people who can board the Soul King Palace without the permission of the Zero Division.

The old god Sufeng was here, and he didn't care about the thoughts of the military commander Ichibei.

But even if he knew it, he would at most make a comment——

Laughing to death, who is a serious person these days who reads family history?

That thing is thicker than the belly of your military commander Ichibei. If you look closely, it may have a life span of hundreds of years.

"These are inconsequential things."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, has lived for a million years, so he can still handle this small scene.

"The casting of Wang Jian is enough to make up for everything you said."

"No one can refuse the hope of immortality..."

"Gariyashiki Kenpachi." Sufeng interrupted the commander of the army, Ichibei, again.

The great monk's expression froze again. It was the first time that chatting with someone made him feel so tired.

It was indeed him who invited Kariyashiki back then.

But that guy said that he couldn't stand the lonely and boring guard job, and believed that as a "Kenpachi" he should stay in the 11th Division, so he rejected him on this reason.

The joyful glory of immortality was lost to the duties of the so-called "Kenpachi".

"I see."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, once again returned to the wise appearance he had when they first met, as if the gaffe just now was just a disguise.

He grinned, his thick beard trembling up and down: "But since you chose to refuse, then as a member of Team Zero, I have the obligation to solve the hidden danger to Lord Soul King."

"After millions of years, I have lost interest in everything in the world. The only thing I care about now is the Spirit King who lives in Da Nei."

"Anything that may threaten the existence of Lord Spirit King, I will definitely eradicate them."

"Because the Spirit King is not just the Spirit King, he is also the foundation of the world."

Su Feng nodded, not surprised at all.

In fact, as far as the military commander Ichibei is concerned, all he shows is that he wants to be a dog to the Soul King. As for who the Soul King is, it doesn't matter.

Be it Yhwach, Ichigo, or even Ginjo Kūgo, Hanagari Jinta, or Tsumuya Ame.

"I just said that, Sufeng, you broke the boundaries of the God of Death without relying on the power of the Spirit King, so you have the [uniqueness] similar to the Spirit King."

"This also means that you have the potential to become a spiritual king."

"This is an absolute threat to Lord Spirit King."

At this point, the thick but wild spiritual pressure has already covered the entire dojo like a gloomy dark cloud that envelopes the world.

"I have the authority to initially name everything in the world. Normally, any ability that appears in this world cannot escape my eyes."

"But you are different, Sufeng..."

The tone of the military commander, Ichibei, was a little more solemn, "Everything about you is too normal, so normal that it makes people feel abnormal."

"Both are Shinigami, Yamamoto Shigekuni has been clinging to the edge of the Shinigami boundary for thousands of years, and Sosuke Aizen made a breakthrough with the help of Hondama."

"Looking at you, breaking this boundary is as smooth as drinking water."

"I can't figure out the truth, so I can only use coercive means to find out."

"Forgive me, this is a sacrifice that the guardian spirit king must make."

"When necessary, killing you here is just for the stability of the world..."

Before he finished speaking, Ichibei, the commander of the army, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, stretched out his huge palm like a cattail leaf fan.

The crimson beads rotated, and thick and thick spiritual pressure poured down.

At this moment, it was as if the world collapsed and endless pressure instantly fell on Su Feng.

Facing this blow, Su Feng showed no fear on his face. Even in the same posture, his right hand was wrapped with silver-white wind breath and blasted straight forward.

At the moment of the collision, the explosion blast swept through the entire dojo.

The ground collapsed, and the flat boulders turned into powder in an instant, and continued to be destroyed. The walls cracked and shattered, and countless calligraphy works and ink paintings could not last for a second.

The huge building was destroyed into nothingness in the impact.

Two intact figures appeared on the ruins, each with surging spiritual pressure, as vast as the endless ocean, enough to submerge everything in the world.

Sufeng stood in the air, frowning slightly.

The great monk attacked him, which did not surprise him.

The words were well chosen and the reasons were quite sufficient.

But during the attack, he didn't notice too strong killing intent. Even under the overthrow of spiritual pressure, the killing intent of Ichibei, the commander of the army, was almost non-existent.

It couldn't even compare to the murderous intent that erupted when he communicated with Uozhihua Liekendo.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like Yamamoto Genryusai when he was teaching him Genryu.

What on earth is this great monk thinking?

I can't figure it out when I trace the wind.

"Haha, looking at the Soul Society, there are not many people who can take my hand."

The commander of the army, Ichibei, laughed loudly, and the sound waves spread in all directions in a form visible to the naked eye.

"Sufeng, are you really not considering joining Team Zero?"

"I can grant you greater permissions, such as free access to the Spirit King's Palace..."

Before he finished speaking, a fist burning with crimson wind broke through its external spiritual pressure defense and blasted straight towards the huge head.

"Sorry, the captain really has no such interest."

Sufeng's expression was calm, as if he was just explaining a common thing.

If you ignore the wanton and unrestrained punches, it would be like an ordinary communication between ordinary friends.

Ichibei, the leader of the army, crossed his arms in front of him, and tree-like carvings appeared ferociously. Strong spiritual pressure ran freely on them, hitting Sufeng's fist bones at the right time.

Boom! !

A deafening explosion resounded above Lingfan's departure hall.

The violent impact raged on this giant disc building.

Looking from a higher sky, a mushroom cloud slowly rises over the Zero Banli Hall.

this moment.

All the Reiban Lidian, including the Soul King Palace block at the bottom, noticed the strong movement.

Kirin Temple Tenshiro dropped the long-handled heavy hammer that was hitting the hot spring rock wall, and it turned into a golden flash of light and instantly appeared on the edge of Kirin Temple. He frowned and looked in the direction of the movement.

"Did a conflict still break out?"

"This kid doesn't really think that he's qualified to challenge the great monk just because he beat me to death, right?"

As a member of the Zero Squadron, Kirinji Tenshiro has never fought against Ipbei of the Military Chief Division, and has never even seen him take action.

But his intuition told him that if he took action against it, the outcome would not be much better than the previous explosion.

It might even be worse.

In fact, before he became a member of Team Zero, he had heard a rumor.

The Zero Division that guards the Soul King is stronger than all members of the Gotei 13.

Later, when he became a member of the Zero Division, it became clear that the strength of one soldier and one soldier in the military division far surpassed that of the entire Gotei 13.

Including everyone else in Team Zero!

If the strength of all the members of Team Zero is divided into ten parts, then the great monk is afraid that he will take up nine parts.

The remaining half was divided into two pieces by Wang Yue, and the three of them shared the remaining half equally.

The difference is self-evident.

"I specifically reminded that guy not to touch the great monk's reverse scale."

Kirin Temple Tenshiro cursed in a low voice, "He is indeed an idiot who speaks freely!"

"If I die, I can still be resurrected."

"This kid is dead, I'm afraid there won't even be anyone to collect the body!"

After thinking for a moment, Kirin Temple Tenshiro gritted his teeth and turned into a golden flash of light again, heading straight towards the direction of the battle.

"Even if I can't stop the great monk, I can still collect the body of that guy."

"At least, let Unohana Retsu bury him in Soul Society..."

Shutara Senjumaru stood among the layers of cloth. The breeze blew and the colorful cloth rustled like leaves.

The elegant woman frowned slightly, with six skeleton arms wrapped in front of her body, interlacing her fingers, making a caracara sound.

"The clothes I made came in handy so quickly."

"Didn't he take my concubine's words to heart?"

"Conflict with Ichibei, the commander of the army, is not a decision that a wise person should make..."

After pondering for a moment, six skeletal arms bloomed in front of him like flowers. Countless white silk threads gathered together and were quickly sewn and woven.

A colorful carpet appeared under his feet, and Shutara Senjumaru stepped on it lightly, heading straight towards the battlefield.

In the branch hall of Phoenix Hall, Ermeiya Wang Yue was woken up by Suidao Meira's kick. Amidst the screams of pain, he learned of the battle that had just occurred.

"Brother Sufeng, your fighting spirit is really high..."

He rubbed his chin, revealing his white and neat teeth, "Don't worry about him, he won't die."

"That's the leader of the Zero Squadron, Ichibei of the Military Headquarters!"

Suidao Meila frowned, quite dissatisfied with her master's inaction.

The guests who can be brought to the branch hall for a grand banquet have already been recognized by Ermeiya Wang Yue.

Just watching the other party die is not Wang Yue's style, nor is it the style of their personal guards.

"No worries!"

Ermeiya Wang Yue stretched out a dark finger and shook it gently, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Sufeng Bro is not as simple as you think."

"A great monk would not act so recklessly and impulsively."

"Come on, sweethearts!"

He opened his mind, faced his Zanpakutō, and said loudly:

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Immediately, explosive rock music filled the branch hall, and the huge vibration even made the entire palace shake.

As soon as Kiryu Hikifune of the Croton Hall noticed the anomaly, he put down the research and development at hand and rushed to the Zero Ban Riden Hall where Ichibei, the commander of the army, was located.

As a member of Team Zero who has the deepest feelings for Soul Society, she will never watch the captain's disciple die in the Soul King's Palace.

Even if he can't stop the military commander Ichibei, he can barely accept it if he can collect the corpse.


Endless smoke and dust swept and erupted, and two figures flew out from it.

There were expressions of surprise on both sides' faces.

The commander of the army, Ichibei, was very surprised. He did not expect Sufeng's power to be so strong.

He was actually able to fight to a draw without using his Zanpakutō.

You must know that his body has been fully strengthened by the power of the Spirit King and has become a king key.

But even so, he still couldn't take advantage of Sufeng.

In comparison, Sufeng was even more surprised. They were both Wang Jian, but this great monk's physical strength was more than a star and a half stronger than Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple.

He seriously suspected that this old guy was acting for personal gain, secretly depriving others of the power of the Spiritual King to cast the King Key, and then enriching himself.

A surging green light erupted on Sufeng's figure.

This time it's not a reply, it's the full power of the Perfection Technique!

Facing an opponent of this level, if you pretend to be a pig, you will really be a pig.

Complete manifestation technique·instant coax·Xun thunder and sky collapse!

Yu Zhi and Death Ba's armor exploded under the surging spiritual pressure, and complex golden and red lines continued to appear all over the perfect and strong bodies until they occupied the entire body.

Then under Su Feng's control, these lines were once again hidden under the skin.

Except for the flash of spiritual pressure, there is not much difference between his current appearance and his usual appearance.

His legs were slightly bent, and an extremely arrogant and terrifying power surged out.

As the ground beneath his feet collapsed, Sufeng turned into a brilliant light that flashed in the sky, approaching the commander of the army Ichibei in an instant, and then——

The secret of the final bone!

Facing this blow, Ichibei, the commander of the army, had a solemn expression, and the redness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a strange white color.

The appearance of this scene meant that he had entered a serious fighting state.

The huge palm expanded infinitely on the dome, covering Sufeng's figure in an instant.

Comparing the two, he was as small as an ant.

"Thousand Miles to Heaven Palm!"

The dull sound was like thunder, and all the surging power exploded!

The corner of Sufeng's mouth raised slightly, and his white teeth flashed away in the flash of light. His already violent speed was aggravated by several points at this moment.

The next moment, the fist bones, like the shining sun, struck the huge palm.

The mighty and turbulent golden thunder pillar, wrapped in the tyrannical and terrifying wind, exploded and resounded in the sky above Lingfan's departure hall!

The substantial spiritual pressure outlined a ferocious Shura-like shadow on the dome, shattering the Thousand Mile Heavenly Palm in an instant!

However, Sufeng had not yet waited for the next wave of attacks.

I saw Ichibei, the commander of the army, grinning, clasping his hands together, a vast abyss of spiritual pressure bursting out, and a substantial beam of light blooming in the sky.


Two huge palms appeared on the left and right of Su Feng, and they closed suddenly under the eyes of the other members of Team Zero who rushed over!


After the deafening sound, there was deathly silence...

The protagonist will not be embarrassed...

Thanks to Mr. Derrick in the Forest for the reward, and thanks to all the bosses for your monthly recommendation votes!

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