Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 327 I won’t waste too much of your time!

The domineering words and momentum overwhelmed the entire audience, causing everyone to hold their breath.

These remarks reminded them of the shame of being blasted last time.

All the members of the Masked Army were unable to even let Sufeng break through the defense.

The gap was too big, and he didn't even have the ability to fight back.

Sufeng calmly stared at the masked soldiers with complex and changeable expressions, without any intention of giving any face to them.

That is to say, this group of people used to be the captain and vice-captain of the Gotei 13, and they also have a little affection for Urahara Kisuke.

Otherwise, if there were another group of people, their heads would have been blown off by him as early as the first attack.

The Masked Army, which looks arrogant and confident on the surface, can't tell the situation clearly until now.

They were even confident that they could compete with Su Feng and compete with him in terms of momentum.

"Too arrogant."

Liu Che Quanxi frowned and said in a deep voice, "Do you know that since I was defeated by you last time, I have been practicing hard."

"Now, I have cultivated to a stronger state!"

"No one is allowed to influence our destiny anymore!"

Su Feng raised his eyebrows and tried to think about the last time he beat him. It seemed like more than ten years had passed.

At that time, Ichigo hadn't even been born yet.

After more than ten years of training, the owner of the "time system" Zanpakutō, Rokusha Kensai, has become extremely confident.

"Quanxi, be patient and don't be impatient."

Mako Hirako straightened his peaked cap, put aside his usual lazy attitude, and said seriously:

"Although I am the leader of the Masked Army, I am not qualified to decide other people's thoughts."

"If the Soul Society is in trouble, I am willing to go to support..."

"Bald!" Hiyori Sarugaki interrupted immediately with dissatisfaction, "Have you forgotten how they treated us back then?"

Mako Hirako shook his head: "Of course I haven't forgotten it."

"But Soul Society is our hometown after all, and there are only a handful of people in it who are disgusting."

"As a god of death, you will eventually return to that world."

"Of course, this is my idea and does not represent you in any way."

There was obvious anger on Sarukaki Hiyori's freckled face, and when he was about to say something more, he was pushed back by Hirako Mako.

"Mr. Sufeng, what do you think?"

Looking at Hirako Mako's sincere attitude in front of him, Sufeng nodded and temporarily agreed with his statement:

"Okay, then you don't need to be beaten today."

Hirako Mako: "???"

The arrogant attitude instantly angered the most irritable Rukuchi Kensai. He pulled away Hirako Mako who was standing in front of him with his backhand, walked directly to the front, and looked at Sufeng with fierce eyes:

"Kid, you don't think that if you defeat me once, you will never be surpassed by me, right?"

"Since you said my life does not belong to me, then I will take it back myself!"

Ling Ran's momentum was unrestrained, and the wild air flow surged around, lingering around Liu Che Quanxi.

"You have no idea how hard I've worked over the years."

He raised his fist, and the light of materialized spiritual pressure bloomed on it, "The shame you gave me back then will be paid back today."


"Iron fist breaks the wind!"

In an instant, the raging wind exploded, the solid ground instantly cracked, gravel collapsed, ravines appeared, huge spiritual pressure beams shot straight into the sky, and hurricanes roared continuously above the ceiling.

Sufeng looked at this scene with interest.

Should he say it or not, Liuche Quanxi said that he worked hard to cultivate, which is true.

Judging from the performance and spiritual pressure level, there has indeed been great progress compared to more than ten years ago.

"Let's have a fight!"

Liu Che Quanxi wore a hollowed-out bone mask on his face, and his upper body was covered with track-like armor. His aura was overwhelming, and his dull sound was like a strong wind passing by, making people's ears hurt.

"I won't waste too much of your time!"

After he finished speaking, Sufeng launched an attack without waiting for Sufeng's response.

The fist blade was fierce, the wind wrapped around it, and it suddenly blasted towards Sufeng!

“He who doesn’t know is fearless.”

Su Feng shook his head and chose to satisfy Liu Che Quan Xi's idea.

Although the Masked Army group is not very smart, they can still serve as vanguards in the war.

At least the casualties of the Gotei 13 can be reduced as much as possible.

Therefore, when taking action, Sufeng will try his best to avoid the scene of blowing up the opponent with one punch.

The moment the fist blade struck, the hurricane roared, as if there were countless sharp blades cutting through the air, making a sound like tearing cloth.

Sufeng raised his right hand, focused his spiritual pressure on his middle finger, and then flicked his finger.

Learned Shiba Isshin’s white fighting skills——

Ghost bullet.

The huge spirit missile exploded instantly, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye turned into concentric circles and spread out in all directions, and then hit the fist blade of Liu Che Quan Xi head-on.


The violent wind suddenly stirred up, the solid ground cracked layer by layer, and endless dust swept up, blocking everyone's sight at the same time.

It also made the dull cry of pain undetectable.

After only a moment of stalemate, a figure flew out in the dust and plowed a deep ravine on the ground.

"Fist West!"

Everyone in the Masked Army exclaimed.

They never expected that Liu Che Quan Xi had already practiced so hard, and had even activated the Swastika and Hollow Transformation before the battle.

Even though he was so fully prepared, he still couldn't withstand the opponent's seemingly playful attack.


Liu Che Quan Xi himself didn't want to believe it. He struggled to get up from the ground, his scarlet eyes revealed from the holes in his mask.

He raised his fist blade again and took a full stance. The crimson flashes of light intertwined with the strong wind, bursting out with unprecedented power.

Then he once again launched a suicide attack towards Sufeng.

"Really, there is no beep number?"

Su Feng was a little impatient, "After the blow just now, it's enough to just fall down. Why do you have to struggle again?"

This time, he switched to fists.

A straight punch without any fancy, collided with the fist blade.

Everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, and the fingers that were supposed to be severed were unscathed. Instead, Liu Che Quan Xi, which was fused with the power of the virtual flash, flew out instantly, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and fell hard to the ground, smashing. A huge pit emerged.

Instant kill!

See you again in seconds!

Everyone was stunned and could not accept this result for a while.

In the deep pit, the Liucha Fist West Swastika was released, and even the virtual mask was shattered, and his right hand showed an irregular twisted shape.

The bone fragments pierced the skin, and the abnormal deep purple color filled the right arm, which was ferocious and terrifying.

Without even uttering a scream, Liuche Quanxi was devastated by severe pain and immediately passed out, losing consciousness.

It was only at this moment that everyone in the Masked Army recalled the fear of being dominated by Sufeng and the humiliation of being unilaterally beaten that day.

"For the rest of you, who has any opinions?"

Sufeng retracted his fist and looked at the others with a smile.

Houkyo Rojuro and Aikawa Luowu shook their heads repeatedly, while Akita Hakugen crossed their fingers with a rather nervous expression.

Mako Hirako was silent, obviously the scene just now had a big impact on him, while Hiyori Sarukaki carefully hid behind him, not even daring to look at Sufeng.

If there was anyone present who had the biggest psychological shadow, it was Hiyori Sarukaki.

At first, she danced the most happily and was beaten the most deeply.

He held the virtual mask to pieces with one hand, and then was slapped to the ground by its palm.

The fear and the pain of broken bones all over my body are still fresh in my memory.

She simply didn't have the courage to fight Sufeng again.

At this time, everyone already understood that the already enviable gap had been difficult to achieve even within the past ten years or so.

If they who became captain and vice-captain were considered geniuses, then Sufeng was a monster among geniuses.

A monster in the truest sense of the word!

Seeing this, Su Feng nodded with satisfaction, then walked to Liu Che Quan Xi's side, and threw a shot from Li Hui Dao, Ming Hui Tiansheng.

Then the serious injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A large number of bone fragments mixed with blood were squeezed out from the skin, and crackling sounds continued on Liu Che Quanxi's arms, giving people a numb scalp feeling.

"Take him and go."

With that said, Sufeng walked up to Lisa Yatomaru, and under the slightly dull eyes of the lustful girl, he reached out and snatched away the H book.

Yatomaru Lisa: "???"

Before she could recover, the figure had already walked away.

"Damn it, that's mine!"

She let out a screech like a marmot, launched her Shunpo and gave chase.

The remaining members of the Masked Army looked at Hirako Mako at the same time.

Feeling the eyes of his companions, Mako Hirako smiled bitterly, spread his hands, and said helplessly:

"There's nothing I can do, just listen to this guy."

"Unless you really want to die..."

The huge gap in strength made it impossible for Hirako Mako to have the slightest bit of resistance.

He now even doubted that even if he activated the reverse caress, it might not be able to affect Su Feng.

after all.

The spiritual pressure between each other has already opened up a dimension of distance.

Everyone walked out of the abandoned warehouse and met two familiar faces.

Urahara Kisuke held up his fisherman hat and grinned: "Sure enough, Mr. Sufeng is more respectable."

The corners of Mako Hirako's mouth twitched, unwilling to talk to this unscrupulous guy.

If he had tried to persuade him more, Liuche Quanxi would not have received this beating.

Urahara Kisuke raised his crutch and pointed it at the void in front of him. As the spiritual pressure surged out, a simple and elegant world-traveling gate opened in time:

"Then I'll take the first step, Mr. Sufeng."

Urahara Kisuke lowered his head and signaled, and after receiving Sufeng's permission, he walked into the boundary gate with great interest.

Although it is not clear what exactly happened in the abandoned warehouse, it is not difficult to tell from the expressions of the Masked Army that there is a high probability that they will suffer another defeat.

No one knows the strength of the members of the Masked Military better than him.

To be able to subdue this group of thorns, Sufeng's strength can be imagined.

"The transcendent one..."

His eyes were deep and there was an inexplicable smile on his lips.

After all the masked troops entered the boundary-piercing gate, Sufeng opened the black passage again.

If nothing else, there should be another accident.

The front foot steps into the boundary, and the searchlight protruding from the back foot shines in the darkness.

Sufeng sighed helplessly, and then burst out his spiritual pressure to crush him.

Countless debris was scattered in the broken passage, filling the ground like goose feathers and heavy snow.

It was as if he had stabbed the Kotu lair. Every time he entered the broken world, he would first kill a Kotu to sacrifice to the sky.

The same goes for traveling from Soul Society to the present world, and the same goes for returning from the present world to Soul Society.

After going back and forth like this, Su Feng no longer remembered how many Kutu he had killed.

This thing seems to be able to multiply indefinitely. If you kill one, another one will appear immediately.

The rule of once every seven days does not apply to him at all.

Sufeng also asked Inaba Kagerozuo, an expert in the field of boundary research, to conduct detailed research on it.

But even he couldn't find any reason.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the particularity of Sufeng itself.


Back in Soul Society, the members of the Masked Forces were shocked by the preparedness of the Gotei 13, and were very surprised as to what had happened.

Although the matter of Aizen and Yhwach is no longer a secret.

But isn’t the other party in Hueco Mundo?

Could it be said that this group of people is already preparing to attack?

Aizen and Yuha have reached a cooperation and are preparing to destroy Soul Society together? !

Countless terrifying thoughts emerged in everyone's minds, and their originally calm mood suddenly became tense.

Although they say they don't care, when Soul Society encounters an unprecedented crisis, they will still choose to step forward.

This is their responsibility as Shinigami.

Sufeng snapped his fingers, attracting everyone's attention: "If there are specific circumstances, Yamada Hanatarō will inform you in detail."

"Due to the emergency, we won't assign teams to you for the time being."

"Pay as much attention as possible to the enemy's appearance."

After the words fell, Sufeng disappeared in a flash.

Its instant step speed is so fast that members of the Masked Army cannot even see clearly.

"wait wait wait!"

Yatomaru Lisa wailed, "That's the H book I found with great difficulty, you damn guy!"

Just when they were in great grief, a burly mountain-like figure blocked their sight.

For a moment, everyone's expressions froze.

Who can tell them who this big guy is?

"Everyone, I am Hanatarō Yamada, the sixth seat of Division 9."

The big guy introduced himself with a smile, "Next, let me explain to you the current situation of Soul Society."

Urahara Kisuke raised his eyebrows and sighed.

It's normal for Hirako Mako and the others not to know, but how could he, a person who has been paying attention to Soul Society intelligence all year round, not be aware of Yamada Hanataro's existence?

I think back then, when he first joined the Fourth Division, he was still a newcomer who was too timid to speak loudly.

Looking at it now, Yamada Hanataro's arms are probably thicker than his own waist before, right?

This gap makes people’s scalp numb just thinking about it!


Rukongai, on the edge of East District 1.

Several white figures appeared on the street, staring expressionlessly at the huge city gate in front of them.

"Sifengyuan Thousand Days, Saito Immortality has completely fallen."

"The power of Tsunayashiro Sufeng is stronger than we thought. Should we continue with the previous plan?"

"Wait a little longer. Hell is in turmoil. The gate of hell collapsed. Not only did we escape, but even the 'jailers' lost some control."

"They'll help us contain that guy."

"Look, it's already here."

A skinny finger pointed to the rear left, and the ground began to vibrate slightly, and the amplitude of the vibrations became larger and larger.

Until the huge figure towering into the clouds appeared in front of the Seirei Gate, the ground could no longer bear it, and ferocious cracks opened up.

It looks strange, with a huge skull head resting on the slender neck bones, and the knotted and twisted muscles forming a terrifying body filled with a strong sense of power.

Just the movement of footsteps caused the ground to emit an overwhelming wailing sound.

Looking at the towering city wall in front of him, without any hesitation, the huge figure raised his fist like a heavy hammer and suddenly hit the city wall that had been reinforced many times.

Boom! ! !

Deafening explosions instantly spread throughout the Seireitei, and spider web-like cracks were scattered across the ghost barrier.

With a crisp sound, the ghost barrier that replaced the soul-shielding film collapsed!

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