"It's miserable!"

Tian Shilang of Qilin Temple cried out sadly, "Now the Sufeng brat has become a big cake!"

"Is it too late for me to arrive?"

Under the red umbrella, on the carpet made of brocade cloth, Shutara Senjumaru's eyes were slightly lowered, making it impossible to distinguish his true emotions.

In comparison, Hikifune Kiryu's performance seems much more real.

The chubby woman clenched her fists with an expression of unwillingness and rebuked:

"Great monk, you can obviously just give him a lesson..."

However, before she could finish her words, a brilliant and dazzling light suddenly erupted from the two huge palms made of spiritual power.

Gold and red lines intersect on it, outlining one ferocious ravine after another.

The blazing spiritual pressure surged out of it, completely shattering the main soldier Ichibei's Thousand Miles Sky Palm.

Sufeng's figure appeared in the hazy light and shadow, with golden-red lines flowing like lava on his perfect body.

The arms were intertwined, and golden-red light traces emitting bright light extended from the fingertips of the ten fingers, like an enhanced version of the Leopard King's claws.

The majestic abyss-like spiritual pressure surged wantonly, the air couldn't stop shaking, and the vast sea of ​​clouds in the dome surged endlessly, building up layers of snow waves.

Just now, the spiritual pressure of Ippey, the commander of the army, overwhelmed Sufeng's spiritual pressure, causing other members of the Zero Division to misjudge.

When Sufeng releases spiritual pressure in front of him.

They had just realized that this junior, a student of Yamamoto Shigekuni who was an unknown number of years younger than the Zero Division, had already surpassed them by a lot in the field of pure reiatsu.

"Monk, the battle has just begun."

Sufeng grinned, and all the spiritual pressure he had collected by returning life at the banquet exploded.

A huge pillar of light burning like a blazing flame spread in all directions with him as the center.

The three members of the Zero Division quickly retreated away from the Zero Division, which had completely transformed into a battlefield.

"This move looks a bit familiar..."

Hikifune Kiryu opened and closed his thick lips a few times and hesitated.

She recognized the method of storing spiritual pressure in her body, which was somewhat similar to the essence of the [Righteous Soul] she developed.

Releasing all the spiritual pressure in one breath, Sufeng's momentum increased steadily, as if there was no upper limit.

Soon, the huge light pillar centered on it covered the entire Zero Banli Hall, and it was still expanding.

At one time, there was a tendency to touch upon the inner being of the Spiritual King.

Fortunately, Sufeng had a certain level of accuracy in his mind, but he did not touch the negative scales of the members of Team Zero.

One on one, it's not a big problem.

Once five people are provoked, it will be a lot more troublesome to survive.

Sufeng raised his eyes, and the golden thunder and red wind breath intertwined in his pupils, reflecting a horrifying scene like the end of the world.

Looking at Sufeng's changes, Ichibei, the commander of the army, couldn't help but praise:

"An ability similar to Kiryu's, an extremely high-end white-fighting technique."

"You seem to have never used this ability, but it's a pity that it is of no use to me."

As he spoke, he raised his hand like a cattail leaf fan again and attacked Sufeng directly.

In an instant, the palm of his hand turned into the wind, turning into a huge shadow that covered the sky and the sun, once again covering Sufeng's figure.

In front of this, Sufeng's height is not that low, but he is as tall as an ant. It seems that the two are not on the same level at all.

Branch-like carvings appeared on the furry palms, which looked particularly ferocious.

It's like it's not a human hand, but a bear's paw.

Facing such a powerful attack, Sufeng not only showed no fear at all, but there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

He grinned, and wisps of white mist overflowed from between his teeth. Golden-red lines appeared under the skin for a moment, then flowed like magma and reached the bones of his fists.

Perfection Technique: The Mystery of the End Bone!

The double blessing of the Perfection Technique and the full spiritual pressure of returning life.

Sufeng himself couldn't imagine how powerful this blow would be! !

Boom! !

The moment the fists and palms collided, endless dust exploded instantly, and violent dust and smoke swept upwards. Reiban Lidian erupted into an overwhelmed wail, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds stirred up, setting off monstrous waves hundreds of meters high.

The golden and red colors intertwined and collided with each other. The aftermath of the impact was majestic, and the majestic momentum rushed straight into the sky, swallowing up everything in sight!

Even the three members of Team Zero frowned and stepped back one after another to prevent themselves from being affected.

Before the billowing dust dissipated, the burly and muscular body of Ichibei, the commander of the army, flew backwards from it and hit the mountain peak hard.

Immediately, the mountain collapsed and dust filled the sky again, completely submerging the great monk.

Not long after, a burly figure covered in dust climbed out of it and patted the dust on the feather fabric as if nothing had happened.

But if you look carefully, you can see the abnormal dark purple color on his right hand between the cuffs.

"It's really scary."

"The secret technique of Genryu passed down from Yamamoto Shigekuni has already become better than the master."

As he spoke, the commander of the army, Ichibei, put his big hand behind his back, and a huge writing brush appeared out of thin air behind him.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I am really no match for you with my bare hands."

"However, it would be too naive to think of defeating me based on this level alone."

The moment the words fell, a soldier under the command of the army disappeared on the spot and appeared in front of Su Feng. The huge brush fell forward with a horizontal slash.

The air made a sound like tearing cloth.

Dots of ink fell, and black rain fell from the sky.

When Sufeng faced Ichibei, the commander of the army, he felt that what he was facing was not a brush, but an extremely sharp blade.

He was aware of Ichimonji's abilities, so he naturally tried to avoid contact with the brush during battle.

But Ichibei, the commander of the army, has lived for a million years, and his combat experience is so rich that he can even hang up Yamamoto Genryusai and beat him, let alone Sufeng.

Although he is not a god of death, the great monk's slashing fists and walking ghosts are already superior to all gods of death.

His skills are so close to the Tao, that the conventional classification of grades is no longer suitable for the Ichibei of the Military Chief Division.

Spirit storms continued to erupt in the sky above Lingban Lidian. The thick sea of ​​clouds was cleared layer by layer, cleaning out the clear sky below.

The combination of kendo and white fighting allows Ipbei, the main soldier of the army, to display 120% of his strength.

If it weren't for Sufeng's offensive being too fierce, he even wanted to launch a few more ghosts to contain it.

On Sufeng's right arm, golden and red lines were looming, the fiery breath was constantly erupting, and the terrifying high temperature was rising all around it.

The words thrown out by Ichimonji when he attacked were directly evaporated before they even touched the perfect body.

The wind of heat and annoyance!

If these winds come to the Four Continents Realm, all living beings and living beings living in the Four Continent Realms, with all identities, will be scattered and destroyed, and nothing will remain.

Use your physical body to launch Zanpakuto moves and completely control the power of the wind!

In this state, every attack that Sufeng unleashes contains the terrifying heat of the Wind of Heat and Annoyance.

Now he is like Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni who has opened the swastika——

Can Huo Tai Sword·West·Can Ri Prison Clothes!

It's like the terrifying force surrounding the blazing sun, but it's just more restrained.

"It's really the same strain."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, laughed loudly and said, "You have learned everything about Yamamoto Shigekuni."

He waved the huge brush in his hand and swung it down toward Sufeng at a weird angle. The ink dots were like rain, covering everything in front of him.

A huge word "cage" appears on the dome.

The sky seemed to suddenly lose its color, turning into pure black and white.

This blow completely covered all Sufeng's dodge directions, forcing him and Yiwenji to have a head-on confrontation.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing sounded from Sufeng's arm, the skin cracked, and a large amount of blood spurted out, dyeing it pure black in an instant.

At this moment, Su Feng felt as if a hundred times the force of gravity had been exerted on his right hand, making it extremely difficult to lift it up.

Ichibei, the commander of the army, grinned and said confidently: "This is the power of Ichimonji. He can kill his name but not his flesh!"

"Anything attacked by this brush will have half of its name cut off, which means it will lose half of its power."

"How about it? Is my ability an eye-opener for you?"

"Fistes and kicks, little Doyle, as a god of death, the real power should come from the Zanpakutō. Take out the Zanpakutō that is your life and death, and fight me openly and openly!"

After a short period of adaptation, Sufeng gradually became familiar with his right arm that had lost half of its strength.

He moved his arms and made a crackling sound.

Although he was at a disadvantage, the laughter at the corner of his mouth never diminished even a little bit from beginning to end.

As the most powerful person in the Three Realms, Ichibei of the Military Chief Division took out his Zanpakuto Ichimonji one step ahead of him, which meant——

In the confrontation just now, he had the upper hand.

"Since this is your request..."

Su Feng placed his left hand on the scabbard at his waist, pushed it gently with his thumb, and a jade-like brilliance flickered in it.

"Then don't regret it, great monk."

For some reason, looking at Sufeng's smile in front of him, an ominous premonition emerged in Ichibei's heart.

Could the other party threaten me?


With Ichimon here, I am the absolute superior of all gods of death!

"Lanyin, the strongest Zanpakutō with dual elements of wind and thunder."

Ichibei's expression became serious, "It has a history of less than a hundred years, but in terms of potential, it has far exceeded Yamamoto Shigekuni's Flow Blade."

"In terms of destructive power alone, there is almost no existence that can compare with it."

Sufeng held a long knife in his hand, and gently stroked the smooth blade with his right hand.

At this moment, his expression was extremely calm.

In the branch hall of the Phoenix Hall, Nigeya Wang Yue seemed to feel something. After pushing away the Zanpakutō that surrounded him, he walked out of the hall and looked in the direction of the battlefield from a distance.

"Oh ho ho, have you finally reached this point?"

"It's really exciting, Bro Sufeng!"

"Suddenly I'm curious, what kind of expression will the great monk show after seeing this!"

Above the sky, in Sufeng's eyes, all the wind and thunder disappeared, and his pupils turned into pure white.


As his lips and teeth opened slightly, the spiritual pressure suddenly turned into a blank, as if it had completely disappeared.

The commander of the army, Ichibei, had a solemn look on his face, already prepared to face the stormy bombing.

As he said, he knows the names of all Zanpakutō in the world, and to him, names mean power.

However, at this moment, Su Feng's lips slightly raised:

"Do you think I would say that everything is bound by prison?"

"What do you mean?" The great monk was stunned for a moment.

Sufeng did not answer, but pressed his right hand gently on the blade.


A crisp cracking sound sounded in the silent sky.

Under the four shocked eyes, dense cracks suddenly appeared on the jade-like blade.

The sound of shattering continued, and the cracks were piled up layer by layer until they covered the entire Zanpakutō.


Lan Yin was completely shattered and turned into countless subtle fluorescent lights, like a gorgeous and bright galaxy!

With Sufeng's breathing, all the stars were integrated into his body, reflected in his blood, bone marrow, and even his soul.

Physical fusion!

At this moment, Ichibei, the military commander, finally realized the significance of Sufeng's behavior.

This is a power that transcends swastika!

Truly reintegrate the Soul of Death contained in the Zanpakutō into your own body and return to its original perfect state.

Sufeng brushed his hands on his temples, his hanging black hair was fixed behind by the star-stringing pliers, and his slightly leaning body stood straight.

There was a hint of intoxication in the originally confident smile.

"Although doing so seems a bit like a villain."

Sufeng smiled, "But who stipulates that the villain must lose?"

"Great monk, are you ready to experience the long-lost pain?"

This time it was Ichibei's turn not to answer the question. At this moment, he couldn't even feel Sufeng's spiritual pressure.

If the person wasn't still standing in front of him, maybe he would really have self-doubt.

The moment the great monk held a huge brush and swung it forward, a pillar of spiritual pressure shot up into the sky, and a deep voice echoed in the sky:

"Dye it black, Ichimonji."

Without hesitation or hesitation, facing Sufeng in this state, Ichibei, the commander of the army, directly took out the first interpretation of Ichimonji.

Ink drips from the pen tip, and the thick white blade and the black pen tip switch back and forth.

A word was waved, and the ink was like water, dipping and swallowing towards the front.

Facing the Ichibei of the main unit with full firepower, Sufeng immediately activated all his spiritual pressure, and the fiery power surged out of his body.

Countless ripples spread out at this moment, and the ink falling in front disappeared in an instant, and the silvery white light was extremely bright, blooming as brilliantly as the rising sun!

Perfection Technique·United Wind!

The power of swastika was brewing on the fist bones, and all of it exploded in an instant!

At this moment, the sky and the earth were replaced by ink and silver. The terrifying impact wiped out the sea of ​​clouds, and a huge void quickly retreated above the blue sky.

The two eliminated each other's power, but Yinbai was superior.

Like a blazing sun at noon, melting pure black ink!

The aftermath fell and immediately swallowed up the figure of Ichibei, the commander of the army.

In an instant, the burly figure blasted into the Reiban Lidian Hall below like a cannonball.

In an instant, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the disk, and the blazing flames completely engulfed Reiban Lidian.

The violent impact was on the ground, and abyss-like ravines were scattered across the ground. Endless dust swept up, turning the sky gray again.

The three members of Team Zero stood in the distance, looking at the vast scene at the end of the sky in shock, unable to believe their eyes.

In an unexpected situation, the invincible monk actually lost in a head-on battle? !

As a deafening explosion sounded, the city's Reiban Riden completely collapsed, and the rolling ruins fell into the sky with firelight...

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