As for the whereabouts of Saito Immortal and Shikatori Hatsuunsai, they are tentatively assigned to the Fourth Division.

There are not many people who can suppress them, and Unohana Retsu happens to be one of them.

This suppression even goes back thousands of years.

At that time, Unohana Retsu was still called Unohana Yazenryu.

As an unprecedented villain in the Soul Society, Unohana Yazenryu claims to have mastered all kendos and schools in the world, and even seeks out masters from all walks of life to challenge and fight.

Countless strong men died at her hands.

If she had not lost to Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, she would not have chosen to become a member of the First Gotei 13.

Saito's immortality and Shikatori's Unsai seem to be within the scope of his challenge.

Although the two of them were lucky enough to survive, it also cast a considerable psychological shadow on them.

This is also one of the main reasons why Saito Immortal became stressed when he saw Unohana Retsu.

Under his manipulation, Shikatori Baunsai became obedient and brought his natural stupidity to the extreme.

Strictly speaking, Unohana Retsu was like a natural enemy to the two of them.

With Sufeng joining again, the cleaning of Seireitei was carried out very quickly.

Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows.

Because of the increased number of reenactments of Convection Blade Ruohuo, Sufeng became more and more familiar with its various moves.

Whether it is single target or range damage, it has a good performance.

Of course, the most proficient thing is the mastery of wind and thunder moves.

You don't even need to use your Zanpakutō to unleash wind and thunder that can annihilate everything.

Walking in the Seireitei in Sufeng is like a god walking in the world!

The coverage of spiritual pressure alone was enough to annihilate the jailers who were locked in a bitter battle with the captains.

It was this battle that directly refreshed the Death Gods' understanding of Sufeng's combat power.

Just when Sufeng was cleaning up the Seireitei, a new wave of spiritual pressure suddenly came from the direction of the Seireitei.

In the chaotic spiritual pressure storm, this spiritual pressure is as bright and eye-catching as a beacon in the dark night, making people notice its existence immediately.

"Such a strong spiritual pressure..."

Sufeng was a little surprised, "Among the dead who returned this time, are there any stronger ones than the first-generation captains?"

"Are they the outstanding ones later, or the predecessors from earlier?"

After a brief pause, he disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived near the Seirei Gate.

What came into view were the collapsed city walls and ruins everywhere. Two tall figures stood on top of the ruins, confronting each other.

The materialized spiritual pressure light surged and exploded in front of him, setting off waves of storms, sweeping away dust and gunpowder smoke.

The majestic momentum is like a stormy night, with endless oppression spreading and covering it.

Not to mention ordinary Shinigami soldiers, even top-ranking officers could not get close to the battlefield between the two of them.

The strange thing is that both of them are captain Haori wearing white, and the word "11" on the back shows traces like a knife slash.

It's just that one of them has a jagged edge of the feather hem, a ferocious face, crazy black hair, and a beast-like shape.

Although the other person's temperament is slightly restrained, overall he is very similar to the former.

The eleventh generation Kenpachi, Zaraki Kenpachi.

Seven generations of Kenpachi, Kaiyashi Kenpachi.

Sufeng recognized the owner of the powerful spiritual pressure and immediately frowned.

It's not because the opponent's spiritual pressure exceeds his, but because of Kariyashiki Kenpachi's Zanpakutō.

Hungry Corridor.

Sensing Sufeng's spiritual pressure, Zaraki Kenpachi's momentum surged again. He stared at him fiercely and threatened in a ferocious tone:

"This is my opponent!"

Sufeng waved his hand, indicating that he had no intention of intervening in his battle.

But he frowned immediately. If he remembered correctly, Kariyashiki Kenpachi was extremely bold and informal in character, and he was also a very principled person.

Because the swastika was too dangerous, the 46th Chamber of Mao issued an order prohibiting the use of swastika in the Seireitei.

It is precisely because of this that when Molejo Souya challenged him, until his death, Kariyashiki Kenpachi showed no sign of using his swastika.

Even before he died, he issued an order not to avenge him, and handed over his deputy captain to Mole City Shuangye.

That is to say, Mole Jōsō also inherited the title of Kenpachi from the ninth generation, Kiiganjo, after he moved into the Infernal Hell.

In that battle that year, both Jingraku Shunsui and the person involved, Mole Chengshuangya, had described the relevant details to Sufeng.

As the last being invited to join Team Zero, Kenpachi Kariyashiki's strength is terrifying.

If he had activated his swastika at that time, it would have been difficult for Mole Chengshuang to guarantee that he would win that battle.

And once Kariyashiki Kenpachi swallows the entire Seireitei, he will eventually die.

Of course, Kariyashiki Kenpachi is far from reaching this upper limit.

However, various signs indicate that Kariyashiki has no resentment towards Soul Society or even the Forty-sixth Chamber.

But why are you now on the opposite side of Soul Society?

At this moment, the momentum of both sides reached its peak, and the battle was about to break out.

boom! !

A violent spiritual pressure beam shot up into the sky, and the two of them were intertwined in an instant.

The spiritual pressure poured into the Zanpakutō, and the blazing light emitted was like two extremely ferocious beasts, biting together with all their strength.

Both of them gave up their defenses and fought each other with the purest instinct.

The collision between the blades was instantaneous, and then after a short period of energy accumulation, they collided hard together.

Blades clashed and sparks flew.

The sound of the collision was like thunder, deafening.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing sounded above the chests of the two men, and then blood spattered, staining the white feather fabric and the ferocious blade.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zaraki Kenpachi was extremely excited, and the previous jailer was no threat to him at all.

In today's Seireitei, it is even more difficult to find a suitable opponent.

The Grim Reaper he could defeat was boring.

The only ones who can't be beaten are Yamamoto Shigekuni, Tsunayashiro Sufeng, and Unohana Retsu.

They won't fight with themselves at all.

Now that he has finally met an opponent who is as good as himself, his excitement will naturally reach its peak.

Even though the flesh and blood on his chest was rolling, Zaraki Kenpachi still had no intention of retreating, and instead became more and more ferocious and crazy.

Amidst the wild laughter, the long sword full of serrations continued to slash forward.

While sparks were flying, the sound of interlacing gold and iron composed a high-pitched symphony, bringing the rhythm of the entire battle to its peak.

While the two were fighting, Jingraku Shunsui also hurried over.

The tattered pink patterned feathers and slightly messy hairstyle indicate that his previous battles were not easy.

The first time he saw the man fighting Zaraki Kenpachi, Kyoraku Shunsui recognized the other person's identity:


His expression was filled with astonishment and a trace of undetectable nostalgia.

More than two hundred years ago, the two were good friends who talked about everything and often drank together in the tavern.

Although he deeply regretted his passing, Kyoraku Shunsui still chose to comply with Kariyashiki Kenpachi's last wish and did not seek trouble for Molejo Souya.

Now Mole Chengshuang has also escaped from the endless hell, and Kariya Shiki has returned from the hell again.

"Something's not right with him."

Kyōraku Shunsui's tone was a little sad, "The Kariyashiki in my impression is definitely not like this."

Sufeng nodded, deeply convinced.

This can be seen from the fight between Kariyashiki and Kenpachi Zaraki.

Although the two are somewhat similar in appearance, their personalities are completely different.

Kariyashiki is loved by the members of the 11th Division, and even the members of other divisions praise him highly.

He is humble, polite, and easy-going, without any pretensions to being a captain.

How could such a person be like Zaraki Kenpachi, fighting instinctively like a wild beast?

"I can't think of any other reason than hell."

Sufeng said regretfully, "The appearance of Kariyashiki may be related to the Gate of Hell."

"Of course there could be other reasons."

Jing Le Shunshui's expression calmed down a bit, he glanced at Su Feng beside him, and then focused all his attention on the two fighting men:

"What should we do next? Let Kariyashiki and Zaraki fight?"

As if aware of Kyōraku Shunsui's eagerness to try, golden flames seemed to burn in Zaraki Kenpachi's pupils, and the already blazing spiritual pressure became even more oppressive.

Others don't know, but how can he still be unclear?

Kyōraku Shunsui and Tsunayoshi Sufeng are just the same thing. They don't care about other people's feelings at all, and they may break into other people's battles midway at any time.

He has encountered similar experiences more than once.

In order to prevent his opponent from being robbed, driven by instinct, Zaragi once again unlocked part of the seal.

The eyepatch embedded on his right eye was taken off, and the golden spiritual pressure turned into flames, burning blazingly on his body, and even the surrounding air became distorted.

The surge in spiritual pressure caused Kariyashiki to retreat again and again, his momentum completely weakened, and he was not as strong as before.

In a collision, Kariyashiki retreated tens of meters, plowing two long ravines on the ruins.

He paused slightly, then straightened up suddenly, holding the long knife horizontally in front of him, and gently stroked his left hand over the blade:

"Born to slaughter auspicious signs, advocating darkness and aging forever."

"Hungry Corridor!"

The moment the chant of Shijie Yu ended, black light covered the battlefield and enveloped the two figures.

Countless strands of spiritual pressure intertwined and condensed within it, turning into huge weird creatures.

They are like white balls, about the same size as a brown bear. They have no eyes, noses, ears, or limbs, only a huge mouth full of sharp fangs!

Just looking directly at these monsters gives people a chilling feeling.

However, as Zaraki Kenpachi, who fights with the instinct of a beast, he doesn't care at all what his opponent looks like.

As long as he can fight, he is a qualified opponent.

"New moves?"

Zaraki Kenpachi laughed ferociously, holding the long serrated knife in his backhand, and rushed directly into the group of spherical objects with a single lunge.

Crazy killing begins again!

The chaotic chopping skills, but every time the blade fell, a white sphere was torn into pieces, and turned into spirits again and scattered in the air.

But at the same time, it was also because Kenpachi Zaraki had no intention of defending at all during the fight, so his tall body was bitten severely by him several times.

While the blood was dripping, the flesh and blood rolled around, and even the white bones were clearly visible.

"By the way, if we are just watching from the side, is there something..."

Jing Le Shunshui gestured, trying to persuade Su Feng to end the battle early.

However, Kenpachi Zaraki was like a wild beast guarding its food. When he looked at the two men at the edge of the battlefield with ferocious eyes, a deafening roar followed:

"This is my fight!"

At this moment, the little pink lolita Kusanagi Yaqianliu emerged from nowhere, leaped in the air, and landed on Sufeng's shoulder with perfect accuracy, her laughter like a silver bell rippling in her ears:

"Long time no see, Mr. Feng!"

"Long time no see, Yaqianliu."

Sufeng reached out and rubbed the little Loli's head with a smile on his face.

As the favorite of the Gotei 13, Kusuka Yachiru is loved by many people in the Seireitei even though he likes to play and play pranks.

Even Kuchiki Byakuya, whose mansion is commandeered as the residence of the Women's Shinigami Association, always has some snacks on hand to deal with Kusuka Yachiru who may appear anytime and anywhere.

Even Genryusai Yamamoto would share baked sweet potatoes and pastries with him.

On the contrary, Zaraki Kenpachi is annoying to some people. Except for the 11th Division, he is not welcomed by anyone at all.

In addition to his vicious appearance, his character also has huge problems.

"Xiaojian finally found an opponent, can you just make him happy this time?"

Kusuka Yachiru tilted his head and smiled innocently.

Sufeng doesn't have any opinion on this.

If it's just a Kariyashiki Kenpachi, he shouldn't be able to make any trouble.

He has already beaten the leader of Team Zero. He is just a reserve, so there is no big problem.

Seeing Sufeng nodded, Caolu Baqianliu immediately jumped for joy.

Kyōraku Shunsui didn't say much, but focused more on the two fighting men.

Zaraki Kenpachi smiled ferociously and chopped up all the monsters that came towards him. Most of the flesh on his body was torn open, revealing the white bones.

He walked straight forward and faced Kariyashiki Kenpachi, who was almost the same height as him, and then raised the long serrated sword burning with golden spiritual pressure flames.


Blood spurted out from Kariyashiki's left shoulder and soaked Zaraki Kenpachi's body.

The other party did not stop him, but calmly raised his gaze. The expression on his face without any emotion made Kyōraku Shunsui feel more wary:

"Stop him..."

Zaraki Kenpachi grinned, and a fierce murderous intention immediately broke out. He had no friendship with Kariyashiki, but regarded him as a qualified opponent.

The greatest respect for a qualified opponent is to let him die by your own sword!

As soon as the sword fell, the golden spiritual pressure flames burst out, completely engulfing Kenpachi Kariyashiki, and like a real flame, annihilated his body bit by bit.

However, at this moment, Kariyashiki raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, leaving only the skeleton's skull with its upper and lower jaws opening and closing, chanting silently:


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