Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 314 The monk retreats, the secret from a thousand years ago

The residents of the Lingwanggong neighborhood were in a panic.

The aloof Reibanli Palace collapsed.

This is a major event that has never happened since recorded history!

Is there a foreign invasion?

Lord Spirit King is still well? !

The weak residents knelt on the ground, praying devoutly in the direction of the Spirit King, mumbling words.

Kirin Temple Tianshilang and others were completely dumbfounded.

They had imagined many scenes, including the scene where Sufeng was slapped into mincemeat by Ippey, the commander of the army.

Subconsciously, Sufeng was able to smash Qilin Temple Tianshilang with one punch.

He is indeed qualified to fight against Ichibei, the commander of the army.

But Kirinji Tenshiro is in a state of blood alliance seal, which is a well-known thing in the Zero Division.

Even if the other three people sacrificed themselves to open the blood alliance seal for Qilin Temple Tenshiro, it would not be enough to touch Ichibei, the main part of the porcelain army.

However, Sufeng defeated Shi Jiehou's Yiwen in a head-to-head confrontation.

Even the aftermath completely shattered the Zero Banli Palace below, turning into countless dust and falling like a heavy rain.

Dust and smoke rolled in together, creating a huge momentum that filled the sky.

Is the world changing so fast that we can't keep up?

Why is it that a mere Shinigami from Soul Society can hammer down the great monk? !

The three of them looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes...

Sufeng stepped into the sky, feeling the sticky glue-like spirits surging around him, and adapted to the state at this moment.

Beyond the swastika, man and sword become one.

Carry out in-depth exploration and development based on the basic principle that the Zanpakutō is cast based on the soul of the Shinigami, and use the transcendent's spiritual pressure as an aid to essentially analyze and integrate it.

Sufeng can now summon his Zanpakutō at any time.

Just like Senbonzakura's swastika, with just a thought, he can use his own spirit to create a blade exactly like the one before.

You can also use yourself to unleash the full power of the Zanpakutō as you did just now.

Strictly speaking, he is now the humanoid form of Arashi Yin Swastika.

With any punch, you can unleash powerful attack moves such as the Wind of Reannation and the Wind of Hezhong.

It was my first time to try it, and Sufeng was not very skilled at it yet.

Therefore, it was only strengthened once after using up the genjutsu.

The correct order of use should be to strengthen oneself with the full expression technique, and then strengthen the move to be used a second time.

Only in this way can the power be maximized.

He looked calmly at the Lingban Lidian, which was constantly falling and collapsing, and quietly waited for the backhand of Ichibei, the commander of the army.

Death is impossible.

If Ichibei, the commander of the army, was at this level, Yhwach would have swallowed the Soul King a thousand years ago and returned the Three Realms to a state of chaos.

He faced the eye-opening Yohabach and sealed his eyes with the Soul King's left hand.

Is it really just the work of the Spirit King’s left hand?

Could it be that if you give a child a Barrett, he can shoot an adult?

I’m afraid you don’t even know how to open the insurance, right?

Sufeng is still quite afraid of this being who has mastered all the [blackness] in the world.

Even though he has made greater progress than before.

The billowing dust fell, and between the collapse of the boulders, a surge of spiritual pressure suddenly erupted.

Thick ink swayed like a flood from the completely collapsed Zero Banli Hall, stabilizing the broken disk building in an instant.

A huge brush strokes the sky, writing the word "solid".

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated, and the Lingban Lidian made of ink appeared in front of everyone. The embarrassed figure sitting in it was eye-catching.

At this moment, the commander of the army, Ichibei, had his feathers broken, his thick beard had been wiped out in large parts, and the thick flesh and blood in his chest and abdomen were even more sunken.

It was as if the bones and internal organs supporting the flesh and blood had been completely shattered.

Abnormal deep purple appears on the surface, giving people a shocking feeling.

The great monk's face was a little pale, dark red blood spurted out, mixed with some fragments of internal organs, and his breath seemed weak.

"The future life is terrible."

"Yamamoto Shigekuni taught a good disciple..."

Ichibei, the commander of the army, sighed and brushed his hand over the sunken body, and the green light bloomed on the generous palm.

In just an instant, the scarred body returned to normal.

Although it won't heal instantly, it's enough to handle the situation.

Seeing this, Sufeng was unambiguous. Even if he used the power of Perfection Technique to strengthen it in all directions, blue-green lines appeared on his body, turning into branch-like carvings.

From a certain perspective, this ability is biased towards the Quincy's blood armor.

"It's really exciting."

The Ichibei of the military commander's department sat cross-legged on the ground, using Ichimonji's ability to restore Reiban Riden and his incomplete beard.

"It's a pity that I am old and don't have the same drive as you young people."

"Let's talk, Sufeng..."

The great monk patted the ink futon beside him and said, "I think you might be interested in some secrets from thousands of years ago."

Facing the invitation, Sufeng hesitated for a moment, then calmed down his restless spiritual pressure, temporarily suppressed the surging fighting spirit, and controlled his figure to fall from the sky.

Originally, flying in the sky required the help of the power of the wind, but as the wind-tracing spiritual pressure gradually increased, even the densest spirit particles could forcibly build a foothold.

Even in a place like the Spirit King's Palace, where the density of spirit particles is frighteningly high, one can still fly in the sky easily.

When Sufeng landed in the completely repaired Zero Banli Hall, he was shocked to find that the spiritual pressure inside still had a heavy feeling.

Ichibei, the military commander, is by no means as weak as he appears!

Su Feng suppressed his thoughts, calmed down, and waited for the other party to speak.

Although it is not clear what the great monk is thinking.

But one thing is certain, as long as the Spirit King is not involved, everything must be discussed.

At least, that's what it looks like.

Seeing this, Qilin Temple Tianshilang and others breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved for the time being.

Just a truce.

Otherwise, if the momentum continues, the entire Spirit King Palace will be affected by the battle between the two.

At that time, whether they intervene or not will further worsen the situation.

Team Zero is not immortal in the true sense.

Ichibei, the commander of the army, did not care about the three people watching, but said seriously in a calm tone:

"About the war between Soul Society and the Invisible Empire..."

"Do you really know the truth?"

Sufeng's mind moved and he guessed what the monk wanted to say, but he still shook his head silently.

"Back then, before launching the war, Yohabach came to the Soul King's Palace."

He said solemnly, "As the coordinator of the three realms, I hope to change his mind and allow Soul Society and the Invisible Empire to sign a non-aggression treaty."

"The content of the treaty is also very simple. The world is handed over to the God of Death."

"The Quincys just have to work hard to make the Invisible Empire prosper."

"Furthermore, even if the Quincy completes true unification, Death will not interfere with it."

"In my opinion, this treaty has only advantages and no disadvantages for the Quincy."

"But I still underestimated Yhwach's ambition. He rejected this treaty..."

Sufeng shook his head, sighed, and added: "Actually, in the eyes of Yhwach, it doesn't matter whether the Quincy exists or not."

"If you ask me, he is just a coward who is afraid of death under the pretext of saving lives in the three realms."

Hearing this, Ichibei's eyes lit up, and his whole state became much more energetic:

"A very appropriate metaphor, Sufeng!"

"You seem to know a lot..."

Su Feng lowered his eyes slightly and did not answer the question.

If Yhwach is a lunatic, then your military commander Ichibei will not be much stronger.

Among the five members of the Zero Division, Sufeng's impression of this guy was even worse than that of Kirin Temple Tenshiro who was beaten to death by one punch.

At first, there was no agreement on recruitment, and then there was a fight.

Although it is mostly based on testing, if someone with less strength were to come in, I am afraid that he would have turned into minced meat as early as the Thousand Miles Sky Palm at the beginning.

The current temporary failure may be just an appearance or a disguise.

But no matter what, Sufeng remembered this grudge.

Seeing that Sufeng didn't answer a word, the soldiers in the main unit were not annoyed. Instead, they grinned and continued:

"Due to Yhwach's greed, the treaty was not negotiated, so he took action against me and tried to use force to realize his ideal."

"It's a pity that I have seen through his mind a long time ago."

"The Spirit King's left hand was used to seal his omniscience and omnipotence in advance. Before his death, his eyes will never be able to open."

"What happens after that is known to everyone."

The great monk stretched out his finger and signaled: "The Invisible Empire declared war on Soul Society, and Yamamoto Shigekuni led the First Generation Thirteen Team to fight."

"'Killing' Yhwach at a heavy price, the invisible empire retreated..."

Sufeng's eyes were incomprehensible and he asked calmly: "Monk, you don't want to say that the first thing Yhwach will do when he returns is to seek revenge from the Soul Society?"

"It saves effort to talk to smart people."

The first soldier of the military commander's department put his hands on his hands and laughed, "So, it doesn't matter whether you become the Zero Squadron or not."

"The important thing is that if you want to protect Soul Society and the people you care about, you must fight on the front line!"

"Moreover, the battle just now made me understand one thing."


The great monk's smile gradually became exaggerated: "There is 'love' in your heart!"


In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed since the battle that shattered Reiban's palace.

Ever since he had a conversation with Ichibei, the military commander, the great monk seemed to have forgotten about letting Sufeng join the Zero Division.

He also threatened that as long as Sufeng thought about it, he could stay in the Spirit King's Palace as long as he wanted.

And he also gave him a piece of "King Key" forged by the power of the Spirit King——

A colorful key.

If Sufeng has the intention to join the Zero Squadron, he can come to the Spirit King's Palace at any time to explain it to the military commander Ichibei.

Sufeng still sneered at this.

What's good about the Soul King's Palace is that the Phoenix Palace and Senju Maru deserve his more attention.

Others are not even as good as Soul Society.

During these ten days, he ate dishes made by Hikifune Kiryu that contained the essence of the soul, and soaked in the two hot spring hells of Kirinji Tenshiro.

I live in the Phoenix Hall branch of Wang Yue in Ermeiya.

Occasionally I go to Shutara Senjumaru's place to play with the autumn wind.

Of course, this was Senjumaru's invitation and had nothing to do with whether Sufeng took the initiative or not.

Moreover, most of the time, we still discuss improvement plans for the Death Armor and Haori.

For Sufeng, the strength of the clothing is not important, as long as it can repair itself, that is enough.

After all, even if the defense is maxed out, Sufeng's instant burst cannot be withstood.

In addition to enjoying life, Sufeng also does not forget to learn skills from other people in various fields such as punching and moving ghosts.

Those who can become Team Zero are all the best in Soul Society.

Like Nikaiya Oue's kendo fighting, Kirinji Tenshiro's shunpo skills, the military master Ichibei's ghost knowledge...

Unfortunately, such a short period of time is not enough to learn much from Sufeng.

Even if he has a very high level of Zhan Fist and Zhan Gui as his foundation, he still cannot master the knowledge and skills that others have studied for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

In order to quickly master the relevant skills, Sufeng specially asked a warm-hearted monk for help.


Reiban Lidian, who had not fully recovered, collapsed again and again in the battle.

The residents of the Soul King Palace neighborhood have been living in panic and fear for more than ten days, fearing that one day the top of the Soul King Palace will collapse as well.


Soul King Palace Omotesando.

"Hey, Bro Sufeng, my sweethearts and I welcome you to visit the Lingwang Palace again!"

Ermeiya Wang Yue made a farewell gesture, his expression as exaggerated as ever.

The commander of the army, Ichibei, had his hands in his cuffs, his expression was calm, his red eyes seemed to be looking into the distance, and he had no intention of saying goodbye to Sufeng.

Hikifune Kiryu prepared a mountain of pastries and signaled Sufeng to take them back to Soul Society so that his friends could taste them too.

It is worth mentioning that Hikifune Kiryu asked him about news about Hirako Mako and Sarugaki Hiyori.

In this regard, Sufeng's answer was very vague.

Because he didn't know the current situation of the Masked Army, and he hadn't contacted them since he beat them last time.

This is true for both sides.

But now that Aizen has rebelled against Soul Society, everything that happened back then has been clarified, and most of the captains have mastered more perfect Hollows, which allows the Masked Army to return to Soul Society.

I just don’t know how many people are willing to come back.

Under the gaze of everyone, Sufeng entered the cylindrical Tianzhu chariot.

If you are not in a hurry, this thing is easier to use.

"Kid, please don't die."

Tenshiro of Kirinji Temple couldn't let a good fart out of his mouth, "Aizen Sosuke and Yhwach are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Next to him, Shutara Senjumaru was holding a red umbrella, his eyes were slightly lowered, and he said softly: "Evil and great evil, Sufeng-kun, you have to be careful..."

As the Tianzhu chariot closed, Su Feng's eyes suddenly went dark.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of relief outside...

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