Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 330 The Second Battalion Commander’s Italian Cannon

There is no doubt that Sufeng's words once again hit their sensitive and fragile nerves.

Among them, the six rebel leaders have the worst minds.

As members of the Gotei Thirteen who once hated Soul Society, they not only want to seek revenge from Sufeng, but more importantly, they want to completely destroy the world!

They are also captains of Death. Why did they fall into hell, while this group of people who are not as good as them live a prosperous life?

Does this world favor the weak? !

They cannot accept this result, let alone see Soul Society develop better after leaving them.

If Soul Society is not destroyed, wouldn't it prove that they are inferior to the current group of captains?

"Swastika: Golden Divine Treasure!"

The moment everyone's spiritual pressure exploded, someone couldn't help but take the lead.

In Takeshita Masato's view, he is already dead anyway, and the worst he can do is die again after failure.

Moreover, after falling into hell, his spiritual pressure, body and even soul were strengthened to a considerable extent.

He is just a junior, can the improvement over the past few decades compare to the gift of hell's will?

As his voice fell, countless golden dazzling haloes of light appeared behind Masato Takeshita.

The vast spiritual pressure made people breathless, and countless blades of various types slowly emerged in the circle of light. The fierce momentum immediately made him the most eye-catching focus in the audience.

The others paused for a moment, took a step back calmly, and gave the stage to Takeshita Masato.

Although everyone has the same goal, it would be best if they could kill their enemy Suifeng at the minimum cost.

Now that decades have passed, it is not clear how much Sufeng's strength has improved, and whether he has a trump card that is enough to reverse the situation.

Since someone is willing to take the lead, others will not compete with them for this opportunity.

Noticing this, Sufeng sighed softly.

I originally expected this group of people to rush up in a swarm, but I didn't expect that this one was the only one who had no brains.

"Meet death, kid."

Masato Takeshita waved his hand, and countless blades shot out from the circle of light, heading straight towards the wind.

There were bursts of sonic booms in the air, and strong winds roared past, rolling up huge amounts of dust and ashes.

Between the sky and the sun, a violent attack surged down.

Immediately, under the gaze of dozens of eyes, the indestructible blade hit the front of Sufeng accurately.

Creak, creak, creak —

A heartbreaking pulling sound suddenly sounded, and countless scratches visible to the naked eye appeared out of thin air.

Sui Feng, who was still clearly visible, suddenly became blurry.

It's like a scratched glass, unable to show the scene behind the glass at all.


Sufeng nodded with satisfaction, "I can actually destroy my Duan Kong to this extent."

"Uh, what's your name?"

"Forget it, it's not important."

"Anyway, in the field of microdermabrasion, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Takeshita Masato's pupils suddenly shrank, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

He would rather believe that the other party activated the illusion system's ability than believe that his own attack was ineffective against him.

In fact, even the eighty-one binding path that completely abandoned chanting could not be broken.

What's even more hurtful is that this hateful kid doesn't even remember his own name.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng, you deserve to die!"

Takeshita Masato was furious, "It's not enough to cut your body into thousands of pieces. I have to grind you into a pulp and divide it into pieces!"

A majestic spiritual pressure burst out, and a huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, completely illuminating the area under the squadron's jurisdiction.

Normally, this level of spiritual pressure would have attracted the attention of other captains.

But now almost every captain is facing their own enemies, and most of them have no time to even care about themselves, let alone others.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, Jingraku Shunshui slashed his opponent away with his sword, straightened the hat on his head with his backhand, and looked in the direction of the battlefield where Sufeng was in surprise:

"Is this reiatsu the previous generation's captain of the eighth division, Masato Takeshita?"

"I didn't expect that he would actually go find that boy Su Feng."

"It seems that we must hurry up."

As he spoke, white bones emerged from his chin, gradually condensing into a white bone mask filled with a terrifying aura.

In an instant, the spiritual pressure of Kyoryu's spring water surged, and his aura was sharp:

"Come on, Minagawa Nobu-senpai, our battle should be over."

The gray-bearded old man opposite was holding a bag cutter, and black lines appeared around him, as if he could cut the space.


"Is that guy Yamamoto actually so enlightened?"

"Zhenyang Room 46 didn't issue an arrest warrant for you. It's really incredible."

Jing Le's two swords intertwined with each other, and then each fell to both sides of the body. A dull demonic voice slowly sounded:

"Senior Minagawa, times have changed..."

As soon as these words came out, Minagawa's expression was startled, and then he laughed loudly: "Xiao Shunsui, even if times have changed, you must learn to respect your seniors!"

"Have you forgotten my Zanpakutō abilities?"

"Destroying other people's Zanpakutō is what I'm best at!"

Jing Le Shunshui turned his head slightly and saw that there were already a few tiny cracks on the blade of Huatian Kuanggu.

And he only collided with the opponent a few times.

If this situation continues, Huatian Kuangguang's bones will break completely sooner or later.

"It's okay, I've found your weakness, Minagawa."

Jingle Chunshui supported the coir raincoat and whispered: "Black..."

The moment he finished speaking, he had disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, Huatian Kuanggu's bones intertwined and landed on Haori's numbers behind Minagawa.

"Goodbye, Minagawa..."

The gray-bearded old man's pupils shrank suddenly, his old body tensed instantly, and his expression was extremely shocked.


Masato Takeshita burned himself and exploded with extreme spiritual pressure, completely lighting up the sky.

Under the dim and thick phosphorus atmosphere, a bright sun seemed to rise in the Seireite Pavilion.

Countless circles of light behind him merged with each other and turned into a huge halo, suspended in the sky.

Immediately, Su Feng looked at him in astonishment.

A cannon poked its head out from it, the metallic luster reflected on the barrel, and the hot breath slowly emanated from the muzzle.

"Second Battalion Commander's Italian artillery?!"

Sufeng was completely shocked now and could not understand Masato Takeshita's swastika ability at all.

Although Soul Society has begun to connect with the real world because of the existence of Nirvana and Urahara Kisuke, is it a bit too much for you to suddenly jump from the era of cold weapons to hot weapons?

At this moment, Sufeng suddenly remembered Li Jie Barrow of the Divine Pardon Guards and the swastika interpretation ability of Mole City Shuangye.

The former takes out the spirit weapon sniper rifle, and the latter can perform spirit fusion with helicopters and even military bases in the real world.

It doesn't seem too outrageous for Masato Takeshita to take out an Italian cannon.

"You are an ignorant young brat."

Masato Takeshita said disdainfully, "This is the Ghost Cannon of the Ghost Demon Clan. It can unleash a terrifying attack that can wipe out a city."

"If you don't want Seireitei to turn into ruins, just stand there and don't move!"

When he rebelled during his lifetime, due to his limited spiritual pressure, he was unable to use such a devastating move.

Now that Hell has blessed him, Masato Takeshita is full of confidence and finally has the opportunity to avenge his shame with a killer move.

Not only Sufeng's accident, but also the dead who came with him for revenge were shocked to the extreme.

I thought he was just a confused man who couldn't figure out the situation, but I didn't expect Masato Takeshita to actually have a chance to kill Sufeng!

Abundant energy gathered at the muzzle, and countless souls were loaded into it.

A large amount of phosphorus gas was continuously condensed, turning into a black core with golden spiritual pressure wrapped in the outer layer.

The gorgeous and bright light completely illuminated the sky, and even sucked out the air on the battlefield, giving people a strong feeling of suffocation.

"Go to hell, shoot!"

Takeshita Masato's face was ferocious, with black lines filling his twisted face, and countless chains clinging to his body, making him look like a monster.

As his roar fell, the Kidou Cannon also exploded with the most dazzling blow!

At this moment, the world is illuminated!

Looking at that powerful scene, Sufeng slightly restrained some of his contempt, and turned around and pulled out the only Zanpakutō from his waist.

"All the waves are my shield; all the lightnings are my swords."

"Pisces Carp!"

As the shimmer emitted, the silver-white blade instantly turned into two Zanpakutos connected by ropes at the handles. The five wooden tokens swayed and collided on the ropes, making a crisp sound.

Facing the huge ball of light that was flying by, Sufeng raised the Zanpakutō held in his left hand and faced it straight ahead.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the Kidou Cannon, which could destroy a city, disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Zanpakutō in Sufeng's hand seemed to have no upper limit, frantically absorbing the energy from the Kidō Cannon until it was completely annihilated!


Takeshita Masato looked like he was crazy, drooling freely, and said with a twisted expression: "The Pisces Carp should be Ukitake Jushiro's Zanpakutō."

"You are clearly Tsunayashiro Sufeng of Division 9!!"

Not just him, everyone was shocked at this moment.

As we all know, it is impossible for a person's Zanpakutō to change.

Although the Shijie and Swastika can become stronger through practice, they will never change in nature.

Not to mention turning into someone else's Zanpakutō.

There cannot be two identical Zanpakutō in Soul Society. This has been an iron rule since the birth of the Zanpakutō!

Among the crowd, Tsunayashiro Tokinada's expression had become extremely gloomy.

Others didn't know, but as a member of the Tsunayashiro family, how could he not know.

What Sufeng was holding in his hand was not his own Zanpakutō, but the Yanluo Mirror Code passed down from generation to generation in the Tsunayashiro family!

When he informed others of this information, everyone was immediately in an uproar.

"Copying other people's Zanpakutō abilities?"

"How could there be such a terrifying Zanpakutō in this world!?"

"Is this the true heritage of the five nobles?"

Tsunayashiro Tokinada reminded: "But don't worry too much, the Yanluo Mirror Code consumes the soul of the user."

"If you use it a few more times, this kid will die on his own even without us taking action!"

Sufeng nodded very cooperatively and replied: "That's the principle, but Tsunayashiro Tokinada, have you ever thought about it..."

"What about using other souls instead of consuming it?"

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and lightly grasped the handle of the knife with his five fingers. The wooden signs on the rope shone one after another until the light spread to the blade.

"Return to the other side in his own way."

The calm words fell, and the sword pressure as hot as the sun surged out, instantly evaporating the phosphorus gas accumulated in front of him, destroying everything in its path with a devastating force.

Then, under Masato Takeshita's frightened gaze, he completely devoured it!

There was no massive destruction, and there was no impact that could shake the entire Seireitei.

Just like a wolf's brush splashing ink, he completely erased Takeshita Masato with an understatement, leaving no trace at all.

After finishing one person, Suifeng looked at the remaining Avengers with livid faces, and a gentle smile appeared on their faces:

"who is the next?"

For a moment, everyone felt chills all over their bodies, and extreme fear kept growing in their hearts.

There was silence on the battlefield, as the Avengers waited for the next leader to appear.

Even if there is a siege, there must be someone who takes the lead, right?

"The lackey from Room 46."

Finally, someone stood up.

Sufeng took a closer look and found that it was an acquaintance: "The rotting wood echoes the river."

At this time, Kuchiki Xianghe maintained the same appearance as when he died, with complex black lines engraved on his skinny face, which matched the iron hoop of the seal.

"Correction, Room 46 is my dog, don't get it wrong."

Sufeng reminded, and then released the copy of Pisces Carp with his backhand, "Let me think about how to exit the game for you."

"Don't think about it, you are the one who died!"

Kuchiki Xianghe immediately launched an attack, waved his hand, and chanted the ghost path:

"King Kong Explosion!"

The blazing fireball rolled past, leaving layers of charred black on the ground.

"Have you ever repented in hell for breaking Muramasa?"

Facing the flying fireball, Sufeng raised his right hand and spread his fingers, just in time to catch the fireball, and then crushed it forcefully under the stunned eyes of Kuchiki Xianghe.

The gap was too large, even making it impossible for him to break Sufeng's spiritual pressure defense.

"Okay, I'm tired of playing."

Su Feng sheathed his sword, the smile on his face faded, and he said calmly: "Let's end this game."

"Are you kidding..."

Kuchiki Xianghe roared angrily, waved his hands, and several more ghost paths erupted, flooding the battlefield in an instant.

Although he no longer has his Zanpakutō, he still has stronger spiritual pressure than before.

His ghost's destructive power has more than doubled compared to before!

The fangs are blazing, the ice fangs are attacking the blue, the thunder cannons are roaring, and the twin lotus green fires are falling. The world is filled with gorgeous colors, dyeing it into a rich world of spiritual beings.

Facing this overwhelming attack, Su Feng just threw back his right arm, and then punched out without any fancy.

Instant coax·one bone!

The violent wind exploded immediately, wiping out all the colorful broken roads in an instant. Kumu Xianghe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he opened his mouth to say something else.

However, before the sound could be heard, the whole person was immediately annihilated in the bursting fist wind and completely turned into nothingness!

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