Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 335 It’s just nature!


The flames turned into tornadoes and rose into the sky. In an instant, they completely swallowed up dozens of hell jailers and burned them to death.

After killing the jailer, Song Ming did not disappear, but moved slowly on the ground.

The cracks on the ground were sealed with extremely hot temperatures.

Yamamoto Genryusai held the Ryuken Wakahu, his old face was full of determination and majesty, without any hesitation.

Facing the strange enemies who invaded Soul Society, he seemed to have returned to the cold-blooded and ruthless time a thousand years ago.

Raising a hand means killing, falling a knife means desolation.

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, even if he is as arrogant as Sufeng, he has to admit that in terms of micro management, the old man is still the old man, and he is definitely not something that he, a dabbler, can touch.

Although after he recreated the Blade Like Fire, the flames that erupted were even hotter and covered an extremely wide area, killing enemies in a magnificent scene.

But in terms of detail control, he is far inferior to Yamamoto Genryusai.

"Door of hell……"

Noticing the arrival of the traitor, Yamamoto Genryusai opened his mouth and asked.

"Well, yes, it has something to do with me."

Su Feng held his head high and said, "I will eventually end this catastrophe myself."

Looking at his disciple's proud look, Yamamoto Genryusai silently swallowed back the words of praise that came to his lips.

It’s better not to be too high-profile as a person.

If the traitor knew that he approved of him, his tail would probably go to the Spirit King's Palace.

"How to solve it completely?"

"Kill your enemies and cast them into the gates of hell."

Sufeng said the method, "As long as the gate of hell is not destroyed twice, the dead will stay inside and will not invade the world of the living again."

"In that case, hurry up."

Yamamoto Genryusai's eyes were sharp, and he slashed the sword in the direction of Sufeng with his backhand.

The blazing flames carried the scalding temperature and passed by Su Feng, instantly burning the enemies behind him into ashes.

As the strongest Shinigami in a thousand years, even the captain-level warriors who appeared a thousand years ago are rarely able to withstand the sword of Yamamoto Genryusai.

It is worth mentioning that based on limited intelligence and the joint speculation of Nirvana and Urahara Kisuke, this catastrophe was just a disturbance of the dead in the upper levels of hell.

The real big guy is still imprisoned in the deepest part of hell.

Otherwise, with Soul Society's current size, it would have been completely destroyed as early as the moment the catastrophe began.

The appearance of the Gate of Hell seemed to inspire madness deep in the souls of the jailers and the dead.

They continued to squeeze their own spiritual pressure. When the phosphorus gas exploded, black lines also wrapped around their bodies.

The momentum continued to rise, putting the already struggling Gotei 13 team at a disadvantage.

If Sufeng hadn't been fighting fires everywhere, I'm afraid it would have been completely destroyed long ago.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Second Division, near the Maggot Nest.

A petite body exploded in a wild wind among the jailers, and the white captain Yu Zhi was thrown into a corner.

On the smooth shoulders, a large amount of Kidou spiritual pressure exploded, forming turbulent air currents that swept away the surrounding dust and made it impossible for the jailers to get close.

Broken Bee looked at the huge mountain of flesh with a look of dismay on her face, unable to cause effective damage to it with her current means.

The emergence of the fusion jailer is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Hey, Little Broken Bee seems to be in a very difficult position."

The familiar voice appeared after the appearance. Zhanzhi's expression froze, and then a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he hit the backhand with a white strike skill - Diao Shi.


The fists and palms exchanged, and the clear sound of flesh collision sounded, and the spiritual pressure surged, forming circles of air waves centered on the two of them.

"Well, why do you act like this when we meet?"

The dark-skinned woman in black tights complained dissatisfiedly, "Didn't I already explain it to you?"

"The incident happened suddenly and there was no time to notify you."

"I definitely didn't mean to leave without you."

Zhan Bee pursed her lower lip slightly, a trace of resentment flashed in her eyes, and then she shook off the other person's right hand.

She turned around and said coldly:

"Su Feng is right, cats are indeed fickle animals."

"When Traveling Disaster invaded last time, you clearly promised that nothing like this would ever happen again."

"But why did you leave without saying goodbye again?"

Hearing this, Sifengyuan Yeyun looked embarrassed for a moment, and his words became hesitant:

"This this……"

Nothing else, mainly because she suddenly remembered that it seemed that she only remembered saying goodbye to the evil brat from the Tsunayashiro family last time, and even forgot about her brother Yushiro.

Not to mention the Broken Bee.

But once this reason is revealed, Broken Bee is afraid that he will immediately give up his current opponent and attack him directly.


Broken Bee snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to a certain fickle black cat, and instead exploded with stronger spiritual pressure.

"Swastika: Bird Bee Thunder Whip!"

The silver chain was wrapped around the slender waist of the Broken Bee, and the huge golden missile like the tail of the queen was raised high, facing the towering fusion jailer.

The knotted muscles were piled up until they were twisted, and the morbid body like Toguro Di was magnified a thousand times. The exposed white bones were exposed, and black lines were scattered on them, filling the body.

The endless chaos continued, Broken Bee's eyes were firm, and he immediately activated the Broken Bee's Thunder Whip.

The blazing tail flame exploded behind him, and with the roaring wind, the huge golden missile shot straight into the sky, leaving a gorgeous trace in the sky.

Boom! !

A huge mushroom cloud erupted under the thick phosphorus gas, and the endless air flow swept away instantly, swallowing up the huge body of the fusion jailer.

The scorching heat melted flesh, flesh and bones, filling the battlefield with a burning smell.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Sifengyuan Yeyi raised his hand as if to look at it, and said regretfully: "The power of the Thunder Whip is still a little short of that."

Broken Bee remained silent.

It's not a little worse, it's a lot worse.

While the jailer cannot be killed instantly, the opponent will regenerate at an extremely fast speed.

"It's better to watch my performance, Broken Bee."

Si Fengyuan Yoruichi threw away his cloak with his backhand, revealing his perfect curvy figure.

A lazy stretch of the waist highlights this beauty to the extreme.

"Countless battles with the evil brats of the Tsunayashiro family have greatly honed my strength!"

The golden thunder condensed behind it and turned into six taiko magatama, surrounding it.

As the Taiko Magatama wandered around, a large number of lightning riots occurred, and the long purple hair fluttered, raising the shape of cat ears on Shifouin Yoruichi's forehead.

A willful smile appeared on the corner of Sifengyuan Yeyi's mouth, his hands floated up and down in front of him, and his golden eyes stared at the huge body in front of him.

"Shuanghu·Thunder God Battle Form!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge thunder pillar fell from the sky, and like a divine punishment, it completely engulfed the body of the fused jailer!

The golden electric current that went berserk instantly turned into a violent thunder dragon and fell hard to the ground!

Boom! !

Violent explosions resounded through the maggot nest, filling all the ravines on the ground. Centered on the point where the Thunder Dragon landed, a majestic impact visible to the naked eye spread out.

Everything he passed turned into dust!

This splendid and gorgeous scene was reflected in Broken Bee's pupils, and the familiar reluctance emerged in his heart again.

She has obviously worked so hard, why is she still so far away from the person she longs for?

It was like this in Shifengyuan Yeyi, and it was even more like this in Tsunayashiro Sufeng.


Just as he was struggling, Si Fengyuan Yoruichi's confused voice attracted the attention of Sui Feng.

When she looked up, she found that the fusion jailer was not completely dead under the golden thunder pillar.

It is still constantly being regenerated.

"It was obviously fine just now."

Si Fengyuan Yoruichi was quite puzzled, "Could it be that the jailers of hell are also strong and weak?"

"Let me make up for the last blow."

Under his surprised gaze, a virtual mask with bee flower patterns appeared on Broken Bee's cheek.

"This is the result of practice!"

Her voice became magical and dull under the cover of the virtual mask, but it was not difficult to hear the firmness in her tone:

"It's also Sufeng's intention!"

The blazing tail flames erupted in front of him again, turning into the brightest light and piercing the sky, tearing apart the thick phosphorus gas and completely annihilating the huge body!

A look of surprise appeared on Si Fengyuan Ye Yi's face, and then his playful eyes kept wandering over Sui Feng's petite body.

When everything calmed down and the fused jailers turned into countless souls, they were caught up in the spreading miasma of hell, and the area around the Maggot Nest temporarily returned to calm.

Sifengyuan Yoruichi put his arm around Zaifeng's shoulders very familiarly and laughed maliciously:

"Smash Bee, let me ask you a question..."

Because of the two consecutive activations of the Thunder Whip, although the spiritual pressure and spiritual strength of Zhan Bee have far exceeded those when he first mastered the Swastika, he is still somewhat out of power.

In this state, there is no way to escape from Si Fengyuan Yoruichi's coercive behavior.

"How far have we gone with you and that brat Sufeng?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhan Bee's face turned crimson, and even his body temperature rose rapidly.


In less than half a day, the fighting in Seireitei had subsided.

What makes Sufeng feel gratified.

Because of the captains and the masked military strength, the chief officer of the ninth division acted as the tall man and was on the front line.

The casualties of the soldiers were reduced to a minimum.

The only thing that made him a little worried was the last two people left.

The first captain of Division 6, Saito is immortal.

The first captain of Division 8, Shikatori Hatsuunsai.

Shikatori Baunsai, who had been a little dazed before, believed Sufeng's words and was fooled into the team building of the fourth team.

Witnessing with my own eyes, Unohana Retsu instantly killed Shishima Chigiri after being turned into a virtual state, and returned to hell.

Then, after asking about Saito's immortality, Shikatori Hatsuunsai asked Unohana Retsu if she could meet with Saito's immortality.

Because they are teammates, Unohana Retsu knows his character very well.

In just a few words, this bespectacled girl with natural stupidity was allowed to rejoin the Soul Society camp.

Shikatori Hatsuunsai not only did not cause any damage or casualties to Soul Society, but instead severely beat up his teammates from hell.

Once the naginata is opened, the whole person looks like a madman.

Brutal spiritual pressure is paired with ultimate cutting skills, even if there are no large-scale destructive moves.

Shikatori Baunsai's killing speed was still faster than Unohana Retsu under normal circumstances.

And when Sufeng came to the Fourth Division team building and saw her again, the bespectacled girl was standing next to Uozhihua Lie very obediently, her slightly childish face stained with bright red blood drops.

The main thing is a contrast!

In view of the fact that the other party not only did not cause damage to Soul Society, but also acted as a helping hand. Even with her assistance, many Shinigami members of the Fourth Division survived.

It would be a bit too unkind to just kill the other party.

"What should I do, Sister Hua?"

Sufeng backhanded the question to Mao Zhihualie.

Staring at the face of the one he loves, the bone-chilling murderous intent lingers all the time.

Maozhihualie lowered his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and a gentle smile appeared on his spotless cheeks:

"We have collected them from Hueco Mundo, the present world, Soul Society, and Hell."

"One more hell seems to be harmless..."

After hearing this, Sufeng waved his hands and coughed repeatedly, indicating that he was not that kind of person.

"more importantly."

Uzhihua Lie sighed softly, his sinister nature brought to the extreme, "Bayunsai is more in line with someone's aesthetics than Saito."

"Master Sufeng, look."

Sufeng raised his head subconsciously and met Maozhihualie's teasing gaze.

By the time he reacted, Shikatori Baunsai had already broken free from Unohana Retsu's hands with a blushing face.

No matter how stupid he was, he still understood the meaning of his actions just now.


Maozhihualie nodded matter-of-factly, and added in a matter-of-fact manner: "Jun Sufeng does like the big ones."

"From Matsumoto Rangiku to Kurosaki Maki, from Harribel to Nellie."

"You are indeed an out-and-out giant X-controller..."

After this combination of punches, even Sufeng himself was somewhat unable to withstand it.

He had heard about Uozuka Retsu's evil intentions, but because of the relationship between the two, he had never shown this scene in front of him.

This sudden experience was so overwhelming.

"Doesn't Mr. Sufeng have something to explain about this preference?" Mao Zhihualie continued to ask unyieldingly.

Su Feng, who had regained his composure, swept away the dejection just now, immediately cheered up, and said confidently:

"It's just nature!"


Sufeng glanced down and locked in front of Maozhihualie, "Just like the full moonlight, if I don't look at it, wouldn't it look like I don't understand the charm?"

"Sister Hua's part is as eye-catching as ever!"

"You know, if a woman lowers her head so that her toes are not visible, she is extremely beautiful in the world!"

Maozhihualie's expression was startled, and he lowered his head and glanced in front of him. His bumpy figure just blocked his line of sight, but he couldn't see his toes.

When she realized what she was doing, a blush suddenly appeared on the white snow...

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