Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 331 Reiatsu is the way to go!

The death of another person immediately caused an uproar.

They thought about many possibilities before coming, but they didn't expect Sufeng to kill two generals so easily.

The huge gap in strength even prevented them from raising any fighting spirit.

Su Feng raised his eyes and saw that the fierce momentum was overwhelming and overwhelming, and no one dared to face him head on.

Even Tsunayashiro Tokinada, who hated Sufeng deeply, seemed a little weak at this time.

Whether it is Takeshita Masato or Kuchiki Hibiki, their strength is not too weak among everyone.

However, there were two people like this. One was burned up and turned into nothingness, and the other was blasted with a punch, leaving not even a trace left.

"Aren't you looking for revenge from me?"

Su Feng said calmly, "What does it mean to shrink back one by one?"

"Is your hatred insurmountable even to life and death?"

"That's really sad."

As soon as he finished speaking, the majestic spiritual pressure exploded instantly, and a vast beam of light shot straight into the sky, turning into a dazzling sun that opened the sky.

The thick phosphorus gas accumulated on the ceiling is like snow under the scorching sun, melting rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sky is like a clear lake. People throw huge rocks into it, causing ripples to appear in circles.

At this moment, everyone in Seireitei felt this extremely terrifying spiritual pressure.

On the battlefield that was slightly closer to him, they subconsciously stopped their attacks and looked in the direction of the light beam.

Their expressions were shocked, and they truly realized the huge gap between people.

Just like a natural chasm, there is no possibility of crossing it.

Sufeng calmly looked at the people who were enveloped by his spiritual pressure, raised his right hand, closed his five fingers, and lightly clenched them into a fist. The bursting air burst out between his teeth, forming circles of air waves.

This is an amazing phenomenon formed by the combination of extreme speed and extreme power.

Staring directly into Su Feng's eyes, everyone's body trembled, and the fear from their souls suddenly spread throughout their bodies in an instant!

Only now did they understand that the game Su Feng was talking about was really just a game.

Numbers no longer have any meaning in front of former enemies.

No matter how many captain-level experts there are, there is no chance of defeating Sufeng.

This is a dimensional gap, and there is no possibility of leapfrog fighting!

Everyone seemed to be watched by gods, and they couldn't even think of resisting, let alone fighting.

Unspeakable fear kept growing in their hearts, swallowing up their little sanity. As their will became weaker and weaker, the black lines on their bodies also continued to increase.

Chains proliferated on their bodies, continuously increasing their spiritual pressure.

Sufeng noticed this, but didn't take it too seriously.

Nirvana will definitely be able to notice the things he can find, so just ask him directly for the results.

Like the world being overturned, the materialized spiritual pressure beam suddenly collapsed and pressed down, covering everyone.

Even if the spiritual pressure increases at a rapid speed, it is still not enough to compete with Sufeng.

Cold sweat soaked his clothes, his body shivered instinctively, and his pupils shrank sharply.

The Avengers were like dehydrated fish, with their mouths open, trying to get some fresh air into their lungs.

However, this move was in vain.

With the full explosion of Sufeng spiritual pressure, their internal organs seemed to be squeezed into a ball, losing all their functions.

"Let's do it together!"

I don't know who shouted, and several rays of spiritual pressure burst out, trying to compete with Su Feng for a short time in order to gain a chance for himself.

"Then try this."

Sufeng thought for a moment, then pulled out the Yanluo Jingdian from his waist again, and his calm voice echoed on the battlefield:

"Sitting in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!"

A soul capsule was thrown out and integrated into the blade.

The next moment, extreme ice and snow spurted out from the blade, instantly turning the entire battlefield into a world of ice and snow.

The low temperature, which is enough to freeze the soul, spreads rapidly within it.

Sufeng said without looking back:

"Watch and study carefully, Toshiro."

"This is how Hyōrinmaru is used."

There are no fancy ice dragons or bright ice flowers falling from the sky.

Just the surge of pure cold air changes the entire world from midsummer to freezing winter.

At some point, Hitsugaya Toshiro had already eliminated his opponent and appeared on the edge of the battlefield, ready to lend a helping hand.

However, when he arrived here, he saw a scene that made him unbalanced.

The familiar yet unfamiliar Zanpakutō was held in Sufeng's hand. Extreme frost and coldness spurted out from the blade, rendering the entire world and at the same time completely shocking his soul.

"how come……"

Hitsugaya Toshiro murmured to himself, his eyes dazed.

Calmly watching the people who unleashed his strongest attack, Sufeng's pupils reflected the bright and gorgeous scenes.

"Ice Age."

Sufeng's right hand holding Yanluo Jingdian turned over, and the tip of the knife dropped downwards.

As its five fingers opened, the blade sank directly into the layers of condensed ice.

next moment.

The ultimate chill bloomed at the tip of the knife, endless ice and snow fell on the entire battlefield, and a gorgeous silver-white light rose into the sky in an instant!

A huge canopy condensed on the clear sky, turning into a cold and indifferent eye that calmly stared at everything below!


Heaven and earth trembled.

Everything he looked at was frozen, whether it was the impact of energy, the slash of the blade, or the fluctuation of phosphorus gas.

It was as if the pause button had been pressed on the battlefield. The Avengers' postures were completely fixed, and even their expressions were frozen at the last moment.

The extreme cold eroded their bodies, and even their souls were completely frozen!

The low temperature spreads rapidly, attracting the attention of many battlefields.

Kyōraku Shunsui, who worked hard to decapitate the enemy with the initial solution, brushed off the blood on the blade and looked towards the direction of the cold air with a hint of worry:

"This guy Sufeng won't demolish the entire Seireitei, right?"

On the other side, Yamamoto Genryusai forced Oka Danjiro back, took a chance to glance at the direction of the battlefield where Sufeng was, and took a breath:

"It's over, everyone."

"This invasion will come to an end for the time being."

Not only him, but the other first-generation captains also stopped what they were doing and looked towards the only clear sky.

The face filled with black lines was full of shock.

"It's this brat's spiritual pressure again!"

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng..."

"Ice and snow type Zanpakutō? Isn't it the wind and thunder type?!"

Incomprehensible scenes kept appearing in front of them, causing everyone's mentality to "slightly" change.

In the ice and snow.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's body was shaking and his eyes were red.

At this moment, his brain was running rapidly, trying to find a suitable explanation.

He didn't even dare to think about how he would answer if Master Sufeng asked him what he had learned from the demonstration just now.

Because Sufeng's application of Hyōrinmaru's ability was extremely rough!

If he compared the skills he displayed with Sufeng, it would be like the strongest weightlifter among humans competing for strength with the largest blue whale.

The former tried his best to exert force, but still couldn't match the opponent's slight flick of the tail.

Sufeng's arrogant and completely unreasonable spiritual pressure can easily surpass all his moves without any skills at all.

Even the freezing of the four realms after complete liberation is far inferior!

Sufeng looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

As far as the eye can see, there is only a piece of silvery white.

The ice sculptures are lifelike, just like real people.

Their respective expressions were either ferocious, ferocious, frightened, or furious...

The area under the jurisdiction of an entire squadron will then enter the Ice Age.

And the perfect control suppressed the destructive power to a minimum without affecting other battlefields.

Of course, this is Sufeng’s subjective consciousness.

If it were Hitsugaya Toshiro, he wouldn't think so at all.

"One force can defeat ten."

"It turns out that spiritual pressure is the way to go!"

His eyes became brighter and brighter, and he finally found a suitable answer.

"Let's go, it's time to support the others."

"Master Sufeng, I will definitely practice spiritual pressure well!"

Sufeng looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro who was going crazy for some reason with strange eyes, and frowned deeply:

"Have you been affected by the enemy's ability?"

Only then did Hitsugaya Toshiro come back to his senses from his fantasy. His blood suddenly surged, his face turned red, and he did not dare to look at Sufeng.

Sufeng sensed the state of spiritual pressure everywhere in Seireitei.

In addition to his side being the quickest to resolve the battle, Kyōraku Shunsui and Shiha Isshin took the lead in dealing with their opponents.

Everyone else is still fighting hard.

It can be said that if he had not carried out the virtualization plan in advance, the captain-level god of death would have mastered the power of virtualization.

This catastrophe alone is enough to plunge Soul Society into a state of destruction.

It is true that Sufeng can deal with these opponents alone, but he cannot deal with them all at the first time.

And launching large-scale moves will only destroy the Seireitei one step ahead of the enemy.

"You go and support Captain Komamura."

Sufeng commanded, "I'll go meet the first-generation captains for a while."

Hitsugaya Toshiro nodded and agreed. Just when he was about to speak to remind Sufeng to be careful, he suddenly noticed the scene of the Ice Age and swallowed the words that were about to come to his lips.

Let Sufeng be careful?

It's better to remind those dead in hell to be careful.

Be careful that not even the whole body will be left behind.

Launching the instant step, Sufeng's figure disappeared from the spot. When he reappeared, he was already on the battlefield of Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni.

Because he was concerned about causing irreversible damage to Soul Society, Yamamoto Genryusai did not activate the swastika, but responded with the swastika.

This also resulted in him being surrounded by many captains and having to ensure that he did not fall into a disadvantage.

Victory is out of reach.

"Tsunayashiro Sufeng is here!"

The originally deep voice of the concubine of Zenjoji Temple, who had a round figure, suddenly became a bit sharp, like a cock being strangled by the throat.

For a moment, the five first-generation captains gave up their attempts to besiege Yamamoto Genryusai, and immediately looked at the young figure slowly walking down from the sky with vigilant eyes.

"The first time we meet, I am Shimozuna Yayo Sufeng."

The corners of Sufeng's mouth raised, and his smile revealed an indescribable gentleness, just like the warm breeze in the spring.

"No need to introduce yourself, I know you."

The ricket-shaped Nigugu Zaizang said in a hoarse voice, "Kyumen Ii Yantie was defeated in your hands, and Shifengin Senhi and Saitou Immortal were captured by you."

"Just now, Wang Tuchuan Yuxuji was completely frozen by you."

"One-third of the eleven first-generation captains have fallen into your hands."

Sufeng nodded thoughtfully: "So is there Wang Tuchuan Yuxu Ji among that group of people?"

"I didn't notice it at all..."

Hearing these words, all the first-generation captains were so furious that they almost spit out blood.

I thought that I would make a strong return under the spotlight of the Seireitei. While taking revenge on Yamamoto Genryusai, I would also completely destroy this world that had high hopes.

But not only did the plan fail, but he and others were not taken seriously by the other party.

The difference in this is simply driving people crazy.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Sufeng waved his hand and said, "To show my respect for my seniors, you can choose your own way of death."

"I am a very tolerant person and will try my best to satisfy your wishes..."

However, before he finished speaking, the mellow concubine of Shanding Temple suddenly disappeared from the place, and when she reappeared, she was already behind Su Feng.

His expression was ferocious, and the U-shaped lines on his face opened like a big mouth: "Idiot, you are still chatting with the enemy on the battlefield. I really don't know what useless teacher taught you!"

"Go to hell!"

The moment the words fell, hands like cattail fans suddenly struck Su Feng's head.

Its speed was so fast that it even produced a violent sonic boom.

The air waves spread out and turned into concentric circles swinging on both sides of Sufeng's head!

boom! !

A violent explosion sounded loudly, and the concubines of Shanding Temple were shocked to find that the head that should have turned into an exploding watermelon was actually safe and sound.

And his two palms seemed to be blocked by a layer of air. No matter how he exploded with spiritual pressure and tried his best, he could not move forward even a little bit.

"Since you don't want to be decent."

Sufeng's tone became cold, and a strong murderous intent erupted on the battlefield, covering the figures of the first-generation captains:

"Then I'll make it happen for you..."

Without looking back, he punched the back with his backhand, and the surging air waves exploded on the huge and burly body of the concubine of Shanding Temple.

Immediately, blood mist filled the battlefield, and the spiritual pressure completely collapsed!

The first-generation captains who saw this scene felt like they were going crazy!

If Sufeng's combat performance before was still within the comprehension range, now it has completely shattered their three concepts.

There were concubines in Shanding Temple who were the best at fighting for nothing, and yet it was this person who was exploded into blood mist by Sufeng's punch without any warning? !

Not only them, but even Yamamoto Genryusai could not stop twitching at the corners of his eyes. He always felt that he was like a clown in the circus after fighting so hard just now.

How strong is this traitor? !

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