Bleach: Seireitei's self-disciplined captain

Chapter 337 The gaze from hell, dripping with sweat

Jingraku Chunsui's complexion suddenly changed, and he unleashed the strongest spiritual pressure without hesitation, initiating the release in an instant.

The two swords intertwined, sparks flying from the blades.

The maximum intensity of fujinpachi roared past in an instant, completely wiping out the body of Kariyashiki Kenpachi.

Facing the face of his former friend, he made his move without any hesitation or hesitation.

However, it was still a step too late.

In other words, when Kariyashiki Kenpachi appeared in the Seireitei, the outcome was already doomed.

At the moment of being annihilated, a bit of relief appeared in those golden eyes.

He opened and closed his upper and lower jaws slightly, trying to say something, but no sound came out at all, and he completely turned into ashes and disappeared in the storm.

And as Kariyashiki disappeared, a huge crack slowly opened on the ground of the ruins.

It seems to have no upper limit, constantly opening, swallowing, tearing, and biting everything above the ground!

"Hungry Corridor..."

Kyōraku Shunsui's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly.

"Now we're in big trouble."

As a close friend of Kenpachi Kariyashiki, a veteran captain with considerable experience, and the head of the upper-class noble Kyoraku family, Kyōraku Shunsui naturally knew the capabilities of the Hungryaku Corridor.

The moment the swastika is activated, a giant jaw with a radius of several spiritual miles can be summoned to devour everything except Kariyashiki Kenpachi.

As for Karakura Town, as a regular city in the world, its radius is only one mile.

In other words, when Kariyashiki Kenpachi opens his swastika, he can swallow several cities the size of Karakura Town.

But now, as the deceased, he was once again strengthened by hell.

To exaggerate a bit, swallowing half of the Seireitei would be a piece of cake.

The terrifying lethality that makes no distinction between friend and foe is the main reason why the Forty-sixth Chamber prohibits Kenpachi Kariyashiki from using swastika in the Seireitei.

Of course, such a powerful swastika naturally has great limitations.

After using the swastika, Kariya Shiki Kenpachi will no longer be able to use any of the abilities of the Hungry Corridor for half a year, not even the swastika.

However, this restriction is of no use to the current Kariyashiki Kenpachi.

He himself had been completely reduced to ashes, and even his spirit son was drawn into the gate of hell and returned to hell.

The rioting spiritual pressure immediately attracted the attention of countless Shinigami in the Seireitei.

I thought that this catastrophe was coming to an end, or even ended completely.

But I didn’t expect that the ones in front were just appetizers, and the biggest one was still behind.

After the battle, the captains put down the aftermath work at hand and rushed to the Seirei Gate as soon as possible.

What caught his eye was the ferocious giant jaw growing on the ground.

It continues to grow, devouring everything within its range, and not even souls are left behind wherever it passes.

"It doesn't seem to be an energy attack in the conventional sense."

Su Feng rubbed his chin and asked seriously, "Is it about rules?"

Jingraku Shunsui nodded and said seriously: "Ordinary means cannot destroy the swastika of the Hungry Corridor."

"Strictly speaking, that giant jaw seems to exist in another world."

"Gariyashiki was also very troubled by this. He had tried his own swastika in Hueco Mundo and Shuankai, but he couldn't think of any way to crack it."

"If I have to say it, the only thing I can say is..."

At this point, his expression suddenly froze, as if the dish was stuck.

Flames passed across the sky, and scorching heat descended on the ruins.

Yamamoto Genryusai looked at the giant jaw on the ground with a solemn expression: "How could Kenpachi Kariyashiki do such a heinous thing?"

"He himself seemed to be manipulated and had no self-awareness at all."

Kyoraku Shunsui explained, "When fighting Zaraki, he was like a wild beast."

Yamamoto Genryusai remained silent.

He had no good way to deal with the giant jaw that was about to cover it.

"Is there a way to solve?"

Finally, he set his sights on Su Feng.

All the captains also looked at Sufeng expectantly.

If there is a problem that even Yamamoto Genryusai cannot solve, then we can only rely on Seireitei's only hope——

Captain of the 9th Division, Tsunaya Sufeng has passed away.

Of course, if even Sufeng himself expressed that he was helpless.

They could only choose to abandon the Seireitei area covered by the giant jaws.

At this devouring speed, only the captains could barely escape, and the remaining Death God soldiers would all become the meal of the giant jaws.

"Whether you succeed or not, you have to give it a try."

Sufeng took a step forward, put his hands together, and then slowly separated them.

Brutal golden thunder and crimson wind lingered and exploded in his palms, and extreme destruction rippled through them.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying sense of oppression spread across the entire battlefield, and was still spreading further away, until it covered the entire Seireitei.

Thick clouds carried a suffocating pressure. They kept stacking up, like waves rising above the vast ocean, rising layer by layer.

Countless eyes stared at the sky horribly, suddenly unable to understand the scene in front of them.

Compared with the giant jaws formed on the ground, the lightning that seemed to explode in the sky made people's hearts tremble even more.

boom! !

The thick clouds froze for an instant, the violent wind suddenly stopped here, and even the swimming of the spirits froze, and the breathing of the world seemed to have stopped because of this.

The huge golden thunder pillar was wrapped in the endless violent wind, and suddenly rolled down downwards. At the moment of roar, Sufeng was completely engulfed in it.

The captains subconsciously held their breath at this moment, their eyes widened to their maximum size, and their pupils shrank to the limit.

The thunder pillars wreaked havoc, and all of them were submerged in his palms.

Under the dim sky, a crescent moon appeared from between his hands, carrying thunder and wind. The two forces were constantly intertwined on the crystal blade.

Magnificent spiritual pressure illuminated the sky of Seireitei, and the thick clouds slowly rotated, forming huge cloud eyes, looking at everything below indifferently like the eyes of a god.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the captains looked a little more dazed, as if they had returned to the day of Aizen's rebellion.

Once again, I recalled the fear of being dominated by the power of Sufeng.

The giant jaws of the Hungry Corridor are still expanding, and the darkness below sweeps into the depths of the Seireitei, devouring the ruins and swallowing the countless spiritual beings inside.

In Seireitei, countless Shinigami looked at the scene in the distance in shock.

Everything they experienced today made their nerves become a little abnormal.

First, the former dead returned from hell, and the jailers also appeared in Soul Society, and the concepts of the living and the dead became blurred.

Then, when they finally resisted the invasion and defended the Seireitei, they suddenly discovered a giant jaw that devoured everything appeared on the ground.

Wherever it passes, not even souls will be left.

Just when I thought I and others were about to die, the appearance of a familiar figure abruptly delayed this action.

Above the sky and below the clouds, the sea of ​​thunder raged, countless lightning bolts roamed and rioted, and the strong wind roared, turning into tornadoes, rolling over the heaven and earth.

"Exists in another world?"

Sufeng's calm voice sounded, "Then, break the world!"

The wind and thunder intertwined, turning into a long crystal knife in his hand, with complicated patterns scattered on it, showing the ultimate destruction outwards.

Just looking directly at the long knife in his hand, some captains felt their pupils stinging.

This is the power across dimensions!

Without hesitation, the long crystal knife fell straight down, erasing everything in front of him.

"Wu Jian..."

"Prison bound Zhou Tian."

The moment the soft groan sounded, mottled marks fell on the brown giant jaw. The originally blurry and dim shadow began to fluctuate for the first time.

Just like a pebble falling into a lake, circles of ripples rippled across the shadow until it covered the entire giant jaw.


The shattering sound sounded, like some kind of signal, and a crack suddenly appeared on the giant jaw of the Hungry Corridor.

And as the crystal blade dropped, tiny gaps spread at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, covering the entire giant jaw in an instant.

The devouring stopped abruptly, and the giant jaws twisted and stacked, constantly breaking, until they collapsed completely, turning into countless rays of light floating in the Seireitei.

It was only then that the reapers discovered that all the areas covered by the giant jaws had turned into yellow sand!

At the right time, all the souls of the dead in hell were thrown into the gate of hell.

Having completed its duties, the Gate of Hell began to recycle the dark red miasma that did not belong to this world, as well as the phosphorus gas that is a specialty of Hell.

Under the thick clouds, an unprecedented huge storm once again set off. Black-gray tornadoes wrapped in dark red miasma sank into the depths of the Gate of Hell at an extremely fast speed.

When everything subsided, the two skeletons on the door burst out with red light again. With the push of the skeletal arms, the door of hell began to slowly close.

Sufeng watched all this calmly, waiting for the final end.

However, at the moment when the gate of hell was about to close completely, he vaguely noticed the gaze of strange eyes.

There was extreme malice in his eyes, which made people feel shuddering.

Su Feng raised his head and looked at the gap in the gate of hell. The red light in it was so dim that it was impossible to tell whether it was a gaze or an illusion.


Sufeng frowned slightly, "Let's just say..."


The end of the catastrophe finally relaxed the tension in everyone's hearts.

In the end, the appearance of Kenpachi Kariyashiki broke everyone's expectations.

Even Niruri and Urahara Kisuke did not expect that the humble and polite Seventh Generation Kenpachi in their impressions would actually stand on the opposite side of Soul Society.

Fortunately, they have the invincible Tsunayoshi Sufeng.

Otherwise, this wave may cause heavy losses.

Even if all the captains survived, the loss of other Shinigami would probably set the Seireitei back hundreds of years.

All I can say is that there is no danger.

Fourth Division team building, comprehensive first aid center.

More than 90% of the captains are concentrated here.

They are the absolute main force in dealing with the dead from hell.

Although they failed to kill a few people and were seriously injured themselves, they managed to reverse the situation until the arrival of Sufeng and Yamamoto Genryusai.

Among them, members of the Masked Forces were the most seriously injured.

At the moment the battle ended, he was dragged and carried to the intensive care unit by the team members waiting aside.

It can be said that except for Hirako Mako, almost everyone fell.

The results are also extremely touching.

Compared to the mature virtualization technology mastered by the captains of the Gotei 13, the virtualization of the Masked Forces is simply an inferior product.

Not only is the growth rate not as good as Kyoryu Shunsui and the others, but the risk is also higher.

This middle gap definitely makes Hirako Mako a little bit angry.

He couldn't understand why the treatment of each other was so different since they were both avatars and captains of the Death God.

For this reason, he specially found Niryu Li, the technician in charge of virtualization.

However, the other party directly put the blame on Sufeng and threatened that all this was instigated by the Tsunayashiro family.

In desperation, Hirako Mako could only choose to seek help from Sufeng.

After many inquiries, we learned that he was visiting a private ward in the rear garden of the comprehensive first aid center.

However, when he came to the entrance of the garden, he was blocked by two female Death Squadrons.

"I can't come in?"

Hirako Mako pointed at himself and said in astonishment, "I am Hirako Mako, the great hero of this war. Even if Lord Genryusai comes, he can't do this to me!"

The guarding Death God looked troubled and explained softly: "Senior Hirako, in fact, even if the captain comes, he can't enter."

Another person added: "Because of Captain Unohana's suggestion, this ward was used to house injured female Shinigami."

"These include but are not limited to Captain Suzui, Vice-Captain Yuongin, Vice-captain Rangiku, and Nanao..."


Mako Hirako discovered the blind spot, "You said the ward behind this is only for female Shinigami?"

The two guarding Death Gods nodded their heads like chickens eating rice.

"Even if the captain comes, are you not allowed to enter?"

Nod again.

"But how did Tsunayashiro Sufeng get in?!"

Mako Hirako was furious, "Is that guy also a female god of death?"

"Isn't it too obvious to treat them differently?"

However, just when the two were in trouble, a white figure appeared behind Mako Hirako.

"Hirako Mako, do you have any objections to this arrangement?"

The gentle and familiar voice and the bone-cold murderous intent immediately made Makoto Hirako turn his head suddenly like a hedgehog with explosive hair.

What caught his eye was Unohana Retsu's extremely gentle smile.

At this moment, Hirako Mako once again recalled the fear of being dominated by Unohana Retsu decades ago.

As a god of death, he is inevitably injured. Having frequented the comprehensive rescue center decades ago, he naturally knows how terrifying Unohana Retsu is.

Even the senior Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō did not dare to speak loudly in front of Unohana Retsu.

Hirako Mako suddenly coughed violently, her face turned red from holding back:

"Ahem, it turns out it's Captain Unohana..."

"I'm just passing by, just passing by, let's go now!"

Under his gaze, Hirako Mako fled the scene in embarrassment.

Uzhihua Lie withdrew his gaze, and then walked into the garden with a calm expression, where a white building stood at the corner.

And when she walked into the ward, she saw an extremely strange scene.

A straight figure stood in the center of the room, neither advancing nor retreating. Dozens of eyes were focused on him, and the anxious atmosphere was constantly brewing.

Sufeng looked at the ward where many people were gathered in front of him, and he was sweating for a while...

I specifically searched for relevant information. In addition to the power of the Soul King, Wang Jian can also be created by sacrificing 100,000 souls, and the Chongling Land with a radius of one spiritual mile. In the original work, Karakura Town is the Chongling Land. As for whether it is the entire city or a part of the city, I am not sure. If calculated according to the former, Seireitei is actually quite large, because its radius is 365 spiritual miles. As for Soul Society, the scope is even larger. Judging from some pictures, there are four Rukongai districts in the east, west, south and west, and one of them is larger than the Seireitei.

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