Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 329 Everyone, times have changed!

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni was leaning on a cane, looking calmly at the Seireitei who seemed to be in doom.

He seemed to be a completely different person, and even his spiritual pressure had not exploded.

But if someone stood in front of him, they could see the blazing fire in his pupils.

Takuchojiro stood respectfully beside him, his left hand tightly holding the handle of the knife at his waist, his spiritual pressure surging, and he had the possibility of taking action at any time.

"Be patient, Chojiro."

Yamamoto Genryusai spoke slowly, "It's just an appetizer now, don't let this shake our original purpose."

"The big one hasn't come yet!"

Takuchojiro glanced at Yamamoto Genryusai quite unexpectedly, as if it was the first time he met him.

The two have known each other for two thousand years, but this was the first time he saw such a calm Yamamoto Genryusai.

In the impression of Takuchojiro, his captain was a hot-tempered little old man who might draw his sword to fight the enemy at any time.

Now that the jailers of hell have appeared in every corner of Seireitei, I didn't expect that Genryusai Yamamoto, as the commander-in-chief, could still keep his composure.

Seemingly noticing the unexpected gaze of Takuchojiro, Yamamoto Genryusai lowered his eyes slightly, and his breath became a little calmer again:

"It's not a change in my temper, it's just a matter of circumstances."

"That boy Sufeng specifically told me before that the war this time is not as good as that of a thousand years ago. Most of the enemies may just be old friends who have returned from hell."

"If I take action without authorization, I will most likely be targeted by them."

"As for the jailers who are regarded as the vanguard, let's leave it to other Shinigami to deal with it for the time being."

"We have to have faith in them..."

As soon as the words fell, several figures came from the end of the street, and the terrifying spiritual pressure swept in like an ocean, covering the entire block.

Thick phosphorus gas continued to gush out from the bodies of several people until it turned the sky black.

"Long time no see, Yamamoto Shigekuni."

The speaker's voice was hoarse and his figure was stooped. Captain Yu Zhi was dragged on the ground, a narrow and strange smile appeared on his old face, and a sinister aura rushed towards his face.

"It's been a long time indeed. I only hide it when I'm in trouble."

When the rickety old man heard this, he smiled even more happily, and the folds on his face almost turned into chrysanthemums.

"I didn't expect you to be so old. You are almost the same as me. You are really a troublemaker."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a guy with a strange U-shaped red facial pattern on his face, a tall and round figure, and a crazy smile on his face:

"What else is there to say."

"If you want revenge, just kill this old guy!"

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately echoed:

"That's right!"

"Back then, this guy tricked us into resisting Yhwach's invisible empire. What was the result?"

"As soon as the flaming sword fell, I and the concubines of Shandingji Temple were stabbed in the back on the spot, and the place was reduced to ashes."

Yamamoto Genryusai followed his gaze and saw that the person speaking had brown curly hair and was wearing a blue gauntlet. He had a strong and well-developed figure, giving people a sense of strength.

"There is a concubine in Shanding Temple, a concubine named Danerlang."

He said calmly: "What happened back then was indeed my fault."

"But for the sake of Soul Society, even if I make another choice, I will do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, another person immediately sneered: "Listen, what a noble statement."

"Yamamoto Shigekuni, don't forget your original identity."

"The Gotei 13 are nothing more than a group of killers wearing the skin of the Gotei."

"The great spirit of dedication you claim to have is even more bullshit in my opinion!"

The man who spoke was tall but skinny, with a thin face and sunken eye sockets. He wore a thick fur around his neck and wrapped his head in a thick cloth to keep out the cold, leaving only his facial hair and beard exposed.

The first captain of the seventh division, his executive was No Taketsuna.

As the person who hated Yamamoto Genryusai the most among everyone, he spoke without giving any face.

"I agree with what he said."

Another person expressed his opinion, "Whether Soul Society is destroyed or not, what does it have to do with us?"

"But by attacking us for the sake of so-called righteousness, you undoubtedly violated the spirit of the contract."

"So, Yamamoto Shigekuni, are you ready to accept your fate?"

This person has a thin face, wears glasses, and has a serious and calm expression, as if he is describing an established fact.

"Yan Yuan Jinle, I don't understand."

Yamamoto Genryusai spoke slowly, and wisps of flames ignited under his feet, "Who gave you the courage to take advantage of this gap to invade Soul Society."

"I was able to kill you back then, so I can do it a thousand years later."

"Since old friends don't want to leave just now, then let's stay forever."

After hearing these words, Takuchojiro, who was standing behind him, showed a relieved smile.

This is the Master Yuanliuzhai he is familiar with.

How can you spoil others if you have a bad temper?

What's more, this group of people chose to stand on the opposite side of Soul Society.

"Draw your sword, everyone."

Yamamoto Genryusai raised the crutch in his hand, and the blazing high temperature burned in it, instantly consuming and melting the skin.

Brown scabbard, oval blade, purple handle, blade flowing like fire.

"Come and implement your idea and kill me completely here!"

Yamamoto Genryusai slowly drew his sword, and with a majestic voice, the flames rose up, instantly evaporating the black phosphorus gas lingering around him.

"Everything in the world is reduced to ashes."

"The flowing blade is like fire..."


The Fourth Division team building.

The team members stood ready to guard the huge crack that appeared near the comprehensive rescue center, using a large number of tunnels to suppress the jailers who crawled out of it.

Although the members of the fourth team are relatively weak, their number is the largest.

Adhering to the principle that ants kill an elephant, the jailer was actually suppressed in the crack, preventing him from causing any damage or casualties.

"What a hard work..."

A young man with a gray ponytail, dark eye bags and freckles on his face, and a very decadent temperament appeared near the gods of death.

"It's obviously just a logistics team. It's enough to do your job well."

He said dejectedly, "Why do you have to work so hard?"

However, at this moment, a gentle voice came from behind:

"That's because everyone wants to protect their home."

The depressed man turned around and saw a gentle smile.

It feels as comfortable and warm as if the sun is shining on your body.

However, he seemed to have fallen into hell again, and his whole body was engulfed in coldness. The biting coldness even penetrated his skin and penetrated deep into his bones.

"Mao, the flower of Mao..."

"Long time no see, Chishima Shigiri."

Uozhihua Lie smiled, as if he was just chatting with an old friend.

"Why are you in the Fourth Division? Wait, your captain Yuori..."

Shishima Chigiri seemed to have seen something unbelievable, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank to the extreme.

Damn it, he obviously just wanted to come and chat with his successor about his life ideals.

Why did this stupid fourth team choose a killer to be the captain? ?

Who can tell me what exactly happened to the original Ken Hachimao no Hana Yasenryu because of the wrong connection, so that he came to the Fourth Division to play the game of saving lives and healing the wounded?

Could it be that killing people can no longer satisfy her desires?

"Learning Hui Dao is for fighting better."

Unohana Retsu slowly pulled out his Zanpakutō and explained calmly:

"I have paid a lot of price over the years to find a suitable opponent."

"Fortunately, my hard work has not been in vain. I have found a worthy opponent for life."

"Come on, Chishima Shigiri."

"Let me see how much you have grown after falling into hell."

Facing the invitation to fight against the embryo killer, Shijima Chigiri showed bitterness on his face and said with difficulty:

"Is it okay not to fight?"

"I really just came to take a look and leave."

"You also know that I have no grudge against Yamamoto Shigekuni. It was that bastard Yhwach who killed me."

However, before he finished speaking, the sharp sword pressure had already cut through the sky, tearing through the thick phosphorus gas.

From the moment Shishima Chigiri appeared in the Fourth Division's building, he was already firmly identified as an enemy by Unohana.

During the war, logistics was a top priority.

As an enemy, if you appear here, you should pay a corresponding price.

As the captain of the first-generation Fourth Division, Shijima Chigiri must be aware of this rule.

After a few brief battles, Shishima Chigiri suddenly realized that his strength had been enhanced by Hell.

In other words, now he no longer needs to fear Unohana Eight Thousand Ryu.

A wave of blades collided, the sound of gold and iron interlacing shook, and the air trembled visible to the naked eye.

"Baqianliu, you are no longer my opponent now!"

Shishima Chigiri suddenly became very excited, and even his slashes became more powerful.


Unohana smiled fiercely, put her right hand in front of her cheek, and condensed her spiritual pressure into a Prajna white bone mask, which she slowly put on her beautiful face.


In an instant, the sound became full of magic, and the compounding and overlapping gave people a feeling of dizziness.

Seeing this, Shijima Chigiri took a breath of cold air:


"This is strictly prohibited by the 46th Chamber of Mao!"

Maozhihualie leaned forward slightly, and Ling Ran's killing intent surged out, immediately causing the temperature of the surrounding environment to drop sharply, and a demonic voice sounded:

"Shishima Chigiri, times have changed..."

Before the other party could respond, the almost substantial murderous intent had completely enveloped Shishima Chigiri.


Similar scenes continue to appear in Seireitei.

Except for the vengeful Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekoku, almost all the captains encountered captain-level enemies.

After all, it wasn't just the first-generation captains who returned from hell.

Even a few captains encountered more than double digits of enemies.

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?"

Sufeng stared at the hell dead in front of him who could reorganize the Gotei 13 team, and laughed angrily.

"Tsunayashiro Tokinada, the six rebel leaders, Ginjo Kūgo, Kuchiki Hibiki, the first captain of the 10th division, Ou Tukawa Uori, and..."

The words suddenly stopped. Su Feng stared at the bespectacled girl in front of him with a big mind and a young face. His tone suddenly softened a little:

"If I remember correctly, this should be Shikatori Hatsuunsai, the first captain of the eighth division, right?"

The girl with glasses opposite nodded calmly and said calmly:

"They said Saito was taken away by you, and I came to save her."

"Hand over Saito, I'll leave right away."

Sufeng frowned and thought hard:

"Who is Saito?"

Suddenly, he suddenly realized: "That little bitch with a bad temper, right?"

"She was taken away by Sister Hua, talking about reminiscing between old friends."

Hearing the name Hua Jie, Shikatori Baunsai showed a puzzled expression at the right time. Coupled with his slightly immature face, the whole person suddenly showed a natural look:

"Sister Hua, who is it?"

"Well, you know Unohana Retsu."

Sufeng reminded, "Oh, by the way, her previous name was Unohana Eight Thousand Ryu."

Hearing this, Shikatori Ba Yunzhai nodded silently and said:


Then he turned around and walked away in the direction of Division 4.

His movements were smooth, without any sloppiness.

Sufeng was also a little dumbfounded: "This guy, do you believe whatever I say?"

The indifferent communication between the two people had already made the other people standing aside furious.

They came back from hell to seek revenge.

Now the enemy is right in front of him, and he is still turning a blind eye to himself and others.

What a shame?

How ironic is this?

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng!"

Suddenly, Tsunayashiro Tokinada let out a low roar. He completely lost the conspirator temperament before, and his whole body was full of sinister aura, as if he was a weirdo.

"Stop pretending there."

"Now you have nowhere to escape, prepare to accept the most painful death!"

Previously, he was skeptical about revenge, but after meeting so many like-minded people, he became more confident.

One captain-level Shinigami might not be able to defeat Sufeng, but two, three, four, or even more than a dozen captain-level Shinigami? !

Even his former teacher Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni wouldn't dare to underestimate them easily, right?

"Tokitan, long time no see."

Sufeng watched the other party's back go away, then came back to his senses and greeted him.

"It seems like you're not doing well in hell."

"I have good news for you. I am now the twenty-third generation head of the Tsunayashiro family."

Tsunayashiro Tokinada's breathing suddenly stopped, and his expression immediately became distorted:

"so what?"

"Today, you will die!"

As he spoke, he waved his arms and shouted: "The enemy is right in front of you, what are you waiting for?"

As soon as the words fell, the terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly surged up, and a huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, mixed with the dark and deep phosphorus gas, as if the whole world had fallen into doom.

Huge and thick spiritual pressure came over, covering the entire jurisdiction.

The howling wind swept across, the ground cracked and collapsed, and ferocious bone claws climbed out of the darkness, exuding the ultimate aura of despair to the outside world.

Not just the dead, but also the jailers of hell.

The Shinigami below the vice-captain level could not even approach their battlefield and could only watch from afar, waiting for the outcome of the battle.

The dead who have been strengthened by hell have several times the power they had in life!

The team members looked at the area where Sufeng was, with despair on their faces. With such terrifying spiritual pressure, was Captain Sufeng really their opponent?

Looking at the enemy in front of him, Sufeng smiled gently, and his calm voice sounded on the battlefield, clearly reaching everyone's ears:

“Having the guts to come back and continue to challenge me is a big deal.”

"But this is the only thing you deserve to praise..."

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