Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 328 Behind me is Seireitei!

Countless eyes were looking in the direction of the Seireimen, and the terrifying spiritual pressure continued to fill the Rukongai.

The suffocating pressure can almost drive people crazy.

The sky that was blue and clear just now was now covered with a thick layer of dark red, as if countless viscous blood had accumulated on it.

The aura of violence, chaos, and blood filled the Seireitei, causing great damage to the will of the guards, as if they were about to tear a person's head open.

boom! !

Like a mighty mountain torrent bursting suddenly, like a vast ocean suddenly overturning, the spiritual pressure swept over the entire Seireitei in a destructive manner.

The members of Division 11 who were guarding near the Seirei Gate looked horrified and looked to the sky in astonishment.

I saw huge heads appearing on the top of the city wall. They opened their bloody mouths, and black phosphorus gas covered the sky like a heavy fog.

The terrifying spiritual pressure also weighed heavily on everyone, and a violent wind whipped up for a while, and everyone was swaying. Only by piercing the Zanpakutō into the ground could they stabilize their bodies.

Never seen such a terrifying monster!

Even the Daxu at the level of Achiukas does not have this level of spiritual pressure.

Is this what the captains call the Hell Jailer? !

Madarame held the Zanpakutō tightly in one corner, his red spiritual pressure surging, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

As a god of death, behind him is Seireitei. This time, he will never take a step back!

Yumichika Ayasekawa had a solemn expression, and he was not very bellicose. He immediately noticed the horror of these huge monsters.

The spiritual pressure is comparable to that of a captain!

With the strength of more than 99% of the Death God soldiers, they are not even enough to withstand the aftermath of the battle.

"The whole army retreats!"

As the commander of this area, Yumichika Ayasekawa made the most correct command.

"Leave this next battlefield to Madarame and me!"

The team members were relieved and retreated backwards.

Among Team 11 who are not good at ghost ways, they rarely have the means to attack from a distance.

If they were really allowed to fight this kind of monster in close combat, they would have to have the courage to die.

But as a human being, how many people are not afraid of death?

They are just belligerents, not fools.

Useless sacrifices are not advisable.

As the team members retreated, Madarame's spiritual pressure exploded again, and a red beam of light shot straight into the sky, tearing a hole in the dark red sky.

A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and his neat white teeth were exposed, and wisps of white air escaped between the teeth:


"Dragon Pattern Ghost Pill!"

Madarame Ikkaku, who had been taught a lesson by Sufeng several times, changed his past fighting style and no longer hid his swastika.

Since this is a battle of guards, use all your strength to fight it.

In this way, even if you die on the spot, you will never regret it at all!

The crimson beam of light retreated, and Madarame's upper body clothes exploded at the corner. He held an oversized sharp-edged weapon in both hands, and carried a huge ax blade on his back.

Above the blood-red dragon pattern, the red light is gorgeous and extremely bright!

Madarame, who no longer hides his Swastika, has spent more than ten years practicing his own Swastika arduously. While increasing his control over it, he has also developed deeper powers.

The current dragon-patterned ghost pill can already unleash an attack several times more powerful without the need to accumulate energy.

And by accumulating power through attacks, after the dragon pattern turns into gold, the destructive power can be increased several times!

"Let's fight!"

Madarame smiled ferociously, squatting with his legs bent, and the explosive force suddenly caused the floor to collapse into a spider web-like pattern.

As the huge pit appeared, his whole body exploded into the sky like an arrow from a string. He wielded two super-large sharp blades and blasted directly towards the skull of the Hell Jailer who was closest to Seireitei.

The jailer also noticed the enemy's arrival, raised his huge head, and his scarlet eyes instantly locked onto Madarame Ikkaku's figure.

There was no hesitation at all, just like a machine running on a program.

It raised its fist like a heavy hammer, and with the roaring wind, it suddenly hit the figure in the sky.

boom! !

A deafening explosion sounded, huge ripples appeared in the sky, and dust and smoke swept endlessly.

Then Madarame flew out of it and smashed into the Seireitei like a meteorite.

At this moment, strips of glazed vines appeared below, weaving a huge net in an instant, and accurately caught Madarame's head falling from the sky.

"Bloom wildly, glazed peacock."

Ayasegawa Yumichika held the ordinary handle of the sword, which was blooming with a glass-colored brilliance, which was dazzling.

"Thank you very much."

In the corner of Madarame, a kite turned over and stood on the glazed peacock woven into a net, and the spiritual pressure exploded to make it sink:

"These guys are very strong, don't be careless."

Yumichika Ayasekawa reminded, "With our strength, we may not be their opponent."

"Try to focus on containment as much as possible, don't..."

Before he could finish his words, Madarame used the force of the rebound to leap into the sky again like a fired cannonball.

Longwen Gui Leng Wan bloomed with bright red light, shining in all directions in the sky like a sun.

"Drink and die!"

Madarame roared excitedly, like a berserker in state.

Seeing this, Yumichika Ayasekawa held her forehead and smiled bitterly, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Although no one understands Madarame's character better than him, it still makes people a little uncomfortable every time they see him fighting so recklessly.

This is not the time for a one-on-one fight. If those guys outside the city wall attack you together, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die.

"Please help me."

Ayasegawa Yumichika sighed and waved the glazed peacock. Suddenly countless glazed vines burst out at terrifying speeds, attacking the huge head in the sky.

Different from Madarame Ikkaku's fighting style, the glazed peacock belongs to the Kidō type Zanpakutō. In terms of destructive power, it may not be as good as Dragon Pattern Kidenmaru, but in terms of effect, it is much stronger.

I saw the vines bending and wrapping around the huge fist at a weird angle, blooming with brilliant glazed light.

The jailer's spiritual pressure faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the speed of his attacks slowed down a lot.

Taking advantage of this gap, Madarame also launched a more powerful attack than before.

The super-large sharp blade tore through the air, and at the extreme speed, the friction produced a blazing flame, burning blazingly on it.


A deafening roar resounded on the Seirei Gate, Madarame laughed wildly and launched the strongest blow at the Hell Jailer!

At the right moment, another jailer attacked, with a huge hand as big as a house, and headed straight for Madarame in the sky.


Yumichika Ayasekawa had no time to respond and could only remind her loudly.

However, Madarame Ikkaku simply chose to ignore this attack. His eyes were red, his fighting spirit was extremely high, and he could only see the jailer at the front.

Dragon Pattern Ki Toumaru's super-large blade burned with flames and hit the opponent's fist bone hard.

Poof! !

The sound of tearing flesh and blood suddenly sounded, and thick black liquid spurted out from it, and Madarame's corner continued to penetrate forward with an indomitable momentum.

Thick arms, hard bones, until the final ferocious head!

Madarame's body, covered in viscous black liquid, rushed out of his skull and faced the huge palm that was coming.

There was no time to resist, and the whole person was sent flying directly, falling to the ground like a meteor.

Several buildings were immediately demolished, and a deep ravine was plowed into the ground.

"One corner!"

Ayasegawa Yumichika's eyes widened, and when he was about to come to his aid, the jailers had already begun to attack the Seireitei's walls.

The death of their companions did not stop them, and the roaring sound spread throughout the Seireitei like the beating of heavy drums.

In the turbulent dust and smoke, Madarame Ikkaku, covered in blood, staggered to his feet.

His bones were broken a lot, but with the support of his strong will, he was still able to continue fighting.

What's more important is that in the attack just now, his Dragon Pattern Ghost Pill has been fully charged and full of energy.

On the huge ax blade, dragon patterns roamed, and the gilding glowed, extremely bright and dazzling!

"Ha, come on!"

Madarame Ikkaku took off the ax blade, and grasped the handle of the knife tightly with his hands with exposed veins. The strength exploded from the knotted muscles, and the red spiritual pressure surged out, and the fighting spirit climbed to the extreme.

Not only did the injuries on his body prevent him from taking a step back, but it actually aroused his ferocity.

"Yumiuchika, I'm going to kill ten of them this time!"

After saying this, Madarame soared into the sky again, the ax blade bursting with dazzling light!

Ayasegawa Yumichika did not reply, but cooperated with Madarame's battle with practical actions.

Countless vines covered the sky and the sun, and the spiritual pressure previously absorbed became a weapon to attack the enemy. The vines were constantly intertwined, turning into another barrier in front of the city wall.

While involving the actions of the jailers, it also created the best opportunity for Madarame.

At this moment, Dragon Mark Divine Punishment!

Madarame Ikkaku smiled ferociously and launched the strongest attack in his life!

Boom! !

The huge ax blade fell, like a volcano erupting, and the black liquid exploded. The jailer at the front was instantly wiped out, the ground shattered in an instant, and the impact spread in all directions in a ripple-like manner.

Just like Madarame Ikkaku said just now, this time he will fight ten!

The gilt dragon pattern detached from the ax blade and turned into the purest destructive energy, instantly engulfing everything in sight!

The spiritual pressure storm swept across and impacted, affecting the other jailers and destroying all the glazed peacock's vines.

The guards regained mobility.

The huge palm attacked, and Madarame's corner was knocked away again.

This time, thick phosphorus gas covered it and eroded the outer wall at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, Seireitei was completely exposed to the jailers!

Ayasegawa Yumichika looked anxious, and captured the spiritual pressure of Madarame's corner as quickly as possible, and manipulated the vines to pull his broken body back.

A section of his arm had disappeared, a large hole appeared in his abdominal cavity, and his wriggling intestines and internal organs were clearly visible. The injury was severe enough to warrant a team funeral ceremony.


Yumichika Ayasegawa looked at the gradually crumbling city wall and murmured.

"This group of guys is simply not something we can compete with."

However, at this moment, an extremely violent spiritual pressure came from behind the street.

Ayasegawa Yumichika's face was filled with joy, and he turned his head to look behind him, only to see a tall figure speeding towards him at a violent speed from the collapsed ruins, with a huge plume of smoke rising behind him.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"The battlefield here is left to me."

Zaraki Kenpachi was holding a long serrated sword, his fierce aura flowing out of his face, like a hungry beast that had found prey, and his whole body exuded the aura of greed.

"You can leave."

Ayasegawa Yumichika did not refuse, but carried Madarame Ikkaku behind his back with his backhand, and warned: "Captain, be careful, these guys are very strong."

Then without any nostalgia, he turned around and walked away in the direction of the Fourth Squadron.

Madarame Ikkaku's injury is very serious, and if he delays it any longer, he will really die.

Zaraki Kenpachi's face showed a fierce light, his ferocious attitude was revealed, and the golden spiritual pressure was like a burning flame, lingering on the tall body.

"I smell..."

"This will be a fun fight!"

The moment he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of golden light and headed straight towards the jailers.

The majestic spiritual pressure turned into a huge and ferocious evil ghost, appearing above his head and making a deafening roar.

this moment.

The battlefield is silent!

next moment.

The ruins exploded!


Inside the Seireitei, the solid ground cracked with huge cracks one after another. The darkness was as deep as a bottomless abyss.

One after another, huge mountain-like figures climbed out of it, with high concentrations of phosphorus gas flowing on their bodies. The terrifying spiritual pressure permeated the Seireitei, constantly consuming the will of the team members.

Countless path-breaking attacks fell on them, resisting the possibility of going further.

"Ling Wu, Xiu Baixue!"

In the center of the crowd, a petite body shouted low, and Ling Ran's cold air surged, freezing a jailer in an instant.

"Cimai Bailian!"

As Rukia thrust the blade into the ground, an avalanche of cold air surged forward, covering so much that it even affected the entire crack.

Several jailers froze immediately, and the torrent of cold air completely ended their signs of life.

As countless ice chips scattered, countless arms climbed up from below, as if there was no limit.

Looking at this desperate scene, Lucia gritted her teeth, pressed her cheek with one hand, and her spiritual pressure solidified, turning into a pure white mask.

The snowflake pattern is outlined on it, which not only does not look ugly at all, but also gives people a sense of absolute beauty.

"Three Dances·White Knife."

The clear sound sounded like spring water flowing in the mountains, but it was followed by an extreme chill.

All the moisture in the atmosphere was frozen, and a terrifying ice blade dozens of meters long appeared above the crack, harvesting the lives of the hell jailers.

Similar scenes continued to play out in Seireitei.

This is a real catastrophe!

As the captains with the highest combat power in Soul Society, they are facing more powerful opponents.

Those ones……

Captains who once died!

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